仓储管理及设计外文翻译(可编辑) .doc
仓储管理及设计外文翻译 外文翻译原文 Warehouse Management and Design Material Source:Supply Chain Engineering Useful Methods and Techniques Author:Alexandre Dolgui and Jean-Marie Proth Many if not all goods pass though a warehouse at some stage. The main activity of a warehouse is material handling, but it may happen that some operations packaging, cleaning, assembling, painting, etc. are performed also during storage. These significant aspects should be included in the analyses of the warehouse systems. The chapter begins with a description of warehouse types and their usefulness. The operations performed and resources used are extensively studied. Special consideration is given to warehouse-management problems. Afterwards, the design stage is considered at length. The components of a warehouse are presented. In particular, storage in unit-load warehouses is covered. Then, the static warehouse-sizing problem is considered, modeled and solved. Later, a dynamic warehouse-sizing problem is discussed. Finally, the chapter finishes by profoundly examining two major approaches for the problem of where to locate warehouses: the single-flow and multiflow hierarchical location models The major activity in a warehouse is material handling to store goods for a limited period. The concept of a warehouse is somewhat paradoxical in contemporary production systems. Reduction of inventories and more generally elimination of operations that do not provide added value is always on the agenda in order to lower production costs. On the other hand, the use of a warehouse is inevitable for the several reasons given in Section 11.2.2. As a consequence, the management of warehouses requires a lot of attention: this aspect will be developed in Section11.4 after reviewing the basic operations and listing the possible mistakes that may arise when performing these operations Some aspects of the design of warehouses, and in particular their sizing, are proposed in Section 11.5 Finally, Section 11.6 is dedicated to the warehouse-location models It should be noted that numerous approaches and techniques that are used for warehouse design and management have already been mentioned in the previous chapters. This is the case for layout methods, RFID techniques or scheduling methods. We will not revisit them in the current chapter Different types of warehouses exist to serve diverse customers The most common type, called “retailer supply warehouses” RSW, receives finished products from manufacturing systems located in the same country or from foreign suppliers and provides stocks for retail stores. Normally, such a warehouse serves routinely a given set of captive customers The second sort of warehouse, called “spare part warehouses” SPW, furnishes spare parts and serves clients and manufacturing systems. It is often associated with mass production cars, household appliance, computer systems, etc. The difference from RSW lies in that some orders are highly random, the demand for specific types of parts may be relatively small and, last but not least, orders are usually very urgent. Thus, this requires that some of the parts be held in stock for years The third type denoted by “mail order selling” MOS, warehouses and ships orders to individuals and informs customers using mail order catalogs or Internet sites. Orders are placed by the Internet, letter, or phone. Each individual order usually concerns a small number of items, but overall the variety and quantity of items at stake is commonly huge The last type, referred to as “special warehouses” SW, is relatively rare.These warehouses are usually rented for a long or short period of time. The products stored in such a warehouse are often expensive, bulky and seldom required The characteristics of the aforementioned warehouses are reported in Table 11.1 Taxonomy Based on Warehouse Functionalities Six types of warehouses can be identified on the basis of their functions:Warehouses that are used to provide distribution services on behalf of their customers. These warehouses more often than not belong to a company that is also in charge of