本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语教育 班级 XXX班 学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目:论卡斯特桥市长中亨察德和法尔弗雷的对比学 院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: X班 学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称: XX1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文研究目标是探讨小说卡斯特桥市长中两位主人公亨查德和法尔弗雷的性格特点。主要任务是分析其生活观、事业观的不同。 2、 论文(设计)的主要内容论文分为四章。第一章探究两位主人公性格的相似之处,第二章研究其生活观的不同,第三章分析其事业观的不同,第四章归纳其最终命运的不同。3、 论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线论文的基础条件是两位主人公的成长环境和教育背景有着天壤之别,从而导致最终命运的大相径庭。研究路线是根据两位主人公对日常生活中态度的不同,总结出其生活观和价值观的不同。4、 主要参考文献Ibsen,Henrik. A Dolls House. New York : Modern Library College Editions, 1982.Philip Rice, Patricia Waugh. Modern Literary Theory. London: Arnold, 2011.Du, Xiuhon. 2011. “Contrast between Henchard and Farfrae”. Foreign Language Teaching Methods No. 12, 45-6.聂珍钊. 文学伦理学批评及其它:聂珍钊自选集. 武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2012伊格尔顿. 二十世纪西方文学理论.北京:北京大学出版社,2007詹姆逊.论文化研究.北京:中国人民大学出版社,20045、 计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,提出初步要求3月23日前3提交论文提纲3月30日前4交初稿和文献综述4月20日前5交终稿和评议书5月8号指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXXX届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目论卡斯特桥市长中亨察德和法尔弗雷的对比指导教师XXX专业职称XX所属教研室高年级教研室研究方向英语语言文学课题论证:从对待生活,事业,爱情等角度研究两位主人公态度的不同,导致其最终命运的不同。方案设计:第一章探究两位主人公性格的相似之处,第二章研究其生活观的不同,第三章分析其事业观的不同,第四章归纳其最终命运的不同。进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目3月23日前与导师见面,确定大致范围,提出初步要求3月30日前提交论文提纲4月20日前交初稿和文献综述5月8号交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literary reviewsThe novel The Mayor of Casterbridge , written by Thomas Hardy, relates the rise and fall of Henchard, who became an honorable mayor from a humble hay-trusser. But after Farfrae, a passionate and intelligent young man with plenty of fresh ideas, came into his life, his career began to decline gradually. In the end, he lost the position of the mayor, and died in misery. On the contrary, all the glories and achievements swarmed to Farfrae. The story took place when England was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution, which marked a new era in English history. Almost every aspect of the daily life was affected. The book is one of Hardys Wessex novels, which are also regarded as novels of character and environment. Wessex novels are known for the vivid description of the unexpected change of life of the people who live in an agricultural setting threatened by the storm of the invading capitalism. In this thesis, the tension between tradition and innovation is clearly reflected through the conflict between the two mayors, Donald Farfrae and Michael Henchard. They had such a different destiny. According to their different fates, thesises from home and abroad give so many explanations. In terms of the Thomas Hardy, he saw the tremendous changes influenced by the Capitalism in his own very eyes. Through he was a modern, even a revolutionary writer in his time, most of his read him now as a lyrical pastoralist. It may be a sign of the times that some of us take his books to bed, as if even his pessimistic vision was one that enabled us to sleep soundly. Hardy often said: “Happiness is nothing more than occasional episode drama in pain”. His pessimism towards life can be tracked back to his attitude to the change of current society. Although he knows clearly that he can not alter this historical course, he doesnt want to accept that in his inner heart. But, the fact is that, he has to. Considering the love and sentimentality to his hometown, he created the pessimism image-Henchard. No matter how much he cherishes his hometown, it is true that the peaceful and pastoral countryside can not resist the invasion of Capitalism. That is to say, Henchard can not adapt to the new environment. On the contrary, Farfrae, a young man from Scotland with new thoughts, will win.Once mentioning the name of the book The Mayor of Casterbridge, most people will think the mayor only refers to Henchard. Because the whole novel describes the rise and fall of the man Henchard, including his humble birth, the mistakes he made when he was young, the measures he took when he was in change of the corn management, etc. In the beginning of the story, a vulgar mans selling his wife opens the prelude of the scene. People begin to keep a watchful eye on the mans succeeding stories. In the end, readers feel sorry for the mans miserable destiny. Therefore, from the beginning to the end, people give more concern to Henchard than