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毕业设计(论文)题目: 雄霸科技公司知识型员工 流失原因及对策探析 雄霸科技公司知识型员工流失原因及对策探析摘要在知识经济迅猛发展的今天,真正最有价值的员工是知识型员工。在这个越来越依靠先进科技和创新知识取胜的时代,知识型员工的作用越来越重要,已经成为企业赢得激烈竞争的关键因素。与此同时,知识型员工本身所具有的对职业的追求和选择的多样化的特点,以及经济全球化的发展,使得知识型员工在全球范围内日益频繁流动。我国中小企业倍受知识型员工流失的困扰,雄霸科技公司便是典型的例子。文章以雄霸科技公司的知识型员工流失为对象,探讨了知识型员工流失的原因和对策。文章首先介绍了雄霸科技公司现状及其人力资源构成特点,分析了知识型员工流失的原因及其对公司造成的影响,通过调查和分析,找到了三方面的成因:知识型员工自身特征是诱发其流失的主观动因,公司管理问题是导致员工流失的直接原因,行业环境因素为员工流失创造了客观外部条件。在上述分析的基础上,本文提出了对雄霸科技公司知识型员工流失问题的解决办法:第一、正确看待员工流失现象;第二、建立人才流失风险防范机制;第三、营造适于知识型员工办公的良好环境;第四、建立人才激励制度;第五、建立人才的发展机制。关键词: 知识型员工;人力资源构成;流失原因;防范对策STUDY ON THE CAUSE AND SOLUTION OF THE KNOWLEDGE WORKER RESIGNATION IN TUOWEIABSTRACTAs knowledge economy development rapidly, Knowledge workers have become the most valuable workers. At this time, how to win the eras that rely on advanced technology and innovation, and knowledge worker plays the more and more important role. Knowledge worker is a key factor for the enterprise to win fierce competition. At the same time, themselves with the pursuit of career and choices of a variety of features, as well as the development of economic globalization, the knowledge workers in the global flow increasingly and frequently. The middle and mini sized high-tech enterprises faces huge pressure of talent competition because of economic globalization. The knowledge worker resignation troubles these enterprises, in which TUOWEI CO. Ltd (short for TUOWEI) is the typical case. The paper focus on the research of TUOWEI, discuss the cause and solution of knowledge workers resignation in TUOWEI. This paper introduces the present conditions and human resources structural characteristics and analyzes the situation of the knowledge worker resignations and the impact on the company in order to find the reason of the knowledge worker resignation in TUOWEI. Through surveys and analysis, I find three factors of resignation workers: the subjective reason is the self nature of knowledge worker; the direct reason is the management of the company; the object reason is the industry environment. I advance the solutions to the knowledge worker resignation in TUOWEI: First, a correct view of the loss of employees; Second, establish the risk prevention mechanism of knowledge workers; Third, create a suitable knowledge-based office of a good environment for employees; Fourth, the establishment of incentive systems; Fifth, the establishment of mechanisms for the development of knowledge workers.Key words: Knowledge worker;human resources structural characteristics;cause of resignation;solution of resignation目 录1 绪论11.1 知识型员工的定义11.2 国外对知识型员工流失的研究现状21.3 国内对知识型员工流失的研究现状22 雄霸科技公司知识型员工管理现状42.1 公司概况42.2 公司知识型员工的界定52.3 公司知识型员工的管理现状53 雄霸公司知识型员工流失问题与原因剖析73.1 公司知识型员工流失问题现状73.2 知识型员工流失对公司的影响83.3 公司知识型员工流失问题原因剖析104 防范知识型员工流失的对策134.1 正确看待员工流失现象134.2 建立人才流失风险防范机制134.3 营造适于知识型员工办公的良好环境154.4 建立人才激励制度164.5 建立人才的发展机制185 结束语21参考文献22致谢24