1、 总则General 上海赛科90万吨年乙烯工程属中外合资的大型项目,由于工期要求紧,参战单位多,现场安全、质量要求严格,为保证工程安全、高效、高质量交工特编制此无损检测施工技术方案。Shanghai SECCO 900ktay ethylene project is a large joint venture project with a short construction period and lot of construction institutes as well as the strict requirements of site safety and quality. We make this Method Statement for NDT with intention to ensure the turn over in terms of safety, high efficiency and high quality。11 编制依据 Basis压力容器无损检测 (JB473094)<NDT of Pressure Vessels>(JB473094)无损探伤和检测实施管理办法 (SECCO)<Implementation Management Method of NDT> (SECCO)辐射安全 (SECCO)Radiation Safety>(SECCO)射线检测安全防护管理制度 (SECCO)< Safety Preservation Management Rules for Ray Test (SECCO)压力容器无损检测工艺规程 (中石化十公司)NDT Process Practice for Pressure Vessel (Company No。10 of SINOPEC)压力管道无损检测工艺规范 (中石化十公司)NDT Specification for Pressure Pipe> (Company No.10 of SINOPEC)压力容器质保手册 压力管道质保手册 (中石化十公司)Pressure Vessel Quality Assurance Manual><Pressure Pipe Quality Assurance Manual> (Company No.10 of SINOPEC)12 无损检测人员要求 Requirements for NDT Crew 无损检测人员应按照锅炉压力容器无损检测人员资格考核规则进行考核,取得资格证书,方能承担与资格证书的种类和技术等级相适应的无损检测工作,现场检测必须由级或级以上人员担任,无证人员不得上岗,检验报告填写与签发必须由级或级以上人员担任。NDT crew could assume the corresponding NDT job only after they have been assessed and issued the certificates according to NDT Crew Quality Assessment Rules for Boiler Pressure Vessel> and only the grade or above persons can shoulder the site inspection which unauthorized persons are forbidden。 The test report shall be filled and issued only by persons who are gradeor above。 射线检测工作人员必须取得射线工作人员证方能上岗,检测作业时严禁个人单独上岗,射线检测工作人员在作业时必须穿戴防护用品和随身携带个人剂量仪。The ray test personnel could start his work only after he was certificated <Ray Personnel Card and wear PPE with his individual meter is a must。 Work by himself is forbidden.1 3 无损检测质量控制程序NDT Quality Control procedure无损检测质量控制程序见表1 NDT Quality Control Procedure: See figure1质量控制经理 Q C Manager探伤责任工程师NDT Principal EngineerRT拍片RT FilmUT调整仪器UT Adjust InstrumentationMT配磁悬液MT Magnetic LiquidPT预清洗PT Preclean暗室处理Darkroom Treatment校准灵敏度Standard Sensitivity准备工作Preparation施渗透液Apply Penetrant 底片不符合标准要求、影响评定或有初 评Primary Assessment初 探Primary Test实施磁探Apply MT清 洗Clean疑问重拍Refilm ifthe filmdoesnt c-复 评Resume Assessment复 探Resume Test观察分析Observe & Analyze显 象Fluorexomply with the standard and affects the assessment or exists出具探伤报告Produce Test Report观察痕迹Observe the Mark somequestions审 核 报 告Check Report甲 方 验 收Acceptance by Client表 114 无损检测设备 NDT Equipment射线检验采用理学2505、3005,丹东2505、3005,东芝2705型X光机。超声波检验采用QKS958型超声波探伤仪,磁粉检验采用CJE2A型磁粉探伤仪,渗透检验采用DPT5型渗透探伤剂。LIXUE2505、3005,DANDONG2505、3005 and TOSHIBA 2705 Xray machine shall be used for RT , QKS958 ultrasonic inspection unit for UT, CJE2A magnetic inspection unit for MT and DPT5 penetrate inspection unit for PT.2、 无损检测工艺NDT Process21 渗透检测工艺 PT Process2。1.1渗透探伤采用溶剂去除型着色法探伤,使用溶剂去除型渗透液.渗透剂、显象剂、清洗剂型号采用DPT5。对比试块为镀铬试块。PT adopts dyeing test method with dissolvent penetrant wiping the solvent off and the type of penetrant, developer and cleaner is DPT5 with the chromeplating test block as the contrast test block。2。1.2 渗透探伤前需应对表面及附近25mm范围内进行打磨处理,不得有污垢、铁锈、锈蚀、焊渣、氧化皮、毛刺及保护层等妨碍显示的杂物。Polish the surface as well as the area ranged in 25mm before PT till there is no sundries disturbing visibility in terms of dirt, rust, welding slag, oxside skin, burr and protective layers etc remained。2.1。3 渗透探伤前应对受检表面进行预清洗.Preclean the tested surface before PT2.1。4 喷洒渗透剂时喷嘴距离受检表面宜为300-400mm,渗透剂要完全润湿被检表面,在1550的温度下,渗透时间不得少于10分钟,并在整个渗透过程中始终保持润湿。