HUAIYIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYHYIT SCHOOL SINGAPORE JOINT PROGRAM-&-HIGHER DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER STUDIESPROJECT 2010(TEAM PROJECT)HUAIAN SANLIAN ONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM FOR HITUSER GUIDEGROUP 9SUPERVISOR: MSC. ZHOU HONGPARTICIPANTS:QIN LEIREGNO: 2102-021-0061ZHOU CHAOREGNO: 2102-021-0040Copyright® Genetic Computer School, SingaporeHuaian,Jiangsu, China May 2010ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe joint efforts of our team members and MSC.Zhou Hong under the guidance of a teacher's enthusiasm, Our Online Book Sales System of Huai'an SanLian Bookshop achieved the expected results.When we design online book sales system, through our team members and teacher MSC.Zhou Hong to help ,After the feasibility of the system analysis, requirements analysis, outline design, detailed design and post-commissioning. Finally completed the system design and development.Here, We first want to thank my instructor MSC.Zhou Hong, for her development of the whole process in the system give us valuable advice and guidance given to the patient. During system development, MSC.Zhou Hong at each stage in system design and development of innovative ideas and give their views, according to MSC.Zhou Hong design ideas, not only to perfect the functions of the system, but also to we are constantly learning system design exploration, gained more knowledge.At the same time, we would also like to thank the same group of students is our efforts that makes the system more humane interface, features more perfect.Finally, we would like to thank my alma mater, Huaiyin Institute of Technology provides a relaxed room environment so that I can win this graduation.Once again, We sincerely thank all for giving me help and support of teachers and friends!Thank you.Qin LeiZhou ChaoTables of ContentsONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM REGULATION3CHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SPECIFICATION61.1 Scenario61.2 Scope of System61.3 Background71.4 Schedule of Project71.5 Functional HIERARCHY diagram81.6 Data flow diagrams9CHAPTER 2: OPERATING INTRODUCTION132.1 Operating introduction132.2 Hardware requirements132.3 Software requirements132.4 Print Layout Chart(Foreground)172.4.1 Introduction for User Login172.4.2 Introduction for User Register182.4.3 Introduction for Buy Books192.4.4 Introduction for Update User Information212.4.5 Introduction for User Modify Password222.4.6 Introduction for User Find Password232.4.7 Introduction for User Comment232.5 Print Layout Chart(Background)242.5.1 Introduction for Admin Login242.5.2 Introduction for Add New User252.5.3 Introduction for User State Management262.5.4 Introduction for Update User Role272.5.5 Introduction for Modify System Users Password282.5.6 Introduction for Add New Book282.5.7 Introduction for Edit Books292.5.8 Introduction for Add Book Quantity312.5.9 Introduction for Order Management31CONCLUSION33REFERENCES34ONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM REGULATION1. GENERAL 2. ADMISSION. 3. HOURS OF OPENING4.CONDUCT IN THE BOOKSHOPPREAMBLE: OBS, the Bookstore for the modernization of the foundation is the necessary mesans which to improve the Bookstore's management, business operations efficiency, health level and service quality.In today's society, the computer is already used widely in the bookstore for management aspect. Online Book Sales System has become the essential operations infrastructure and technical support environment of a modern bookstore. Online Book Sales System can solve the problem of inefficient, which makes the management system to have a broad market prospect.The rules of the bookstore are designed to manage and support the bookstore's objectives.1 GENERALThe function of Online Book Sales systems which to basic implementation of administrators, and other basic information to add, delete, and modify. With the current computer technology and the rapid development of network communication techniques, computer-based bookstore foundation information management and traditional bookstore management are significantly different. The different carrier: Traditional management form is passed with the paper to administrators and other information, such as title, author, publishers, etc.,this information is for consumers to paper filing insurance; modern bookstore computer information network management system is to pass through a computer network, save information, and all data is saved in the form of electronic information. The shared information:Using paper to transfer,and storeing information, can not achieve a wide range of real-time information sharing, information transfer, access, statistics and low efficiency, accuracy poor; by computer, all the information to electronic