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    HUAIYIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYHYIT SCHOOL SINGAPORE JOINT PROGRAM-&-HIGHER DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER STUDIESPROJECT 2010(TEAM PROJECT)ONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM OF HUAIAN SANLIAN FOR HITBASIC KNOWLEDGEGROUP 9SUPERVISOR: MSC. ZHOU HONGPARTICIPANTS:QIN LEIREGNO: 2102-021-0061ZHOU CHAOREGNO: 2102-021-0040Copyright® Genetic Computer School, SingaporeHuaian,Jiangsu, China May 2010ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThrough the joint efforts of our team members and under the guidance of our supervisor MSC. Zhou Hong, the Online Book Sales System of Huai'an SanLian Bookshop achieved the expected results.When we design online book sales system, through our team members and teacher MSC.Zhou Hong to help ,After the feasibility of the system analysis, requirements analysis, outline design, detailed design and post-commissioning. Finally completed the system design and development.Here, We first want to thank our supervisor MSC.Zhou Hong, for her development of the whole process in the system give us valuable advice and guidance given to the patient. During system development, MSC.Zhou Hong at each stage in system design and development of innovative ideas and give their views, according to MSC.Zhou Hong design ideas, not only to perfect the functions of the system, but also to we are constantly learning system design exploration, gained more knowledge.At the same time, we would also like to thank the same group of students is our efforts that makes the system more humane interface, features more perfect.Finally, we would like to thank my alma mater, Huaiyin Institute of Technology provides a relaxed room environment so that I can win this graduation.Once again, We sincerely thank all for giving me help and support of teachers and friends!Thank you.Qin LeiZhou ChaoTables of ContentsONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM REGULATION4CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION61.1 Background of System Development71.2 Domestic and Foreign Research Present Situations71.3 Infrastructure81.4 Schedule of Project81.5 Method of Investigation9CHAPTER 2: INTRODUTION TO TECHNOLOGIES102.1 Programming Language102.2 Visual Studio 2008112.2.1 C#112.2.2 ASP.Net122.2.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2005122.2.4 .NetFramework2.0122.2.5 Internet Information Services 6.0(IIS6.0)132.2.6 Based On B/S Architecture132.2.7 AJAX14CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM ANALYSIS153.1 System Requirement Analysis163.2 Function Requirement Analysis173.3 Data Flow Diagram193.3.1 DFD of System203.3.1 DFD of Online Book Sales System213.3.2 DFD of “Background System”223.3.3 DFD of “User Management”233.3.4 DFD of “View Book”243.3.5 DFD of “Shopping”253.3.6 DFD of “Modify User Info”263.3.7 DFD of “View Book Details”273.2.8 DFD OF “System User Management”293.2.9 DFD OF “User List”293.2.10 DFD OF “Book Management”303.2.11 DFD OF “Modify Book Info”313.2.12 DFD OF “Order Management”33CHAPTER 4: SYSTEM DESIGN354.1 Database Design354.1.1 Key Fields354.1.2 Normalization354.2 ERD364.2.1Data Dictionary384.2.2 Table of database394.3 Interface of System414.4 Flow Chat for Design in System414.4.1 Flow Chat for Design in Online Book Sales System424.4.2 Flow Chat for Design in User Register424.4.3 Flow Chat for Design in User Login434.4.4 Flow Chat for Design in Search Books434.4.5 Flow Chat for Design in Forget Password444.4.6 Flow Chat for Design in Modify Password444.4.7 Flow Chat for Design in Online Book Sales Management System454.4.8 Flow Chat for Design in Admin Login454.4.9 Flow Chat for Design in Add User454.4.10 Flow Chat for Design in System User Password Modify464.4.11 Flow Chat for Design in Edit System User Information474.4.12 Flow Chat for Design in Add New Book474.4.13 Flow Chat for Design in Add New Book Category484.4.14 Flow Chat for Design in Order Management49CONCLUSION50REFERENCES51ONLINE BOOK SALES SYSTEM REGULATION1. GENERAL 2. ADMISSION. 3. HOURS OF OPENING4.CONDUCT IN THE BOOKSHOPPREAMBLE: OBS, the Bookstore for the modernization of the foundation is the necessary mesans which to improve the Bookstore's management, business operations efficiency, health level and service quality.In today's society, the computer is already used widely in the bookstore for management aspect. Online Book Sales System has become the essential operations infrastructure and technical support environment of a modern bookstore. Online Book Sales System can solve the problem of inefficient, which makes the management system to have a broad market prospect.The rules of the bookstore are designed to manage and support the bookstore's objectives.1 GENERALThe function of Online Book Sales systems which to basic implementation of administrators, and other basic information to add, delete, and modify. With