管道安装方案 中英文 完整版Pipeline Installation Plan.doc
文件类型Type 文件页数Total Page 版次Edition 修订说明Revision 受控编号Refer No.GH1470版首次First 管道安装方案 Pipeline Installation Plan02012-12-23Version版次Date日期Compiled by编制Reviewed by审核Approved by批准中国化学工程第十三建设有限公司The 13th construction Co.,ltd of CNCE目 录Catalogue 1概述 Generals42编制依据Compilation Basis43施工程序计划Construction Procedure Plan63.1施工程序Construction Procedure63.2施工进度计划Conctruction schedule 3.3施工人员安排表 Construction Manpower Schedule 4 施工准备 Construction Preparation95材料验收 Acceptance of Materials115.1材料外观检测 Visual Examination of Materials115.2材料的无损检测Nondestructive Testing of materials135.3阀门的试压检测 Pressure Test of Valve135.4安全阀定压调试Rated Pressure Test of Safety Valve145.5 焊材检验 Welding Materials Inspection156管道预制 Pipe Prefabrication157管道安装Pipeline Erection197.1管道安装基本要求 Basic requirement of pipeline installation207.2与动设备相连管道安装的要求Installation requirement for pipe connecting to power equipment217.3不锈钢管安装的要求Installation requirement of stainless steel pipe237.4特殊管道安装要求Installation requirement of special pipe247.5兰连接安装的要求 Installation requirement of flange connection297.6阀门安装的要求Valve installation requirement317.7管道静电接地Electrostatic grounding of pipe327.8架安装 Support installation338管道焊接及焊接检验 Pipe welding and welding inspection348.1 一般规定 Generals348.2 焊接工艺要求Welding technologic requirement368.3 焊接方法及工艺要求 Welding method and technology requirement408.4焊接进度质量要求 Requirement for welding schedule and quality428.5焊缝检查Weld inspection439管道脱脂和酸洗钝化 Pipe degreasing, pickling and passivation459.1脱脂 Degreasing459.2化学清洗 Chemical cleaning4610管道试压 Requirement for pressure testing of pipeline4710.1管道试压的条件 Conditions4710.2压力试验 Pressure test4811管道吹扫、冲冼 Blowing off and flushing of piping5611.1吹扫、冲洗前的准备工作 Preparation5611.2水冲洗 Water flushing5611.3空气吹扫 Air purge5711.4吹扫、冲洗验收及完善工作 Acceptance and followup work for purge and flush5712质量保证措施 Quality Guarantee Measures5812.1 质量保证目标:Quality Objective5812.2质量保证措施:Quality guarantee measures5813施工机具 Construction tools&machines6314安全保证措施 Safety protective measures6514.1焊接作业 Welding work6514.2高空作业 Work at height6614.3起重吊装 Lifting work6714.4射线防护作业 Radiographic protection work6915安全施工措施评估 Assessment of safety protective measures71附件一X射线检测方案 Appendix 1 X ray inspection plan78附件二磁粉检测方案 Appendix 2 Magnetic particle testing plan98附件三渗透检测方案 Appendix 3 Penetration Inspection scheme105附件四无损检测安全防护措施Appendix 4 Safety protection measures of Non-destruction test117附件五管道热处理施工方案 plan for piping heat treatment1191概述 Generals本方案为中化蓝天霍尼韦尔新材料有限公司1.2万吨/年HFC-245fa工艺管道安装而编制。工作范围主要包括管材、管件的材料检验;管道的预制、安装;不锈钢管道的脱脂酸洗,以及管线的探伤工作。大概的工作量约有22000米管道、14400个管件和3500个阀门。管道材质为碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢、玻璃钢、衬里管道等,管道预制在现场外预制厂完成。This plan is compiled for process pipe installation of 12,000/Year HFC-245fa project of Honeywell Sinochem Lantian New Material Co., Ltd. Work scope includes inspection of pipe materials and fittings, pipe prefabrication and installation, degreasing and pickling of stainless steel pipes, and pipeline detection. The work quantity shall include approximately 22000m pipeline, 14400 pcs of pipe fittings and 3500 pcs of valves. The pipe material shall include carbon steel, stainless steel and alloy steel, glass fiber reinforced plastics and lined pipes etc. The pipeline prefabrication shall be done in the prefabrication shop outside the field. 