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    摘要本次毕业设计主要阐述了高炉喷煤喷吹自动化控制系统,不包括制粉过程的控制,控制范围是从煤粉仓、中间罐、喷吹罐、喷吹总管、由炉前煤粉分配器到喷吹支管的自动控制过程。本次毕业设计只考虑了一个喷煤喷吹序列作为控制对象。本次设计包含:课题本身的背景、由来、意义、主要工艺类型、国内外高炉喷煤喷吹技术的发展现状以及对未来发展的展望;阐述了所需传感器、阀、开关等硬件设备,主要进行了煤粉从煤粉仓到中间罐倒罐控制,煤粉从中间罐到喷吹罐倒罐控制,煤粉从喷吹罐喷到高炉风口中的控制,停喷控制,中间罐和喷吹罐的压力控制,煤粉仓、中间罐及喷吹罐温度、压力的安全连锁控制,喷吹风压力的自动测量等控制项目;本设计主要选用的PLC控制系统的选型、硬件配置选择、I/O表编写、硬件接线图的绘制的工作。关键词:PLC;高炉喷煤;传感器AbstractThe graduation project focused on the automatic control of blast furnace coal injection system, does not include coal grinding process control. Cntrol the process of automation and control, includingo coal powder storage warehouse, the middle tank,the injection tank, injection Explorer, front-end from the blast furnace coal injection powder distribution device to the branch pipe. The graduation project, a PCI only consider as a controlled injection sequence. The design includes: That the issue of background, origin, meaning, the main type of technology, at home and abroad PCI jet technology development prospects and the future development of. On the need for the sensors, valves, switches and other hardware equipment.Mainly carried out coal powder from the coal powder position to control the middle of the tank,pulverized coal injection in the middle tank to tank can back control from the pulverized coal injection into blast furnace tuyere spray cans of control, stop the injection control, the middle tank and the injection pressure control tank, coal stores, intermediate and spray cans blow tank temperature and pressure control of the security chain, hair spray, such as automatic measurement of the pressure control projects; the design of the main selection of the PLC control system selection, hardware configuration options, I / O table prepared mapping hardware wiring work.KeyWords:PLC; blast furnace pulverized coal injection; sensor详细摘要高炉喷煤技术始于1840年SMBanks关于喷吹焦炭和无烟煤的设想;世界最早的工业应用即是根据这一设想于18401845年间在法国博洛涅附近的马恩省炼铁厂实现的。由此背景引出本次毕业设计的题目高炉喷煤喷吹技术的自动化控制。课题主要阐述了高炉喷煤系统的喷吹工艺控制,不包括制粉工艺。在此项技术产生的一百多年间,发展却相对缓慢,基本无进展;直至20世纪60年代初,欧洲、中国、美国的一些工厂才陆续开始在高炉上试验喷煤。7O年代末,第二次石油危机的出现,加快了高炉喷煤技术的研究和发展,特别是欧洲和日本更是在实际应用上取得了重大突破。第一部分前言中阐述了高炉喷煤的定义,就是指从高炉风口向炉内直接喷吹磨细了的煤粉(无烟煤、烟煤或两者的混合煤粉以及褐煤),以代替焦炭向高炉提供热量和还原剂。然后由定义引出了采用此项技术的意义,它以低价的煤代替了日趋贫乏且价格昂贵的冶金焦,降低了焦化,使高炉炼铁的成本大幅下降。它是一种调剂炉况的手段,也改善炉缸工作状态,是高炉稳定顺行。然后,又介绍了此工艺的常用基本流程,根据制粉装置到高炉距离的远近、煤粉仓,喷吹罐安放位置的差异、喷吹管路的粗细、喷吹压力的高低、输送浓度的大小以及喷枪形式的不同,可以有直接喷吹、间接喷吹;串罐喷吹、并罐喷吹;总管喷吹、多支管喷吹;高压喷吹、常压喷吹;浓相喷吹、稀相喷吹和氧煤枪喷吹、常规枪喷吹等各种形式的喷吹。简介描述了几种较成熟的工业性生产流程:1、德国KvTTNER流程;2、美国阿姆科(ARMCO)流程;3、日本住友流程;4、日本川崎流程;5、卢森堡Paul Wurth流程;6、混合型流程;7 英钢联粒煤喷吹流程。再后简要介绍了几种新喷煤工艺,包括:1、富氧大喷煤量技术;2、利用等离子大量喷吹煤粉;3、复合喷吹技术;4、粒煤喷吹技术。在第一部分最后介绍了我国喷煤喷吹技术现状,进十几年这项技术在国内的进步和存在的问题,还包括对我国高炉发展前景的展望。第二大部分主要阐述了高炉喷煤喷吹自动化控制整体方案。首先对喷吹工艺及检测点布置进行了讲解,其中包括了所选用的三罐串罐喷吹所需放散阀、流化阀、充压阀、均压阀、灭火氮气阀、下锥形阀、上锥形阀、给料器和下煤球阀的分配进行了比较细致的叙述并附图对安装位置进行说明,又对各种所需测量设备(如压力、温度、重量、气体含量等)、所需数量、安装位置进行了描述。然后在附图的基础上进行喷吹控制过程描述。先介绍了基本操作方式:全自动操作、手动操作和检修操作,然后是主要进行的操作过程总述(包括煤粉从煤粉仓到中间罐倒罐控制,煤粉从中间罐到喷吹罐倒罐控制,煤粉从喷吹罐喷到高炉风口中的控制,停止向高炉喷吹煤粉的控制,安全连锁控制程序),最后详细说明了具体操作过程。