The suitable distance between the nozzle and the tested surface should be 300-400mm when spaying penetrant also the tested furnace should be wetted completely。 Under 1550 environment ,the penetrating time should no less than 10 minutes and keep moist during the whole penetrating period 。2.1.5去除多余渗透液时,应先用不脱毛的布擦掉多余渗透液,然后再用蘸有清洗剂的布向同一方向擦拭,直到把多余渗透液全部去出,但应注意不要清洗过度,同时也应防止清洗不足,清洗时不得用清洗剂直接喷洒在被检工件表面。The superabundance penetrant should be wiped off with a cloth no depilation before removed, then clean along the same direction with a cloth dipping cleaner till all the superabundance penetrant is removed off。 Avoid the excess of cleaning as well as the lack and forbid spaying the cleaner directly onto the surface of tested work piece. 2。1.6施加显象剂前应充分摇动显象剂,喷洒显象剂时,喷嘴距离被检表面宜为300400mm,喷洒方向与被检表面夹角为3040度,显象剂喷洒应薄而均匀.结果的观察应在被检表面光照度大于500lx的条件下进行。观察结束后应清除剩余显象剂以防腐蚀工件。Shake the developer sufficiently before apply and the suitable distance between the tested surface and the nozzle is 300400mm, the angle of the spaying direction and the tested surface is 3040 degree also the developer should be spayed thin and evenly. Observation should be done under the conditions of tested surface illumination more than 500lx and the developer should be removed immediately after that lest the work piece erode. 2。1。7 被检工件不允许有任何裂纹、白点、任何横向缺陷、任何长度大于1。5mm的线性缺陷、单个尺寸大于或等于4mm的圆形缺陷显示,在35mm×100mm范围内缺陷累积长度小于0。5mm,如发现超标缺陷时应做好记录,并清除缺陷,用上述方法进行复验。There should not be any default remained on the work piece in terms of flaw, point defaults, transverse defaults, linear defaults more than 1.5mm in length, circular defaults with the single size = 4mm and the accumulated defaults length ranged in 35mm×100mm should less than 0.5mm 。Any excess of the defaults should be recorded, cleaned and retested in terms of above mentioned。2.1.8 验收标准JB473094 级合格。Acceptance Standard JB473094 Grade Qualified2.1.9 操作时要严禁火种和采取必要的通风措施,渗透探伤的材料应防止日晒、烘烤。Prohibit the kindling and adopt necessary ventilating measure and the materials for PT should be kept away from sun shining and firing. 2 2磁粉检测工艺 MT Process2。2.1一般要求Genaral磁粉探伤仪和磁粉材料性质、质量应符合JB473094标准要求,被检工件表面应清洁、干燥、没有油污、铁锈、泥沙、氧化皮、棉纤维、涂层、焊剂和焊接飞溅物。The property and quality of MT instrument and magnetic materials should up to the standard of JB473094 also the tested work piece surface should be clean and out of smear, rust, mud & sand, oxide skin, cotton fibre,coat,solder as well the welding slag etc。2.2.2 磁悬液配制 Confect Magnetism Liquid 磁悬液由黑磁膏、水、分散剂配制,每挤出100mm长磁膏加入1000ml水,磁悬液浓度为1020gl,并加入一定数量的分散剂,若悬浮液薄层是连续并复盖试件的全部,则认为存在足够的分散剂,否则应继续加入分散剂。The Magnetism liquid shall be confected from the black magnetism paste, water and dispersant with each 100mm paste in length adding 1000ml water resulting in the liquid 1020gl in thickness ,then add certain dispersant till the liquid lamina is continuous and cover all the work piece only this the dispersant can be deemed as sufficient, contrarily, add more 。2。2。3 灵敏度要求 Sensitive Requirement 应使用A型灵敏度试片在每次探伤前及探伤结束后时进行校验,必须注意测量灵敏度时试片有槽一侧应紧贴被检表面.Checkout before and after each test with type A sensitivity test piece and notice that the sulcate side should cling to the tested surface when measuring the sensitivity。2.2。4 操作Operation采用交流AC电磁electromagnetism轭yoke连续consecutive磁化magnetization法,探头应紧贴被检工件表面,在施加磁化电流的同时施加磁悬液,通电时间为13S,为保证磁化效果应反复磁化两次。两次磁化方向应相互垂直,为保证检测结果的准确性,磁极间距应为200mm,交流电磁轭的提升力要达到44N,检测区域控制在两级连线两侧各50mm范围内,磁化区域应保证至少25mm的重叠。结果观察应在被检工件表面的光照度不小于500lx的条件下进行,当不能判断显示的真伪时应进行重新检验或使用其它检测方法进行校验。检测过程中若发现操作失误或灵敏度不合要求,应对原检测部位进行重新检测。