Revision,你怎么了?我脚趾受伤了。我感觉很不好。我们去看医生吧。一天一个苹果,医生远离我。齐心协力办好事。(团结力量大),food fu:d 食物 fridge frid 冰箱 beef bi:f 牛肉 mantou 馒头 bread bred 面包 carrot krt 胡萝卜sausage s:sid 香肠 meatball mi:tb:l 肉丸子 pancake pnkeik 煎饼 sandwich sndwit 三明治 tomato tmeitu 西红柿 potato pteitu 土豆 some sm 一些,fridge,What do you have in your fridge?I have carrots and tomatoes.Meatballs and sausages.,What do you have in your fridge?I have carrots and tomatoes.Meatballs and sausages.,What do you have in your fridge?,I have carrots.,carrot,carrots,What do you have in your fridge?,I have tomatoes.,tomato,tomatoes,What do you have in your fridge?,I have carrots and tomatoes.,What do you have in your fridge?,I have meatballs.,I have sausages.,What do you wantfor the picnic?,野餐,晚餐,What do you wantfor the picnic?I want potatoes for the picnic.,I want a sandwich and an apples.Please,pass them.Here you are.,hamburger,hamburgers,hot dogs,What do you wantfor breakfast?I want milk for breakfast.,breakfast,some eggs,What do you wantfor breakfast?I want eggs for breakfast.,What do you wantfor supper?I want fish for supper.,What do you wantfor lunch?I want hamburgers.,lunch,lunch breakfast picnic supper,-What do you wantfor lunch on Thursday?-I want hot dogs,rice,chicken,fish,milk and hamburgers for lunch on Thursday.,What do you wantfor lunch on Sunday?I want,do you What on want supper for Monday(?)2.-What do you want for lunch on Thursday?3.Here you are.给你4.Whant do you have in your fridge?5.Monday Thursday Sunday everyday 6.写出下列单词复数形式:carrot-tomato-potato-sausage-pancake-,What do you wantfor supper?I want pears.,pears,peaches,What do you wantfor supper?I want peaches.,What do you wantfor supper?I want water.,food fu:d 食物 fridge frid 冰箱 beef bi:f 牛肉 mantou 馒头 bread bred 面包 carrot krt 胡萝卜sausage s:sid 香肠 meatball mi:tb:l 肉丸子 pancake pnkeik 煎饼 sandwich sndwit 三明治 tomato tmeitu 西红柿 potato pteitu 土豆 some sm 一些,你的冰箱里有什么?早餐你想要吃什么?早餐我想吃香肠(复数),馒头,和西红柿(复数).星期一的午餐你想吃什么?单数变复数 sausage-tomato potato-carrot-,给你。,X,V,X,V,V,梦想的力量,当我充满自信地,朝着梦想的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧地,过着我理想中的生活,成功,会在不期然间忽然降临!,1有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。2一个人的价值在于他的才华,而不在他的衣饰。3生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。4、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。,