110kv变电站设计 的外文翻译.doc
学校代码:11517 学 号:201050712103 HENAN INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 文献翻译 题 目 110kv变电站设计 学生姓名 褚帅峰 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化1021班 学 号 201050712103 系 (部) 电气信息工程系 指导教师(职称) 任鹏飞 完成时间 2012年 2月 18日 一种实用的输配电系统的维护优化计划Sohrab Asgarpoor Mohamad Doghman Department of Electrical Engineering Principal Research Engineer University of Nebraska-Lincoln Omaha Public Power Distric摘要:今天,维护和/或提高系统的可靠性和降低运营和维护(OM)成本是电力的首要任务。由于系统设备继续老化,并逐渐恶化,由于组件故障增加的服务中断的概率。一个有效的维护策略是在提供安全可靠的电力客户经济所必需的。本文的目的是提供一个预测,条件为基础的框架,且成本有效的维护,输电和配电系统的优化方案。 引言原则上,提高系统的可靠性和降低运营和维护(OM)成本是电力的重中之重。在竞争日益激烈的电力输送环境,电力公司被迫申请实用资产管理更加积极主动的方法。的电力交货资产管理的主要组成部分之一,是资本预算和现有设施的OM。由于在许多情况下,建设和设备采购的成本是固定的,澳M的支出为削减成本和潜在的储蓄的主要候选人。由于系统设备继续老化,并逐渐恶化,由于组件故障增加的服务中断的概率。电力公司都面临着许多挑战,在这种竞争的新时代:上升的OM成本,系统上的需求不断增长,保持高可靠性和电能质量水平和管理设备老化。因此,健康的设备是由设备条件的影响,因为收入行业至关重要。当需求高和设备的工作秩序,丰厚的收入可以实现的。相反,不健康的设备可能会导致服务中断,顾客不满,善意的损失,并最终失去客户。提供安全可靠的电力客户经济有效的维护策略是必不可少的。前二战时期期间,产业是不是非常高度机械化,因此停机时间的影响并不十分显著。此外,设备简单容易解决,公司的表现主要是纠正性维护(CM)。邮政第二次世界大战期间,直到20世纪70年代中期的时代,提高机械化导致更纷繁复杂的设备。公司已开始大量依靠此设备。这种依赖导致的预防性维护(PM)的概念。下午,在1960年,主要包括在固定的时间间隔进行设备大修。此外,这台设备的成本增加,导致管理开始寻找方法来提高这些资产的生命。最新的时代开始了与中航工业在早期到1970年代中期。在想,以确保设备持续尽可能长的正确和经营的企业造成新的高度机械化设备的巨额费用。这个时代,也标志着在提高安全意识(尤其是在航空业)和环境后果。越来越多,发生故障的安全或环境的危害。所有这一切导致的维修费用的增加。在某些行业,维护成本代表的第二个最高甚至经营成本最高的组件。维护策略在一般情况下,维护计划或无计划.纠正性维修是一种被动的战略,这是无计划和故障发生后,正在开展。我们的目的是恢复一个项目到一个国家能够履行其所需的功能。计划中的维护策略在本质上是积极的,可分为两组:预防和状态监测。有时也被称为预定的预防性维护,定期进行维护。这个类别下,可以选择有四个基本任务:时间导演的任务涉及到的操作数,工作时间,或季节性变化。b)未能发现是用于识别设备故障不属于明显的经营人员(隐性故障)。通常用于保护设备。C)条件导演适用的情况时,设备条件达到了一个极限,或者续令人满意操作时不能保证。它可以防止早期失效,成为真正的失败。D)运行故障是一个选择的选项,只有在不能确定的事件,技术上是正确的,符合成本效益的任务。当它认为有必要的基础上定期检查,诊断测试或其他状态监测手段,进行了预测性维修(PDM)。状态监测是用来预测设备故障监测或诊断活动。4。以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)在20世纪60年代末,中航工业在生产第一“的大型喷气式客机”的边缘。新747的三倍大小ofany目前在空气中的其他客机。 747,新的发动机,其结构,航空电子设备,并像所有联邦航空管理局(FAA)最初采取的立场,即747预防性维护将是非常广泛的,很多技术进步公认的大小 - 如此广泛,事实上,航空公司不可能在一个有利可图的方式经营这架飞机。这个问题导致飞机制造业完全重新评估它的PM计划。是什么导致这方面的努力是一种全新的方式,聘请排名PM任务,必要时要保留的关键飞机飞行3功能决定树的过程。这项新技术,最终由美国联邦航空局的批准,不久发展到什么是已知的可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)的。德盛导致主要劳动力,原材料成本和库存成本降低航空业使用。此外,它适用于在1980年的核电产业。今天,RCM是许多行业,包括电力行业选择的维修技术。优点是能够与制造商合作,创建一个为新一代设备的RCM方案不同的是航空业,公用事业行业,尤其是发电行业,已采取作为一个历史悠久的修改德盛现有电厂的维修方法4 。尽管在“中游”德盛计划的实施有关的费用,他们已经发现自己在很短的时间内支付。 RCM,已被主要应用于核电厂,往往需要最大的维修量,因为安全和环境方面的考虑。然而,这些成功的方案现在经营,化石发电厂和输电和配电系统,最近已进入混合。因为这些设施都面临着一个不太严格的监管环境,他们应该能够直接适用简化RCM的形式更容易,从而降低了实施成本。 改造维修方案的第一步是要落实在RCM的方法whichwill帮助建立一个新的方案的优先次序。具体来说,RCM是一套旨在帮助一个实用程序来确定一套最低限度的预防性维修任务,要妥善处理关键设备故障不影响服务的可靠性的方法和工具。 RCM是一种结构化的过程,在一个特定的经营环境,以确定最佳的设备维护要求。它结合了纠正性维护,预防性维护和预测性维护策略,并适用于这些策略是适当的,其中每个功能失败的后果和频率的基础上。这种结合产生的维修计划,优化可靠性和成本效益。对于重大件设备,电力变压器,如RCM可能表明,预测性维修是一个有吸引力的选择,传感器和诊断技术和运行设备故障增加了成本的降低成本。 RCM是一个基于条件的维护计划,重点是防止有可能是最严重的失败。 RCM和预测维修(PDM)的分析相得益彰,当它们同时执行,维护优化提供了一个极好的方法。在过去的几年中,监测设备市场上的成熟,电子和计算机的价格下降了现场监测应用具有成本效益的现实。可以很容易解释的基本概念和基本原则的RCM。其主要方法可以归结为以下四点:1)保护系统功能2)确定主要失效模式3)优先功能的需求,使预算可以集中保存最关键的功能4)选择只适用和有效的维护任务RCM的一些好处是:1)减少主要整改措施2)消除不必要的大修和日常工作提供一点好处3)优化的频率所需的大修4)提高预测技术的使用,帮助与资源规划5)减少使用侵入性的任务,可诱发设备故障6)提高日常工作的成本效益7)创建记录的维修方案的技术基础8)允许纳入现有的维护,已被证明是具有成本效益的做法,容易实施9)过程的知识,通信和团队精神正在开发廉价的固态传感器,例如,可以插在变压器油检测的保温开始恶化时,产生的气体的存在。一旦信息变得可预测性维护技术,它需要与来自全国各地电力网络,并从历史记录上线的数据集成。5。新技术 有许多技术可用的今天,一些新的方法正在调查,以确定设备状态5。以下仅仅是用于监测电力传输设备的几个应用程序: 超声波噪声分析局部放电检测该技术采用电传感器检测绝缘子和终止,如电气设备的初始绝缘击穿。局部放电检测是用来检测重大损害发生前的早期故障。变压器油天然气分析这是必要的,以保持变压器上线尽可能。异常的指标之一是在变压器油中溶解气体的含量。某些气体含量可以表明老化,需要维修,或潜在的故障。红外热成像热调查涉及红外摄像机的使用在电厂使用的大型电机检测热点。声音强度测量声强计需要找出潜在的问题,在设备和录制的声音和输出设备的历史变迁 对于输电和配电系统,如变压器故障气体分析仪的传感器可能被证明是有益的。此设备提供实时测量变压器故障电流的四个关键气体:一氧化碳,氢气,乙炔和乙烯。下一步是把一个额外的传感器检测水分的存在,从而可降低介电强度和导致失败。这将被用来测量变压器负载,使负载的功能特点,演化的关键气体和水分可以作为与其他设备。