Take the method of consecutive magnetization by AC electromagnetism yoke and the detector should cling to the tested work piece surface ,apply the magnetism liquid whilst applying the magnetization current with the electrifying time is 13S and perform the magnetization twice in order to ensure the best result 。The directions of two magnetizations should be vertical to each other, and the distance of the magnetic polar is 200mm。 the lifting strength should up to 44 N and the testing area is inside 50mm each side with 25mm overlap at least. The result observation should be done under the conditions of tested surface illumination more than 500lx and recheck or take the other checkout method if you could not tell true or false。 If there is some error operation or the sensitivity is not in compliance with the requirement, recheck the original part。2.2.5 评定Assessment不允许有任何裂纹、白点、任何横向缺陷、任何长度大于1.5mm的线性缺陷、单个尺寸大于或等于4mm的圆形缺陷显示,在35mm×100mm范围内缺陷累积长度小于0.5mm,如发现超标缺陷时应做好记录,并清除缺陷,用上述方法进行复验.There should not be any default remained on the work piece in terms of flaw, white point, transverse defaults, linear defaults more than 1。5mm in length, circular defaults with the single size = 4mm and the accumulated defaults length ranged in 35mm×100mm should less than 0.5mm 。Any excess of the defaults should be recorded, cleaned and retested in terms of above mentioned。23 射线检测工艺RT Process2.3。1一般要求General焊缝及热影响区的表面质量应经外观检查合格,表面的不规则状态在底片上的影像应不掩盖焊缝中的缺陷或与之相混淆,否则应进行修补.The surface quality of weld and the heat-affected area should be qualified by appearance test and the reflection on the film of irregular surface should not cover the default in weld or confound each other, otherwise, remedy.2。3。2 透照方法 Transillumination Method2。3。2.1 双壁单影法Double-wall Singleshadow MethodX射线拍片时,在满足几何不清晰度的条件下,管径D200mm时采用X射线机紧贴管壁垂直法拍片。When take photos by X-ray and the condition is up to the geometric indistinctness requirement, the X-ray machine should cling to the pipe wall and take photo vertically while the pipe diameter D200mm. 源拍片时,在满足几何不清晰度的条件下,采用源紧贴管壁的方法拍片。When take photos by source and the condition is up to the geometric indistinctness requirement, thesource should cling to the pipe wall to take photos.2.3.2。2双影双壁法Double-shadow Double-wall Method D89mm管道焊缝必须采用X射线或者硒75射线双壁双影透照,每道焊缝相隔90度拍2张片子,橢圆开口间距应控制在310mm之间;76管道焊口,如果因障碍限制不能实现双壁双影透照时,可采用垂直透照,透照次数不得小于2次。但双壁双影透照法和垂直透照法焦距必须满足几何不清晰度的要求.The transillumination method taken for the D89mm pipe weld should be Doubleshadow Double-wall method using X-ray or selenium75 ray .Every weld should be taken 2 photos for each 90 degree and the oval open distance should be 3-10mm.For pipe76 which could not be taken Double-shadow Doublewall method because of the limitation ,the vertical transillumination method should be taken and times should no less than 2 .Both doubleshadow doublewall method and vertical transillumination method should be up to the geometric indistinctness requirement in focal length。2。3。3 透照次数 Transillumination Times压力管道射线检测时,各种规格的透照次数,底片的有效长度和胶片的使用长度应严格按下表的规定执行,不允许一次透照两张及两张以上片子,但中心一次曝光时例外。The transillumination times for each size, the effective length of the strip and the length used of the film should comply with following rules strictly forbidding two or above photographs for one transillumination also excluding explosion at one time of the center。 管道对接焊缝双壁单影透照法X射线检测各种管径和母材厚度的拍片张数、底片有效长度和胶片长度。The graph numbers, the effective length of the strip and the length of film for butt weld with the pipe sized each diameter and thickness by means of Doublewall Singleshadow Method in XRT.管径Pipe Diameter(mm)108114133159168219273325377母材厚度Material Thickness(mm)T6/ 6T20T7.5/7.5T20T12/12T24T17/17T28T19/19T29T33/33T37T10/10T46T19/19T57T29/29T67胶片长度Strip length m(mm)150150150150150300300300300拍片张数 Photos number/7/7/7/7/74/54/55/65/6有效长度(mm)Effective Length57/4960/5270/6084/7288/76172/138215/172245/170237/198管道对接焊缝双壁单影透照法射线检测各管径和母材厚度的拍片张数、底片有效长度和胶片长度。 The graph numbers, the effective length of the strip and the length of film for butt weld with the pipe sized each diameter and thickness by means of Doublewall Singleshadow Method in RT。管径Pipe Diameter(mm)108114133159168219母材厚度Material Thickness(mm)T8/T8T8.5/T8。5T10/T10T13/T13T15/T15T5/5T21胶片长度Strip length m(mm)150150150150300300拍片张数 Photos number5/5more5/5more5/5more5/5more5/5more4/5有效长度(mm)Effective Length687284100106138/172管径Pipe Diameter(mm)273325377426530610母材厚度Material Thickness(mm)T7/7T29T13/13T38T17/17T47T34/34T50T18/18T50T26/26T50胶片长度Strip length m(mm)300300300300300300拍片张数 Photos number4/54/55/66/77/88/9有效长度(mm)Effective Length215/172256/205237/198224/192238/209240/2132.3.4 底片编号和像质计的摆放 Film Encode Image Quality Indicator Arrange底片的编号按“区域号,单元号,管线号,焊缝号,片号"编排,搭接用“12,3,4"标示,片号用英文字母“A,B,C,D”标示,加扩拍片在焊缝号后加放“G” 标示,中心符号用“ ”标示。一次返修后在片号后加放“R1” 二次返修后在片号后加放“R2” 。现场制作或组装的压力容器(如球罐、冷箱、反应器、容器、料仓、塔)射线拍片时需摆放日期标记.The film should be encoded in terms of area no。, unit no., pipeline no。, weld no., photo no。 with lap joint marked by 1,2,3,4'photo no. Marked by A,B,C,Dand the G'following the weld no. is entitled to the increased photos , “ "is to the centre。 “R1”is used for the first repair and “R2”is for the second repair。 The arrangement date should be marked on the photos when the aim is the pressure vessels (such as: sphere tank, cool box, reactor, vessel, silo, tower) manufactured or assembled on the site.底片的标记布置按下图所示。Arrange the film marks as follows:区域号Area No. 单元号Unit No. 管线号Pipeline No. 焊缝号 Weld No. 片号 Photo No. 1 2 区域号Area No.单元号Unit No.管线号Pipeline No.。焊缝号Weld No. 片号Photo No.2.3。5胶片的使用 Use Strip赛科工程全部使用AGFA公司生产的胶片,射线源采用X射线或硒-75射线的使用AGFA公司生产的分装C7胶片,射线源采用铱-192射线的使用AGFA公司生产的原装D5胶片。 The entire SECCO project should use the strip manufactured by AGFA Company and if the ray source is X-ray or selenium 75ray ,the strip should be C7type sub packaged ,if the ray source is iridium -192ray ,the original binding D5 should be used。2.3。6 象质计的选用Image Quality Indicator Selection象质计型号Size10/166/12透照厚度Transillumination Thickness20mm20100mm2。3.7散射线屏蔽 Shielding of Scattered Radial 为防止散射线的影响,在胶片后面放一块1。52mm厚的铅板,面积应大于暗袋的面积.为了检查背散射应在暗袋的背面粘附一个“B”的铅字(B的高度为13mm,厚度为1.6mm),若在底片上出现“B"的较淡影像,说明防护不够,应重新透照。若出现较黑影像则不作为底片判废的依据。To prevent the effect from the scattered radial ,set a lead plate 1.52mm in thickness with the area larger than that of the camera bag 。 Adhere a lead “B”(13mm in height , 1.6mm in thickness)to the back of the camera bag to check the backscattering and the pale image indicates the protection is not enough and need retransillumination。 The dark image is not the basis to nullify the film。2.3.8 曝光量的选择 Light Exposure Selection 为达到标准要求,曝光量应按如下选择:To meet the standard requirement ,the selection of the light exposure as following:1、 X射线:曝光量应满足15mA·min,底片黑度为1.23。5,对于D89mm的焊口拍片采用短时间高电压.Xray: the light exposure should meet the requirement of 15mA·min and the film blackness is 1。23。5.For the weld D89mm, the photos will be taken by high voltage in short time. 2、射线:应根据曝光尺选择合适的曝光量,以达到标准要求,底片黑度1。83。5.ray : Select the exposure scale according to the suitable light exposure up to the standard requirement and the d