other actors of the novel. Whats more the subtitle of the novel is A Man of Chacter. However, if the mayor only refers to Henchard , what about Farfrae? Later he takes Henchards place and becomes the mayor. So it is wrong to assert that Henchard is the protagonist. In fact the “mayor” is the combination of Henchard and Farfrae. That can be deduced from Hardys attitude towards the society. In other words, Henchard and Farfrae right represent two sides of Hardys mind.Many scholars give their analysis in terms of Henchards failure. “Character is Fate, said Novis, and Farfraes character was just the reverse of Henchards, who might not inaptly be described as Faust has been describedas a vehement gloomy being who had quitted the ways of vulgar men without light to guide him on a better way. Throughout the novel, his changeable temper made him into fierce competitions with Farfrae, who stripped him of his pride and poverty. And his insecurities led him to deceive the people who really loved him. Still, people think he is a worthy man, a “Man of Character”. The reason lies in his determination to suffer and in his ability to endure great pain. In a world that seems guided by the “scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing human beings, there can be no more honorable and more righteous characteristic than Henchards brand of defiant endurance. In many aspects, Farfrae is opposite to him. Farfrae has good humor, efficient business, polish behaviors, all of which make him extremely popular among the towns citizens. However, it is theses qualities that eventually make him Henchards rival. All the time, Farfrae remains patient, fair-minded, and generous in the matters with the ruined Henchard.Another saying about Henchards failure lies in Hardys pessimism towards life. As an outstanding realistic critic, Hardy reveals the sin hidden in the false prosperity and the suffering of people in the Victorian Age through his particular angle and sharp eyes. He uncovered the hard life under the Capitalism. Since he had seen the dark side of the society and the desperation towards reality, he sensed the corruption of Capitalist, realized the hardship and helplessness of people, and revealed them deeply. For him, fate is governed by a kind of mysterious force. People can never control his own destiny, except to march by the track devised already. This thought is reflected in his works. Therefore his works are filled with pessimism. Hardy has an observing eye, a remembering mind; he does not need the Greeks to teach him that the Furies do arrive punctually, and that neither act, not will, nor intention will serve to deflect a mans destiny from him, once he has taken the step which decides it.XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XXX学院XXX学院专业英语教育年级(班)XXXX级英教X班论 文 题 目论卡斯特桥市长中亨察德和法尔弗雷的对比完成时间XXXX年5月8号论文内容摘要卡斯特桥市长,副标题是一个人性格的生与死,它是托马斯·哈代在1886年完成的一部悲剧小说,属于威塞克斯小说的一种。威塞克斯小说主要描述资本主义的盛行给英格兰的社会,经济,政治领域带来的意想不到的巨大变化。这篇故事的发生背景是迈克尔·亨查德统治下的卡斯特桥,在亨查德的领导下,卡斯特桥位置偏远,远离科学技术的进步。但是当及热情,智慧和新思想于一身的新青年唐纳德·法尔弗雷出现时,形势就发生了变化。小说卡斯特桥市长向我们展示了亨查德和法尔弗雷之间复杂和激烈的竞争。他们经营着相同的生意谷物。他们爱上了同一个女人露西塔。逐渐地,他们之间的紧张关系愈发严重。根据哈代 “性格决定命运”说,很明显,法尔弗雷将赢得市长的位置。本篇论文解释了他们的最终命运差别如此巨大的原因,主要采用对比和对照的方法。第一章讲述了两位主人公的性格,包括相同点和不同点。第二章探讨他们个人生活观的不同,呈现了他们对待婚姻和人际关系的不同。第三章研究他们事业观的不同。通过以上论述,读者将会意识到亨查德注定要被法尔弗雷击败。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日 本科生毕业论文设计 论卡斯特桥市长中亨察德和法尔弗雷的对比作者姓名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 所在学院 XXX学院 专业(系) 英语教育 班级(届) XXXX级 完成日期 XXXX 年 5 月 8 日 A Contrastive Analysis of Henchard and Farfrae inThe Mayor of CasterbridgeByXXXProf. XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of EnglishLanguage and Literature in PartialFulfillment of theRequirements for the Degree of B.A in EnglishAt XXXX University摘 要卡斯特桥市长,副标题是一个人性格的生与死,它是托马斯·哈代在1886年完成的一部悲剧小说,属于威塞克斯小说的一种。威塞克斯小说主要描述资本主义的盛行给英格兰的社会,经济,政治领域带来的意想不到的巨大变化。这篇故事的发生背景是迈克尔·亨查德统治下的卡斯特桥,在亨查德的领导下,卡斯特桥位置偏远,远离科学技术的进步。但是当及热情,智慧和新思想于一身的新青年唐纳德·法尔弗雷出现时,形势就发生了变化。出生在乡下且文化水平不高的迈克尔·亨查德从唐纳德·法尔弗雷那里咨询很多谷物管理方法,法尔弗雷受过良好的教育并且为人精明,他深受当地人民的欢迎,被认为更有资格作市长。因此,他们有很多冲突。小说卡斯特桥市长向我们展示了亨查德和法尔弗雷之间复杂和激烈的竞争。他们经营着相同的生意谷物。他们爱上了同一个女人露西塔。逐渐地,他们之间的紧张关系愈发严重。根据哈代 “性格决定命运”说,很明显,法尔弗雷将赢得市长的位置。本篇论文解释了他们的最终命运差别如此巨大的原因,主要采用对比和对照的方法。第一章讲述了两位主人公的性格,包括相同点和不同点。第二章探讨他们个人生活观的不同,呈现了他们对待婚姻和人际关系的不同。第三章研究他们事业观的不同。通过以上论述,读者将会意识到亨查德注定要被法尔弗雷击败。