随着湿度传感器和负载电流监视器,我们可以开发加载压力条件下的变压器,而不是依靠现在提供了过于保守的评级准确的标准。6.拟议的综合方法输电和配电系统的集成方法,将确保导致为一个特定的负载设备或子系统,在各部门的维修水平将得到统一和一致,从而提升和优化维修过程。为了建立一个维修方案,RCM过程大概需要是驱动点。图2显示为维护优化方案需要不同的策略。经典的RCM过程包括识别系统进行研究,他们的功能,功能故障,故障模式,故障原因,维修任务选择。 需要确定设备最关键部分,从而影响系统的整体功能。换句话说,我们需要识别设备时失败的严重后果。此外,关键客户和领先的负载设备需要确定。影响这些客户的所有设备都需要进行分析,并应确定设备的最关键部分。我们还需要了解客户在可靠性,安全性,电能质量,成本等方面的需要,这些属性必须加权,以确定最佳的维护策略与这些客户打交道。 为了优化公用事业维修计划,所有相关信息,必须使用最有效的启动,计划,跟踪,记录,分析维护任务。一个开放的通讯协议,使各种监控设备(不管制造商)与utilityoffices,互相交谈,并与控制中心,最适合电力的需求,通过整合各种数据源和其他软件模块。 目前,许多大型公用事业机构执行一些诊断测试设备。许多电脑他们的维修工作,包括保留维护的历史,记录重要的业务活动,维护设备的设计资料库管理功能。适当的沟通,整合和分析所有这些信息将导致更准确的建议,关于何时执行维护和/或特定的设备如何操作。在同行业中的一个典型的问题是,在次,收集大量的数据,但它没有集成和处理方便快速评估。无法在此结果使直接Mrecommendations的,而未能提供成本效益可能已经实现,therebyadding数据收集的成本。 其他,可能有助于维护改善的因素是:保持设备的健康廉价的传感器技术和有效的诊断中的应用;数据从多种分析和决策的来源协调;横跨和变电站的信息有效的交流制度;和经验池的训练有素的专业人员。应编制管理工作人员和硬件/软件的投资,积极管理维护计划。一个团队的方式到德盛必须保留和RCM的概念,必须在组织所接受。 为了使用适当的软件和硬件,教育和培训工作应该是这一进程的一个组成部分。必须保证实用的维修方案和工作经验的工作人员所需的工具的基本知识的理解。维持一个成功的维修计划的关键是发展进程的很长一段时间,这将确保维护计划的延续。这是必要的定期审查和更新维护方案,使用结构化的方法。7。结论 今天,降低运营和维护成本和维护服务的可靠性,实用输电和配电系统的管理者的首要任务。 RCM的概念是健全的,应提供一个结构化的方法与维修维护和可靠性改进的成本之间的最佳平衡方案的事业。 RCM和PDM分析相得益彰,并同时进行时,提供一个很好的方法来维护的优化。参考文献1 G. J. Anders, Probability Concepts in Electric Power Systems, 1990, John Wiley & Sons. 2 J. Moubray, Reliability-Centered Maintenance, Industrial Press Inc., 1992. 3 A. M. Smith, Reliability-Centered Maintenance, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1993. 4 S. Asgarpoor and C. Singh, “Methods for Detection of Equipment Aging and Incorporating it in the Reliability Analysis”, Proceedings of NSF Symposium on Electric Power Systems Infrastructure, Pullman, WA, October 1994. 5 J. Douglas, “The Maintenance Revolution”, EPRI Journal, Vol. 20, No. 3, May/June 1995, pp. 6-15.A Maintenance Optimization Program for Utilities Transmission and Distribution Systems Sohrab Asgarpoor Mohamad Doghman Department of Electrical Engineering Principal Research Engineer University of Nebraska-Lincoln Omaha Public Power Distric ABSTRACT: Today, preserving and/or enhancing system reliability and reducing operations and maintenance (O&M) costs are top priorities for electric utilities. As system equipment continue to age and gradually deteriorate, the probability of service interruption due to component failure increases. An effective maintenance strategy is essential in delivering safe and reliable electric power to customers economically. The objective of this paper is to provide a framework for a predictive, condition-based, and cost effective maintenance optimization program for transmission and distribution systems. 1. INTRODUCTION In principle, improving system reliability and reducing Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs are top priorities of electric utilities. In an increasingly competitive power delivery environment, electric utilities are forced to apply more proactive methods of utility asset management. One of the main components of electric power delivery asset management is the capital budgeting and O&M of existing facilities. Since in many cases the cost of construction and equipment purchases are fixed, O&M expenditures is the primary candidate for cost cutting and potential savings. As system equipment continue to age and gradually deteriorate, the probability of service interruption due to component failure increases. Electric utilities are confronted with many challenges in this new era of competition: rising O&M costs, growing demand on systems, maintaining high levels of reliability and power quality, and managing equipment aging. Therefore, the health of equipment is of utmost importance to the