upstream and downstream transportation. They may serve several independent production systems. This type of warehouse is often referred to as private warehouses. DHL, a well-known transport company, engages numerous private warehouses in its transportation network Public warehouses are essentially spaces that can be leased for limited periods to deal with short-term storage needs. A public warehouse may occasionally be used as a supplemental storage space for an overloaded private warehouse Warehouses that receive products in large quantities and dispatch a large number of small lots. This is common in the food industry, for instance. “Do it yourself” DIY centers is another example of this type of warehouse. They are also called distribution centers Warehouses that provide value-added services. They are usually part of production systems. Tasks performed in such entities are mainly: repackaging to make the products on sale or to prepare them for specific operations, labeling, assembling computers, for instance, etc Warehouses that store products for periodic delivery. This is the case when delivery must be made on a just-in-time basis. Examples of this type of warehouse can be found in assembly systems where the components are outsourcedcar or domestic appliance manufacturing, for example Warehouses for fresh food products. These warehouses are refrigerated and often called climate-controlled warehouses Warehouse UsefulnessWarehouses are almost inevitable:To cope with the discrepancy between the relative slow supply chain response and rapid changes in quantities ordered. A warehouse helps to react quickly when demand changes abruptly. Note that the low reactivity of supply chains usually results from their complexity the number of companies involved and the multitude of stages in the production processes, the existence of quality problems that lead to rework and use of long-duration and/or unreliable transportation systems mainly in the case of offshore outsourcing, etc To favor upstream production systems by allowing them to increase the size of lots, thus simplifying the management, increasing the throughput and reducing the production cost by reducing the number of setups. Transportation costs also decrease since the disparity of the products loaded in the same truck or freight car decreases, thus reducing the distribution costs To configure and finalize products as near as possible to the customer. This is the case when different products can be obtained by assembling components issued from the same limited set. This situation is frequent in the computer and furniture industries and more generally in firms where the strategy consists in postponing product differentiation, assuming that it is easy to perform personalizing products consisting in packaging, labeling or colors, for instance To execute additional operations like inbound inspections, part preparation, kitting or packaging. Inbound inspections mainly concern quality control. Depending on the kind of verifications needed, inbound inspection may require specific area and certain material-handling resources. Preliminary part preparation facilitates manufacturing operations that follow. Kitting occurs when predetermined parts or components are removed from storage and gathered together to make up kits. These kits are then used for the next manufacturing or assembly operations To recondition the products to meet customers requirements. The objective is to switch from production packaging to that demanded by customers or retailers To reorganize the lots for transportation purpose. This function includes sorting To have a wide assortment of items so that customers can purchase small quantities of many different products at reasonable costs. This is often the case in the food industry To supply seasonal production to retailing groups as and when required. This concerns climate-controlled warehouses To protect against technical glitches and security threats.To summarize, the objectives of warehouses are to build a bridge between upstream and downstream activities.Finally, price stabilization is another