art-A学科能力测验-英文科报告者:xx,1,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,2,92年學科能力測驗-英文科-Good-1,52-55 為題組 It is reported that hip-hop fashion alone generates$750 million to$1 billion annually.Sales of rap music and videos each exceed that amount.53.How much money do sales of rap music and videos together make each year?(A)More than$1 billion.(B)Between$750 million and$1 billion.(C)Between$500 million and$750 million.(D)Less than$500 million.解析:1.題包含字彙能力+閱讀理解能力。考生除了要認識”generates”及”exceed”這二個字彙的中文意思以外,還要能理解本段的文章意義才能選出答案。2.認知層次:理解層次。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,3,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Good_2,二、句子配合題(5%)16.Since it was a holiday,(A)so he went abroad to study.17.Unless he prepares well,(B)I stayed in bed an extra hour.18.If I had known the fact,(C)or she might miss the class.19.Belle was the person(D)he will fail the exam.20.A person who exercises(E)who changed him into a gentleman.regularly(F)she had gone bankrupt.(G)is more likely to look young.(H)and is sure to have a healthy body.(I)I admired her most in the world.(J)I would have taken action right away.解析:1.主要在目的在測驗學生分析文法的能力,及句子閱讀的能力。2.認知層次:分析層次。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,4,92年學科能力測驗-英文科-Good-,二、英文作文(20%)說明1.依提示在答案卷上寫一篇英文作文。2.文長120個單詞(words)左右。提示請以“Music Is An Important Part of Our Life”為題說明音樂(例如古典音樂、流行歌曲、搖滾音樂等)在生活重性,並以你或他人的經驗為例,敘述音樂所帶來的好處。解析:1.作文題目很生活化,和生活經驗相結合,加上即使學生喜歡的音樂類型不同,但對音樂都很熟悉,學生很容易癹揮,因此不會出現不公平的現象。2.認知層次:綜合層次。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,5,92年學科能力測驗-英文科-Bad-1,一、詞彙與慣用語(15%)5.Helen _ with anger when she saw her boyfriend kissing an attractive girl.(A)collided(B)exploded(C)relaxed(D)defeated.Answer:(B)解析:1.記憶層次。2.題幹不適當,加深男女之間性別的刻板印象。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,6,92年學科能力測驗-英文科-Bad-1-new edition,一、詞彙與慣用語(15%)5.Our Teacher _ with anger when she saw half of her students cheating in the final exam.(A)collided(B)exploded(C)relaxed(D)defeated.Answer:(B),感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,7,92年學科能力測驗-英文科-bad-2,二、句子配合題(5%)16.Since it was a holiday,(A)so he went abroad to study.17.Unless he prepares well,(B)I stayed in bed an extra hour.18.If I had known the fact,(C)or she might miss the class.19.Belle was the person(D)he will fail the exam.20.A person who exercises(E)who changed him into a gentleman.regularly(F)she had gone bankrupt.(G)is more likely to look young.(H)and is sure to have a healthy body.(I)I admired her most in the world.(J)I would have taken action right away.解析:1.對應題題幹的答案()太過於明顯答案太過於明顯,學生容易直接出答案,無法辨別學生程度。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,8,92年學科能力測驗-英文科-bad-2-new edition,二、句子配合題(5%)16.Since it was a holiday,(A)so he went abroad to study.17.Unless Tom prepares well,(B)I stayed in bed an extra hour.18.If I had known the fact,(C)or he might miss the class.19.Belle was the person(D)he will fail the exam.20.A person who exercises(E)who changed him into a gentleman.regularly(F)she had gone bankrupt.(G)is more likely to look young.(H)and is sure to have a healthy body.(I)I admired her most in the world.(J)I would have taken action right away.解析:1.17題=學生須分析句型+文意,才能選出正確的答案。2.19題=誘答題,選項“she”只有一個(F)=正確的答案為(E)。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,9,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Bad-3-1,第貳部分:非選擇題一、簡答題(10%)說明1.閱讀下面這篇文章,然後簡答下列問題。答案必須寫在答案卷上。2.請依序作答,並標明題號。答案應簡明扼要,只寫重要詞彙(key words),請勿超過五個英文單詞(words)。每題2分,共10分。注意:請勿抄下整句或整行,否則不予計分。解析:1.重要詞彙(key words)的界定為何?且限定回答不能超過五個單字,容易讓考生有壓力。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,10,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Bad-3-2,1.Where is the earliest written record of the guitar found?=Answer:In Spain 2.What musical instrument was Stradivarius most famous for making?=Answer:violins 3.What was Beethovens first reaction when he was asked to write music for the guitar?=Answer:He got angry.4.What was the challenge that Beethoven could not ignore?=Answer:To write guitar music 5.What does“millions”in the last line refer to?