关键词 冲突 竞争 命运 性格AbstractThe Mayor of Casterbridge, subtitled “The Life and Death of a Man of Character”, is a tragic story written by Thomas Hardy in 1886. The book is one of Hardys Wessex novels, which describe the unexpected and huge changes in fields of society, economy, politic in England after the invasion of Capitalism. This story is set in a fictional town of Casterbridge under the reign of Michael Henchard, in whose charge the town is very remote and removed from the scientific and technological advancements. But the situation is changed by the appearance of Donald Farfrae, a passionate and intelligent young man with plenty of fresh ideas.Michael Henchard, a country man without much knowledge, consults a lot from Donald Farfrae, well-educated and shrewd about the methods of the corn management. The latter is greatly welcomed by the local people and is believed to be more qualified for the mayor. Therefore, they have many conflicts. The story of The Mayor of Casterbridge presents a complicated and fierce competition between Henchard and Farfrae. They work on the same businesscorn. They fall in love with the same womanLucetta. Gradually, the tension of their relationship is more and more serious. According to Hardys notion “Character is fate”, it is obvious that Farfrae wins the crown of the mayor in the end. This thesis will analyze the reasons why they have such a big difference in the final destiny. It mainly adopts the methods of comparison and contrast. Chapter One deals with the characters of the two protagonists. Chapter Two studies distinct visions on personal life, which presents the attitude towards marriage and interpersonal relations. And Chapter Three relates their different perceptions of career. From these comments, the readers will realize that Henchard is doomed to be defeated by Farfrae. Key words conflicts competition destiny characterTable of ContentsIntroduction.1Chapter One Comparison of the Two Characters.3Chapter Two Distinct Visions on Personal Life A. Different Education Backgrounds.5B. Attitudes towards Interpersonal Relations.6C. Values on Marriage.10Chapter Three Different Perceptions of CareerA. Consciousness about Current Situation.13B. Conceptions on Management Control.14C. Notions of Business Opponents.16Chapter four Difference in the Final Destiny.19Conclusion.21Notes.23Bibliography.24IntroductionThe Mayor of Casterbridge, written by Thomas Hardy, is one of Hardys Wessex novels, which are also regarded as novels of character and environment. The book was finished in 1886 when England witnessed a great change under the influence of the Industrial Revolution, which was a transition from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, and the increasing use of steam power, etc. It marked a new era in English history. Almost every aspect of the daily life was affected. Wessex novels describe the huge changes after the Industrial Revolution (or the invasion of Capitalism), such as the society, politics, ethics economy, and customs in England. They are known for the vivid description of the unexpected change of life of the people who live in an agricultural setting threatened by the storm of the invading capitalism. In this thesis, the tension between tradition and innovation is clearly reflected through the conflict between the two mayors, Donald Farfrae and Michael Henchard.Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, in Higher Bockhampon in Dorset, a rural region of England where Hardy set most of his fictions. Novelist, poet, and painter, Hardy was initially an architect in the city of Dorchester. Later the city served as the model for Hardys fictional Casterbridge. Hardy wanted to attend university eagerly and enter the church, which was expressed in his novel Jude the Obscure. Given his declining religious faith and lack of money, he decided to pursue the career in writing instead. After years of hardwork, failure and obscurity, he achieved his success in his critical novel Far from the Madding Crowd, published in 1874. Finally he made a living as a writer.As the invasion of Capitalism marked a turning point of England, great changes took place in various aspects of life. The novel The Mayor of Casterbridge chronicles the dramatic change of an isolated, rural agricultural community into a modern city, which can also be found in Hardys other novels such as Tess of the DUrbervilles and Jude the Obscure. In these novels, Hardy explores the effects of cultural and economic development: the decline of Christianity as well as folk traditions, the rise of industrialization and urbanization, and the unraveling of universally held moral codes. Hardy ever said: “Happiness is nothing mor