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    【标题】比较分析简爱与呼啸山庄的爱情 【作者】皮 昌 梅 【关键词】简爱;呼啸山庄;爱情 【指导老师】沈 黎 【专业】英语 【正文】I. Introduction A. The Author and Jane EyreCharlotte Bronte (1816-1855) was born in the family of a poor country clergyman at Haworth, Yorkshire, in northern England. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism. English critical realism of the 19 th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. She and three of her sisters were sent to a charity school where they were cruelly treated, and where her two elder sisters died. In 1835-1838 she worked as a school teacher, and later as governess. In 1842 she went with her sister Emily to study languages at a school in Brussels, where during 1843 she was employed as a teacher. In the next year she was back at Haworth, and in 1846 appeared a volume of verse entitled poems by Curer, Ellis, and Action Bell, the pseudonyms of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne respectively. The Professor, Charlottes first novel, was rejected by different publishers, and it was not published till after her death. She went to write another novel, Jane Eyre, which was published in 1847 and achieved immediate success. The greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens. With striking force and truthfulness, he creates pictures of bourgeois civilization, describing the misery and sufferings of the common people. The method of critical realism was further adopted by such writers as Charlotte and Emily Bronte, and Elizabeth Gaskell. In writing Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte chiefly resorts to the realistic approach, but her realism is heightened by her sparkle of romantic imagination. The novel is marked throughout by intensity, intensity of vision is the descriptive passages, intensity of feeling in the emotional scenes. The passionate involvement of the heroine Jane Eyre in every situation endows the novel, like Emilys Wuthering Heights, with the quality of poetry, even in the medium of prose. In 1848, Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey by her sisters Emily and Anne respectively were also published. But sorrows came to Charlotte for in that year her only brother and Emily died, and Anne died the following year. Charlotte, the only surviving child of the family, outlived her sisters and brother by some years, with restless energy, she wrote two other novels, “Shirley”(1849), her second novel, dealing with the life of workers at the time of the Luddites movement. The last novel by Charlotte Bronte, “Villette”, came out in 1853. In Villette, the author again draws from her own life experience and creates a woman character from a poor family who fights her way in the world with her intelligence, and strong will. The heroine is shown as having no money, beauty, or friends, and in order to support herself she teaches at a girls school at Brussels, Belgium. B. The Author and Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights is Emily Brontes only novel. It was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, and a posthumous second edition was edited by her sister Charlotte. The name of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors on which the story centres. (As an adjective, wuthering is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather.) The narrative tells the tale of the all-encompassing and passionate, yet thwarted love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys both themselves and many around them.    Now considered a classic of English literature, Wuthering Heightss innovative structure, which has been likened to a series of Matryoshka dolls, met with mixed reviews by critics when it first appeared. Though Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre was originally considered the best of the Bront? sisters' works, many subsequent critics of Wuthering Heights argued that its originality and achievement made it superior. Wuthering Heights has also given rise to many adaptations and inspired works, including films, radio, television dramatisations, musicals and songs (notably the hit Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush) and opera. Wuthering Heights is unique outstanding work that have no bury of quilt time, Wuthering Heights , unique glorious work that has the permanent art magic power .Two outstanding women writers in the nineteenth century literary world , they are Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte. The Bronte sisters were one of the most extraprdinary literary families who ever lived. They spent the greater parant of time in isolated yorkshire village on the edge of the moors, not noly cut off from the victorian world of letters, but also to a large extent from the conpanionship of young people of their own age and education. Yet they became known and loved all over the world. Their novels have been translated into many languages and are always high in reading popularity. Especially jane eyre and wuthering heights have a timeless quality . There have been more items of critical writing on the Bronte sisters than on other any English writers except Shakespeare . The publication of Charlotte Brontes biography by mrs. Gaskell in march 1857 confirmed Charlotte Brontes high reputation. Throughout the nineteeth century her standing remains high, but the publication of Haworth edition, with introductions by Mrs.Humphry Ward, at the turn of the century marked the point where Emily Bronte was con sidered a greater novelist than Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyres attitude towards love A. Janes Pursuit of True Love  Love is the most beautiful characteristic of human beings life and love can not be measured by ones status, power or property. In most individuals life, people like to seek a meaningful, romantic relationship resulting in love, commitment, companionship and happiness. In the authors opinion, it is most important that a man and woman have heart and feelings that find a perfect response, and also have mutual affinity. Shakespeare said:“The course of true love never runs smooth.” Jane and Rochester get true love after a lot of sufferings. Jane loves Rochester deeply always-from the beginning to the end. There should be no distinction of property, rank or age in true love. Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester. He who has rich experience and wisdom, is softhearted, wealthy and in high rank as well as having pride and rudeness. Rochester is older than Jane by nearly twenty years and could be her father. Jane loves him, but not for his wealth and high rank, because he treats her equally and in a friendly manner, although she is very poor and in low position. She is such an excellent girl, good, intelligent, considerate that Rochester is attracted by her. It is Jane but not someone else who Rochester loves.Jane thinks that it is a glorious thing to have the hope of living with him and being his wife. Jane loves him with her whole heart. They have a meeting of the mind. But in that social background, people pay too much attention to property, rank and status. If the disparity is great, a pair of lovers will suffer disagreement from their families and their friends. Mrs. Fairfax, one of Rochesters servants, is very surprised and feels puzzled that her master is madly clinging to Jane. But both of them do not care about the difference of status and property or others opinion. They pursue true love. They