=Answer:A great many people解析:介細詞”in”及”to”算不算是關鍵字呢?沒有固定的答案,是否合乎真正的公平原則呢?!,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,11,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Bad-3-3,題目節選:When the great Beethoven was asked to compose music for the guitar,he went into a rage and refused,but eventually even Beethoven could not ignore the challenge.Legend tells us he finally called the guitar a miniature orchestra.Indeed the guitar does sound like a little orchestra!Perhaps that is why in rural areas around the world the guitar has been a source of music for millions to enjoy.4.What was the challenge that Beethoven could not ignore?=Answer:To write guitar music解析:1.本題為閱讀理解題型。2.本題較不易用關鍵字(key words)來回答。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,12,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Bad-3-new edition,方案一:刪掉題目4,另起一個新的題目。題目節選:When the great Beethoven was asked to compose music for the guitar,he went into a rage and refused,but eventually even Beethoven could not ignore the challenge.Legend tells us he finally called the guitar a miniature orchestra.Indeed the guitar does sound like a little orchestra!Perhaps that is why in rural areas around the world the guitar has been a source of music for millions to enjoy.4.What alternative name is given to the guitar by Beethoven?=Answer:miniature orchestra解析:1.修正後題目的答案,較適用關鍵字(key words)來回答。2.認知層次:理解層次。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,13,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Bad-3-edition2,方案二:保留原本所有題目,修正說明和作答要求。原題本說明 2.請依序作答,並標明題號。答案應簡明扼要,只寫重要詞彙(key words),請勿超過五個英文單詞(words)。每題2分,共10分。注意:請勿抄下整句或整行,否則不予計分。修正後說明 2.請依序作答,並標明題號。答案應簡明扼要,請用“一個”完整的句子回答(a complete sentence)。每題2分,共10分。注意:請勿直接由文章抄下整句或整行,否則不予計分。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,14,92年學科能力測驗-英文科Bad-3-參考答案,1.Where is the earliest written record of the guitar found?=Answer:It is in Spain.2.What musical instrument was Stradivarius most famous for making?=Answer:The instrument are violins.3.What was Beethovens first reaction when he was asked to write music for the guitar?=Answer:He got angry.4.What was the challenge that Beethoven could not ignore?=Answer:The challenge is to write guitar music.5.What does“millions”in the last line refer to?=Answer:The word means a great many people.解析:1.修正之後,題目較可以自由發揮,考生也較能安心回答。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,art-B第一次國中學測英文科試題分析報告者:王孟勤,15,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,16,三題優秀的題目,1.第二部份的第25題Amy:Sandy,look!I have got a drivers license.Sandy:you do?Thats great!Are you going to buy a car?Amy:Joe has ordered one for me.An AUX.Sandy:wow!Thats a luxurious car!Youve got a good husband.Ive heard that its really fashionable now to drive a blue AUX.Amy:But mine is beige.Sandy:Beige is beautiful too,but its hard to keep clean,isnt it?,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,17,Amy:Dont worry.Ill have Joe wash the car every day!25.What is“beige”?(A)A car.(B)A color.(C)A car brand.(D)A drivers license.Answer:(B),感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,18,解析,這個題目出的很有創意。雖然國中生沒有學過“beige”這個單字,但如果他們能了解其它句子及整個對話的涵意,Amy的車不是藍的,而且beige很難去保持乾淨,就可以“推理”出這個單字應該與車子有關,並是指車子的顏色:米色.因此,碰到單字時,學生不必慌張,反而可以培養從上下文去猜測單字可能的意思.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,19,分段能力指標:3-2-6能瞭解對話,短文,書信等的情節及內容6-2-3了解基本英文閱讀技巧,進而提升閱讀能力及興趣十大能力指標:運用科技及資訊+獨立思考與解決問題=能從對話內容中提供的有限資訊來做思考及判斷,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,20,第二部份的31題,Julie:oh,there are many kind of them.For example,the Tyrannosaurus rex is very terrible because it eats other dinosaurs.And the Pterodactylus can fly like a bird!Some people say it s not a dinosaur,but its my favorite.Arnold:Ha!it looks very funny.What would the world look like with so many interesting dinosaurs?,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,21,31.What might the pterodactylus look like?,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,22,解析,此題很靈活也兼具趣味性,當學生看到很長的恐龍名,也許會害怕或想放棄,但其實有了題目的圖解後,學生可根據圖畫來判斷,有了圖示,也給學生充份的線索來配對並進一步解題,可以說是給學生除了文字外的另一種視覺刺激,藉由圖片把內容具體化,非常新鮮也有創意.