中间罐加料:中间罐加料前的条件为中间罐必须为“空信号”, 压力必须小于0.02MPa,放散阀处于“打开”状态,充压阀、流化阀、上锥阀和下锥阀处于“关闭”状态、中间罐与喷吹罐之间的均压阀处于“关闭”状态;满足上述条件后在进行倒罐操作开煤粉仓下锥形阀,开中间罐上锥形阀,关煤粉仓放散阀,开煤粉仓流化阀,中间罐“料满”信号发出时再进行以下操作,关煤粉仓流化阀,开煤粉仓放散阀,关煤粉仓下锥形阀,关中间罐上锥形阀,煤粉从煤粉仓到中间罐倒罐顺序结束,中间罐处于“料满”位置。喷吹罐加料:喷吹罐内煤量显示下限,自动发出允许加料信号,喷吹罐内压力达到设定值,中间罐“料满”; 倒罐,关中间罐放散阀,开中间罐充压阀,中间罐与喷吹罐压差小于设定值时,关闭充压阀,打开两罐间均压阀,开中间罐下锥形阀,开喷吹罐上锥形阀,开中间罐流化阀,中间罐“料空”信号来后,进行下列操作,关中间罐流化阀,关中间罐下锥形阀,关喷吹罐上锥形阀,关中间罐充压阀,关中间罐与喷吹罐间均压阀,开中间罐放散阀,煤粉从中间罐到喷吹罐倒罐顺序完成。喷吹控制:前提条件得到高炉“允许喷吹”信号,喷吹罐内料位不低于下限,满足安全连锁要求,检查喷煤管路上手动阀门的状态,人工输入正常;喷吹控制,开喷吹风阀,开安全阀,开喷吹罐下煤球阀,开喷吹罐流化阀,启动给料器。最后是停喷控制(发出停喷指令终止各“倒罐”操作,关喷吹罐下煤球阀,停给料器,关安全阀,关喷吹风阀)和对三罐及喷吹管道的压力、温度的安全连锁控制。第三部分主要阐述了所用的各种测量设备(包括料位、压力、温度、氧含量、一氧化碳含量和重量测量设备)的选型和其技术指标的说明,所选用控制设备采用SIEMENS公司的SIMATIC S7系列的SIMATIC S7-300通用型PLC的CPU(6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0),模拟量I/O模块(6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0),数字量输入I/O模块(6ES7 321-1EH01-0AA0),数字量输出I/O模块(6ES7 322-1HH00-0AA0)的选型和详细数据说明。关键词:PLC;高炉喷煤;传感器Detailed SummaryBlast furnace pulverized coal injection technology in 1840 at S. M. Banks on the injection of coke and anthracite idea; the world's first industrial applications are based on the idea that in 1840 1845 in the French province of Bologna near the iron works to achieve the Isle of Man. This background leads to the topic of graduation PCI design automation control injection technology. The main topics of the blast furnace pulverized coal injection system to control the injection process, does not include the milling process. In the technologies used to produce more than one hundred years, the development is relatively slow, the basic lack of progress; the 20th century until the early 60's, Europe, China, the United States before some of the factory started in the blast furnace pulverized coal injection on the test. 7O at the end of the second oil crisis in the emergence of the blast furnace pulverized coal injection technology to speed up research and development, especially in Europe and Japan is in the practical application has been made a major breakthrough. Foreword to the first part of the definition of a blast furnace pulverized coal injection is from the blast furnace tuyere direct injection to the ground of the coal (anthracite, bituminous coal, or both, as well as a mixture of pulverized lignite), to replace the coke to the blast furnace to provide heat and reducing agent. Led by the definition of the meaning of the use of this technology, it replaces the low-cost coal and increasingly scarce expensive metallurgical coke, coking reduced so that the cost of blast furnace substantially reduced. It is a means of regulating the status of furnace, but also work to improve the hearth, and is stable antegrade blast. And then introduced the basic process technology used, under the milling device to the distance from the blast furnace, coal stores, injection tank placement differences in the thickness pipeline injection, injection pressure is high or low concentrations