information is stored, so that information can be in the larger within the fast, accurate share.2 ADMISSION2.1 Basic Information Maintenance Module: it only allows an operator to access.2.2 Book number Information Management Module: it only allows an operator to access.2.3 Book title Information Management Module: it only allows an operator to access.2.4 Book serial number Information Management Module: it only allows an operator to access.3 HOURS OF OPENINGWith access all day4 CONDUCT IN THE BOOKSTORE4.1 Billing staff will refund and void bills checked a follow on money handed a teller.4.2 Working hours had to be allowed to post absents, instead of by others as the billing member otherwise tracing process.4.3 Be alert to improve preparedness, do people away from the lock, and locking, pay attention to safety. No entry for non-operators, and non-visitors as well as non-smoking.Chapter 1SYSTEMSPECIFICATIONCHAPTER 1: SYSTEM SPECIFICATION1.1 ScenarioShopping online can be regarded as a part of electronic commerce (E-commerce). In a broad sense, E-commerce is a kind of technology based on modern information and network, which combines financial electrification, management information, trade information networking into one. It is a new trade pattern aiming to realize the harmony among material flow, cash flow and information flow, which is the electrification and networking of trading activities on the entire trading process.Shopping online has already come into fashion, which provides the possibility of buying anything we want without going out. Therefore, it gains an increasing acceptance and recognition among consumers, especially the young in Network times. Of course, the successful e-commerce cant be completed simply by programming. It is not only closely linked with financial systems, but also need perfect logistic systems as support. In addition, it is important to have good reputation, massive publicity in advance. There are many successful online shopping networks like alibaba, which set a good example for us in every aspect.Book Exchange Website is the product of the development of internet and e-commerce. With rapid development of science and technology, internet has become a means of mass-media communication by ordinary citizens, while in the past only a few scientists accessed it. With an increasing improvement of quality of entire people and scientific and technological levels, knowledge has updated more and more rapidly. People may be eliminated at any time. In order not to be eliminated by society and advance with the times, we must keep reading to learn more. As 21 century is an era of network and information, time is very precious. For various reasons, people have no time to bookstore and have no idea to which bookstore to find the books they need. Meanwhile, the traditional bookstore managers cant attract people to them to find appropriate books. The obstacles of information exchange between buyers and sellers have become the driving force of the development in online bookstore websites.1.2 Scope of SystemAfter researching this theme, we decide to choose and build this system The following functions must be achieved by the system:Ø User can login in and registerØ User can view books information and search booksØ User can find password and modify passwordØ User can buy booksØ Administrator can manage user ,books and order1.3 BackgroundWith new and affordable technologies your competitor is just a matter of days behind you in terms of product launch. Online Books Sales System or OBSS as it has become commonly known. What are you left with as a feature that could make your work can be much easy?Online shopping is said to be a part of electronic commerce. It aims at the realization of flow of material, fund and information. Actually, it is electrification and networking in the process of trade.Recently, online shopping has become a popular trend. It provides a real possibility that one could buy whatever he/she wants. Thats why it is increasingly accepted and identified by more consumers.Online Book Sales is the production of the growth on the Internet and electronic commerce.SanLian publishing company in Huaian city has been using the traditional bookstore business mode for a long time. However, with prevalence of Internet and electronic commerce, an increasing number of people is more willing to buy favorite book just at home. As a medium sized book-selling company, SanLian is eager to develop a Online Bookstore management system so as to win a competitive status in the book publishing industry. Under such background, SanLian online bookstore based on WEB platform in Huaian city emerges as the times require.1.4 Schedule of Project1.5 Functional HIERARCHY diagramFigure 1: Hierarchy Diagram of Foreground of SystemFigure 2: Hierarchy Diagram of Background of System1.6 Data flow diagramsIn order to develop a system with full functions that can meet user requirements, we have used two gathering data methods: interview and informal observation. Beside that we have also used Data Flow Diagram (DFD) as a tool for analyzing and designing.Data Flow Diagram describes the information flow in the system. It shows how data moves and changes through an information system in a graphical top-down fashion. System analysts use Data Flow Diagrams to produce a logical model or essential model of an information system in a simple, direct way. Data Flow Diagram supports four main activities:· Analysis: DFD is used to determine requirements of user.