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    哈雷-戴维森摩托车公司多少有点像传说中的凤凰涅磐,哈雷-戴维森公司步入令人称奇的商业复生从1981年破产的边缘走向20世纪90年代满足世界需求的辉煌。比尔3></a>.哈雷(Bill Harlry)和戴维森(Davidson)三兄弟于1903年开设了该公司,因为他们认为,机动摩托车有一定的市场。他们生产出的第一种款式具有如下特点:3.9马力引擎,单皮常驱动。他们只卖出辆。但是,到1908年当他们引进了首创的7马力、45级双V形引擎其销售量增加到150辆。 该公司从此兴旺发达,但1933年的世界经济危机将其销售量削减速为7></a><B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6 000辆。以后,在二战期间,哈雷公司依靠向部队出售摩托车来维持繁荣,而且战后,该公司引进了海德-格利特(Hydra-Glide)经典款式。直到1953年印度摩托车公司开张前,哈雷公司是美国唯一的一家摩托车生产商。在整个20世纪<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>60年代,哈雷公司所面临的唯一严重的竞争来自英国摩托车的出口其品牌有BSA、胜利和诺通(Norton)。但是,到了70年代,竞争环境又发生了变化。日本生产商进入美国市场,它们的轻型和中型摩托车很快就直追哈列公司的产品这两种机型正是哈雷公司产品线上的弱点。日本本田(Honda)的广告口号是“骑上本田,与佳人相会”,向哈雷公司坏男孩形象发动进攻,当它树起新型摩托车骑手形象时,这种宣传帮助它开拓了市场。 19<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>69年,AMF(美国机器和铸件公司)希望能充分利用不断增长的市场需求,收购了哈雷-戴维森公司。AMF抓住的时机是准确的。到1974年,随着主要摩托车消费群体1424岁青年的人数从2 700万上升到4 100万,美国摩托车销售量急剧增加到110万辆,而且,热切的买主向哈雷公司提供了重型摩托车市场78%的份额。但是,到了20世纪70年代,当AMF将哈雷公司的产量增加了倍之时,这个创业家族失去了对产品质量的控制。由于摩托车的可靠性越来越差,越来越容易漏油和损坏,哈雷的信誉遭到破坏。而且,日本竞争者通过推广质量更可靠且技术更精良的重型摩托车,也夺走了哈雷公司的顾客,因此,哈雷公司的销售量急剧下降。到1980年,哈雷公司重型摩托车市场拥有量萎缩到30%,而且,公司面临财政崩溃局面。于是,1981年,该企业的一群经理举债买下股权,这是转折点的标志而且,这还是新战略和多维复兴计划的起点。首先,他们激烈批评产品质量问题,这导致了顾客的流失。他们用1亿美元贷款改进哈雷公司的设备和生产程序。他们还采纳了统计管理和员工参与计划来提高质量。而且,他们将质量规划入产品线上,为此,他们研制出配备新型双形引擎且可靠性更强的摩托车。同时,通过增强管理来减少组织机构、降低经理薪金和特殊待遇,发展和越来越少的客户的紧密关系和联系,以便将成本牢牢控制住。他们还进一步照搬日本企业的准点(Just-in-time)存货方法来削减库存支出。哈雷公司还强化和其商行在分销系统和交货上的关系。例如,该公司和他们的经销商一起使其展示厅和服务设施现代化,改进销售训练方法。1983年,哈雷公司指控日本竞争者以低于成本的损人价格来倾销摩托车。而且,美国政府对哈雷公司的投诉做出反应,赋加5年49%的进口摩托车关税。关税给哈雷公司带来了意义深远的远远高于日本生产商的价格优势。当上述所有变化发生效果时,哈雷公司销售量迅速提高。到1987年,大型摩托车的市场份额比例达到45%。事实上,哈雷公司足以强大,以致提前一年请求政府降低保护关税。为了和顾客建立更加紧密的关系,哈雷公司的经理们创立了“哈雷拥有人集团”(H.O.G.)。美国各地的H.O.G.”俱乐部遍地开花。该公司主办哈雷杂志与H.O.G.会员沟通,并在全美倡导周末联谊会,同时,举办免费音乐会。为了保持和顾客的密切关系,哈雷的经理们在联谊会上和摩托车骑手们交流,征求意见和建议。地方上的H.O.G.如今已有250 000会员。哈雷的市场营销调查报告显示,一般的哈雷摩托车拥有者为38岁,家庭收入为53 000美元。<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>60%已婚,大约有30%有大学学历,其中大多(占95%)为男性。哈雷摩托车的大多数人从事高收入工作,如医生、律师等。事实上,这一层次的哈雷用户被称为“Rubbies”即富裕城市摩托车主的简称。他们认为,哈雷公司和H.O.G.的周末活动是他们表达个性和逃避一周压力的途径。为了强化这种亲和态度,哈雷公司的广告宣传不仅关注产品自身,也关注整个哈雷摩托车人的生活方式。哈雷公司还雄心勃勃地拓展海外市场,特别是巨大的日本和欧洲市场。实际上,哈雷公司总产量中有30%用于出口。为了提高出口的增长,该公司鼓励成立海外H.O.G.,出版哈雷本地语杂志,举办适应于本土文化的啤酒节和音乐节。随着营销战略的调整,哈雷的销售量猛增,到1992年,它已占有超重型摩托车在美国的<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>63%。在1993年和1994年,哈雷公司产品供不应求,但实际市场占有比例略有下降(达到5<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6%)。如今,大多数经销商在<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6个月到一年内销售完哈雷摩托车的进库数。结果,顾客要等待一段时日才能买到一辆价格昂贵的摩托车在美国市场上每辆哈雷摩托车的价格幅度在<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6 00019 000美元之间。尽管面临来自经销商的压力,他们希望提供质量保证的哈雷摩托车的数量,但理查德.特尔林克(Richard Teerlink)哈雷-戴维森的首席执行官只允许两家美国生产厂家的生产量适度地提高,而拒绝开设海外生产厂家。他坚持认为,有限生产是高质量的必要条件,而且,他坚定地认为,不能重复20世纪70年代未期的错误,那时,哈雷公司因成功而麻痹大意,让质量和顾客满意度下滑。进而,一些观察家认为,哈雷公司处心积虑的商品短缺有助于保持该公司独一无二的形象和高居不下的价值。这还使得购买摩托车者对于顾客来说,成为一项较好的投资活动;如果一名车主长期拥有一辆该公司的摩托车,其转手售价要比原进价通常要高出很多。顾客的热切需求和高价格共同解释了哈雷公司连续几年在销售量和利润上以双位数急剧上升的原因。1994年,95 800辆的销售量带来了1.<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>63亿美元的利润这将1980年破产的困境远远抛在其后。哈雷公司以及经销商现在仍极为重视产品附件和附加商品的销售因为许多车主想通过消费该产品来展现个人风采。这个行当占有了摩托车销售总额20%以上的财务收入。每年,该企业要销售成万上亿件外衣,上面印有著名的哈雷公司商标而且非摩托车骑手占去将近七成。问题分析: 1.哈雷公司是如何调整它的营销组合以满足其目标顾客的需要?根据相应的s具体分析目标市场的性质和哈雷公司的战略决策。 2.各种不同的外部市场环境多年来是如何影响哈雷公司的战略计划的? 3.日本摩托车公司仍在轻型和中型摩托车型号的销售量上占领先地位。哈雷公司是否应该开发出新的战略与已经做的工作相配套以在这一市场上获得竞争优势?解释你们的理由。 4.当哈雷公司努力去提高国际市场上的销售量时,你认为它所面临的挑战是什么?它如何能以最佳状态去迎接这一挑战? 5.为了能向经销商提供更多的产品,降低顾客等待购买新车所用时间,哈雷公司应该提高它的生产能力吗?解释你们的理由。