the current computer technology and the rapid development of network communication techniques, computer-based bookstore foundation information management and traditional bookstore management are significantly different. The different carrier: Traditional management form is passed with the paper to administrators and other information, such as title, author, publishers, etc.,this information is for consumers to paper filing insurance; modern bookstore computer information network management system is to pass through a computer network, save information, and all data is saved in the form of electronic information. The shared information:Using paper to transfer,and storeing information, can not achieve a wide range of real-time information sharing, information transfer, access, statistics and low efficiency, accuracy poor; by computer, all the information to electronic information is stored, so that information can be in the larger within the fast, accurate share.2 ADMISSION2.1 Basic Information Maintenance Module: it only allows an operator to access.2.2 Book number Information Management Module: it only allows an operator to access.2.3 Book title Information Management Module: it only allows an operator to access.2.4 Book serial number Information Management Module: it only allows an operator to access.3 HOURS OF OPENINGWith access all day4 CONDUCT IN THE BOOKSTORE4.1 Billing staff will refund and void bills checked a follow on money handed a teller.4.2 Working hours had to be allowed to post absents, instead of by others as the billing member otherwise tracing process.4.3 Be alert to improve preparedness, do people away from the lock, and locking, pay attention to safety. No entry for non-operators, and non-visitors as well as non-smoking.Chapter 1introductionCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of System DevelopmentShopping online can be regarded as a part of electronic commerce (E-commerce). In a broad sense, E-commerce is a kind of technology based on modern information and network, which combines commodities, finance, and information electronic management together. It is a new trade pattern aiming to realize the unification of material flow, cash flow and information flow, which is the electrification and networking of trading activities on the entire trading process.Shopping online has already come into fashion, which provides the possibility of buying anything we want without going out. Therefore, it gains an increasing acceptance and recognition among consumers, especially the young in the network age. Of course, the successful e-commerce cant be achieved simply by programming. It is not only linked with financial systems closely, but also need perfect logistic systems as support. In addition, it is important to have a good reputation, massive publicity in advance. There are many successful online shopping websites like alibaba, which is a good example for us in every aspect.Book Sales Website is the product of the development of internet and e-commerce. With rapid development of science and technology, internet has become a means of mass-media communication by ordinary citizens, while in the past only a few scientists accessed it. With an increasing improvement of quality of entire people and scientific and technological levels, knowledge has updated more and more rapidly. People may be eliminated at any time. In order not to be eliminated by society and advance with the times, we must keep reading to learn more. As 21 century is an era of network and information, time is very precious. For various reasons, people have no time to bookstore and have no idea to which bookstore to find the books they need. Meanwhile, the traditional bookstore managers cant attract people to them to find appropriate books. The obstacles of information exchange between buyers and sellers have become the driving force of the development in online bookstore websites.1.2 Domestic and Foreign Research Situations NowadaysOn-line sells book this is the inevitable request when the information society develops. The development of network technique causes many specialized online bookstores to emerge. The online books sale system is one of online systems which are widespread used now. Overseas, online bookstores are started early and are also developed very swift. In 1991, American On-line Company (AOL) the network establishes the bookstore " reads the US " the first online bookstore in the world. In 1994 Buzau Si in the Seattle tenable Amazon Online Bookstore, has become the global most greatly online bookstore now, 2006 customer total is 8,500,000, the sales volume amounts to 2,010,000,000 US dollars, controls the American 90% online bookstores to sell the market. The Amazon Online Bookstore's success has had an enormous influence on the books sale domain. Compared to overseas, the domestic online bookstores are started late, and developed relative slowly. Until about 2000, China had introduced the online bookstore one kind of B2C electronic commerce pattern. 