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    淮北师范大学信息学院 2014 届学士学位论文 德伯家的苔丝中苔丝悲剧成因分析系 别: 外 语 系 专 业: 英 语 学 号: 20101843021 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 张 立 友 指导教师职称: 讲 师 2014年 5 月 15 日Information College, Huaibei Normal UniversityA Study on the Causes of Tess Tragedy in Tess of the DUrbervilles byUnderthe Supervision of Lecturer Zhang LiyouSubmitted to the Foreign Language Department in PartialFulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsinEnglish Language and Literature Huaibei, P. R. ChinaMay, 2014淮北师范大学信息学院本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计) 德伯家的苔丝中苔丝悲剧成因分析 ,是在指导教师 张立友 的指导下严格按照学校和学院有关规定完成的。本人在毕业论文(设计)中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明。本人承诺在毕业论文(设计)选题和研究内容过程中没有抄袭他人的研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为,若有抄袭行为,由本人承担一切责任。 承诺人: 2010 年级 英语 专业 签 名: 2014 年 6 月 6 日 Abstract Tess of the DUrbervilles is regarded as a masterpiece of Thomas Hardy, one of the greatest English novelists and poetrys.In this novel, Hardy exposes the hypocritical social morals and capitalisms destruction to country civilization, after the capitalism invading the British villages in Victorian age.The thesis intends to analysis the causes of Tess tragedy from three perspectives: firstly, it analyses that Tess tragedy is a reflection of Hardys fatalism. He arranged a series of coincidences to reflect his fatalism, and this implies that Tess tragedy is inevitable; secondly, it analyses the social factors influence on Tess tragic fate. The capitalism invasion leads to the plight of the poor peasants and the hypocritical traditional morals lead to her tragedy; and thirdly, it analyses her lackness of Tess character, her comprise, too high sense of responsibility for her family and innocence,sincerity,all these cause her tragedy, and her conservative moral values is also one cause of the tragedy. Through analyzing Tess tragedy from the three perspectives of fatalism, social factors and her character, the thesis reveals womans real emotion and tragic fate after the British countryside has been invaded by the capitalism in Victorian age. Key Words: Thomas Hardy, Tragedy, Causes, Tess摘要 德伯家的苔丝是19世纪英国伟大的小说家、诗人托马斯·哈代的代表作。在这篇小说中,哈代通过描写农村姑娘苔丝的悲惨命运,揭示了维多利亚时代虚伪的社会道德观和资本主义对于乡村文明的破坏。这篇论文从三个方面分析苔丝悲剧的成因,首先分析了苔丝的悲惨命运是哈代宿命论的体现,哈代安排了一系列的巧合事件来体现他的宿命论,揭示了苔丝的悲剧的不可避免性;其次分析了苔丝悲剧的社会因素,资本主义入侵英国农村,导致农民们生活贫困,以及传统的社会道德观导致了苔丝的悲惨命运;论文最后分析了苔丝的性格缺陷,苔丝的妥协,以及她对家庭过高的责任心,天真、幼稚的性格导致了苔丝的悲惨命运。 论文通过哈代的宿命论,社会因素,苔丝性格三个方面分析苔丝悲惨命运的成因,揭示了维多利亚时期的资本主义入侵后,农村女性的真实情感和悲剧命运。关键词:托马斯·哈代;悲剧;成因;苔丝 ContentsAbstract.IChapter One Introduction.1Chapter Two Hardys Fatalism in Tess Tragedy.3 I. The Formation of Hardys Fatalism.3 II.Hardys Fatalism Reflected in Tess Tragedy.4Chapter Three The Social Factors to Tess Tragedy.6 I. The Invasion of Capitalism.6 II.The Social Morality and Its Influences on Tess.7 A. The Hypocritical Social Morality.7 B. The Influences of Moralism on Tess.8Chapter Four Tess Character Leading to Her Tragedy.10 I.Tess Compromise.10 II.Tess Conservative Moral Values.11 III.Tess High Sense of Responsibility for Her Family.12 IV.Tess Innocence and Sincerity.12Chapter Five Conclusion.14Works Cited.15Chapter One Introduction Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), “is last one of the greatest of Victorian novelists. He was born in the center of the Wessex which later figured in his works.”(吴伟仁312).He started writing long novels at the beginning of 1870 when the British capitalism had invaded the villages. He is a cold, serious realistic writer, as to the responsibility, he devoted to the thought of religion,ethics,life,society,love,marriage and many other problems in his novels. Hardys novels have been divided into three categories and one kind is novel of character and environment, this kind of novel mainly reflects the relationship between characters and society . It is great and represents the highest achievement of Hardys realism novels.” His novels set against the bleak and forbidding Dorset landscape, whose physical harshness echoes that of an indifferent, if not malolent,universe.”