案例分析一、分析11. Harvey-Davidson adjusts the marketing combination to satisfy the clients&#039; requirements: The first, Harvey-Davidson redeemed the clients by improving the quality of products. The company renewed the equipment and improved on technics. To meet their target customers&#039; requirements, Harvey-Davidson is changing its marketing strategies accordingly, to segment the market and find its potential customers. So all of its strategies are made according to their target customers&#039; needs. The second, Harvey-Davidson improved the sale and service by improving on distribution and delivery. So it can satisfy the requirements for all kinds of clients. The third, Harvey-Davidson founded H.O.G. club. Closer relationship was established through the communication with the clients and the understanding of the clients&#039; suggestions and requirements. The fourth, Harvey-Davidson controlled the number of the products strictly to maintain the high image of the products. In addition, Harvey-Davidson improved its brand and organizational culture by dealing in spare parts and related products. Marketing mix is a set of tool for one company to seek in target market. The combination is divided into four P: product, price, place, and promotion. Harvey-Davidson satisfies its target clients by adjusting the combination. Harvey-Davidson analyses the property of target market and its strategic policies based on 4P as follows: Product: Harvey-Davidson produces various types of motorcycles in different periods. From 3-1/8 inch cylinder, 3-1/2 inch stroke and 3.9 horsepower to V type double engines, 7 horsepower, the company always adjusts its product strategies along with the diversification and competition of the markets. The leading products finally have been gone to heavy type motorcycle market. Price: Harvey-Davidson&#039;s target is to win over high earning estate. So the prices of the motorcycle is higher correspondingly. Although it had been influenced by the lower price of motorcycle manufacture in Japan during that period. Harvey-Davidson protected the price market by indicting the motorcycle manufacture in Japan for dumping its products at lower prices. In 1993 and 1994, Harvey-Davidson&#039;s products demand exceeded supply. At the same time, Harvey-Davidson conscious controlled output of the products. Although one motorcycle with selling prices between <B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6 000 and 19 000 dollars, clients had rather buy an expensive motorcycle wait for a long time. The clients can accept the high prices because of its higher quality. In addition, to occupy a Harvey motorcycle or a person can be considered an investment. The higher prices made Harvey-Davidson get a good profit. Place: Harvey-Davidson tried to enter the Japanese and European markets after its business covered the market of the USA. In 1920, Harvey-Davidson became the biggest motorcycle manufacturer. In 1992, the quotient of heavy type motorcycle is <B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>63% in American market. Promotion: Harvey-Davidson improved its brand image by establishing closer relationship with the clients and selling attached parts and related goods. Harvey-Davidson promoted products by publishing magazines, playing a series of matches and having concerts. In 190<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6, Harvey-Davidson published the first motorcycle&#039;s catalog-&quot;Silent Gray Fellow&quot;. In 1913 and 191<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6, Harvey-Davidson established &quot;Racing Car Club&quot; and published magazine-&quot;The Enthusiast&quot;. In 1983, Harvey-Davidson founded H.O.G. club and published magazine-&quot;Harvey&quot;. So Harvey-Davidson could easily communicate with leaguers of the H.O.G. club by &quot;Harvey&quot;. Harvey-Davidson held sodalities and had concerts in order to maintain the relationship with clients. Only in six years, leaguers of the H.O.G. club exceeded 90000. Up to 2000, all of leaguers of the H.O.G. club exceeded 500000. 