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    英语基本句型(一)陈述句,什么是陈述句?陈述句:陈述事实的句子陈述句:肯定陈述句,否定陈述句,肯定句改否定句,肯定句变否定句的规则如下:(1)句中有be动词的,直接在be动词后面加not.She is my sister.She is not my sister.,(2)句中有情态动词的,直接在情态动词后面加notYou can come here tomorrow.You can not come here tomorrow.,(3)句中谓语动词是表具体动作的动词,没有be动词am is are,也没有情态动词can 的,在动词前面加dont 或者doesnt,,当主语是第三人称单数时,加doesnt.相应的动词用原型。She studies English at school.She does not study English at school.,把下列句子改为否定表达He is my brother.He is not my brother.=He isnt my brother.Is he my brother?Yes,he is.No,he is not.=No,he isnt,She can swim.She can not(cant)swim.Can she swim?Yes,she can.No,she can not(cant).,Ann likes running.Ann doesnt like running.Does Ann like running?Yes,she does.No,she doesnt,英语基本句型(二)疑问句,什么是疑问句?,疑问句:提出问题表达疑问的句子疑问句:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句,一般疑问句,一般疑问句:用“yes”“no”回答的句子一般疑问句结构:be+主语+?Are you a students?情态动词(Can Will)+主语+?Can you play the piano?Do/Does/Did+主语+V(表具体动作)Do you go to school on foot?,肯定句变一般疑问句的方法,肯定句变疑问句的规则如下:(1)句中有be动词的,把be动词提到句首。(注意人称的变换I you you we you my your our)一变二,二变一,三不变He is a writer.Is hea writer?,(2)句中有情态动词(can,will)的,把情态动词提到句首(人称变换I you we you my your our your)一变二,二变一,三不变I can clean the window.Can you clean the window?,(3)句中谓语动词是表具体动作的动词,没有be动词am is are,也没有情态动词can的,在句首前面加do或does,当主语是第三人称单数时,加does.相应的实意动词变为原型(注意人称的变换I you you we your my your our)一变二,二变一,三不变He likes cows.Does he like cows?其他需要变换的词some any am are,肯定回答和否定回答,Are you boys?Yes,we are(No,we arent)Is she a nurse?Yes,she is.(No,she isnt),Does he like cows?Yes,he does.(No,he doesnt)Do we dance after school?Yes,we do.(No,we dont),英语里的三种人称第一人称:I we(me us)第二人称:you(you)第三人称:he she it they(him her it them)Mike your father,特殊疑问句,句式结构:特殊疑问词一般疑问句eg:Be+主语+动词-ing+其他?eg:Do/does+主语+动词原形+其他?特殊疑问词:what,who(whom),whose,which,when,where,how,why不用yes或no来回答,特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头提出疑问的句子。它的基本结构是:特殊疑问词一般疑问句 但是如果疑问词在句子中作主语或作主语的定语,就用特殊疑问词陈述句语序。常用的疑问词有:what,who(whom),whose,which,when,where,how,why等,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答,不用yes或no来回答。,1)what对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问 Thetwinsaremakingakite What are thetwinsdo?MrsTurneraskshersontobuysomeeggs.What does MrsTurneraskherson tobuy?,2)对名词前定语提出疑问,疑问词应用which,而且必须和名词连用。Imgoingtotaketheshirtontheright.Which shirtareyougoingtotake?,3)对指人名词或代词提问用who。LiPingis my sister.Who is LiPing?,4)对物主代词和名词所有格提问用whose,作宾语时提问用whom LiPingscoatWhosecoatmyfatherWhosefather,5)对具体时间提出疑问,疑问词用when;对具体几点钟提问,疑问词用whattime。Its 10:00 What time is it?I go home at night.When doyou go home?,6)对具体地点提出疑问,疑问词应用where。Theboysarehavingapicnicin the park.Where aretheboyshavingapicnic?,7)对表原因的从句提问,常见的有because引导的从句,疑问词应用why。Jomdidntgotothefarmwithusbecausehewasill.Why didJomgotothefarmwithus?,8)对方式或程度等提出疑问,用疑问词How。He likes applesverymuch.How does he like apples?,9)对数量提出疑问,疑问词为Howmany,要注意howmany必须跟名词的复数形式。There are twosheep.Howmanysheepare there?,10)对价格提出疑问,疑问词用Howmuch。Ipay fiftyyuanforthesweater.How muchdoyoupayforthesweater?,11)对时间长度提出疑问,疑问词应用Howlong。Iworkinthatfactoryfortwoyears.How long do youworkinthatfactory?,12)对时间频率,如onceayear,twiceaweek等提问,疑问词用Howoften。I swim onceayear.How often do you swim?,13)对具体次数,once,twice,threetimes等提问,疑问词用Howmanytimes。B didhecallyouthedaybeforeyesterday?Twice.A.WhattimeB.HowmanytimesC.HowmuchD.Howlong,14)对in一段时间提问,疑问词一般用Howsoon。They finishtheworkintwohours.How soon dotheyfinishthework?,15)对距离提出疑问,疑问词用Howfar。