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    Exploratory Analysis of Global Cosmetic Industry: Major Players, Technology and Market TrendsHumans for time immemorial have used cosmetics, an industry dominated by a few major players. The study reviews main characteristics of this industry and also the key players in the world marketplace. Comparative financial and SWOT analyses provide an enhance dunder standing of the industry. In addition to technology and innovations, current conditions and trends in the cosmetic industry are explored. The study also analyzes in depth the impacts of globalization on this industry.1. Industry backgroundWhen people mention about the cosmetic industry, it mostly refers to only color cosmetic or makeup segment. In 2010, Cosmetics (Makeup) products constituted roughly 18% of total global market for Cosmetics, Toiletry, and Fragrance. Let us review some more facts about this industry. USA is the biggest market in the world, but France is the biggest exporter of cosmetic products worldwide. The growth of market has shifted from Western hemisphere to developing regions in South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia especially China; having consumption more than 10.4% CAGR per year during past 5 years. Despite global economic crisis, the cosmetic and fragrance industry still performed well with average growth rate almost 5% across the industry. 2. Industry leadersDespite the economic slowdown in the US, the largest geographic consumer of color cosmetics, most top global cosmetics makers are seeing positive growth. according to Euro monitor International, a global market research firm with offices in Chicago, London and Singapore. Es tee Lauder Company (10.9%), Procter & Gamble Company (9.3%), Revlon Inc. (7.1%), and Avon Products Inc. (4.7%) round out the top five. Bushido Company Limited (4.2%), City Inc. (3.3%), Kanebo Limited (2.1%), Kose Company Limited (2%) and Chanel S.A. (1.7%) round out the top 10. Together these producers account for 62.1%, or $15.15 billion, of the total $24.4 billion global cosmetics market.3. Financial and SWOT analysesIt is important to look at the financial statements as a whole than just the profits. We should be concerned about future performance of companies. Financial analysis of major players in cosmetic industry is important as one uses it to anticipate future conditions of industry. The SWOT analysis allows us to analyze a company, their objectives, business plans and decisions. It also facilitates reviewing the positives and negatives of the industry and the company itself. 4. Safety concernThe FDA continued compiling complaints from customers about neurological reactions to perfumes including symptoms such as burning of the eyes, nose, and throat; flushing; dizziness; nausea; difficulty in breathing; memory loss; and drowsiness. Some hospitals banned the use of perfumes by operating room nurses. A group calling itself the National Foundation of the Chemically Hypersensitive wanted to ban the use of fragrances in public meeting places. Although the industrys safety record before the 1990s had been good, some seasoned industry watchers expressed concern about continued safety as many small, new companies emerged.5. Environmental issuesGrowing concern about environmental issues also affected the industry. Several surveys demonstrated increased awareness of pollution and related issues. In 1990, Find/SVP (a New York survey group) estimated that 18.8 million US households were environmentally interested shoppers. These consumers, called Green consumers, accounted for about 20% of the US population and their number was expected to increase. In a report on Green consumers, Find/SVP cited three main concerns: animal rights and species preservation, availability of clean air and water, and waste management.One of the most controversial environmental matters facing the fragrance industry was pressure to reduce its use of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). The most popularly used VOC was ethyl alcohol, which functioned as a solvent. The industry claimed that water was not a good substitute for ethyl alcohol because many fragrance ingredients were not water-soluble. Ingredients designed to help materials dissolve in water affected product texture and also presented possible safety concerns. Propellants and many other ingredients used within the industry were also VOCs. VOCs were blamed for contributing to ground-level ozone. In California, VOC emissions from colognes, perfumes, toilet water, aftershaves, and body splashes were estimated at almost 1700 pounds per day. Consequently, in the early 1990s, California proposed limits on VOC usage in fragrances (Donegan, 2003). New York and other states were expected to follow (Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plan, 2003). In California, regulations took effect January 1, 1995, In addition to planned compliance with VOC regulations, many fragrance and cosmetic companies brought