2. Then during the war, Harvey-Davidson&#039;s products were mostly for the military, which was a big market. When the company&#039;s bad time came, it lost many clients, they found the problem and paid attention to the product quality. After the quality reform, they improved the product quality and redeemed customers. At the same time, they built the brand strategy and create the brand images, because customers generally prefer the brand with the greatest positive value. After that, they not only provide high quality products, but also provide high quality services. The change of exterior environment makes the Harvey-Davidson always adjust its marketing strategies. Before 19<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>60&#039;s of 20th century, the Harvey-Davidson is only company which to produce motorcycle. There were no companies competed with Harvey-Davidson at that time. Harvey-Davidson produced the products according to the requirements of clients and markets. The only impact that came from macroeconomic and polity. In 19<B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>60&#039;s of 20th century, the Harvey-Davidson had to face the competition, which came from motorcycle manufacture in Britain. But in 1970&#039;s of 20th century, all of the changes happened. The light and middle type motorcycle that came from Japan impacted Harvey-Davidson&#039;s market strongly with its high capability and quality. Harvey-Davidson had to change its targets, that is to say, in 1980&#039;s of 20th century, Japan motorcycle&#039;s entry into American market made its quotient reduce to 30%. Harvey-Davidson hardly collapsed. So it had to take a series of measures, such as, to improve the product&#039;s quality, to reduce the cost of the product and improve on the marketing system to improve the competition and quotient of product. At the same time, Harvey-Davidson indicted the Japan Company for its lower price dumping. To do so, they protected their price advantages and enlarged their occupancy rate. In 90 years 20th century, Harvey-Davidson started a path to develop business. In USA, it recaptured the quotient, which belonged to itself. It also expanded its markets abroad. 3. Clearly new products create huge risks and potentially huge rewards for organization. Many companies enter into international markets opportunistically in response to inquiries from interested potential customers, or when their own customers more into new markets. Although Harvey-Davidson&#039;s heavy type motorcycle is pure monopoly in the markets. I think it should proper and timely open out light type motorcycle in order to maximize value. After all the product&#039;s diversification can improve its competition and partake risks. But to do all of this, Harvey-Davidson must keep its traditional product-heavy type motorcycle in such a pure monopoly market. The new products&#039; exploitation and sale don&#039;t influence Harvey-Davidson&#039;s leading product-heavy type motorcycle. If Harvey-Davidson can&#039;t get more profits after it enter into the light type motorcycle&#039;s market. Harvey-Davidson should consider drawing back as early as possible. It is important for Harvey-Davidson to do a budget before do what it want to do. 4. Harvey-Davidson must pay attention to local policy, culture when it comes into international market. Especially its price must be considered seriously, because there are different circumstances in different countries. The heavy motorcycle&#039;s price is so high that the people can&#039;t pay for it in most of developing countries. Once a company has