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    微晶白云母在绝缘灌注胶功能复合材料中的应用基础研究 微晶白云母在绝缘灌注胶功能复合材料中的应用基础研究 The Basic Research on the Application of Micro-crystal Muscovite in Insulating Pouring Sealant Functional Composite Material【中文摘要】 微晶白云母是一种新型的非金属矿物资源。为了更深入地开发利用四川省这一优势资源,并基于白云母类矿物具有良好的绝缘性能,本论文开展了微晶白云母在绝缘灌注胶中应用基础研究,侧重研究了微晶白云母及其表面改性产物在环氧树脂中的分散性和沉降性,并深入研究了微晶白云母绝缘灌注胶的电性能及其微观结构等,得到以下研究结果。(1)采用旋转粘度计测试分析了600目微晶白云母及其不同偶联剂表面改性产物在液体石蜡和环氧树脂中的分散特征,结果表明:经过表面改性的微晶白云母在液体石蜡和环氧树脂中的分散性比未改性微晶白云母更好;偶联剂3#改性微晶白云母在液体石蜡和环氧树脂中的分散性最好。(2)采用分光光度计对微晶白云母及其表面改性产物在环氧树脂中的沉降性进行了长达三个月的测试分析与研究,结果表明:对于同一粒度的微晶白云母,偶联剂改性微晶白云母在环氧树脂中的沉降性比未改性微晶白云母要好;对于不同偶联剂改性微晶白云母,偶联剂3#改性微晶白云母在环氧树脂中的沉降性最好;对于经偶联剂3#改性的400目、600目、800目微晶白云母,800目微晶白云母在环氧树脂中的沉降性最好,说明粉体颗粒粒度越小,在环氧树脂中的沉降速度越慢。(3)采用三电极系统测试微晶白云母绝缘灌注胶的电性能,采用SEM测试分析胶片的显微结构,采用红外测试微晶白云母在绝缘灌注胶中结合状态,结果表明:不同偶联剂改性微晶白云母制备的绝缘灌注胶均具有良好的绝缘性能;微晶白云母经不同偶联剂改性后在绝缘灌注胶中分散更加均匀,与环氧树脂基体结合更加紧密;红外测试不能有效地说明偶联剂与有机基体之间是否形成化学键合,吸收峰强度的变化可能是因为偶联剂的引入使某些基团的数量发生变化所致。【英文摘要】 Micro-crystal muscovite is a new style nonmetallic mineral resource. In order to make deeperdevelopment and utilization of the advantageous resource in Sichuan, and based on the excellentinsulation properties of muscovite, the basic research on the application of micro-crystalmuscovite in insulating pouring sealant functional composite material has been done in thedissertation. The dispersibility and settleability of micro-crystal muscovite and its modifiedproducts in epoxy resin have been studied particularly, and the electrical properties andmicro-structure of micro-crystal muscovite insulating pouring sealant have been deeply researched.The results have been made as follows.(1) The rotational viscosimeter has been used to measure and analyse the dispersibility of 600mesh micro-crystal muscovite and its products modified by three different coupling agents. Theresults show that the dispersibility of micro-crystal muscovite modified by coupling agents inliquid paraffin and epoxy resin is better than that of micro-crystal muscovite; The dispersibility ofmicro-crystal muscovite modified by coupling agent 3# in liquid paraffin and epoxy resin is thebest.(2) The spectrophotometer has been used to measure and analyse the settleability ofmicro-crystal muscovite and its modified products in epoxy resin for three months. The resultsshow that for micro-crystal muscovite of the same particle size, the settleability of micro-crystalmuscovite modified by coupling agents in epoxy resin is better than that of micro-crystalmuscovite; for micro-crystal muscovite modified by different coupling agents, the settleability ofmicro-crystal muscovite modified by coupling agent 3# in epoxy resin is the best; formicro-crystal muscovite of different particle sizes modified by coupling agent 3#, the settleabilityof 800 mesh micro-crystal muscovite in epoxy resin is the best which shows that the settleabilityin epoxy resin is better, the particle size of micro-crystal muscovite is smaller.(3) The three electrode system has been used to test the electrical properties of micro-crystalmuscovite insulating pouring sealant; the scanning electron microscope has been used to test themicro-structure of micro-crystal muscovite insulating pouring sealant; IR has been used to test thebonding state of micro-crystal muscovite in insulating pouring sealant. The results show thatinsulating pouring sealants made of micro-crystal muscovite modified by different coupling agentshave excellent insulation properties; micro-crystal muscovite modified by coupling agents hasbeen dispersed more evenly in insulating pouring sealant and it has a closer association with epoxyresin; IR test can not show effectively whether chemical bond has formed between coupling agentand organic matrix and the intensity of absorption maximum has changed possibly because ofcoupling agent【中文关键词】 微晶白云母; 绝缘灌注胶; 绝缘材料; 环氧树脂; 分散性; 沉降性 【英文关键词】 micro-crystal muscovite; insulating pouring sealant; insulating materials; epoxy resin; dispersibility; settleability 【论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第1章 前言 8-10 1.1 项目研究的意义 8-9 1.2 项目研究的内容 9 1.3 项目的来源 9 1.4 硕士论文的工作量 9-10 第2章 绝缘灌注胶的研究进展及本论文的研究思路 10-17 2.1 绝缘灌注胶的研究进展 10-15 2.1.1 灌注胶用树脂 11 2.1.2 灌注胶用添加剂 11-13 2.1.3 灌注胶用无机填充剂 13-14 2.1.4 灌注胶配方与制备工艺 14-15 2.2 本论文的研究思路 15-17 2.2.1 技术路线 15-16 2.2.2 研究方法 16-17 第3章 微晶白云母在环氧树脂中的分散性研究 17-27 3.1 前言 17 3.2 实验 17-20 3.2.1 微晶白云母的表面改性 17-18 3.2.2 粘度测试 18-20 3.3 实验结果 20-24 3.3.1 常温下微晶白云母及其表面改性产物在液体石蜡中分散特征 20-21 3.3.2 常温下微晶白云母及其表面改性产物在环氧树脂中分散特征 21-23 3.3.3 60下微晶白云母及其表面改性产物在环氧树脂中分散特征 23-24 3.4 讨论 24-25 3.5 小结 25-27 第4章 微晶白云母在环氧树脂中的沉降性研究 27-41 4.1 前言 27 4.2 实验 27-31 4.2.1 实验样品、试剂及仪器设备 27 4.2.2 721型分光光度计光学系统原理及使用方法 27-28 4.2.3 实验方法 28-29 4.2.4 实验过程 29-31 4.3 实验结果 31-38 4.3.1 微晶白云母经不同偶联剂改性后在环氧树脂中沉降性(1%用量) 31-35 4.3.2 不同粒度微晶白云母经偶联剂3 35-38 4.4 讨论 38-39 4.5 小结 39-41 第5章 微晶白云母绝缘灌注胶的电性能和微观结构分析 41-53 5.1 前言 41 5.2 实验 41-43 5.2.1 电性能测试 41-42 5.2.2 SEM测试 42 5.2.3 红外测试 42-43 5.3 结果与讨论 43-51 5.3.1 微晶白云母绝缘灌注胶电性能测试结果 43-44 5.3.2 微晶白云母绝缘灌注胶显微结构的SEM测试结果 44-48 5.3.3 微晶白云母在绝缘灌注胶中结合状态的红外测试结果 48-51 5.4 小结 51-53 第6章 结论 53-55 致谢 55-56 参考文献 56-57


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