(赵文薇 柏云彩 125).His literature career began with poetry, but did not have chances to publish and started creating novels. His first long novel was published in 1871, the celebrated work his fourth novel Far From Madding Crowd in 1874, and from then on, he devoted himself to the novel creation. There were 20 long novels in Hardys early life, the most famous novels are Tess of the DUrbervilles (1891), Jude the Obscure (1895), The Mayor of Cascetbridge (1901). His works exposed the change of the social economy, political, morality and tradition.When the hypocritical invaded the countries in England, especially reflected womens miserable life and hypocritical morals in Victorian age. In the novel Tess of the DUrbervilles, the author focuses on the tragic experience of its heroine Tess, a beautiful, brave and innocent peasant girl who lives in a poor family, however, she leads a happy life. One day, her father learns that he is a descendant of a prosperous family; Tess tragedy begins, because her parents persuade her to visit the family and bring wealth to her family. As her parents expects, she meets Alec-the son of the family, who is attracted by her beautiful appearance, so he tries his best to persuade her to stay here. After a short time, she is raped by Alec, and is not a virgin any more. She is sorrow, goes home, and hopes that her mother would comfort her, but her mother does not only worry her. What is worse, she is pregnant, from then on, her life totally changes, people look down upon her, so Tess goes to a dairy farm work as a dairy maid. Here she meets Angel, who is a son of a clergyman, and they fall in love with each other quickly, but she rejects his love. Finally, Tess is encouraged by his courage and accepts his love. Tess is always tortured by her past so she decides to tell him about her past, he can not accept. In fact, he abandons her and she has to work in the field again. At this time, Alec appears again , she has no choice to be his mistress again.Unexpectedly.at this time ,Angel returns from Brazil and shows he still love her , but when he knows that she is living with Alec again, he turns away. His leaving deepen her hate to Alec,so she kills Alec.After his death, she lives together with him, but she is arrested by the authorities, their happy life ended ,her tragedy ended too. In my mind, Hardy shows us a real condition in Victorian age. This thesis intends to analyze the causes of Tess tragedy from three aspects:Hardys fatalism, social factors and Tess character lackness. At that time, people can not decide their fates, but God can. Through this thesis, we can see the real emotion life of woman in Victorian age, and also we can realize that the poor peasants lives after capitalism invading the British countryside. This reflects the capitalism invades the countryside bring great destroys to the peasants, and, Tess is a typical represent of the peasants, so this explains the inevitability of her tragedy.Chapter Two Hardys Fatalism in the Tragedy of TessI. The Formation of Hardys FatalismAt the beginning of the 1870s, Hardy started writing full-length novel, at that time; capitalism invaded the British and changed the condition of the religion and society. “In condition, Hardy can not accept the destroys of the countryside but in ration, he knew that it is necessary for the developing of society, the frication between emotion and ration make him sad and despair. He focuses on the poors fate and animadverts the world, reaveld the evil of society, because the limitation of the age, Hardy tries his best to solve the society, problems but failed .His thoughts also experienced a complicated course.”(韩丽英19) Hardy lived in the Victorian Age, during which tremendous changes occurred in the history of western civilization. It was well-known that a great social reformation happened in Britain. His idea of fatalism was influenced by the environment he lived in. During that period, the poor families can not change their miserable lives no matter what they had done. He witnessed the farmers difficulties, and felt regretted for their sufferings.At first, he believes in God as other people, but all the tragic and terrible realities tell him that God can not do anything to save the peasants suffering, he even contempts God, just he wrote in the novel, so he began to believe Darwins Evolutionism, then was influenced by Schopenhauer Arthurs tragic sense. Finally, he formed his theory that is called fatalism. This series of changes of his thoughts, he did not find suitable way to solve the social problems, but the course caused him to be a pessimist and his novel is full of pessimistic thought and fatalism. As a humanism novelist, Hardy considered that humans life is terrible, the destiny of the heroin in the novel id just the epitome of the great laboring peoples life.II. Hardys Fatalism