green products to the market place. Estee Lauder introduced its Origins Natural Resources (Origin Natural Resources, 2003) line of skin care, body products, aromatherapy, and make up. The line was promoted as natural and non-animal tested. Items were sold in recyclable containers. Revlon brought out New Age Naturals, skin care products made of all degradable ingredients, and Pure Skin Care, a line of products developed without animal testing (Cosmetic Testing, 2003). Revlon was one of the first large companies to fund research for alternatives with a $750,000 contribution to the Rockefeller University in 1979. While animal testing is still very much in existence at large corporations such as Procter & Gamble and Lever Brothers, there are now several hundred cruelty free consumer product companies. Mary Kay Cosmetics Countryside Colors line emphasized its use of recyclable packaging made from recycled materials. Mary Kay also eliminated most external packaging on mens skin care products. As some companies eliminated, reduced, or redesigned outer packaging to emphasize their concern about waste disposal problems, others, particularly fragrance manufacturers, expressed concern about the trend because packaging contributed to their image.6. Economic impactIn addition to the social and political concerns surrounding animal testing, environmentalism, and product safety, the industry was also affected by the USAs economic situation. The perfume, cosmetic, and personal care products industry had established a recession proof image when sales of inexpensive cosmetics had outsold mid-priced food items and clothing during the Depression of the 1930s. Cosmetics also did well during the recessions of the 1960s and 1980s. The recession of the early 1990s, however, brought new challenges. Counterfeit products were offered at low prices. Customers resisted high prices and demanded value. The numbers of distribution channels for upscale lines decreased as traditional department stores closed. Costs associated with product promotion increased and marketers turned more often to expensive strategies such as giving free products.7. Marketing and distribution channelsIn an effort to move away from traditional department store cosmetic counters, upscale manufacturers turned to self-serve packaging and sold greater volumes to discounters. This enabled retailers to place items on sale. Depressed pricing, however, sometimes diminished a products image. Bridge brands were increasingly aimed at a niche between the upscale and mass markets. Mass-marketers focused on increasing volumes to generate more profit. In 1999, it was reported that one of the major movements in the industry was a trend toward providing consumers with premium versions of health and beauty products (Schervish, 2003). There is a growing trend towards industry globalization; for example, industry leaders have focused product lines and marketing at the ethnic niche market in USA, primarily targeting the specific makeup and skin care needs of Asian, African-American, and Latino consumers. This segment reported sales of $210 million in 1997, and this market is expected to continue its rapid growth. In the USA purchasing power among ethnic groups is also on the rise: African-American buying power jumped 73% between 1990 and 1999 to $533 billion, according to the Selig Center for Economic Growth. This group tends to spend a higher proportion of its income on HBC10%versus 8% among the general market. During the same period, the Selig Center reports, Hispanic buying power soared 84.4% from $208 billion to a projected $383 billion (OConnor, 2003).8. Information systemsThe explosion of different online advertisement formats has helped. This allows customers to upload their digital photos onto the site to experiment on-screen with the colors on their own faces. One advantage of digital marketing is the speed at which campaigns can be pulled together. Campaigns can be set up in a week, rather than the three month lead-times often required when advertising in glossy monthly magazines, which makes online activity ideal for cosmetic product launches. However, for cosmetics companies, it is potentially a bigger leap than other sectors to market online, as a lot of the sell is dependent on face-to-face consultation. While sampling can be facilitated online, through printable vouchers, it is a bit more of a challenge, particularly as color and texture cannot be accurately conveyed over a computer screen. That is why many beauty online promotions use the web to drive users to beauty counters for makeovers and samples. Moreover, some experts believe that mobile marketing is more suited to cosmetic brands than the web. Internet marketing. Latter is almost inappropriate to this sector because the web is still more populated by young males. Women are researching and buying online, but more for bigger purchases such as cars or holidays. Shopping is a real leisure pursuit, and for beauty products involves smearing lipstick