行业人才动态分析(快速消费品(食品·饮料·日化·烟酒))目 录一、行业概况- 1 -1、主要企业- 1 -2、主要公司地域分布- 2 -二、人员分布概况- 2 -1、快速消费品行业从业人员总数- 2 -2、快速消费品行业网络求职者目前所在地区分布- 6 -三、招聘趋势分析- 6 -1、总体招聘趋势分析- 6 -2、快速消费品行业企业主要招聘城市- 7 -3、快速消费品行业企业主要招聘职位- 7 -四、网络求职者特征分析基于主流求职网站数据监测- 8 -1、目前所在城市分布- 8 -2、期望工作地区分布- 8 -3、年龄构成- 9 -4、性别结构- 9 -5、学历结构- 10 -6、职业类别分布- 10 -7、工作经验分布- 11 -8、现在薪水分布- 11 -9、期望薪水分布- 12 -五、近期网络招聘概况(2006/8-2006/10)- 13 -1、ChinaHR- 13 -2、51job- 13 -3、zhaopin- 13 -一、行业概况1、主要企业2、主要公司地域分布 数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com可以看到,该行业企业所在地域比较分散。二、人员分布概况1、快速消费品行业从业人员总数 食品制造业 单位:人地区Jun-06May-06Apr-06地区2006-062006-052006-04全国122261012109301200493北京市454894452344907天津市261412689926417河北省701387040270203山西省166841897518438内蒙古323993205032068辽宁省376793685936294吉林省114751172210874黑龙江358743517535647上海市551435483151993江苏省538885395654344浙江省548595499855618安徽省365543505834337福建省642376209060984江西省198631860918580山东省199615195368191059河南省125772126268127118湖北省382733765537790湖南省453144556545367广东省118358117365117678广西区185421782717584海南省332736263070重庆市103761034810341四川省417324087440857贵州省939891368710云南省801779517988西藏区259259/陕西省213762092220966甘肃省639263046317青海省801831810宁夏区566457495745新疆区897187358389饮料制造业 单位:人地区Jun-06May-06Apr-06地区2006-062006-052006-04全国880074872202867378北京市260472606926061天津市121691239412255河北省372353710536571山西省161571613216119内蒙古199232002520152辽宁省248502497924585吉林省239472386923633黑龙江248842505724974上海市134671283913125江苏省572255680456949浙江省462524465343612安徽省486064832748056福建省285352764526589江西省152871505914833山东省112247110532110482河南省656796431963740湖北省335433255233520湖南省178631848218410广东省487475022250043广西区155871469914658海南省345334593432重庆市107321057110461四川省910238992790959贵州省204372099019715云南省152691536215120西藏区768768/陕西省190531875318637甘肃省160111577415707青海省166619151703宁夏区475846354647新疆区865482858630烟草制品业 单位:人地区Jun-06May-06Apr-06地区2006-062006-052006-04全国180542182682183794河北省642463896338内蒙古221922252227辽宁省273027532740吉林省392440803939黑龙江575760566062上海市421642314237江苏省770977217725浙江省315331553157安徽省880287769039福建省339033763414江西省743974417443山东省1083293359648河南省144051495415234湖北省98451189211996湖南省106561101310319广东省664866586832广西区352636663651重庆市559253095466四川省682870127143贵州省142111427414473云南省282882832328602陕西省641965706583甘肃省293128692916宁夏区3783793782、快速消费品行业网络求职者目前所在地区分布 数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com相对于企业的分散,该行业的网络求职者也比较分散,但其中又以广东、北京、上海三地居多。三、招聘趋势分析1、总体招聘趋势分析 数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com基于对主流网络招聘媒体的监测分析,发现该行业的招聘需求一直在缓慢上升,但是从今年4月份开始该趋势出现了一定的加速。2、快速消费品行业企业主要招聘城市 数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com尽管企业数量相对来说并不多,但是广东、上海、北京三地的企业比较活跃,他们的招聘需求是相当大。3、快速消费品行业企业主要招聘职位数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com 快速消费品行业目前招聘的职位以销售类为主,其次是市场/广告/公关与媒介类,但也仅仅占了前者的一半不到。四、网络求职者特征分析基于主流求职网站数据监测1、目前所在城市分布数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com 2、期望工作地区分布数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com尽管北京是主要的求职者聚集地,但是在他们期望工作的地区中,上海比北京更有吸引力,而选择广州、深圳的也不在少数。3、年龄构成数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com快速消费品行业目前的活跃求职者以2230岁之间的人群为主,这与企业的实际人员需求比较吻合。4、性别结构数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com5、学历结构数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com可以看到,快速消费品行业目前的活跃求职者学历以大专及本科为主。6、职业类别分布 数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com目前,快速消费品行业的求职者以销售类人员为主,这刚好符合了该行业企业的需求。7、工作经验分布数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com快速消费品行业目前的活跃求职者工作经验在210年之间的人占了67%,基本符合企业的需求。8、现在薪水分布数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com9、期望薪水分布数据来源:中华英才网 ChinaHR.com 五、近期网络招聘概况(2006/8-2006/10)1、ChinaHR公司名称发布形式主要招聘职位西门子(中国)全年首页Logo发布各类职位近12000个东芝(中国)北京专区Logo医疗信息系统软件开发工程师、项目经理、医疗图像处理软件设计师、软件开发工程师等共计12个职位强生(中 国)医疗上海专区文字实验室专员、专业教育经理、临床教育顾问、会计等共计6个职位通用电气医疗系统(中国)苏州、西安专区文字图像质量工程师、测试验证工程师、产品支持工程师、机械工程师、项目统筹主管等共计71个职位2、51job公司名称发布形式主要招聘职位柯尼卡美能达医疗印刷器材(上海)有限公司上海专区文字人事总务担当、营业担当共2个职位通用(上海)医疗器材有限公司上海、广州专区文字包括产品、市场、商务、销售、财务等共12个职位公司名称发布形式主要招聘职位布尔医疗设备(北京)有限公司北京专区文字Mechanical Sourcing Engineer、 Logistics specialist 共2个职位3、zhaopinEditor's note: Judson Jones is a meteorologist, journalist and photographer. He has freelanced with CNN for four years, covering severe weather from tornadoes to typhoons. Follow him on Twitter: jnjonesjr (CNN) - I will always wonder what it was like to huddle