of the size of transmission as well as different forms of spray, you can have a direct injection, indirect injection; string injection cans and cans of injection; Explorer injection, multi-branch injection; high-pressure injection, pressure injection; dense phase injection, dilute coal injection and oxygen injection machine, injection machine and other conventional forms of injection. Profile describes some of the more mature industrial production processes: 1, Germany KvTTNER process; 2, the United States armco (ARMCO) process; 3, Japan's Sumitomo processes; 4, flow Kawasaki, Japan; 5, Luxembourg Paul Wurth process; 6 , mixed-type process; 7 British Steel Union Coal particle injection process. Again after a brief introduction of several new coal technology, including: 1, the volume of oxygen-rich large coal technology; 2, the use of a large number of plasma pulverized coal injection; 3, compound injection techniques; 4, tablets coal injection technology. Finally, in the first part of the status quo of China's coal injection technology, more than ten years into the technology progress in China and problems, but also the development prospects of China's outlook for blast furnace. The second most of the major coal injection on blast furnace automation control package. First point of injection and detection process carried out on the layout, including the choice of three cans of string emission requirements can injection valve, fluid valve, charge pressure valve are pressure valves, fire nitrogen valve, conical valve under , the cone valve, under the coal feeder and the distribution of the ball valve were compared and described in detail on the installation drawings indicate the location, but also all the necessary measuring equipment (such as pressure, temperature, weight, gas content, etc.) , the required number, a description of the installation location. And then in the graph on the basis of the control process described injection. First introduced the basic mode of operation: fully automatic operation, manual operation, and maintenance operations, and then is a major operation carried out by Overview (including coal from the coal inverted position to the intermediate tank can control, to the pulverized coal injection in the middle tank cans cans back control from the injection of pulverized coal to blast furnace tuyere spray cans of control, stop the blast furnace pulverized coal injection control, security control procedures for the chain), and finally a detailed description of the specific operation. Tank feeding the middle: the middle of the pre-conditions can feed tank for the middle must be an "empty signal", the pressure must be less than 0.02MPa, emission valves in the "open" status, filling pressure valve, fluid valve, cone valve and the valve under the cone in the "off" state, intermediate between the cans and the cans are injection valve in the "off" state; to meet the above conditions can operate in open coal was under