can smash the bonds of tradition and can surmount all obstacles. They are very happy and want to be married. But their marriage is stopped by the fault that Rochester is a married man; his wife is still alive. Rochester tells the fact to her, and he is full of regret about it. He tells Jane what he has done and confesses all his past history. Mr. Rochester had tried to conceal that he has a mad wife, because he loves Jane. He is worried that she could not endure the fact and would leave him if he tells her the truth. Now he exposes his secret to Jane, which also proves his sincere love for Jane. Jane forgives him, but in order not to impair her dignity, she thinks she must leave him. She wants to be his real wife, not his mistress. Although Jane can not get married to Rochester, she still loves him. It is impossible for her to hate him. On the day she runs away, passing the door of Rochester, she can not keep the tears from raining down her face.When she is away from him, she still feels anxiety about Rochester. Its too difficult for her not to miss Rochester. Wherever she  goes, she remembers him every moment, and she often dream of him:“she was embraced by him, hearing his voice, meeting his eyes, touching his hand and face. She loved him, and was loved by him, spent all her life with him.”That is Janes well-remembered love for Rochester! After leaving Rochesters home, Thornfield Hall, Jane walks and travels without any aim. She lives in hunger and cold. As she roams about whitcross, she is nearly dead because she suffers terrible hardships. St. John helps her and saves her life. St. John wants to marry Jane and takes her to India with him. Although he is a little merciful and handsome, he is also very harsh and arbitrary. He considers little of Janes benefit. He does not respect her or give her selfless love. Jane says if she joins St John, she will abandon half herself and if she goes to India, she will go to premature death. Jane insists that true love should be based on equality, mutual understanding and respect. She knows that to marry such a stonehearted person is to become a tool of him to serve God, so she refuses Johns proposal. She hears the voice of Rochester in her mind, then she comes back to look for Rochester. She learns that Thornfield hall has been burnt down, and that Rochester, attempting vainly to save his mad wife from the fire, loses one of his hands, is blind in both eyes, and becomes a crippled man. Now Mr. Rochester is not as rich as he used to, and he is disabled. But Jane loves him more than ever. Jane decides to stay with him and look after him for all of her life. This pair of lovers comes together in the end. But in that society such a marriage is considered uncommon and untraditional.People may think its strange that Jane makes her strong will to be Rochesters bride. Nobody would like to marry him because he has lost most of his wealth and is blind. As to Jane, she can marry a man who is much better than Mr .Rochester. Actually, not only in those days but also today, in a pair of lovers or a couple if one of them becomes disabled, maybe the other will leave him or her. But Jane is different, she considers that love is a kind of life; true love is the meeting of hearts and minds of two people. If you really love someone, you must love the bad along with the good. The base and the premise of genuine love are respect and independence between two persons. Janes love story is very moving and impresses us deeply. We cant help showing our admiration for her and are encouraged by such love. Its easy to say that I will love you forever, but its difficult to do it. Yet in Janes genuine selfless love for Rochester, we can see this kind of love and we can see her inner beauty as a female to love. B. The Importance of Honesty in LoveWe know successful marriage is based on honesty. As the book is written in an autobiographical style, we are aware of Janes feelings regarding Rochester. Rochester doesnt tell Jane the complete truth of everything related to his past. Although he confesses about the way he was hurt by Celine Varens, Jane feels there are things in his past which contribute to his discontent and which he will not reveal to her.“What alienates him from the house? Will he leave it again soon? Mrs. Farfax said he seldom stayed longer than a fortnight at a time”. Not long after this, Jane is awake in the middle of the night by a “chronic laugh” outside her room. Someone has set fire to the heavy curtains around Rochesters bed. Jane is naturally suspicious about the mysterious surroundings of Thornfield and Rochester. He dismisses her concerns and asks her not to reveal her suspicion to anyone. In order to keep his reputation, he doesnt want Jane to know his mad wife.We know that Mr. Rochester is intelligent, proud, and cynical. He hopes that Jane will understand his true feelings about her and even goes to the extreme of dressing up as a gypsy in order to find out if Jane really loves him. However, Jane does not see through the deeper meaning of this deception and tells him very little of her feelings.Why is honesty important to a meaningful relationship? Honesty is the base on which trust is formed. Communication is very important in personal relationships, especially in love. If two people fall in love with each other, they should communicate almost most of the things and not keep secret. Then they can have a perfect love. I think Jane and Rochester have to communicate frankly. They must share their past experiences with one another. By doing this, they can get true love.Jane Eyre is very much the story of a quest to be loved. Jane searches, not just for romantic love, but also for a sense of being valued, of belonging. Thus Jane says to Helen Burns:“to gain some real affection from you, or Miss Temple, or any other whom I truly love, I would willingly submit to have the bone of my arm broken, or to let a bull toss me, or to stand behind a kicking horse, and let it dash its hoof at my chest” 1, Jane must learn how to gain love without sacrificing and harming herself in the process.      Her fear of losing her autonomy motivates her refusal of Rochesters marriage proposal. Jane believes that “marrying” Rochester while he remains legally tied to Bertha would mean rendering herself a mistress and sacrificing her own integrity for the sake of emotional gratification. On the other hand, her life at Moor House tests her in the opposite manner. There, she enjoys economic independence and engages in worthwhile and useful work, teaching the poor; yet she lacks emotional sustenance. Although St. John proposes marriage, offering her a partnership built around a common purpose, Jane knows their marriage would remain loveless.  Catherines Unique Love to Heathcliff  A.The Significance of Their Love   Unique characters come out of unique themes. As mentioned in the beginning, in Wuthering Heights, Emily depicts a world full of extraordinary love, hatred and revenge; with the love between Catherine and Heathcliff is at its core. The whole story can be divided into four phases. In the first part it tells the special relationship set up between Heathcliff and Catherine, and their joint forces to oppose Hindleys rule, till their visit to Thrushcross Grange; the second part exposes Catherines betrayal to Heathcliff, which ends with her death; the third part is about Heathcliffs revenge, and


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