Kinesic Communication,Movement of the Body in Communication,Take out a blank paper and number it in the following way,,How much do you know about body language?,1.According to psychologist Albert Mehrabian,of the total meaning of a spoken message,what percent comes from facial expressions/other non-verbal communication?2.True or False:A smile is one of the few forms of nonverbal expression that has the same meaning all over the world3.The number of different communicative expressions Americans make with their face is:6,33,50,or 120?,How much do you know about body language?,4.a.When negotiating,which countrys people has the longest eye contact?b.Shortest?-Japanese,Americans,Brazilians5.True or False:Counting on the fingers from 1 to 5 is a universal nonverbal gesture6.Which groups have the firmest handshakes?a.Vietnamese and Filipinosb.Germans and Americansc.Egyptians and Moroccans,How much do you know about body language?,7.a.In which city do couples sitting in a caf touch each other most often?b.Least often?a.San Juan(Mexico)b.Parisc.London8.Worldwide,researchers have found approximately how many distinct units of nonverbal communication:250,500,750,or 1000?,Answers,1.7%-meaning of words;38%how you say the words;55%facial expressions and other non-verbal communication2.False(in China,is a smile always happy?)3.334.Japanese-13%;Americans-33%;Brazilians-56%5.False-in India,some people count each joint of their fingers,but no thumb(12 per hand)6.Germans and Americans7.San Juan-180;Paris-110;London-08.1,000 distinct forms of non-verbal communication,What is non-verbal communication?,It involves all of those non-verbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment that have potential meaning for the source or receiver.,Non-verbal Communication,People in all cultures,whether high-or low-context,rely heavily on nonverbal behaviors to send messagesThe best known of these are probably gestures and facial expressions,but can also include other,less overt actions,What is the problem with non-verbal communication crossing cultures?,People from different cultures sometimes assign different meanings to the same behaviorThe intended message ends up being misunderstoodJust as culture is a key factor in verbal communication,it plays a very important role for non-verbal communication:determining the meaning people assign to any given instance of non-verbal behavior,Behaviors,Some behaviors have the same meaning in both cultures,resulting in successful communicationSome behaviors have meaning in both cultures,but the meaning is different Some behaviors have meaning in one culture,but no meaning in another(so,either you dont send a message you do want to,or sometimes you send a message without meaning too),What can Non-Verbal Communication include?,With your partner list as many different kinds of non-verbal communication you can think of.,1.General Appearance and Dress,2.Body Movement:Kinesics,Putting finger across your throatEngland:slitting your throatMeans youve had it,you cant take any moreCould mean you or someone will die(perhaps a wish,perhaps a remark on the situation)SwazilandMeans“I love you”Does this mean anything in China?,3.Posture,4.Gestures,ok signal in AmericaJapan and Korea it signifies moneyIn Arab countries accompanied with barring of teeth signifies hostility Germany and Mexico it has vulgar connotationsTunisia it means“Ill kill you”,5.Facial Expressions,Smiles:)America:a smile is usually a sign of happinessJapan:Same as America,but it can also mask emotion or be used to avoid answering a questionKorea:too much smiling is a sign of a shallow person,We often combine facial expressions and gestures,Case Study:Drawing in your cheeks and holding your arms close to your body would be understood by both British and Ethiopian cultures to mean thin.However,in Britain,this would be a compliment,but in Ethiopia,to be called thin is an insult.Why?,6.Eye-Contact,How long can you politely look at a person whom you are not talking with?How long can you politely at a person whom you are talking with?Most Western countries feel looking one in the eye is a sign of respectLatin American and Caribbean cultures avoid eye contact to show respect.Gender differences as well as cultural:Women tend to maintain more eye contact than do men.,7.Touch,What kinds of touch between is appropriate between friends,family,and boyfriend/girlfriend?What does it mean?What do these types of touches signify in different cultures?HandshakeWalking arm in armHugKiss,8.Smell,What are the feelings associated with a particular smell?桂皮 Cinnamon,9.Paralanguage(sounds but not words),How something is said,not words chosenWhats the meaning of this phrase?“What are you doing?”Sounds but not words:Yuck,Ewww,Yum,whoops,uh-huhChinese examples?,10.Personal Space,How close do you stand to a person who is a close friend?Teacher?A boy/girl you like?How does your distance from that person communicate something?,Try it out with this activity,Make a group of 4 peopleEach person choose 1 of the 7 forms of non-verbal communications to observe:Appearance&dressBody movementPostureGestureFacial expressionEye contactTouchPersonal space,What is an observation?,ObservationsWho does what non-verbalWhat do you think it means?Make 4 guessesFor example:postureThe young boy slouches(doesnt sit up straight)and his head is down.It means he is ashamed,embarrassed,nervous,or is showing respect to an elder.,