around a shortwave radio and through the crackling static from space hear the faint beeps of the world's first satellite - Sputnik. I also missed watching Neil Armstrong step foot on the moon and the first space shuttle take off for the stars. Those events were way before my time.As a kid, I was fascinated with what goes on in the sky, and when NASA pulled the plug on the shuttle program I was heartbroken. Yet the privatized space race has renewed my childhood dreams to reach for the stars.As a meteorologist, I've still seen many important weather and space events, but right now, if you were sitting next to me, you'd hear my foot tapping rapidly under my desk. I'm anxious for the next one: a space capsule hanging from a crane in the New Mexico desert.It's like the set for a George Lucas movie floating to the edge of space.You and I will have the chance to watch a man take a leap into an unimaginable free fall from the edge of space - live.The (lack of) air up there Watch man jump from 96,000 feet Tuesday, I sat at work glued to the live stream of the Red Bull Stratos Mission. I watched the balloons positioned at different altitudes in the sky to test the winds, knowing that if they would just line up in a vertical straight line "we" would be go for launch.I feel this mission was created for me because I am also a journalist and a photographer, but above all I live for taking a leap of faith - the feeling of pushing the envelope into uncharted territory.The guy who is going to do this, Felix Baumgartner, must have that same feeling, at a level I will never reach. However, it did not stop me from feeling his pain when a gust of swirling wind kicked up and twisted the partially filled balloon that would take him to the upper end of our atmosphere. As soon as the 40-acre balloon, with skin no thicker than a dry cleaning bag, scraped the ground I knew it was over.How claustrophobia almost grounded supersonic skydiverWith each twist, you could see the wrinkles of disappointment on the face of the current record holder and "capcom" (capsule communications), Col. Joe Kittinger. He hung his head low in mission control as he told Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted.The supersonic descent could happen as early as Sunday.The weather plays an important role in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause), he can expect a lot of turbulence.The balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet (22.7 miles/36.53 kilometers). Here, "Fearless Felix" will unclip. He will roll back the door.Then, I would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an Olympic diving platform.Below, the Earth becomes the concrete bottom of a swimming pool that he wants to land on, but not too hard. Still, he'll be traveling fast, so despite the distance, it will not be like diving into the deep end of a pool. It will be like he is diving into the shallow end.Skydiver preps for the big jumpWhen he jumps, he is expected to reach the speed of sound - 690 mph (1,110 kph) - in less than 40 seconds. Like hitting the top of the water, he will begin to slow as he approaches the more dense air closer to Earth. But this will not be enough to stop him completely.If he goes too fast or spins out of control, he has a stabilization parachute that can be deployed to slow him down. His team hopes it's not needed. Instead, he plans to deploy his 270-square-foot (25-square-meter) main chute at an altitude of around 5,000 feet (1,524 meters).In order to deploy this chute successfully, he will have to slow to 172 mph (277 kph). He will have a reserve parachute that will open automatically if he loses consciousness at mach speeds.Even if everything goes as planned, it won't. Baumgartner still will free fall at a speed that would cause you and me to pass out, and no parachute is guaranteed to work higher than 25,000 feet (7,620 meters).It might not be the moon, but Kittinger free fell from 102,800 feet in 1960 - at the dawn of an infamous space race that captured the hearts of many. Baumgartner will attempt to break that record, a feat that boggles the mind. This is one of those monumental moments I will always remember, because there is no way I'd miss this.