on your hand, not staring at a screen. Rather, SMS is exactly where the target audience of young women is, and it is an ideal tool with which to drive them to the beauty counters.9. Customized cosmeticsThe cosmetics industry is also boosting sales by adding products that cater to the needs and desires of people with particular ethnic backgrounds, skin and hair types, and genetic characteristics. Market research firm Euro monitor (London) claims that ethnic cosmetics and toiletries market is driven largely by products that whiten the skin of Asia/Pacific consumers, or address uneven skin tone, adult acne, and hyper-pigmentation in African-Americans. The ethnic skin care market is also influenced by demand for more gentle formulations. The standard active ingredient for dark spot removal has been hydroquinone, which is now facing tougher regulation a claim made by the Croda Company. This company has been exploring new skin tone ingredients, which are purified, concentrated plant actives (Six Trends Guide Suppliers to Markets Attractive Features, 2002).10. Impacts of globalizationGlobalization means more than just being present in many countries, it is about communicating, harmonizing the message given to a customer, and the end-consumer (Cooney-Curran, 2003). One important issue relates to understanding global requirements. For example, for a US companys product to be accepted by Japanese consumers, that is not necessarily only an issue for its marketing personnel in Japan, but also for its marketing personnel in Australia, who sell to a company that sells in Japan. Another issue is global pricing. It often returns to the lowest common denominator. One brings in currency fluctuations, free trade agreements, transport regulations, transportability, freight, shipping, etc. Being global is not a simple step. Globalization of the marketplace and economy has been stimulated by the technology revolution, the instantaneous information flow from Korea to the US to the UK. Consumer goods companies have tried to focus on global brands with a regional twist, to ensure they meet the demands of regional trends. Most suppliers are multinational operating in a global environment. Because of that, the nationalism of each area in the world plays a big part in the business; the company must have people from the country actually operate within the country. The products a firm offers into a particular country have to be directed toward that marketplace by local personnel. Product managers have to integrate with sales on the local level first to implement strategies. This is a sensible, manageable, and, indeed, measurable way of doing it. The most effective way of penetrating markets outside of the US is to tie up with local personnel and account managers, then call on the customers jointly. If a local person calls on customers, there is a higher comfort level than somebody coming from the US and talking in English, even though the customer might be very well versed in English. It is a national issue.文章出处:Sameer kumar, College of business, University of St Thomas, Jan.2009.全球化妆品行业的探索性分析:主要的竞争品牌,技术和市场的发展趋势本文回顾了化妆品行业主要特点和在世界市场上的关键品牌。比较财务、SWOT分析。除了在技术和创新领域,对化妆品行业目前的状况和发展趋势进行了探讨。本研究还深入分析了全球化对这个行业的影响。1.行业背景当人们提到的化妆品行业,它主要是指只彩色化妆品。2001年,化妆品(彩妆)产品构成了大约18%的化妆品,化妆品和香水占全球市场。让我们回顾一下这个行业的一些事实。美国是世界上最大的市场,但法国是化妆品产品最大的出口商。市场的增长已经从西方转移到美国南部地区,欧洲东部和亚洲,特别是中国,在过去的5年每年有超过10.4%的年均消费。尽管全球经济危机,化妆品和香水业仍然表现良好,整个行业平均增长率近5%。2.行业领导者尽管美国经济放缓,仍然是彩色化妆品最大的消费地区,全球最顶级的化妆品制造商看到积极的前景。据欧睿国际,一个在芝加哥、伦敦和新加坡设有办事处的全球市场调研公司。雅诗兰黛公司(10.9%),宝洁公司(9.3%),露华浓公司(7.1%),(4.7%)和雅芳产品公司名列前五位。资生堂有限公司(4.2%),科蒂公司(3.3%)(2.1%),嘉丽宝有限公司,高丝有限公司(2%)和香奈尔公司(1.7%)名列前10位。这些制造商占62.1%,即15150000000美元,总价值24.4亿美元的全球化妆品市场。3、财务、SWOT分析财务、SWOT分析最重要的是要将财务报表作为一个整体,而不仅仅是利润。我们应该关心公司未来的业绩。在化妆品行业的主要参与者是财务分析的重要组成部分之一,用它来预测未来的产业现状。SWOT分析允许我们分析一个公司,他们的业务目标,计划和决定。它也有助于对行业和公司本身的积极和消极的预测。4.安全问题FDA继续编写关于神经反应症状,如眼睛,鼻子和喉咙燃烧,客户投诉;头晕;恶心;呼吸困难;记忆丧失、嗜睡。一些医院禁止手术室护士使用香水。一个自称的化学过敏想要禁止在公共场所使用香水的国家基金会。虽然该行业的安全记录一直很好,一些经验丰富的行业观察人士表示,持续的安全关注会越来越少,新公司出现了。5.环境问题日益关注的环境问题也影响了行业。一些调查表明污染意识的提高及相关问题。2000,纽约调查组估计,1880万个美国家庭对环境感兴趣。这些消费者,被称为“绿色消费者,'约占20%的美国人口,他们的人数将增加。在一份关于绿色消费者的调查中,找到纽约调查组列举的三大问题:动物权益保护物种,清洁的空气和水的供应和废物管理。一个香水行业面临的最有争议的是环境问题的压力,降低其使用的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)。最普遍使用的VOC是将乙醇作为溶剂。该行业声称的水不是很好的替代品,因为许多芳香成分是不溶于水的。为了帮助材料溶于水,而且不影响产品的质地,避免可能出现的安全隐患。推进剂和许多行业内也使用的其他成分。挥发性有机化合物,导致地面臭氧稀薄。在加利福尼亚,从古龙水,香水,花露水,须后水的挥发性有机化合物的排放量几乎每天达到1700磅。纽约和其他国家预计将遵循,批准和颁布实施计划。在加利福尼亚,法规在1995年1月1日生效。除了遵从VOC法规与计划,许多香水和化妆品公司带来了“绿色”产品的市场空间。雅诗兰黛介绍它的起源的皮肤护理产品,线体,芳香疗法,和化妆。线是促进自然和非动物测试。物品在回收容器里出售。露华浓带来了新的时代的美,所有的护肤品都是可降解成分的。虽然动物试验仍然存在于非常大的公司如宝洁、利华兄弟,现在有几百家残酷的自由的消费产品公司。玛丽凯化妆品农村颜色线强调它的可回收利用的包装是由回收材料制成的。玛丽凯也消除了大部分男性的皮肤护理产品的外包装。有些公司淘汰,降低,或重新设计的外包装,强调他们对垃圾的处理问题,关心他人,特别是香水制造商,表达了对趋势的关注,以及因为包装造成的的形象。6.经济的影响除了周围的动物试验,环保的社会和政治问题,以及产品的安全,该行业也被美国的经济形势的影响。香水,化妆品,和个人护理产品行业已经建立了一个经济衰退时。廉价化妆品销售已超过在三十年代的大萧条时期的中等价位的食品和服装。化妆品也在20世纪60年代和80年代出现衰退。在上世纪90年代早期的经济衰退的同时也带来了新的挑战。假冒产品在低价格提供。客户要求抵制高价格和价值。对传统的百货商店关闭高档线减少分销渠道的数目。成本与产品推广和营销转向


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