the cone valve position, open the middle of the cone-shaped tank valve, Bleeding valve clearance warehouse coal, the coal flow position of valve, the middle tank "full feed" signal when the following closing of coal flow valve position, the valve emission coal warehouse, customs warehouse under the cone of pulverized coal valve off the middle of the cone-shaped tank valve, coal from the coal warehouse cans down to the middle of the order of the end cans, cans in the middle of "full feed" position. Feed tank injection: injection volume of the tank showed that the lower limit of coal, to allow automatic feeding signal injection tank pressure settings to reach the middle tank "full feed" inverted cans, Bleeding Tundish valve clearance, the tank filling the middle pressure valve, intermediate pressure tank and the injection tank is less than set value, the filling valve shut down, open the two cans were pressure between the valve and open the next among the tank valve cone, the cone-jet on the tank valve, open the middle fluid tank valve, the middle tank "feed air" signals, the following operations, clearance of middle-tank flow valve, clearance under the middle of tank valve cone, the cone-shaped tank clearance injection valve, filling tank clearance intermediate pressure valve, intermediate clearance between tank and tank-pressure injection valve, the valve emission Tundish, pulverized coal injection in the middle tank to tank down the order can be completed. Injection control: a prerequisite for blast furnace to be "allow injection" signal injection tank of not less than the minimum level to meet the security requirements of the chain, check the PCI manual control valves on the road, and entered into the normal; injection control , the injection valve, the safety valve, the injection of coal under the tank ball valve, open valve injection fluid can start to feed. Finally, there is cessation of injection control (injection instructions issued to stop the termination of the "anti-tank" to operate, clearance under the coal injection tank ball valve, stop feeder off safety valve, injection valve clearance) and the three cans and the injection pipe pressure, temperature control of the security chain. The third part mainly used on a variety of measuring equipment (including level, pressure, temperature, oxygen content, carbon monoxide content and weight measuring equipment) selection and description of its technical indicators, the use of control equipment selected by SIEMENS company's SIMATIC S7 series of SIMATIC S7-300-size-fits-PLC-CPU (6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0), analog I / O module (6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0), Digital Input I / O module (6ES7 321-1EH01-0AA0 ), digital output I / O module (6ES7 322-1HH00-0AA0) the selection and detailed data. Keywords: PLC; blast furnace pulverized coal injection; sensor目录摘要IAbstractII详细摘要IIIDetailed SummaryV1 前言11.1 