Reflected in Tess Tragedy Fatalism is that view of life which says all actions is decided by the nature of thing or by fate which is a great impersonal, primitive force existing through all eternity completely independent of human will and superior to any good created by man. Fatalists think that everything in the life is doomed, humans tragedy is arranged by the God, therefore, however people try their best to avoid the tragedies, but they can not change the inevitable results. In the novel, the heroine-Tess is always going to live a happy life, but accidental misfortune happens just at that time, this is coincidence, and used to show the inevitability of her tragedy. All the things seem happen accidentally, however, it is them caused her tragedy. And this is the reflect of Hardys fatalism.At first, Tess is living in a poor family, and this decides her tragic fate. As the oldest daughter of the family, she must help her father to do business, but the destiny teases her, the horse which can bring income for her family dies. The death of the horse seems to be a coincidence, but this implies a inevitable result that Tess has to do something that she is reluctant to do. This is just the one cause which leads to her tragedy, and at the same time, this also reflects that Hardy can not find a bright future for the people who live in a poor countryside, and has to blame this misfortunes to these coincidences.Tess wants to live a quiet life when she goes to dairy as a maid, but she meets Angel and falls in love with him. She makes her mind to restrain her love towards him, rejects his pay court to her, but finally she accepts his love because of destiny and emotion. Tess does not want to deceive him, so she writes a letter to him to tell about her past before the wedding night. Unfortunately, the letter is displaced, the destiny makes fun of her again, he does not see it. It seems that she is going to own her happiness, but in fact, this deepens her tragic life. What is worse, this directly leads to Angel abandoning her in the wedding night. Although Hardy has mercy on her tragedy, due to the limitation of era, he can also not accept her these suffering in his mind, therefore, he arranges these coincidences, also he can show his thoughts through this events. Tess is innocent, but her tragedy is inevitable.When Tess father dies, she has no choice to seek help from Angels family, but she does not meet his parents. What is worse, she can not find suitable job to earn enough money to support family. However, she meets Alec on the way home. It is he that causes her tragedy .Facing the poverty of her family; she is deceived by his sweet words again, and drops in his trap again. Hardys description and this series of coincidences imply that Tess tragic life has been doomed already by the fate.Angel realizes that he is not correct and goes back to England, soon he understands Tess current situation. It seems that her tragic life is going to change, and she will lead a happy life, but when Tess realizes that Angel is back, so she wants to get rid of Alec, kill him. Then she gets together with him, but Tess can not escape from the punishment of law and destiny. Finally, she is arrested; her tragic life completely ends. Chapter Three The Social Factors to Tess Tragedy From a series of coincidences, on the surface, as if her tragedy escapes from the arrangement of the fate, but from a deeper perspective, is Hardys fatalism philosophy due to the environment.Throughout the story, Tess life would be rather terrible and miserable, which makes reader deeply feel sympathy for her. From the truthful description of the living conditions in the novel, we can get a full understand of every social stage in the Victorian Age.Tess, a pretty, intelligent and pure girl, is the victim of society. In this paper, it is thought that the bourgeois society should take responsibility for Tess miserable sufferings. I. The Invasion of Capitalism At the end of nineteenth century, it is the most developed time of Britain bourgeoisie .With the booming of industrial economy, the most areas of countryside developed industry, individual economy broke up. The farms and pastures were owned by the minority of the capitalists in that age. It is the reason that deepens the gap between the rich and the poor in Britain countryside, and also the lives of peasants are miserable. They can support only by helping th


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