2编制依据Compilation Basis 机电安装工程招标文件Tender documents of mechnical and electrical installation project 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范GB 50235-2010Code for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metallic Pipeline Engineering GB 50235-2010现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范GB 50236-2011Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment and Industrial Pipeline Welding Engineering GB 50236-2011石油化工有毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范SH 3501-2011Code for construction and acceptance of petrochemical industry toxic and combustible medium pipeline engineering SH 3501-2011石油化工钢制通用阀门选择、检查及验收SH/T 3064-2003Selection, inspection and acceptance of petrochemical industry steel universal valves,SH/T 3064-2003石油化工工程焊接工艺评定标准SHJ509-88Evaluation standard for welding process of petrochemical industry engineering, SHJ509-88石油化工低温钢焊接规程SH/T 3520-2004Specification for petrochemical industry low-temperature welding, SH/T 3520-2004石油化工不锈钢复合钢焊接规程SH/T 3527-1999Specification for petrochemical industrial S.S compound steel welding, SH/T 3527-1999 脱脂工程施工及验收规范HG20202-2000Code for construction and acceptance of degreasing engineering HG20202-20003施工程序计划Construction Procedure Plan 审图、制作管段预制图Drawing review, and preparation of prefabrication drawing 3.1施工程序Construction Procedure领料及材料检验表面处理、油漆下料、开坡口组对、点焊焊口焊接返修焊缝检验支架预制阀门试压预制厂内预制合格 不合格返修现场安装、部分焊接焊缝检验不合格管线检查 合格 管道试验、冲洗吹扫管道酸洗、钝化移交防腐保温 3.2施工进度计划Conctruction schedule区域描述开始结束HCC-240fa Unit (01)管道安装2013-8-102013-8-30查线、试压、冲洗2013-8-302013-12-10HFC-245fa Unit (02)管道安装2013-6-302013-8-30查线、试压、冲洗2013-8-302013-12-15Intermediate Tank Farm (03)Utility Building (04)管道安装2013-6-302013-8-10查线、试压、冲洗2013-8-102013-11-10UnitDescriptionStartFinishHCC-240fa Unit (01)Piping Installation10-Aug-201330-Oct-2013Check Line, Hydro Test and Flushing30-Oct-201310-Dec-2013HFC-245fa Unit (02)Piping Installation30-Jun-201330-Oct-2013Check Line, Hydro Test and Flushing30-Oct-201315-Dec-2013Intermediate Tank Farm (03)Utility Building (04)Piping Installation30-Jun-201310-Oct-2013Check Line, Hydro Test and Flushing10-Oct-201310-Nov-20133.3 施工人员安排表 construction manpower schedule2013年2014年工种3月4月5月6月7月8月9月10月11月12月1月管工工长1224444221焊工工长1146666642起重工工长111111111起重工11244542焊工122221管工306090120120120404010无损探伤工488101010422管道焊工15304560606010105普工15304560606010105架子工68101288832013 2014 OccupationMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Piping foreman1224444221Welding foreman1146666642Hoisting forman111111111craneman11244542welder122221Pipe fitter306090120120120404010NDT worker488101010422Pipe welder15304560606010105Labor15304560606010105scaffolder68101288834 施工准备 Construction Preparation4.1技术交底:开工之前对现场施工人员进行技术交底,使施工人员了解工程概况、工程内容、工期、质量要求、施工重点、难点、要点,明确自己在施工过程中所承担任务的工作责任,对需持证上岗的人员进行检查,对所有参加施工的人员进行三级安全教育。要求参加施工的人员认真阅读图纸,领会设计意图。熟悉工艺流程、管道的主要工艺参数(压力、温度、输送介质、腐蚀情况及管材、焊材)、设计说明及施工要求等。对施工图应进行详细审核,各个尺寸、座标、标高是否错误、遗漏,所有管材、阀门及其它管配件与图纸是否相符,详细核对材料表中所列的材料和配件的材质、规格、数量等是否与图纸相符。在进场施工之前,对所有施工人员再次进行一次全面系统的教育,使施工人员对工程有较深的认识,加强施工人员的质量、安全、文明施工的意识。了解施工现场实际情况,及现场的基本急救设施和紧急集合点。Technical clarification: Technical clarification shall be made to field construction personnel before commencement to make them get to know project generals, content, work period, quality requirement, key points and difficulties, and to clarify each responsibilities and duties in construction. The operators with the certificate shall be checked, and make HSE training to all personnel involved in construction. Responsibility for personnel involved in construction is to read the drawing carefully, get to know design