商务英语翻译实践与分析 摘 要首先,本人翻译了一份有关市场营销的英文材料,该材料是由我的指导老师选自美国官方网站的。然后,结合自己的翻译实践,分析了被动语态和定语从句。关键词:商务英语;翻译实践;体会;Abstract Firstly, I have translated an English passage on Marketing, which was unloaded by my tutor from a certain website of American government. Secondly, by virtue of the translation, I have made some analysis of passive and attributive clause. Key words: Business English;Translation practice;Marketing ;Experience;原文3.0 Marketing Strategy?AMT will change its focus to differentiate itself from box pushers and improve the business by filling the real need of small business and high-end home office for reliable information technology including hardware, software, and all related services3.1 Mission?AMT is built on the assumption that the management of information technology for business is like legal advice, accounting, graphic arts, and other bodies of knowledge, in that it is not inherently a do-it-yourself prospect. Smart business people who aren't computer hobbyists need to find quality vendors do-it-yourself of reliable hardware, software, service, and support. They need to use these quality vendors as they use their other professional service suppliers, as trusted allies?AMT is such a vendor. It serves its clients as a trusted ally, providing them with the loyalty of a business partner and the economics of an outside vendor. We make sure that our clients have what they need to run their businesses as well as possible, with imum efficiency and reliability. Many of our information applications are mission critical, so we give our clients the assurance that we will be there when they need us3.2 Marketing Objectives?We need to focus our offerings on small business as the key market segment we should own. This means the 5-20-unit system, tied together in a local area network, in a company with 5-50 employees. Our values - training, installation, service, support, knowledge - are more cleanly differentiated in this segment?As a corollary, the high end of the home office market is also appropriate. We do not want to compete for the buyers who go to the chain stores or mail order, but we definitely want to be able to sell individual systems to the smart HO buyers who want a reliable full-service vendor.3.3 Financial Objectives1 Increase sales by 20%.2 Increase gross margin to more than 25%.3. Increase our non-hardware sales to 65% of the total.3.4 Target Markets?We cannot survive just waiting for the customer to come to us. Instead, we must get better at focusing on the specific market segments whose needs match our offerings. Focus on targeted segments is the key to our future.?Therefore, we need to focus our marketing message and our product offerings. We need to develop our message, communicate it, and make good on it3.5 Positioning?For local businesses who need reliable systems and can't afford their own fulltime support employees, AMT is their strategy computer and networking ally. Unlike the major retail stores selling low-cost PCs as appliances in boxes, AMT is an ally to our clients' businesses, and offers them a full range of services from installation to service, support, and training.3.6 Marketing Strategy Pyramid?We must differentiate ourselves from the box pushers. We need to establish our business offering as a clear and viable alternative, for our target market, to the price-only kind of buying. We do this by promoting our value added resources.?We've developed two strategy pyramids, each based on one main fundamental strategy. The first strategy is about focusing on service and support, and the second strategy is about focusing on customer relationships instead of products. Each is explained in more detail.?We've also broken both our sales forecast and our expense budget into divisions based on the pyramid tactics. Sales by tactic are broken down in detail in Topic 4.2.2. You can see that the bulk of our sales don't track directly into specific marketing tactics, despite the pyramid. Expenses, however, do break down easily into tactics and the programs associated with the tactics. That detail is shown in Topic Focus on Service and SupportOur first pyramid, shown in the following illustration, is under the main strategy point of focusing on service and support instead of brand names and computers. We must differentiate ourselves from the box pushers. We need to establish our business offering as a clear and viable alternative, for our target market, to the price-only kind of buying. We do this by promoting our value added resources VAR.As the illustration shows, our first tactic under that strategy is related to networking expertise. The Internet is booming and LANs are everywhere in our target market. Major retailers simply can't match us for going to our customers' locations and solving their networking problems. This is an excellent example of something we can give that our