2008, an investigation of company AC Nielsen demonstrated: 63% Chinese web cams once on-line shopping, but 56% on-line purchasers once on-line purchase books, obviously this time the books have become one which on-line commodities most receives welcome. In recent years, the domestic online bookstore became mature day by day, for example most receives which in the home welcome a ding-dong net online bookstores, presently the online supply's books booklist type already has achieved 20 ten thousand kinds, occupies mainland China to be possible to supply the book market 90%. Compared to various provinces in China, Jiangsu Province's online bookstore develops well. The bookstore like the Xinhua Bookstore, the Jiangsu education bookstore, Jiangsu from tested the bookstore and so on all open the online bookstore. But in Jiangsu Province, online bookstores in the southern area are developed quicker than that in northern area. For instance in Huaian, the northern area of Jiangsu, only the large-scale bookstore like Xinhua Bookstore has own online sell system. But the marketing channel of the middle and small scale bookstore like San Lian bookstore is still limited to the entity shop and the channel for online sales is waitting for develop.1.3 InfrastructurePurpose of the Online Book Sales System of Huaian SanLian Bookshop is to set up a channel of information. Because the system runs on the Internet environment so both the suppliers and the operators must have a computer that connects directly to the Internet.1.4 Schedule of Project1.5 Method of InvestigationThe using of some methods for investigation is the first work before analyzing and designing programming. Although interviewing is the most commonly used, the others are also valuable and effective techniques for requirement determination. We used the data collection method.We collected, obtained copies of the actual forms and operating documents that are currently used in the system as: information and images about products, and so on.Chapter 2introduction to technologiesCHAPTER 2: INTRODUTION TO TECHNOLOGIES2.1 Programming LanguageToday, with the development of information technology, computer plays an important role in the technological science revolution. Computer brings to people interesting programs which can apply for education, entertainment and many other areas. And people can ask computer to execute something for them by creating programs. Certainly, the ability of us could not solve billions of complex digits and sort them in the particular orders, so to make programs more easily, more efficiently. In this project we are use some technologies include:2.2 Visual Studio 2008Visual Studio is a complete set of development tools that are used to generate ASP.Net Web applications, XML Web services, desktop applications, and mobile applications. Visual Basic, Visual C +, Visual c #, and Visual J # are all used for the same integrated development environment (IDE), you can share the tools and help to create mixed-language solutions. In addition, these languages leverage the functionality of the .NET Framework, which can be used to simplify the ASP Web applications and XML Web services technologies. In 2005, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2005. The word of .NET from a variety of language names in smears, but this version of Visual Studio is still targeting the .NET Framework (version 2.0). It should also be able to develop cross-platform applications, such as the development of mobile operating system with Microsoft programs, etc.2.3 C#C # is a Microsoft released an object-oriented, run on the .NET Framework's advanced programming language. C # and Java have look surprisingly similar; it includes such single-inheritance, interfaces, and almost the same syntax to Java and compiled into the intermediate code and then run the process. But C # and Java have very different, it draws on a feature of Delphi, and COM (component object model) is directly integrated and it is the Microsoft .NET Framework on a Windows network. C # is a secure, stable, simple, elegant, by c and c+ derived object-oriented programming language. C #, a combination of simple Visual manipulation VB and c+ high running efficiency, with its powerful operational capabilities, an elegant syntax style, innovative language features and convenient component-oriented programming support has become the preferred language of .NET development. C # seemingly based on C + +, but also into other languages such as Pascal, Java, VB, etc.2.4 ASP.NetASP.NET is a web application framework marketed by Microsoft. Programmers can use it to build dynamic web sites, web applications and XML web services. It is part of Microsoft's .NET platform and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages


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