purpose, and be familiar with the process, main technical specification for the pipe( pressure, temperature, conveying medium, corrosion situation, pipe fitting and welding materials), design basis and construction requirement etc. Each dimension, coordinate and elevation on the drawing shall be checked and verified carefully, including that all pipe materials, valves and other fitting whether conforming to the drawing, as well as material, specification and quantity of all listed materials and fitting. Before mobilization for construction, all constructors shall be trained for comprehensive safety& civilized construction education to strengthen awareness of quality, safety and civilized work during construction. Make them to know actual situation on construction site, and keep them know of site first aid facility and emergency assembly point.4.2机具检查:对施工所需要的机具进行清点核实,查看施工设备、机具是否完好,各种电动机具是否运转正常,安全可靠。检测计量工具是否齐全、完好,并在使用有效期中,如发现过了检测期的设备或已有损坏的设备立刻重新检测和修复,经维修部贴牌后方入场使用Check machines&tools: count all machines and tools involved in the installation. Check conditions of installation equipment, machines and tools. Check electrical machines and see if they are running normally and reliably. Check conditions of testing tools. Unqualified ones shall be replaced or repaired in a timely manner which shall be mobilized after being labeled by maintenance department.4.3所有的管材、管件、阀门、焊材等必须有材料质量证明书,其内容、形式必须符合相应材料制造标准的要求。All pipe materials, pipes, valves and welding materials shall be attached with material quality certificate, content and form of which shall be in compliance with manufacturing standard requirement of correspondence materials.4.4所有的管材、管件、阀门、焊材等材料到场后必须按GB50235-2010和SH3501-2011进行检查,不锈钢材料做光谱检测,主要检查材料的外观质量、包装情况,质量保证书与合格证,有保质期者是否在保质期以内,无质量保证书的材料不得入场使用。All pipe materials, pipes, valves and welding materials shall be inspected as per GB50235-2010and SH3501-2011 requirement after mobilization. Spectra inspection shall be performed for S.S materials. The main inspection shall be conducted for material visual examination, packing situation, quality certificate and guarantee. Check the materials whether be in quality guarantee period. And no mobilization without quality warranty.4.5阀门按规范要求进行强度及严密性试验,试验合格的阀门及时标好合格字样,填写阀门试验记录。安全阀应按要求送当地锅检所检验调校,调试合格后铅封;并应有安全阀调试记录。Valves shall be preformed intensity and leakage test as per standard requirement. For the accepted valves, "Acceptance" would be labeled in time, and test report would be filled out. For Safety valves, it shall be checked and debugged as per requirement in local boiler inspection institute, and it shallbe lead sealing after acceptance, debugging record included.4.6所有进场材料一律分门别类堆放整齐,并作明显标识,不同材质不能堆放在一起。All materials shall be classified and stacked in orders with distinct identification. No placing together for different materials.5材料验收 Acceptance of Materials包括焊材、管子、管件、法兰、阀门、补偿器、安全装置及紧固件等和管道支承件包括管托、鞍座、管夹等必须具有制造厂的质量证明书和合格证,其质量应符合设计文件、施工图纸的规定,不得低于国家现行标准规定。Quality certificate and warranty must be supplied from manufacturer for welding material, pipe, tube, flange, valve, compensator, safety device, fastener, and pipeline supports, such as bracket, clamp and saddle etc. The quality should be in compliance with design document and construction drawing requirement, which would at least conforms to national current standard.5.1材料外观检测 Visual Examination of Materials 所有的管材、管件和其它各种涉及到装置永久性存在的材料都必须有材料合格证,并与实物进行核对。如实物的标注不清或质量证明文件不符或对产品质量证明文件中的特性数据或检验结果有异议的,在异议为解决前不得使用。