competitors can't, and our customers want. Our specific programs for this tactic include our service training, our regular mailers to our customers, and our revised price list?Our second tactic is to develop training as a line of business. Programs include train the trainer and developing sales and marketing programs intended to sell training as a line of business. This includes more mailers, a new training price list, train-the-trainer programs, and special sales promotions related to training?Finally, the third tactic is custom solutions. This generally links to our growing experience with databases and SQL Structured Query Language server applications. Our only specific sales and marketing program for this is the VAR re-marketing program, but we do have an active product development budget related to custom solutions3.6.2 Focus on RelationshipsOur second pyramid, shown in the following illustration, is under the main strategy point of focusing on customer relationships. We need to be strategic allies to our customers, their experts in computing and networking systems, in a way that none of our retail-oriented competitors can ever hope to match?This second pyramid has three main tactics attached:?The first tactic shown is about marketing the company, not the product. We all know now what that means, that we should be emphasizing the relationship with us as AMT, instead of the brand-name on the packages such as Hewlett-Packard or Compaq. We can't sell the brand names better than the others, but we can sell ourselves and the important differences we offer. Our programs related to that tactic include the complete re-creation of our company literature, additional sales training, and special mailers to our customersThe second tactic for this strategy is to make sure we have more customer contacts. We can't afford to sit back like a large retail store and wait for our customers to come to us. We need to send mailings, or e-mails, and even telephone calls to make sure things are going right for them. Do they need more memory or additional hard disk space? A lot of customers do, and they're grateful for our reminders. Programs for this tactic include regular mailings about upgrades, seminars, and training. Eventually we'll have an e-mail program too?The third and final tactic is increased sales per customer. We work hard to find and keep our customers, and our financial analysis shows that the most economic way to increase sales is by increasing sales per customer instead of finding new customers. That's new systems, upgrades, training, and additional services. Our programs for this tactic include upgrade mailings, service contract mailings, and Internet services3.7 Marketing Mix?One core element of our marketing strategy is a change in the marketing mix. In terms of promotion, we need to sell our company as a differentiated strategic ally, not just our products. In price, we need to remain heting strategy is a change in the marketing mix. In terms of promotion, we need to sell our company as a differentiated strategic ally, not just our products. In price, we need to remain higher than the competition and we need to be able to defend that. Our product marketing has to recognize more that our service and our relationship is the key to our future product marketing. We sell a relationship more than products.3.7.1 Product Marketing?AMT provides both computer products and services to make them useful to small business. We are especially focused on providing network systems and services to small and medium business. The systems include both PC-based LAN systems and Minicomputer server-based systems. Our services include design and installation of network systems, training, and support.?In personal computers, we support three main lines:?The Super Home is our smallest and least expensive line, initially positioned by its manufacturer as a home computer. We use it mainly as a cheap workstation for small business installations. Its specifications include. additional specifics omitted ?The Power User is our main up-scale line. It is our most important system for high-end home and small business main workstations, because of. Its key strengths are. Its specifications include.additional specifics omitted?The Business Special is an intermediate system, used to fill the gap in the positioning. Its specifications include. additional specifics omitted?In peripherals, accessories and other hardware, we carry a complete line of necessary items from cables to forms to mouse pads. additional specifics omitted?In service and support, we offer a range of walk-in or depot service, maintenance contracts, and on-site guarantees. We have not had much success selling service contracts. Our networking capabilities. additional specifics omitted?In software, we sell a complete line of. additional specifics omitted?In training, we