· Design: DFD is used to map out plan and illustrate solutions to analysts and users while designing a new system.· Communication: one of the strength of DFD is its simplicity and ease to understand to analysts and users.Symbols of DFDThere are four main symbols that are most commonly used for DFDs:ProcessData Flow Data StoreEntity· Process symbol: This symbol is responsible for modifying or changing data from one form to another. That is data is input to a process and the process transforms this data to procedure output data of a different content or form. The details of a process are not shown in the data flow diagram; there details are documented in the process description.· Data flow symbol: This symbol is a path; it moves data from one part of system to another. An even data flow in a data flow diagram represents a specific piece of data or set of data. The details of a process are not shown in the data flow diagram; these details are defined in the data dictionary.· Data store symbol: A data store is a data repository. You use a data store in a data flow diagram when the system must store data because one or more processes need to use the diagram; these contents are defined in the data dictionary.· Entity symbol: This symbol may be a person, a department, an outside organization or another system; it supports data to the system or receives information from the system. External entities shown the boundaries of the information systems iterations with the outside world. Entity that supplies data is called a destination, or sinks. An external entity might be a source, a destination or both. An external entity is always connected by a data flow to a process.This first step when build up DFD for a system is to draw Context Diagram. In the Context Diagram all the information system is executed by a Process symbol. To draw Context Diagram, we put a Process symbol which implies the information system in the center of page, even External Entities around. We use Data Flows to connect External Entities and Process. You do not show any Data Store in the Context Diagram because they are internal to the system.Chapter 2 OPERATING introduction CHAPTER 2: OPERATING INTRODUCTION2.1 Operating introductionFor the program to run, we first need to install the following packages (in sequential order):- IIS 6.0.- Microsoft SQL Server 2005.- Visual studio 2008(ASP.Net, C#.Net, AJAX).- Net Framework Hardware requirementsIn order to run the program, this project requires hardware components in the table below.ComponentsMinimum+MS SQL ServerOptimumCPUPentium III 1GHzPentium III 1GHzIntel 1.73GhzDisk Capacity500MB500MB80GB SCSI/RAID5RAM512MB512GB1 GBMonitor800x600800x6001024x768CD-ROM12x 52xOptionalMouse/Compatible pointing device2.3 Software requirements- Window XP/7/Vista.- Microsoft SQL Server 2005.- IIS 6.0- NetFramework2.0.Following the instruction below to install drivers and programsl Install IISClick Start> Control Panel> Add/Remove Program> Choose Add/Remove windows component> Choose Internet Information Services (IIS)Finish: Restart Windowsl Install Microsoft SQL 2005 ServerStart windows> Insert DVD SQL Server 2005 into DVD ROM then run SETUP.EXEWhen setup program is invoked, select Install Database Analysis and then click “Next” button until setup complete. Restart your computer.l Install OBSS web serverSept1: Start -> Program -> SQL Server -> Enterprise Manager:Figure 3: SQL Server enterprise managerSept2: After SQL Server Windows Console Display -> Double-Click on SQL Server Group -> You will see:Figure 4: SQL Server InterfaceSept3: Right-Click on Databases -> Attach DatabaseFigure 5: SQL Server Add Data-BaseSept4: we see “Attach Database” windows:Figure 6: Orientation Data-Base SituationSept5: Specify location store file need to restore by click on (in this case E:> MyBookShop> DB> MyBookShop.mdf )Figure 7: Data-Base Add Succeed2.4 Print Layout Chart(Foreground)Figure 8: Foreground Interface2.4.1 Introduction for User LoginStep1:Click”Login”:Figure 9: Foreground Top InterfaceStep2:Input your LoginID and Password, then click “Login” button:Figure 10: Login Interface2.4.2 Introduction for User RegisterStep1: