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    Densadeg® Clarifier高 密 度 澄 清 池 An extremely dense and homogenous floc高度密集而且均匀的矾花 Optimized flocculation reaction最优化的絮凝反应 A high settling rate极高的沉淀速率 A high degree of facility compactness高度紧凑的结构 Perfectly controlled recirculation flow完美的回流控制 Virtually ultimate sludge thickening彻底的污泥浓缩 Sludge dewatered without any intermediate thickener污泥脱水无需预浓缩 Excellent clarified water quality 卓越的出水水质 Low sensitivity to loading and flow rate fluctuations 耐负荷及流量变化冲击CONTENTS目录GENERAL INTRODUCTION简介35Propose of settling沉淀目的35Lamellae settling斜管沉淀35Densadeg briefing高密度澄清池简介36Integrated flocculation zone集成式絮凝区36Settling zone沉淀区36Sludge thickening zone污泥浓缩区37Details of Densadeg高密度澄清池详述37Sketch of Densadeg高密池简图37Process Composition工艺组成38Flash mixing tank快速搅拌池38Reactor tank反应池39Reactor turbine speed反应池搅拌器速度39Sludge recirculation污泥回流40Settling tank沉淀池40DESIGN BRIEF设计简介41Process flow工艺流程41Design parameters设计参数41Reactors反应池41Settling tanks沉淀池41Clarified water collection troughs集水槽42Oil skimmer 撇油器42Grease tanks浮油池42Sludge recirculation pump污泥回流泵42Sludge extraction pump污泥排放泵43Standby sludge pump备用污泥泵43Post coagulation后混凝43Design for automation自动化设计43Lime dosing石灰投加43Coagulant dosing混凝剂投加43Flocculant dosing絮凝剂投加44Sulfuric acid dosing硫酸投加44Start/stop of reactor agitators反应池搅拌器的启停44Start/stop of sludge scrapers刮泥机的启停44Sludge recirculation污泥回流44Sludge extraction污泥排放44Scum removal浮渣去除44Start/stop of post-coagulation agitators后混凝搅拌器的启停45Design for safety安全设计45Lack of coagulant or flocculant缺少混凝剂或絮凝剂45Sludge level in settling tank too high沉淀区泥位过高45Sludge level in settling tank too low沉淀区泥位过低45Torque on sludge scraper drive too high刮泥机驱动器扭矩过高45Level in oil storage tank too high储油池液位过高45Poor treatment quality处理效果差46MAIN EQUIPMENT主要设备47Flocculator反应池47Isolation of Densadeg inlet 高密池进水闸板47Flocculation turbine絮凝搅拌器47Densadeg reactor中心导流筒48Drain valve for flocculation zone絮凝区放空阀48Clarifier澄清池49Sludge scraper刮泥机49Drive unit of sludge scraper刮泥机驱动器49Lamellar module 斜管50Outlet trough集水槽50Drain for Densadeg高密池放空阀50Partial drain for Densadeg高密池部分放空阀51Sludge recirculation & extraction污泥回流和排放51Sludge recirculation pump回流污泥泵51Sludge extraction pump污泥排放泵52Standby sludge pump备用污泥泵53Sludge level detector泥位计54Suction valves of sludge pumps污泥泵吸口阀门55Delivery isolation of sludge pump污泥泵出口隔离阀56Scum removal浮渣处理56Grease removal skimmer撇油器56Mixer in grease tank浮油池搅拌器57Scum pump浮渣泵58Level switch液位开关59Post-cogulation后混凝59Mixer for post-coagulation后混凝搅拌器59pH meter for Densadeg outlet高密池出水pH计60pH meter for pH regulation调节用pH计60Drain for post-coagulation tank后混凝池放空阀61CHAPTER 1第1章1GENERAL INTRODUCTION简介Propose of settling沉淀目的Settling is the separation technique often used for SS and colloids (collected in the form of floc after the coagulation-flocculation stage) removal.沉淀是一种常用于悬浮颗粒物及胶体(在混凝-絮凝后表现为矾花的形式)分离的工艺。Lamellae settling斜管沉淀For horizontal flow settling tanks, the only basic size factor is the horizontal settling area (SH). A discrete particle is retained if its settling velocity is higher than the Hazen velocity (VH).对于平流沉淀池,其唯一的基本参数为沉淀面积(SH)。如果颗粒物的沉降速度大于哈真速度则可以在池中沉淀。Theoretically, the retention of particles does not depend on the height of the appliance. Thus, in horizontal flow settling, it is theoretically possible to achieve the same results in treating:理论上颗粒物的沉淀与设备的高度无关,因此下列方法在理论上可以达到同样的处理效果:§ A flow nQ in the same appliance by superimposing n levels of elementary height H/n将设备分为n层则同样的设备可以处理n倍的水流量。§ The same flow Q by superimposing n levels of elementary height H/n and of length L/n同样的水流量可以用分为n层但长度只为原长1/n的设备处理。§ In practice, superimposing horizontal settling tanks without a scraping system does not allow for efficient sludge removal, and thus leads to reduced performance实践上,无刮泥系统的多层平流池因不能有效地排泥而降低性能。The use of lamellae settling consists in multiplying the surfaces of water-sludge separation in one unit. Therefore, positioning lamellae packs (parallel tubes or plates) in the settling zone creates a large number of elementary separation cells. In order to provide for the evacuation of the sludge, it is necessary to incline the lamellae at an angle to the horizontal.斜管沉淀池中可用于泥水分离的面积为普通沉淀池的数倍,斜管中包含了大量的相互独立的沉淀单元。斜管应与水平面成一定的夹角以便于排泥。Densadeg briefing高密度澄清池简介Degrémont presents its new Densadeg® system with advanced technology, which could be used in a vast field of applications, such as the drinking water, wastewater, industrial water, and sludge treatment. The Densadeg® is a patented settling tank with external sludge recirculation.得利满公司运用先进技术开发出崭新的高密度澄清池系统,该系统应用面广泛,适用于饮用水生产、污水处理、工业废水处理和污泥处理等领域。高密度澄清池带有外部泥渣回流的专利澄清技术。高密度澄清池亦简称为高密池。The Densadegs success is based on its three technologically complex modules:高密度澄清池的成功取决于下列三个技术组合模块:Integrated flocculation zone集成式絮凝区It is designed for both rapid flocculation with sludge recycling and slow flocculation for floc growth, and composes 2 reactors in series:设计包括与回流污泥的快速絮凝和矾花增长所需的慢速絮凝,由两个连续的区域构成:§ The 1st is agitated, ensuring fast flocculation by means of an axial flow impeller installed inside a duct providing a homogenous mixing action and the energy required for flocculation. The flocculent is injected into the base of the turbine and the piping of recirculation sludge (the coagulant is injected upstream from the Densadeg). External sludge recirculation continues from the thickener zone to the 1st reactor, thus the high sludge concentration enhances flocculation performance.第一级絮凝在一个筒状区域内进行并由一个轴流推进器进行搅拌,以确保快速絮凝及絮凝所需要的能量。絮凝剂投加在搅拌器的下面和回流污泥的管道上(混凝剂投加在高密池的上游)。从污泥浓缩区到第一级絮凝区进行连续的外部泥渣回流,极高的污泥浓度提高了絮凝的效果。§ The 2nd provides a slow flocculation; the resultant floc has a high level density. Then water slowly transfers to the settling tank to maintain floc integrity.在第二个区域中进行慢速絮凝;生成的矾花具有较高的密度。然后水慢速流至沉淀区以保证矾花的完整性。Settling zone沉淀区It is composed of 2 settling sub-zones: 沉淀区由两部分组成:§ Hindered settling beneath the lamellar: most of the floc settles in this area.斜管下方的成层沉淀:大部分矾花在此区域中沉淀。§ Backflow lamellar settling: settling surface area is increased by using lamellar (hexagonal) modules, used to operate at high velocities. The residual floc is removed in this module producing the final quality water.斜管澄清模块:使用斜管增大了沉淀面积,用于高速运行。在这个模块中,残留的矾花被去除并生产合格的出水。Sludge thickening zone污泥浓缩区Floc accumulates in the base of the settling tank where it thickens in two superimposed bands limited by the recirculation cone:矾花沉积在沉淀池底部,并在那里由于回流锥的限制分两层进行浓缩:§ Upper band: the recirculated sludge transit and concentration zone where the sludge remains for several hours.上层:回流污泥通过浓缩区并停留几个小时。§ Lower band: final sludge thickening before blowdown extraction, contact time of approximately one week.下层:在排泥前进行最终的浓缩,停留时间大约为一周。Sludge is collected by gravity or by a skimmer system equipped with a picket fence in order to promote thickening. A positive displacement pump then routes the sludge to the flocculation zone inlet.污泥通过重力或一个带有篱栅的刮泥机收集起来。一台螺杆泵将部分污泥回流至絮凝区。