consequence of warehousing since scarcity in the supply of goods may increase prices.Basic Warehousing Operations Common warehousing operations are listed hereafter.Receiving Advance notification may or might not precede the arrival of products, components or material. In the former, the notification should be compared with the corresponding order. In both cases, the differences between orders and deliveries should be checked and discrepancies, if any, resolved with the provider. Emphasis should be placed on partial deliveries that penalize warehousing managementOnce the product has arrived, a quality control is performed this may be limited to visual checking and any exception is noted. Then, the product is registered bar code or RFID devices are usually used to perform this operation Storage Storage includes sorting, transporting to storage facilities and placing in stock.Sorting consists in putting together entities that will be stocked at the same place and/or sent to the same customer Transportation to the storage location and their facilities are described hereafter.The objectives when selecting storage equipment are:reducing handling costs;shorten work cycles;reduce storage space;facilitate shipments and deliveries;simplify flows in particular, avoid flow crossing;avoid damages due to transportation and handling;optimize safety of resources;optimize workforce;imize resource utilization;minimize the amount of energy required to operate the storage system.译文仓储管理及设计 资料来源:关于供应链工程学的实用方法和技巧 作者:亚历山大Dolgui和让-玛丽普罗斯 在某个阶段有很多但却不是是全部的商品都要通过仓库。货仓的主要活动是物质的处理,但它可能出现一些操作(包装,清洗,装配,油漆等)是在存储过程中进行的。这些重要的方面应包括在仓库系统的分析。本章首先对仓库的类型和它们的有用性进行描述。对操作执行和资源使用进行深入的研究。特别考虑到仓库的管理问题。之后,就从长度上考虑设计阶段,呈现一个仓库的组成部分。特别是考虑到了仓库的单位负载。然后,对静态仓库大小的问题进行思考,建模和解决。之后,对动态仓库大小的问题进行了讨论。最后,本章以深入研究两种解决仓库位置问题的主要方法来结束:单流和多流分层定位模型。 仓库中的主要活动是原材料的处理,即在规定的时间内储存货物。一个仓库的概念在某种程度上是和现代生产系统有点自相矛盾的。减少库存和大规模的淘汰些不能提供增值的操作总是被安排在工作日程中得以降低生产成本。另一方面,由于多种因素仓库的使用是不可避免的,这点将在第11.2.2节呈现。因此,对仓库的管理,需要很多的关注:这方面将在回顾基础操作和列举在进行这些操作时可能出现的错误是在11.4节中展开的。一些仓库设计方面的问题,特别是他们的大小的问题,将会出现在第11.5节。最后,在第11.6节专门讨论仓库选址模型。 需要指出的是,很多用于仓库的设计和管理的方法和技术已经在前面的章节中提到。这布局的方法包括无线射频识别技术或调度方法。我们不会在当前章节重新审视他们。 1 不同类型的仓库为不同客户进行服务。 最常见的类型,称为“零售商供应仓库”(点焊),接收来自同一个国家或者外国供应商的生产系统的成品,并为零售商提供存储的空间。通常情况下,这样的仓库是提供给固定客户的。 第二类仓库,就是所谓的“零部件仓库”(石排湾),为客户和制造系统提供闲置的部分。它往往是与大规模生产联系在一起(如汽车,家电,计算机系统等)。而它和零售商供应仓库不同的是,有些订单是高度随机的,特定类型的部分需求可能会相对较小。最后但并非最不重要的一点的就是,订单通常是非常迫切的。因此,这需要对部分仓库持有多年。 第三类是“邮购式销售”(简称MOS),是个人的仓库,即船舶订单要通知客户使用邮购目录或互联网网站。订单通过互联网,信件或电话进行订购。每个单独的命令通常关注的项目数量不多,但处于危险中的物品的种类和数量在总体上是巨大的。 最后一个类型,被称为“特殊仓库”(软件),是相对而言较少见的。这些仓库通常为长期或短期租用。在这样的仓库内的存储的产品往往价格昂贵,体积大,是很少需要的。 2 六中仓库类型的可确定其职能的基础。 用来对他们的客户提供配送服务的仓库。这些仓库往往不属于任何一个负责上游和下游的运输费的公司。他们可能为几个独立的生产系统。这种仓库类型通常被称为私人仓库。敦豪,一个众所周知的运输公司,在其运输网络中有许多私人仓库。 公共仓库,基本上可用于租赁有限时间,以处理短期存储需求空间。公共仓库可能偶尔被用来作为一个超负荷的私人仓库存储空间的补充。 接收大批量产品并发送大量小件的仓库。这常见于食品行业,例如:“自己动手”(自己动手做)中心是这种类型的仓库;另一个例子:他们也被称为配送中心。 提供增值服务的仓库。他们通常是生产系统的一部分。在这样的实体中执行的任务主要是:重新包装(使产品能出售的或准备具体业务之中)、标签、组装(例如电脑)等。 定期交货产品的仓库。这必须在公正实时的基础上进行传递。这种类型的仓库可以在装配系统中找到实例,在装配系统中的组成部分是外包(以汽车或国内家电制造业为例)。 新鲜食品仓库。这些仓库需要冷藏,通常称为温控仓库。 (3)仓库用途,仓库的使用几乎是不可避免的: 可以应付相对缓慢之间的供应链反应和数量需求的迅速变化的差异。仓库在需求突然变化时快速反应。请注意,通常从供应链的低效率,起因于它们的复杂性(在生产过程中所涉及的公司数目和众多阶段,),存在的质量问题(导致返工),以及使用长期的或不可靠的运输系统(主要是离岸外包的情况下)等。 为支持上游生产系统,允许他们增大货物的大小,从而简化了管理,增加了吞吐量,减少设备数量,以减少生产成本及运输成本,因为在同一卡车或货车装载产品的差距减小,从而降低配送成本。 尽可能地配置和完成接近客户的产品。这时不同的产品可以通过装配同样有限的一套组件来完成装配。这种情况是经常在电脑和家具行业,在企业实行推迟产品差异化战略是更为广泛,人们认为它易于执行(例如包括个性化的产品包装,标签或颜色)。 要像执行入境检查一样,一部分准备,配套或包装。入境检查主要涉及质量的控制。根据不同需要类型进行核实,入境检查可能需要特定的区域和特定的物质来处理资源。初步编制有利于部分制造商的遵循。配套工作时发生预定的零部件或组件将被从存储剔除或聚集装备打包。然后这些工具包将会被用于将来的制造或组装业务。 翻新产品以满足客户的需求。我们的目标是从生产包装切换到该客户或零售商的要求。 重整认识以运输为目的的产品。此功能包括排序。 有一个更为宽广的产品集合使客户可以购买在合理的成本内的许多不同的小批量的产品。这往往是对食品业为例。 如果有需要,给零售集团提供季节性生产。这涉及到气候控制仓库。 为了防止技术故障和安全威胁。 总之,仓库的目标是建立上游和下游活动的桥梁。最后,价格稳定是仓储后果的另一个结果,因为在商品供应短缺价格可能会增加。 (4)基本仓储业务,常见的仓储业务。 接收 预先通知可能会或可能不会先于产品,部件或材料的到来。在前者,通知应与相应的订单相比。在这两种情况下,订单和交货之间的分歧和差异,应进行检查,如果有问题的话,就要与供应商联系解决。而重点应放在惩罚部分及交货仓库管理上。 一旦产品已经来临,就应实行质量控制(这可能仅限于视觉检查),并指出任何异常。然后,该产品被注册条码或RFID设备通常用于执行此操作。 存储 存储包括分拣,运输,储存设施和放置存储,分类由放在同一地点和/或发送到同一客户的实体组成。运输到存储位置和设施介绍将在后面陈述。选择的存储设备目标主要有: 降低处理成本; 缩短工作周期; 减少存储空间;协助装运和交货;简化流动(特别是避免车流穿越);避免因运输和处理时的损害优化资源安全; 优化员工队伍;最大限度地利用资源; 减少存储系统的操作时所需的能量。