塔里木油田油气资源勘探开发利用现状及前景浅谈一、油气勘探成果及现状塔里木油田会战年来,取得了丰硕的油气勘探成果。会战前塔里木盆地仅有一个小型油田依奇克里克油田,一个中型气田柯克亚气田。到年底,塔里木油田已发现个油气田,其中油田个,气田个,均以大、中型油气田为主。二、油气开发现状及成果年以来,塔里木油田先后建成投产轮南、东河塘、塔中、哈得逊、牙哈、克拉、英买力等一批优质整装大油气田。年,塔里木油田实际生产石油万吨,天然气亿方,年月日,塔里木油田油气当量超过万吨,成为中石油第四大油田。三、塔里木油田目前油气资源配置及利用情况塔里木油田的油气资源配置或流向,主要执行国家发改委指导意见,实行由中石油总部统一配置。除城镇燃气指标中石油有政策塔里木油田可以优先保证周边地区供应外,凡是工业用气指标均需由中石油总部批复。四、塔里木油田生产经营面临的挑战和困难受金融危机影响,我国经济增速持续下滑,国内部分企业经营困难,国民经济发展面临比较严峻的形势。从年初开始,塔里木油田也采取了严格成本控制、压缩管理费用、加强预算管理、投资计划管理、项目论证等一系列革新性措施,以确保平稳渡过全球金融危机期间的生产经营困难期。五、塔里木油田油气勘探开发的远景规划年塔里木油田新确立了“”的远期发展目标。即到年,油气产量当量在年基础上翻一番,达到万吨;到年,实现“”发展目标:“”:累计探明加控制油气地质储量亿吨。作为塔里木油田总部所在地的巴州,同时又是油田油气资源的源头所在地,巴州具有得天独厚的优势和机遇。当前,我们应做好以下几方面工作。一是各级党委、政府以及有关部门,应着眼长远,全方位地并以更明确到位超前的意识、更具体的措施、更强有力的手段加大对石油企业的支持、共建力度。按照油地“二十字”工作方针,建立更加和谐,共同协调发展的油地关系。二是积极争取国家、自治区和两大石油集团在政策上支持巴州做大做强石化产业,把石油、天然气化工培育成为巴州继石油工业之后最大的主导产业。三是加快完善石油、石化工业园区基础设施建设,制定更加优惠的扶持政策,充分利用塔里木油田和西北油田的当地市场,利用巴州区域优势辐射周边油田和国外油田,实现地方经济与石油的协调发展。四是充分利用国家拉动内需、加大基础设施建设投入的有利时机,进一步完善巴州综合交通运输体系。把库尔勒市打造成南疆最具活力、经济社会环境协调发展的现代化中心城市。附录:外文翻译In Wang Zuoliangs translation practices, he translated many poems, especially the poems written by Robert Burns. His translation of Burns “A Red, Red Rose” brought him fame as a verse translator. At the same time, he published about ten papers on the translation of poems. Some argue that poems cannot be translated. Frost stresses that poetry might get lost in translation. According to Wang, verse translation is possible and necessary, for “The poet-translator brings over some exciting work from another culture and in doing so is also writing his own best work, thereby adding something to his culture. In this transmission and exchange, a richer, more colorful world emerges. ”(Wang, 1991:112). Then how can we translate poems? According to Wangs understanding, the translation of poems is related to three aspects: A poems meaning, poetic art and language. (1)A poems meaning “Socio-cultural differences are formidable enough, but the matter is made much more complex when one realizes that meaning does not consist in the meaning of words only, but also in syntactical structures, speech rhythms, levels of style.” (Wang, 1991:93).(2)Poetic art According to Wang, “Blys point about the marvelous translation being made possible in the United States only after Whitman, Pound and Williams Carlos Williams composed poetry in speech rhythms shows what may be gained when there is a genuine revolution in poetic art.” (Wang, 1991:93).(3)Language “Sometimes language stays static and sometimes language stays active. When language is active, it is beneficial to translation” “This would require this kind of intimate understanding, on the part of the translator, of its genius, its idiosyncrasies, its past and present, what it can do and what it choose not to do.” (Wang, 1991:94). Wang expresses the difficulties of verse translation. Frosts comment is sufficient to prove the difficulty a translator has to grapple with. Maybe among literary translations, the translation of poems is the most difficult thing. Poems are the crystallization of wisdom. The difficulties of poetic comprehension lie not only in lines, but also in structure, such as cadence, rhyme, metre, rhythm, all these conveying information. One point merits our attention. Wang not only talks about the times poetic art, but also the impact languages activity has produced on translation. In times when the language is active, translation is prospering. The reform of poetic art has improved the translation quality of poems. For example, around May Fourth Movement, Baihua replaced classical style of writing, so the translation achieved earth-shaking success. The relation between the state of language and translation is so