附录 一PLC简介 可编程控制器是60年代末在美国首先出现的,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器PLC(Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器。以执行逻辑判断、计时、计数等顺序控制功能。提出PLC概念的是美国通用汽车公司。PLC的基本设计思想是把计算机功能完善、灵活、通用等优点和继电器控制系统的简单易懂、操作方便、价格便宜等优点结合起来,控制器的硬件是标准的、通用的。根据实际应用对象,将控制内容编成软件写入控制器的用户程序存储器内,使控制器和被控对象连接方便。 70年代中期以后,PLC已广泛地使用微处理器作为中央处理器,输入输出模块和外围电路也都采用了中、大规模甚至超大规模的集成电路,这时的PLC已不再是仅有逻辑(Logic)判断功能,还同时具有数据处理、PID调节和数据通信功能。国际电工委员会(IEC)颁布的可编程控制器标准草案中对可编程控制器作了如下的定义:可编程控制器是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。它采用了可编程序的存储器,用来在其内部存储执行逻辑运算,顺序控制、定时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并通过数字式和模拟式的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。可编程控制器及其有关外围设备,易于与工业控制系统联成一个整体,易于扩充其功能的设计。 可编程控制器对用户来说,是一种无触点设备,改变程序即可改变生产工艺。目前,可编程控制器已成为工厂自动化的强有力工具,得到了广泛的普及推广应用。 可编程控制器是面向用户的专用工业控制计算机,具有许多明显的特点。 可靠性高,抗干扰能力强; 编程直观、简单; 适应性好; 功能完善,接口功能强。 可编程逻辑控制器( PLC )的计算模块是由理查德.e.莫雷在1968年发明的,现在已广泛应用于工业中的制造系统,运输系统,化工过程控制,以及许多其他领域。PLC使用软连线逻辑或所谓的梯形图取代硬接线逻辑,采用编程语言和可视化的模拟硬接线逻辑设计,这样使的系统的配置时间从以前的6个月减少到6天。 虽然现在基于PC的控制系统已经开始进入工业控制领域,但是基于PLC的控制系统凭借其高性能,低廉的价格,优越的可靠性以及适应恶劣环境的能力,仍占领工业控制系统的大片领域。此外,一项关于PLC市场的研究报告中指出,当时的PLC硬件市场价值已超过8亿美元,并且亿年销售增长量15万美元的速度快速发展。PLC的发明者理查德.e.莫雷当时已经预言,尽管硬件价格在不断地下降,但是客观地估计PLC产业的市场价值将达到50亿美元。 虽然现在PLC已经被广泛地应用于工业领域,但是PLC控制系统的发展仍然处于不断摸索阶段。就好像软件工程一样,PLC的软件设计目前也面临着类似于软件危机一样的两难境地。莫雷用自己的一句话非常形象地说明了这个危机:“如果把一个软件项目比作一个楼房的话,那么一只啄木鸟就可以毁掉它。”尤其严重的问题是,只有不断地在实际中遇到问题,才能有效地限制程序中的错误和维护原有的梯形图程序的成本。虽然PLC的硬件成本在不断地下降,但是如何有效地减少梯形图执行的扫描时间仍然是一个问题。一般来说,PLC的生产制造的发簪速度是落后于其他领域的。例如VLSI(超大规模集成电路)的设计,就可以依靠计算机辅助设计工具,高效率地进行。但是现有的软件工程设计方法,却不一定适用于PLC的软件设计领域,因为PLC的编程需要同时考虑硬件和软件因素。因此,PLC软件设计中就被加入越来越多的主观成分。在许多工业设计项目中,在整个PLC程序系统的测试和调试人员中,有超过50%的人力是用于控制系统的设计和安装的。此外,面对日益增长的弹性的和可重塑性的需求,当前很多PLC控制系统的设计都不够适合。附录 二PLC Introduce Plc Introduction Programmable controller is the first in the late 1960s in the United States, then called Plc programmable logic controller (Programmable Logic Controller) is used to replace relays. For the implementation of the logical judgment, timing, sequence number, and other control functions. The concept is presented Plc General Motors Corporation. Plc and the basic design is the computer functional improvements, flexible, generic and other advantages and relay control system simple and easy to operate, such as the advantages of cheap prices combined controller hardware is standard and overall. According to the practical application of target software in order to control the content of the user procedures memory controller, the controller and connecting the accused convenient target. In the mid-1970s, the Plchas beenwidely used as a central processing unit microprocessor, import export module and the external circuits are used, large-scale integrated circuits even when the Plc is no longer the only logical (IC) judgment functions also have data processing, PID conditioning and data communications functions. International Electro technical Commission (IEC) standards promulgated programmable controller for programmable controller draft made the following definition: programmable controller is a digital electronic computers operating system, specifically for applications in the industrial design environment. It used programmable memory, used to implement logic in their internal storage operations, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operations, such as operating instructions, and through digital and analog input and output, the control of various types of machinery or production processes. Programmable controller and related peripherals, and industrial control systems easily linked to form a whole, to expand its functional design. Programmable controller for the user, is non-contact equipment, the procedures can be changed to change production processes. The programmable controller has become a powerful tool for factory automation, widely popular replication. Programmable controller is user-oriented industries dedicated control computer, with many distinctive features. high reliability, anti-interference capability; programming visual, simple; adaptability good; functional improvements, strong functional interface. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), a computing device invented by Richard E. Morley, have been widely used in industry including manufacturing systems, transportation systems, chemical process facilities, and many others. At that time, the PLC replaced the hardwired logic with soft-wired logic or so-called relay ladder logic (RLL), a programming language visually resembling the hardwired logic, and reduced thereby the configuration time from 6 months down to 6 days. Although PC based control has started to come into place, PLC based control will remain the technique to which the majority of industrial applications will adhere due to its higher performance, lower price, and superior reliability in harsh environments. Moreover, according to a study on the PLC market of Frost and Sullivan, an increase of the annual sales volume to 15 million PLCs per year with the hardware value of more than 8 billion US dollars has been predicted, though the prices of computing hardware is steadily dropping. The inventor of the PLC, Richard E Morley, fairly considers the PLC market as a 5-billion industry at the present time. Though PLCs are widely used in industrial practice, the programming of PLC based control systems is still very much relying on trial-and-error. Alike software engineering, PLC software design is facing the software dilemma or crisis in a similar way. Morley himself emphasized this aspect most forcefully by indicating: If houses were built like software projects, a single woodpecker could destroy civilization.” Particularly, practical problems in PLC programming are to eliminate software bugs and to reduce the maintenance costs of old ladder logic programs. Though the hardware costs of PLCs are dropping continuously, reducing the scan time of the ladder logic is still an issue in industry so that low-cost PLCs can be used. In general, the productivity in generating PLC is far behind compared to other domains, for instance, VLSI design, where efficient computer aided design tools are in practice. Existent software engineering methodologies are not necessarily applicable to the PLC based software design because PLC-programming requires a simultaneous consideration of hardware and software. The software design becomes, thereby, more and more the major cost driver. In many industrial design projects, more than 50% of the manpower allocated for the control system design and installation is scheduled for testing and debugging PLC programs. In addition, current PLC based control systems are not properly designed to support the growing demand for flexibility and reconfigurability of manufacturing systems.