Itsabouttwokilometresfromhere.How far is it fromhere?,16)另外,对日期、星期、天气等提出疑问,则分别用 Whatsthedate?Whatdayisit?Whatstheweatherlike?如果是过去时间,就用was代替is。,英语基本句型(三)have/has及there be句型,There be 句型,牛刀小试,1.There_ two cars in front of the house.A.are B.have C.has D.is2.There_some water in the bottle.A.has B.is C.have D.are3.我有一条好看的连衣裙。4.他有一只黑色的狗。,A,B,I have a nice dress.,He has a black dog.,1.There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或某人),例:There is a cat under the tree.树底下有一只猫。,There are two students in the classroom.教室里有两个学生。,2.结构:a.There is+单数可数名词不可数名词,There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。,There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有些水。,b.There are+复数名词,There are some pictures on the wall.墙上有些图画。,There are two apples in the basket.篮子里有两个苹果。,在there be 句型中主语是单数,be动词用is;主语是复数,be动词用are。,若句子中有几个并列主语时,be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。,例:1.There is a girl and two boys under the tree.,2.There are two boys and a girl under the tree.,There be 句型的否定句和一般疑问句,否定句:在be 动词后加 not.如果句中有some,一般要变成any.,There are two books on the desk.,There arent two books on the desk.,There is some bread in the plate.,There isnt any bread in the plate.,一般疑问句:be动词(is,are)要提到句首。some 变any,其他都不变,There is a mouse in the house.(变成一般疑问句),Is there a mouse in the house?,There are some flowers in the garden.(变成一般疑问句),Are there any flowers in the garden?,对There be结构中的主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构:Whats+介词短语(介词+地点名词)+?中间通常不用there.,There is a bike under the tree.,Whats under the tree?,There are many books on the table.,Whats on the table?,练习二、用恰当的be动词填空。1、There _ a lot of sweets in the box.2、There _ some milk in the glass.3、There _ some people under the the big tree.4、There _ a picture and a map on the wall.,is,are,is,are,5、There _ a box of rubbers near the books.6、There _ lots of flowers in our garden last year.7、There _ a tin of chicken behind the fridge yesterday.8、There _ four cups of coffee on the table.,are,was,were,is,have&has,第三人称单数:He/She/It/Lily has,第一人称:I have,第二人称:You have,复数:They/The girls/The boys/The children/Ben and Janet have.,have 与has 的用法,I have a book.You have a book.They have two books.HeShe has a book.,两者的区别,There be 和have(has)都表示“有”的含义。,There be 表示“某处存在某物或某人”此时不强调物归谁有。例:There is a box on the desk.桌子上有一个盒子。,have(has)表示“某人拥有某物(某人)“,此时强调所有、拥有关系。例:We have two basketballs。我们有两个篮球。(强调篮球为我们拥有),some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句。,and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句或疑问句。,针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是:1.How many+名词复数+are there+介词短语?,There are two computers on the desk.,How many computers are there on the desk?,2.How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?,There is some milk in the glass.,How much milk is there in the glass?,练习一、用“have,has”填空 1.I_ a nice puppet.2.He_a good friend.3.They_ some masks.4.We_some flowers.5.She_ a duck.,has,have,have,has,have,6.My father_ a new bike.7.Our teacher_ an English book.8.Our teachers_a basketball.9.Their parents_some blankets.10.Nancy_many skirts.,has,have,has,have,has,英语基本句型(四)其他,感叹句,The flowers are beautiful.The flowers are very beautiful.How beautiful the flowers are!,The cat is lovely.The cat is very lovely.How lovely the cat is!,pretty,How pretty the little girl is!,delicious,How delicious the cakes are!,How strangethe frog is!,strange,How