高炉喷煤技术背景11.2高炉喷煤的意义11.3高炉喷煤基本流程21.4喷吹技术的发展31.4.1富氧大喷煤量技术41.4.2利用等离子大量喷吹煤粉41.4.3复合喷吹技术41.4.4粒煤喷吹技术41.5我国喷煤喷吹技术51.5.1我国喷煤喷吹技术现状51.5.2我国高炉喷煤技术的进步61.5.3我国高炉喷煤存在的问题61.5.4我国高炉发展前景72 高炉喷煤喷吹自动化控制整体方案92.1 喷吹工艺及检测点布置92.2 工艺流程示意图92.3 喷吹控制过程描述102.3.1 喷吹系统操作方式102.3.2 喷吹过程描述113 设备选型143.1 所用测量设备选型143.1.1 料位测量设备选型143.1.2 温度测量设备选型163.1.3 压力测量设备选型163.1.4 氧含量测量设备选型173.1.5 一氧化碳测量设备选型183.1.6 重量测量设备选型193.2系统硬件配置方案203.2.1 总体配置方案203.2.2 SIMATIC S7-300通用型PLC简介203.2.3 CPU213.2.4 PS 307 电源模块5A 6ES7 307-1EA00-0AA0253.2.5 模拟量输入模板 SM 331 AI 8 × 12 位(6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0)263.2.6 数字量输入模板 SM 321;DI 16×120 VAC(6ES7 321-1EH01-0AA0)293.2.7 继电器输出模板SM 322 DO 16×继电器120VAC(6ES7 322-1HH00-0AA0)303.2.8 PLC接线图(见附录D)33结 论34参考文献35致 谢36附录A模拟量I/O表37附录B数字输入量I/O表39附录C数字输出量I/O表41附录DPLC接线图431 前言1.1 高炉喷煤技术背景高炉喷煤技术始于1840年SMBanks关于喷吹焦炭和无烟煤的设想;世界最早的工业应用即是根据这一设想于18401845年间在法国博洛涅附近的马恩省炼铁厂实现的。但此后的一百多年,发展却相对缓慢,基本无进展;直至20世纪60年代初,欧洲、中国、美国的一些工厂才陆续开始在高炉上试验喷煤。7O年代末,第二次石油危机的出现,加快了高炉喷煤技术的研究和发展,特别是欧洲和日本更是在实际应用上取得了重大突破。到90年代初,欧洲和日本已有小部分高炉月均吨铁喷煤超过了200kg大关,如:1991年l0月英国钢铁公司斯肯索普工厂维多利亚女王号高炉201kg(粒煤),1992年11月德国蒂森公司施韦尔根1号高炉2006kg,1992年11月荷兰霍戈文公司艾莫依登厂6号高炉205kg,1993年11月日本新日铁君津厂3号高炉200kg、1994年l0月NKK公司福山厂4号高炉218kg等指标均已是当时的世界一流水平。1.2高炉喷煤的意义高炉喷煤对现在高炉炼铁技术来说是一项重要的技术革命。所谓高炉喷煤,就是指从高炉风口向炉内直接喷吹磨细了的煤粉(无烟煤、烟煤或两者的混合煤粉以及褐煤),以代替焦炭向高炉提供热量和还原剂。它的意义在于:1.以低价的煤代替了日趋贫乏且价格昂贵的冶金焦,降低了焦化,使高炉炼铁的成本大幅下降。2.高炉喷煤可以作为一种调剂炉况的手段。3.高炉喷煤可以改善炉缸工作状态,是高炉稳定顺行。4.为高炉提高风温和富氧鼓风创造条件。因为喷吹煤粉会使风口前理论燃烧温度降低,导致理论燃烧温度降低的主要原因有:1) 高炉喷吹煤粉后煤气量增加,加热煤气需要消耗热量;2) 喷吹煤粉带入的热量少,而焦炭进入风口区时已被充分加热,温度高达14501500,而喷吹的煤粉温度不超过100;3) 煤粉中的碳氢化合物分解需要热量。5.喷吹煤粉中的氢含量比焦炭带入的多,氢气提高了煤气的还原能力和穿透扩散能力,有利于矿石的还原和高炉操作指标的改善。6.喷吹煤粉代替了部分焦炭,不仅缓解了焦煤的供需紧张状况,也减少了对炼焦设施的投资和建设,更降低了炼焦生产对环境的污染。1.3高炉喷煤基本流程根据制粉装置到高炉距离的远近、煤粉仓,喷吹罐安放位置的差异、喷吹管路的粗细、喷吹压力的高低、输送浓度的大小以及喷枪形式的不同,可以有直接喷吹、间接喷吹;串罐喷吹、并罐喷吹;总管喷吹、多支管喷吹;高压喷吹、常压喷吹;浓相喷吹、稀相喷吹和氧煤枪喷吹、常规枪喷吹等各种形式的喷吹。不同的设备结构和组合可以产生以下几种较成熟的工业性生产流程。 1德国KvTTNER流程煤粉罐、中间罐、喷吹罐三罐串接流化小罐喷吹支管喷枪;支管上装有流量计和二次风入口,安装位置前者靠近喷吹罐出口,后者靠近高炉。近十多年来,KvTTNER公司又推出了一种新流程:煤粉仓并列喷吹罐流化小罐总管一分配器一支管一氧煤喷枪,并得到了更多的推广。新流程为双罐、双总管和双分配器形式,仍然使用氮气加压、流化,采用浓相输送。上钢一厂2500m3高炉喷煤选用的即是KvTTNER新流程,但是未用氧煤喷枪。此外,重钢高炉喷煤也选用了KvTTNER新流程(常规喷枪),所不同的是该厂3、4、5号三座高炉共用一套喷吹装置,这套装置已于2001年11月投产,运行正常。2. 美国阿姆科(ARMCO)流程煤粉仓并列喷吹罐总管分配器支管常规喷枪。与新KuTrNER流程不同的是ARMCO流程使用3个喷吹罐,一根总管、一个分配器;总管既变径,局部还要变形,为确保足够的分配精度,分配器必须置于高炉炉顶,所有支管也必须等径、等长、等形状。加压、流化使用氮气,因为是稀相输送,所以还需添加压缩空气。宝钢1高炉喷煤即属阿姆科流程。3日本住友流程煤粉仓并列喷吹罐旋转给料器喷吹小罐总管第一分配器第二分配器支管喷枪。住友流程总管上装有压差式流量计与旋转给料器共同调节喷煤总量,控制和设备组成均较复杂,和歌山4、5高炉喷煤即为这种流程。4日本川崎流程煤粉罐、中间罐、喷吹罐三罐串接多支管喷枪;喷吹罐上出料,底部设有搅拌器并在支管出口处接人二次风(压缩空气)稀释。宝钢2高炉喷煤即属川崎流程。5卢森堡Paul Wurth流程历史上PW公司与KvTTNER公司曾有过一段较长时间的合作,因此无论新流程还是老流程,两家的差异都不大,基本上大同小异,仅在个别设备的选用上有出入。如老流程中PW用旋转给料器代替了KvTTNER的流化小罐;新流程中用声纳管代替了阻损管、用流化喷嘴代替了流化罐、增设泄压气回收装置等。武钢4、5号高炉喷煤选用的即是PW流程,已于2002年投产。6混合型流程煤粉罐、中间罐、喷吹罐三罐串接总管分配器支管喷枪;这是在上述多支管流程基础之上的一种改良流程。也可以称作混合流程。宝钢3号高炉喷煤用的即是该种流程。7英钢联粒煤喷吹流程煤粉仓、中间罐、喷煤泵三罐串接总管分配器支管喷枪;主要特点是用喷煤泵代替了传统的喷吹罐,中间罐与喷煤泵之间使用圆顶阀联接,同样条件下,喷煤泵工作压力通常小于传统喷吹罐工作压力,喷煤泵出口设有由变频电机驱动的旋转给料阀。斯肯索普安娜女王号高炉及克里夫兰4号高炉采用的即是典型的粒煤喷吹流程;其中,克里夫兰4号高炉的设计喷煤比竞高达匪夷所思的400kgt,是迄


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