decided on its overall international marketing objectives, it must decided on which individual markets to enter. Firms often select initial international markets based on a heuristic-their similarity to home markets. So Harvey-Davidson should have different sale strategies on prices to face the complex international market. I don&#039;t think it is advisable for Harvey-Davidson to compete with Japanese in middle and light type motorcycles. It will pay expensive cost for Harvey-Davidson use its inferior position to compare with Japanese&#039;s advantages. Only the firms that realized international markets adequately will maintain pure monopoly in the international market. Harvey-Davidson must pay attention to local policy and culture when it enters into international market. Its price is especially considered a very important factor. 1) For which developing-country markets were too small because of its low purchasing power. People in developing countries can&#039;t afford one motorcycle with selling price between <B style='color:white;background-color:#886800'>6 000 and 19 000 dollars because this price equals a person&#039;s yearly salary. So it is feasible for Harvey-Davidson to exploit low-end products to enter developing-country markets. It is necessary for Harvey-Davidson to sale its products from their domestic markets directly into developed-country markets. 2) Harvey-Davidson must investigate the varieties of the international markets and legal system of different countries. It is also important for Harvey-Davidson to make strategic marketing plan and tactical marketing plan according to the market-oriented strategic planing. 3) Harvey-Davidson must consider the budget when it exploits a kind of new product. 4) Harvey-Davidson must pay attention to maintain its product&#039;s imagine. 5. I don&#039;t think Harvey-Davidson must increase its number of the products in order to improve its producing capability. Some persons sometimes want to buy &quot;Harvey&quot; motorcycles; but they have to wait for a long time. Although they got the products after a long time waiting. They satisfied their selection because the result fitted their anticipations. A long time waiting can make clients bring wants to buy the products. Harvey-Davidson&#039;s products are famous for its high quality, strong capability and high price. Its high quality is the source that Harvey-Davidson keeps successful all over the world. The quality is only path to maintain the increase of profits. To enlarge scope of productivity can increase the numbers of the products. Once Harvey-Davidson increases its productivity, the quality maybe decreases. The prices of the products can fall accordingly. As a collector who already was the owner of the products, maybe feels disappointment because of increase of Harvey-Davidson&#039;s products. As a person who wants to buy a &quot;Harvey&quot; motorcycle maybe give up because of the products lost its value of collection. At the same time, Harvey-Davidson can also lose its product personality. The increase of the products will give the collectors a shock. Thus Harvey-Davidson improve its productivity blindly can bring huge risks. I think Harvey-Davidson should be on the path to develop the brand strategy planing. Quality is the necessary condition of brand strategy planing to be high up in the pictures.二、分析2一、哈雷公司是如何调整它的营销组合以满足其目标顾客的需要?根据相应的s具体分析目标市场的性质和哈雷公司的战略决策。 首先在八十年代初该企业的经理买下了股权,组织结构发生了巨大变革,整个企业的性质发生了本质的变化,这是哈雷公司起死回生的转折点,也是新战略和多维复兴计划的起点。其次,哈雷公司在长期的市场竞争过程中,其营销方式从过去以产品为中心过渡为现在的以市场和客户为中心的方式,而哈雷公司的目标顾客应该说在不同历史时期是不同的。创业时期,目标市场不太明确;战争时期,公司将目标市场锁定美国军队;战后经济恢复时期,将目标顾客集中于1424岁的青年人;公司复兴时期,哈雷公司对目标市场进行了定位与细分,公司的


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