offer. additional specifics omitted3.7.2 Pricing We must charge appropriately for the high-end, high-quality service and support we offer. Our revenue structure has to match our cost structure, so the salaries we pay to assure good service and support must be balanced by the revenue we charge?We cannot build the service and support revenue into the price of products. The market can't bear the higher prices and the buyer feels ill-used when they see the same product priced lower at the chains. Despite the logic behind this, the market doesn't support this concept?Therefore, we must make sure that we deliver and charge for service and support. Training, service, installation, networking support-all of this must be readily available and priced to sell and deliver revenue3.7.3 PromotionOne of the best places to reach the target SB is the local newspaper. Unfortunately, that medium is saturated with pure-price-only messages, and we'll have to make sure that our message is excellently stated?Radio is potentially a good opportunity. Our SB target buyers listen to local news, talk shows, and sports. Sponsoring a technology discussion/call-in talk show is a possibilitySeminars are good marketing opportunities with SBs. Employees are often happy to leave their normal routines for a day to learn something new.3.7.4 ServiceOur strategy hinges on providing excellent service and support. This is critical. We need to differentiate on service and support, and to therefore deliver as well.?1. Training: details would be essential in a real marketing plan, but not in this sample plan.?2. Upgrade offers: details would be essential in a real marketing plan, but not in this sample plan.?3. Our own internal training: details would be essential in a real marketing plan, but not in this sample plan.?4. Installation services: details would be essential in a real marketing plan, but not in this sample plan.?5. Custom software services: details would be essential in a real marketing plan, but not in this sample plan.?6. Network configuration services: details would be essential in a real marketing plan, but not in this sample plan.3.7.5 Channels of DistributionOur strategy gives us room to promote more of our value-added sales through our existing channels, and to develop more channel points for both: ?1. Our sales agents: At present, the agents account for roughly 10% of our sales. We can increase that amount by offering them more attention. The agents aregenerally as hard-pressed as we are to maintain their business through the increasing price pressure, and together we can offer a better way to compete. They can help us focus on real value, and we can help them do the same.?2. VARs: We should be able to add two more VARs to the existing two we already have. The potential customers in outlying areas also need the kinds of values we offer, and through the VARs we can give them a much better option than mail order or Internet delivery.3.8 Marketing ResearchWe definitely need to know more about our customers. In the past we've been too distant and perhaps too quick to just guess about our customers, rather than conducting real research. For this plan we need to develop two new lines of market research:?1. Secondary research on the Internet and in published magazines, etc. We think its time to establish a function for going through published research to find out what's available about buying patterns and demographics, business needs, etc. for our main target users. We think there is a lot of information already available on these types, and much of it is readily available for the price of a little bit of research2. Primary research on our own customer base. This doesn't have to be elaborate, but we do need to know more about our existing customers. Random telephone calls, through-the-mail surveys, website surveys may be appropriate. What do our customers think about us? How do they grade our services?译文3.0 营销策略为了提供可靠的信息技术,其中包括:硬件、软件以及所有相关的服务,自助机将将其注意力从一揽子促销活动上转移到区分其自身上来。通过满足小商业和高端家庭办公的切实需要来改进业务。3.1 使命待添加的隐藏文字内容2自助机是建立在信息技术管理的需求上的,就像法律咨询、会计、图形艺术和其他肢体语言知识一样,它本质上不是一种自动的工具。不爱好计算机的精明的商业人士需要找到可靠的硬件、软件、服务,以及那些支持卖家的人。他们需要以这些质量厂商作为他们其它专业服务的供应商, 如同被信任的盟友。自助机就是这样一种自动售货机。作为客户的诚信盟友,它为他们提供商业伙伴的诚信度和外部供应商的财政状况。我们确信,我们的客户需要什么以便尽可能高效可信地开展业务,我们急客户之所急,保证一有需要,立刻到场。3.2 销售目标我们的业务重点放在小型业务,把这些业务作为我们的主要目标市场。也就是说,5-20单位体制在一个公司中与5-50名员工一起绑在一个地区网络。我们的培训、安装、服务、支持和知识的价值在这一部分有了更明显的区别。理所当然,高端家庭办公市场也是适当的。我们不想为了这些去连锁商店、邮购的买家而竞争,但我们确实想把单个的售货系统出售给这些精明的买主,因为他们需要一个可靠和全功能的自动售货机。3.3 财政目标1. 增加20%的销售额。2. 增加25%以上的毛利。3. 增加非硬件销售总额的65%。3.4 目标市场单凭顾客上门我们无法生存下去。相反,我们必须更加关注具体市场区域,这些区域需求满足我们的要求。换言之,关注目标区域是我们赢得未来的关键。因此,我们需要关注我们的营销信息和产品供应。我们需要拓宽我们的信息渠道, 充分理解和利用它。3.5 安置某些地方需要可靠的自助机服务系统,但是他们又没有能力雇用全职员工,对于他们而言,自助机是明智的选择。自助机对我们有商业来往的客户来说是我们的一个盟友,不同于那些以卖盒装器具一样低价销售个人计算机的零售商,并且给他们提供一系列的全套服务,从安装到服务、支持和训练。3.6金字塔式的营销战略我们必须把自己与一揽子促销区分开来。我们需要为我们的目标市场建立业务,以便为不同种类的购买提供一种清晰可见的选择。我们通过