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敦煌文书道教诠理答难校录研究 敦煌文书道教诠理答难校录研究 The Collation and Investigation of TungHuang Manuscript the Arguments of Taoisms Teachings 【中文摘要】 佛道关系是宗教与历史研究的一个热点问题。敦煌文书道教诠理答难是研究佛道关系史和敦煌道教的珍贵资料。到目前为止,还没有对此件文书校勘的著作发表,只停留在对它作简要介绍的阶段。为此,本文首先对道教诠理答难进行校录,然后结合佛道论衡史及敦煌道教进行研究。本文分上、下两篇。上篇是研究篇,下篇是校录篇。研究篇分为四章:第一章对文书的作者、命名和基本特征进行探讨;第二章阐述文书所反映的道教义理及其特点,并结合传世文献道教义枢考证出文书最初版本产生年代的大致范围为唐初至武周时期;第三章分析文书产生的背景以及在敦煌地区出现的原因;第四章揭示文书对研究唐代佛道论衡史的价值。下篇主要是对文书道教诠理答难进行校录。【英文摘要】 The relationship between Buddhism and Taoism is a hotspot issue in historical and religion studies.The Tunghuang Manuscript BD4687The arguments of Taoisms teachings is one of the rare data for investigating that relationships history and Tunghuang Taoism.From now on,there is not any published composing about the collating in this literature,the correlative composing only stop on the phase of brief introducing.For this reason,the discussing of this thesis is on the basic of The arguments of Taoisms teachings collating and combines the research on the controversy between Buddhism and Taoism and also Tunghuang Taoism.This paper is divided in two pieces.The upper piece is investigation and another is collation.:The piece of investigation is divided in four chapters.The first probes into the essential character,author and nomenclature issue of the literature.The second expatiates the teachings reflected in the manuscript and its characteristics, combines the literature Dao Jiao Yi Shu an d the literature and textual researches,it comes to be that the approximately time of the literature is the early Tang to Wu Zhou period.The third discusses the reason of the literatures appearance in Tunghuang religion.The fourth posts the value of the literature in the research of the controversy between Buddhism and Taoism.Another piece is the collating of the literature The arguments of Taoisms teachings. 【中文关键词】 佛道论衡; 道教诠理答难; 敦煌; 道教 【英文关键词】 The Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism; The arguments of Taoisms teachings; Tunghuang; Taoism 敦煌文书道教诠理答难校录研究中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 上篇 研究篇 7-37 绪论 8-11 一、选题原因及意义 8 二、研究现状 8-9 三、研究思路 9-11 第一章 文书的作者、命名与基本特征 11-16 第一节 文书的作者与命名 11-13 第二节 文书的基本特征 13-16 第二章 文书的道教义理及产生年代 16-24 第一节 文书的道教义理及其特点 16-19 第二节 文书的产生年代 19-24 第三章 文书产生的时代背景及在敦煌地区出现的原因 24-31 第一节 文书产生的时代背景 24-28 第二节 文书在敦煌地区出现的原因 28-31 第四章 文书对佛道论衡研究的价值 31-36 结语 36-37 下篇 校录篇 37-59 凡例 38-39 校录文 39-50 附文 50-59 参考文献 59-62 后记 62