Details of Densadeg高密度澄清池详述Sketch of Densadeg高密池简图A12345B6CD71Coagulant injection混凝剂投加7Outlet channel出水渠2Flocculant injection絮凝剂投加ARaw water inlet原水进水3Reactor反应池BClarified water outlet澄清水出水4Lamella斜管CSludge recirculation污泥回流5Outlet troughs澄清水槽DSludge extraction污泥排放6Picket fence栅形刮泥机Process Composition工艺组成A Densadeg® system is generally composed of following parts:高密度澄清池系统通常包括以下几个部分:§ Flash-Mixing tank with coagulant injection upstream to Densadeg®高密池上游带有混凝剂投加的快速搅拌池§ Reactor with a polymer injection and sludge recirculation带有聚合物投加和污泥回流功能的反应池§ Settling tank with lamellar modules配备斜管模块的沉淀池§ Sludge thickening tank with sludge scrapper配备刮泥机的污泥浓缩池§ Clarified water collecting troughs and channels澄清水的集水槽及水渠§ Sludge recirculation and extraction system污泥回流和排放系统§ Control system with sludge level monitoring带有泥位检测的控制系统§ Flash mixing tank with post-coagulant injection, if filters installed downstream如果后续工艺中包括滤池,还应设置带有后混凝剂投加点的快速混合池§ Sludge tank to store the sludge extracted from the bottom of Densadeg tanks存放从高密度澄清池底部排出的污泥的储泥池Flash mixing tank快速搅拌池The raw water goes firstly into the flash mixing tank and contact with coagulant and lime for coagulation and decarbonation, a flashing mixer is continuously running in order to help coagulation and lime softening and prevent floc from settling. A dosing pump (one on duty, one as standby) injects coagulant into the inlet of tank; another dosing pump (one on duty, one as standby) injects lime into the incoming channel of tank. The pumps are controlled by frequency converters according to raw water flow and desired dosing rates.原水首先流入快速搅拌池,与混凝剂及石灰接触后进行混凝,一台快速搅拌器连续运行,以帮助混凝和碱度去除反应并避免矾花沉淀。一台投加泵(一用一备)将混凝剂投加到快速搅拌池入口;另一台加药泵(一用一备)将石灰投加到快速搅拌池进口渠道。通过变频器按照原水流量和需要的投加浓度来控制加药泵的运行。Reactor tank反应池The reactor module is a very important part of Densadeg® system, which determines the results of water and sludge treatment; the adjustment must be done perfectly in the reactor.在高密度澄清池系统中,反应池模块是非常重要的部分,因为该模块决定了水和污泥处理的效果,所以反应池必须合理地调整。The doses of chemicals depend on the nature of raw water, the concentration of suspended solids and products of softening. This rate must be determined with the most concentrated inlet water by jar-test (see protocol for jar-test). Following parameters shall be controlled during the jar-test:药剂的投加量取决于原水的性质、悬浮固体物浓度及软化反应的产物。投加量必须按照浓度最高的进水通过烧杯试验来确定(请参考“烧杯试验”一文)。试验中需控制以下参数:§ Temperature, pH, turbidity, SS, color, alkalinity etc. of raw water原水的温度、pH、浊度、固体悬浮物、色度、碱度等§ Optimal pH最佳pH值§ Optimal doses of reagents最佳投药量§ Sludge production产泥量Reactor turbine speed反应池搅拌器速度The rotation speed of turbine is designed to ensure a good mixing of the polymer and a good flocculation. If the rotation speed is too high, the flocs run the risk of breaking; too low, sludge may settle down inside the reactor.搅拌器的转速应确保聚合物搅拌充足和絮凝良好。如果转速过高,那么矾花就有被打碎的危险;太低则有污泥在反应区内沉淀的危险。Sludge recirculation污泥回流The purpose of the sludge recycling is to improve the floc growth and to increase the density of the floc.污泥回流的目的在于加速矾花的生长以及增加矾花的密度。Settling tank沉淀池The settling tank is a very important part of the system in which most of the floc settles and thickens. Thickening is promoted by continuous scraping of the precipitated sludge. Part of the sludge is recirculated into the reactor. This perfectly controlled external sludge recirculation is designed to maintain the high sludge concentration required for homogeneous flocculation. Lamella modules are located at the top of the tank, in which the residual floc are removed and the final qualified water is produced.沉淀池是高密度澄清池系统中重要的部分,大部分矾花就在这里沉淀和浓缩。连续刮扫促进了沉淀污泥的浓缩。部分污泥回流到反应池中。这种精确控制的外部污泥回流用来维持均匀絮凝所要求的高污泥浓度。斜板模块放置在沉淀池的顶部,用于去除残留的矾花和产生最终合格的水。CHAPTER 2第2章&2DESIGN BRIEF设计简介Process flow工艺流程Raw water with coagulant and lime added firstly goes into the reactors in where flocculation and removal of temporary hardness occurs, and then into the settling zone for separation. The residual floc are removed in lamellar modules and the final qualified water is produced 投加了混凝剂和石灰的原水先流入反应池中,在该池中进行絮凝反应和暂时硬度的去除,然后进入沉淀区进行泥水分离。