中国传统文化对科技组织创新能力的影响 中国传统文化对科技组织创新能力的影响 Chinese Traditional Cultures Influence on the Innovation Ability of Technological Organizations 【摘要】 中国在几千年的社会发展过程中,形成了独具特色的传统文化。长期处于小农经济社会的历史特征,使中国传统文化具有自我封闭、安于现状的特点,限制了人们猎奇的欲望、压抑了其尝试改变现状的冲动。极低的劳动生产率使得普通群众没有闲暇时间来从事科学研究,而“士”阶层所拥有的闲暇时间更多地是用在研究如何崇拜鬼神及利用“天意”来加强对老百姓的统治。极低的劳动生产率还导致剩余产品较少,难以有发达的商业活动。没有繁荣的商业,科研活动所需要的多方面信息、雄厚资金等都难以得到保证。同时,一千多年的科举考试制度,造就了一大批服从权威、畏惧权威的“学者”,他们缺乏突破成规、大胆探索的勇气。此外,中国的传统文化范式强调的实践理性,导致对基础理论研究的忽视,使得科技发展的后劲严重不足;“天人合一”的思想抹杀了人与自然之间的界限,使人们丧失了探究自然规律的热情;传统文化学习知识强调“悟”的方式,使得相应的知识结构缺乏系统性、逻辑严密性。这些方面都阻碍着科技组织创新能力的提高。当然,中国传统文化亦有促进科技组织创新能力提高的因素。如谦虚的治学态度、较强的抽象思维能力等,使得中国学者易于掌握深奥乏味的理论知识;对集体主义的推崇使得在科技组织中易于开展合作研究;“禁欲”思想有利于甘于寂寞做研究的学术风气的形成等等。中国传统文化仍然影响着当今的科技组织,其积极和消极影响都以各种不同的方式表现出来。为了提高我国科技组织的创新能力,必须从科技组织的内部、外部分别采取相应的措施以营造有利于科技组织创新能力提高的文化氛围。只有这样才能提高我国科技组织的原创能力。【Abstract】 China has developed unique traditional cultures through thousands of years. Chinese traditional culture has the characteristics of self-enclosed, and inertia because of its long-time of family fanning. It limited the desire of the people, limited its impulse that try to change the status existed. Ordinary people has no time to focus on scientific research because of the low labor productivity. The “intelligentsia class “ have more leisure time, but they use it to research how to worship spirits and how to strengthen their rule of people using the “act of God”. Low labor productivity also led to few surplus products, and less developed commercial activities. Without commercial prosperity, multifaceted in formations and solid investment that scientific research activities needed will have no insurance. At the same time, more than 1,000 years imperial examination system has created a large number of scholars who obey and fear of authority. They are lack of the courage of breaking rules, and courage of daring to explore. Besides, Chinas traditional culture paradigm stressed on practice, which led to the neglect of basic theoretical research, and a serious shortage of momentum of technological development. The thought of “Harmony” denied the boundaries between people and nature, so that people lose the enthusiasm of exploring the natural regulation. Traditional culture put a great emphasis on” think”, which made corresponding knowledge structure lack of systematic, and logical rigor. All of these have hindered the enhance of the innovation capability of technological organization.Of course, Chinas traditional culture also has the factors of promoting the innovation capability of technological organization. For example the humble attitude of scholarship, strong ability of abstracting, make it easy to grasp the profound theoretical knowledge for Chinese scholars; admiration of Collectivism make it easier to cooperate in technological organization; the thought of “abstinence” is good for forming the academic atmosphere that willing to do research lonely and so on.Chinas traditional culture still affects technological organization now, its positive and negative effects are shown in a variety of different ways. In order to improve the capability of innovation of technological organization of China, we must work on both internal and external. We must take corresponding measures to create an atmosphere that is conducive to technological innovation and to raise the organizations cultural atmosphere. Only in this way can we enhance the original innovation capacity of our technological organizations. 【关键词】 传统文化; 科技组织; 创新能力; 影响 【Key words】 traditional culture ; technology organization; innovation ability; influence 中国传统文化对科技组织创新能力的影响摘要 4-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 导论 9-12 一、问题的提出 9 二、本课题的研究现状 9-10 三、本文研究的学术价值 10 四、本文的研究方法和结构 10-12 第一章 传统文化与科技组织创新能力的内在关联 12-20 1.1 传统文化 12-14 1.2 科技组织创新能力 14-17 1.3 传统文化与科技组织创新能力的耦合 17-20 第二章 中国传统文化对科技组织创新能力的消极影响 20-36 2.1 传统文化的基础 20-25 2.2 传统文化的制度 25-30 2.3 传统文化的范式 30-36 第三章 中国传统文化对科技组织创新能力的积极影响 36-40 3.1 传统文化中的治学态度 36-37 3.2 传统文化中的凝聚力 37-39 3.3 传统文化中的轻利思想 39-40 第四章 塑造有利于中国科技组织创新能力提高的文化环境 40-45 4.1 对科技组织内部文化环境的塑造 40-42 4.2 对科技组织外部文化环境的塑造 42-45 结语 45-46 参考文献 46-50 致谢 50-51 攻读学位期间公开发表的学术论文 51