至於選擇恐龍做題材,也很有科學新知及了解地球生態的精神,所以英文貴在活用,而非一昧的死記,雖然學生們對於這幾個恐龍的單字一無所知,但是能讀懂基本的英文,學生也可以主動去搜集有趣的題材來做學習英文的工具.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,23,分段能力指標:3-2-7 能閱讀不同體裁,不同主題之簡易文章 6-2-11 樂於嘗試閱讀故事,雜誌及其它課外讀物。十大基本能力:運用科技與資訊+尊重,關懷與團隊合作=學習英文是沒有範圍的,任何題材及資訊可拿來學習英文,發展對地球初期的恐龍生態的關懷及興趣,題目跟的上時代。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,24,第二部份的41題,Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time.Some like reading newspapers,and others enjoy novels or comic books.I like reading about the lives of great people.This always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my own life better.Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful,but because they did not give up when their lives were difficult.They used every opportunity to change their lives and make the world better.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,25,Which book might the writer be most interested in?,(A)How to Build a Strong Plane(B)Ten Books That Have Made Our World Better(C)Use Every Opportunity to read in Your Free Time(D)Michael Jordan:The Man Who Changed Basketball History Answer:(D),感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,26,解析,這一題立意相當正面,當一個學生覺得難過時,會以看偉人的生平故事來當 做休閒活動並振奮自己,雖然只是關於reading這樣平常的一件事,但題目也以推理的方式要學生做答,並在選項添入了麥可喬丹這樣一位國中生都耳熟能詳且相當熱衷的人物,配合時事,不會與現實脫節.也更間接啟發同學以英文來發展自己閱讀的習慣,英文也是我們了解世界及西方人士的工具,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,27,分段能力指標:6-2-7:樂於接觸英語電影,.歌曲,廣播,書籍等 7-2-5:具有國際觀十大能力指標:了解自我及發展潛能+文化學習及國際了解=以英文描述個人嗜好,能以英文當作了解西方名人生平的窗口,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,28,三題需修改的題目,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,29,1.第一部份的第6題:,Susan:Oh,no!The door and the window_!Victor:Who could have done this?Susan:Go in quickly and see if weve lost anything.(A)are breaking(B)have broken(C)were broken(D)will breakAnswer:(c),感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,30,解析,這一題其實是有點confusing的題目,牽涉到break這個字的用法,break的過去分詞 broken是破掉的意思.但也可以是被動句中的“被打破”;由題幹來看,應是指門窗破了,所以選(c);但是Susan在發言的當時,門窗是破的狀態,在我們看來,用現在式較恰當.因此覺得把(c)改成 are broken較好.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,31,第二部份34-36題題組,Here is an examination notice Mrs.Dickson gave to her students last week.Read it and answer the questions.To the Students of Class 3AExaminations start on June22 and end on June23.4.No student can enter the examination room more than 15 minutes after the exam starts.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,32,解析,這一大題是以一個考試公告表為主,再用這張考試公告來引申出題目,其實題目非常的靈活,但是我們卻覺得考試公告中的第四項語意不清,有點令人看不懂,似乎是說:考試開始後,沒有學生能在enter這個動作上花超過15分鐘的時間.而它其實是要說:考試開始15分鐘後,學生就不行再進場了,我們覺得,換個說法可能比較恰當.=4.No students can enter the examination room if the exam has already started for more than 15 minutes.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,33,第二部份37-39題組,Dear Bill,October 12 Long time no see!I just came back to Taipei from Europe.20 hours on the plane really made me tired.I knew about Typhoon Melissa from the TV news.On TV,I saw many houses in Kaosiung were damaged.Are you OK down there?The weather in the mountains of Europe was very different from the weather in Taiwan.It was just nearly October,but it started to snow in the places I stayed.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,34,38.What was the weather like in the mountains when Alex was there?(A)It rained a lot.(B)It changed a lot.(C)It was winter already.(D)There was a terrible typhoon.Answer:(C),感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,35,解析,這一題也很令人覺得困惑,原來的信中有一句話說:“現在只是十月,但我待的地方已經下雪了”然後38題就希望學生選出“已經是冬天”的答案,這一題也牽涉到我們對於春夏秋冬到底是怎麼定義的,例如台灣不下雪但也有冬天,而just此字讓人覺得:雖然還只是十月,但開始下雪,也就是:雖然還不是冬天,但開始下雪的感覺,因此,這個答案不夠完備,我們覺得換個說法較好,至少清楚明白,不會造成學生的困惑.=(C)It was cold enough to snow already.,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,36,結論,高中部份:題型較多變化,整份試卷命題偏重音樂相關的題目。版面編排方面則較不理想,可以參考國中基本學測的版面編排部分。國中部份:題目還算活潑,但仍有改進空間,我們給予正面評價 總體而言,這二份試題已經有很大的進步,力求活潑化及生活化,我們對於九年一貫後的英文基本學力測驗還是給極高的評價。,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,37,感谢你的观看,2019年7-2,