lovelythe birds are!,lovely,How interesting the picture is!,interesting,A.What a beautiful bird it is!B.How beautiful this bird is!,A.What beautiful flowers they are!B.How beautiful these flowers are!,How tall the man is!What a tall man(he is)!,A.How lovely these pandas are!B.What lovely pandas(they are)!,Wow,what a big pumpkin!How big this pumpkin is!,Work out the rules:,Fill in the blanks with“What”,“What a/an”or“How”to form an exclamation.Many foreigners like Chinese food very much.They said,“How delicious Beijing Duck is!”2.What a beautiful girl!Look!How long her hair is!,How,What,How,3.Look!Whats that in the bushes?Oh,its a dangerous snake.How dangerous it is!,How,What 与How 大转换,1.What a pretty girl she is!_ _ the girl is!2.How difficult the questions are!_ _ _ they are.3.How big the factory is!_ _ big factory _ _!,How pretty,What difficult questions,What a,it is,4.What a clever boy!_ _ the boy _!5.How tall the trees are!_ tall trees _ _!6.What interesting books they are!_ _ the books _!7.How funny the girl is!_ _ funny girl _ _!,How clever,is,What,they are,How interesting,What,they are,is,8.How old the man is!_ _ old man _ _!9.What nice books they are!_ _ the books _!10.How amazing the building is!_ _amazing building _ _!,What an,he is,How nice,are,What an,it is,将下列句子改为感叹句The girl is very pretty.How pretty the girl is!What a pretty girl she is!2.This is an old watch.How old this watch is!What an old watch it(this)is!,3.The food is so nice.How nice the food is!What nice food it is!4.These questions are very easy.How easy these questions are!What easy questions these are!5.She has long hair.How long her hair is!What long hair she has!,祈使句一.概念 用以表达命令,要求,请求,劝告等。二.相关知识点1.以动词原形开头,变否定在动词原形之前加dont 如:Be late.迟到。Dont be late.不要迟到。注意 表示禁止时,尤其是标语等也可用“No+动名词”来表示。No smoking.禁止吸烟。No parking.禁止停车。,2.以let开头 Lets have lunch.Let me try.,Look at the pictures and complete the rules.,No swimming.,No smoking.,No right turn,No stopping.,P,No parking.,Dont waste water.,QUITEPLEASE,No running,Dont touch,No entry,No swimming,Dont play football,No picking flowers,Pet is not allowed in,No calling,No photography,Do you know those signs?,No shouting,将下列句子变成祈使句:1.Would you like to wait a moment?_ a moment.2.Can I use your bike?Please _ _ your bike.3.Youd better not smoke here._ _ here.4.You must be careful with your handwriting._ _ with your handwriting.5.Will you please not play with my pencil?_ _ with my pencil,_.,Wait,lend,me,No smoking/Dont smoke,Be,careful,Dont,play,please,1.Jim,_ me a hand.A.gives B.is giving C.will give D.give2._ careful,Jenny!There is a tree in front of you.A.Am B./C.Be D.Was3.Lets _ our time.A.not waste B.no wasting C.not to waste D.no waste4._ higher,and you will see the house.OK.A.If you stand B.To stand C.When you stand D.Stand,Exercises:,5.Please _ do it.A.he B.let him C.let he D.him6._ let anyone open the door.A.Dont B.Will C.Not D.No7.Dont be late again.Sorry,_.A.I may B.I must C.I will D.I wont8.Call me when you get home.OK,_.A.I must B.I can C.I will D.I may,Exercises:,Turn left!,Guessing Game,Turn right!,Guessing Game,Walk on the zebra crossing!,Guessing Game,Guessing Game,Dont smoke!No smoking!,Guessing Game,Dont play football!,Guessing Game,Dont park your car!,Guessing Game,Dont eat!,Guessing Game,Dont pick the flowers!,Go upstairs!,Guessing Game,Guessing Game,Go downstairs!,


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