industry because revenues are affected by the condition of equipment. When demand is high and equipment is in working order, substantial revenues can be realized. On the contrary, unhealthy equipment can result in service interruption, customer dissatisfaction, loss of good will, and eventual loss of customers. An effective maintenance strategy is essential to delivering safe and reliable electric power to customers economically.2.MAINTENANCE During the Pre-World War II era, industry was not very highly mechanized, therefore the impact of down time was not very significant 2. Also, equipment was simpler which made it easy to fix, and companies performed mainly Corrective Maintenance (CM). During the Post-World War II until the mid 1970s era, increased mechanization led to more numerous and complex equipment. Companies were beginning to rely heavily on this equipment. This dependence led to the concept of Preventive Maintenance (PM). In the 1960s, PM consisted mainly of equipment overhauls done at fixed intervals. Also, the increased costs of this equipment led management to start finding ways to increase the life of these assets. The latest era began with the aircraft industry in the early to mid 1970s. The huge costs of new highly-mechanized equipment resulted in companies wanting to ensure that equipment lasted and operated correctly for as long as possible. This era also marked an increased awareness in safety (especially in the airline industry) and environmental consequences. Increasingly, occurrence of failures represent safety or environmental hazards. All of this has led to an increase in the cost of maintenance. In some industries, maintenance costs represent the second highest or even the highest component of operating costs.3.MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES In general, maintenance is either planned or unplanned as shown in Figure 1. Corrective maintenance is a reactive strategy which is unplanned and is carried out after failure has occurred. The intention is to restore an item to a state that can perform its required function. Planned maintenance strategies are proactive in nature and can be divided into two groups: Preventive and Condition Monitoring. Preventive maintenance which is sometimes called scheduled, is a maintenance carried out at regular intervals. There are four basic tasks that can be selected under this category:Time Directed task involves number of operations, operating hours, or seasonal change.Failure Finding is for identifying equipment failure that are not evident to the operating crew (hidden failures). Usually used for protective equipment. Condition Directed applies to the situation when the condition of equipment reaches a limit, or when continued satisfactory operation can not be ensured. It prevents incipient failure from becoming real failure. Run To Failure is an option that is selected only in the event that a technically correct and cost-effective task can not be identified. Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is carried out when it is deemed necessary, based on periodic inspections, diagnostic tests or other means of condition monitoring. Condition Monitoring is the monitoring or diagnostic activity that is used to predict equipment failure. 