残留的矾花将在斜管中去除并产生最终合格的出水。Part of settled sludge is recycled to the reactor by an external pump, the extra sludge pre-thickened at the bottom of settling zone is evacuated to sludge storage tank through another pump部分沉淀的污泥通过一台外置的泵循环到反应池,在沉淀区底部浓缩了的剩余污泥通过另一台泵输送至储泥池。Design parameters设计参数Flow rate流量72,000 m3/dNumber of Densadegs高密池数量2Unit capacity单位能力1550 m3/hReactors反应池Number of chambers池子数量2Unit volume单位容积273 m3Retention time停留时间10.6 minMax. dissipated power最大搅拌能量10.1 Wh/m3Settling tanks沉淀池Number of tanks池子数量3Unit settling area单位沉淀面积190 m2Unit lamella area单位斜管面积118 m2Design up flow rate设计上升流速13.1 m/hType of lamella斜管型号DH80Clarified water collection troughs集水槽Number of troughs数量2 x 14Size of the trough尺寸6000 x 300 x 350 mmNumber of notches槽口数量8/mWater head on the notch槽上水头36 mmWater drop of collection canal出水渠跌水366 mmOil skimmer 撇油器Type型号Manual手动Number per tank每池数量2Supplier/ ModelTangshan YuqingLength长度6 mFlow rate流量39 m3/hEach time discharge flow单次排放量1.9 m3 (3 min)Discharge pipe排放管DN100 (v = 1.50 m/s)RFC007Grease tanks浮油池Number数量1Unit volume单位容积2.3 m3Scum pumps浮渣泵10 m3/hSludge recirculation pump污泥回流泵Number of pumps泵数量1 x 2Unit flow单位流量60 m3/hMax. Recirculation最大回流量4%Nominal recirculation正常回流量2%Adjustment流量调节F. converter变频器Sludge extraction pump污泥排放泵Number of pumps泵数量1 x 2Unit flow单位流量60 m3/hAdjustment流量调节fixed定速Standby sludge pump备用污泥泵Number of pumps泵数量1 x 2Unit flow单位流量60 m3/hAdjustment流量调节F. converter变频器Post coagulation后混凝Number of tank池子数量1Volume of tank容积27 m3Retention time停留时间30 sVelocity gradient required速度梯度G=240 s-1 Power input输入功率2.2 kWDesign for automation自动化设计Lime dosing石灰投加The speed of lime dosing pumps is automatically controlled by PLC according to raw water flow rate, the desired dosing rate and the preparation concentration of lime emulsion.PLC根据原水流量、所需要的投加浓度及石灰乳液的配制浓度自动控制石灰投加泵的转速。Coagulant dosing混凝剂投加The speed of coagulant dosing pumps is automatically controlled by PLC according to raw water flow rate, the desired dosing rate, the preparation concentration and the setting of manual stock controllers.PLC根据原水流量、所需要的投加浓度、药剂的配制浓度及手动冲程控制器的设定值自动控制混凝剂投加泵的转速。Flocculant dosing絮凝剂投加The speed of flocculant dosing pumps is automatically controlled by PLC according to raw water flow rate, the desired dosing rate, the preparation concentration and the number of Densadegs in operation.PLC根据原水流量、所需要的投加浓度、药剂的配制浓度及处于运行状态的高密池的数量自动控制絮凝剂投加泵的转速。Sulfuric acid dosing硫酸投加The speed of sulfuric acid dosing pumps is automatically controlled by PLC according to raw water flow rate and the desired dosing rate, or the pH value feedback of neutralized water.PLC根据原水流量及所需要的投加浓度或中和后的水的pH值反馈自动控制硫酸投加泵的转速。Start/stop of reactor agitators反应池搅拌器的启停The agitators in Densadeg® reactors can automatically start or stop controlled by PLC according to raw water flow rate and the status of Densadegs®.PLC根据原水流量及高密池的状态自动控制高密池反应池搅拌器的启停。Start/stop of sludge scrapers刮泥机的启停The sludge scrapers in Densadeg® settling tanks can automatically start or stop according to the status of Densadegs®.高密池沉淀区的刮泥机可以根据高密池的状态自动启停。Sludge recirculation污泥回流The sludge recirculation pumps can automatically start or stop according to the status of Densadegs®, and the frequency is automatically controlled by PLC according to raw water flow rate.高密池的回流污泥泵可以根据高密池的状态自动启停,并且PLC根据原水流量自动调节频率。Sludge extraction污泥排放The sludge extraction pumps are automatically controlled according to the accumu


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