并应按国标进行外观检查,不合格者严禁使用,所有材料均有可追溯性。All pipes, fittings and valves and other involved with permanent facilities of the Plant shall be provided with manufacturer quality certifications. If material object's label is vague or quality certificate inconformity or specific data or testing findings in the quality certificate is objectionable, the material couldn't be used before objection clarifying. Visual examination of the material would be conducted as per international standard, and no use for unacceptable. All materials would be with traceability.外观检查应符合下列规定:Visual examination shall conforms to the following provisions:(1). 裂纹、缩孔、夹渣、折叠等缺陷;Crack, shrinkage, slag inclusion, folding and other defects;(2). 锈蚀、凹痕、机械损伤深度不能超过允许壁厚负偏差;Corrosion, indentation, mechanical damage depth less than allowable minus deviation of wall thickness.(3). 螺纹密封面、坡口、加工精度应达到设计标准要求;Threaded sealing surface, beveled edge, and machining precision would meet design requirement.(4). 有产品标识。Product identification included.(5). 所有管道直径及壁厚偏差均不得超出相关标准的规定(普通管道外径偏差允许值为±10%DN,壁厚偏差为+12%,-10%)。All pipe diameter and wall thickness deviation would never go more than related standard requirement ( Deviation value for ordinary pipe external diameter is ±10%DN, and wall thickness deviation is+12%,-10% ).其中管子的管子质量证明书应包括以下内容:Besides, quality certificate would includes the following content:(1). 产品标准号;Product standard No.(2). 钢的牌号;Steel No.(3). 炉罐号、批号、交货状态,重量和件数;Furnace tank No., lot No., condition of delivery, weight and quantity;(4). 品种名称、规格和质量等级;Type name, specification and quality level(5). 产品标准中规定的各项检验结果。Each item testing findings specified in product standard requirement.5.2材料的无损检测Nondestructive Testing of materials 对于设计压力等于或大于10Mpa的管子,输送易燃易爆有毒介质的管子管件参照SH3501-2011的规范,外表面应采用渗透检测逐根检查,检验结果以I几为合格。(渗透检测方案详见附件3)External surface of pipes with design pressure 10Mpa, and inflammable&explosive&toxic pipes&fittings during transportation shall be conducted by penetrant test one by one as per specification of SH3501-2011 . Testing findings with I shall be accepted.( see Affix 3 for Penetrant testing plan)5.3阀门的试压检测 Pressure Test of Valve阀门压力试验,壳体的试验压力取公称压力的1.5倍,试验时间10分钟,以壳体填料无渗漏为合格。密封试验按公称压力的1.1倍进行,以阀瓣密封面无泄露为合格。试验介质:洁净水。Pressure testing of valvea: The test pressure for valve case shall be 1.5 times of nominal pressure with10 minutes for testing, and no leakage from case stuffing is regarded as eligible. Sealing test pressure shall be performed as 1.1 times of nominal pressure, and no leakage from seal face of valve clack, it can be regarded as eligible. Clean water is as testing medium.对于检测合格和不合格的阀门要做出相应明确的标识,分开摆放。Related clear identification for acceptance and unacceptance shall be made respectively, and stacking separately.试验合格的阀门及时排尽内部积水,并吹干,密封面涂防锈油,关阀门,封闭出入口,做好标记,并填写“阀门试验记录”。Qualified valves shall be free water in time, and dry it out, seal face shall be lad with anti-rust oil, then turn off valves, close inlet and outlet, make identification, and fill in"Valve Test Record".a. 检查法兰密封面及密封垫片,不得有影响密封性能的划痕、斑点等缺陷。Check the flange facing and sealing gasket. No scratch, mottle or other defects affecting sealing property is allowed.b. 软垫片的周边应整齐,垫片尺寸应与法兰密封面相符,其允许偏差应符合下表规定:Soft gasket edges would be trim, and dimension should be matched with flange facing with allowable deviation conforming to the following table characteristic:法兰密封面形式公称直径平面型凸凹型榫槽型内径外径内径外径内径外径100及以下+2.5-2.0+2.0-1.5+1.0-1.0100以上+3.5-3.5+3.0-3.0+1.5-1.5Flange facingNominal diameterFlat faceMFMTGI.DO.DI.D