4.RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE (RCM) During the late 1960s, the aircraft industry was on the verge of manufacturing the first “jumbo jets”. The new 747s were three times the size ofany other passenger jets currently in the air. The recognized size of the 747, its new engines, and its many technology advances in structures, avionics, and the like, all led to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to initially take the position that preventive maintenance on the 747 would be very extensive so extensive, in fact, that the airlines could not likely operate this airplane in a profitable fashion. This problem led the aircraft industry to completely reevaluate its PM program. What resulted from this effort was a whole new approach that employed a decision-tree process for ranking PM tasks that were necessary to preserve critical aircraft functions during flight 3. This new technique was eventually approved by the FAA and soon thereafter evolved into what is known as Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). RCM used by the airline industry led to major reduction in labor, material cost and inventory cost. Further it applied to nuclear power industry in the 1980s. Today, RCM is the maintenance technique of choice for many industries including power industries. Unlike the airline industry which had the advantage of being able to work with manufacturers to create an RCM program for a new generation of equipment, the utility industry, especially the electric power generation industry, has had to adopt RCM as a modification of long-established maintenance practices at existing plants 4. Despite the costs associated with the implementation of these RCM programs in “midstream”, they have been found to pay for themselves in very short order. RCM, as has been mainly applied to nuclear power plants, often requires the largest amount of maintenance because of safety and environmental considerations. However, with these successful programs now operating, fossil power plants and power transmission and distribution systems have recently been getting into the mix. Because these facilities face a less restrictive regulatory environment, they should be able to directly apply the streamlines forms of RCM much more easily, thus reducing the implementation costs. The first step in revamping a maintenance program is to implement an RCM approach whichwill help establish priorities for a new program. Specifically, RCM is a set of methods and tools aimed at helping a utility to determine the minimum set of preventive maintenance tasks necessary to appropriately address critical equipment failures without compromising service reliability. RCM is a structured process used to determine optimal maintenance requirements for equipment in a particular operating environment. It combines the strategies of corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance, and applies these strategies where each is appropriate, based on the consequence and frequency of functional failures. This combination produces a maintenance program which optimizes both reliability and cost effectiveness. For major pieces of equipment, such as power transformers, RCM may indicate that predictive maintenance is an attractive option, given the decreasing cost of sensor and diagnostic technology and the increasing cost of running the equipment to failure. RCM is a condition-based maintenance program that focuses on preventing failures that are likely to be the most serious. RCM and Predictive Maintenance (PdM) analyses complement each other, and when they are performed concurrently, offer an excellent approach to maintenance optimization. In the last few years, the sophistication of monitoring equipment on the market and the falling price of electronics and computers have made the on-site monitoring applications a cost effective reality. The very basic concepts and underlying principles of the RCM can