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外文翻译-旅游是罗马尼亚区域发展的重要经济因素 本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目TOURISM ECONOMIC GROWTH FACTOR AND ESSENTIAL ELEMENT IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ROMANIA 出 处Metode statistice aplicate n analiza turismului rural Tez de doctorat 2009 作 者 Adrian Liviu SCUTARIU 原文TOURISM ECONOMIC GROWTH FACTOR AND ESSENTIAL ELEMENT IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ROMANIA Adrian Liviu SCUTARIUAbstract This paper aims to emphasize some aspects concerning the evolution of the tourism and its role in economic growth and regional development The first part presents a conceptual delimitation of tourism and the next parts are focused on the link of tourism with economic growth and regional development We also present the organizational frame of the regional development policy and the role of tourism in this policy objectives achievement and the final part brings some conclusions and some future development directions of tourism in RomaniaIntroduction The tourism became at present time one of the most important industries in the world having an outstanding place in most of national economies The spectacular increase of this activity in terms of volume but also from the incomes point of view as well as its importance as exporting branch lead us in making the incursion that follows with the purpose of emphasize the role of tourism in the economic growth and regional development2Tourism short conceptual delimitations The appearance of the tourism as an economic-organizatoric activity at national level took place in the second half of the twenty century in the same time with the inclusion in the services tertiary sector of some new branches of national economies generally called tourist industry The new economic theory of tourism recognized the link between tourism and economic development of a country the tourism being treated in a complex way not only as recreational trip but together with all the economic link that creates So at the present moment this notion includes a whole industry component of the services industry which contributes at the tourist demands satisfaction respectively hotels transports entertainmentThere were several different definitions given for tourism during the twenty century but we will focus on some present approaches accepted by most of the specialists of the fieldThe tourism can be shortly defined as being Minciu Baron Neacu 1991 1993 an economic-social phenomenon specific for the modern civilization strongly anchored in the life of the society and influenced by its evolution with a high dynamism and having large social segments as target It involves a large human capital and influences the evolution of the economy and societySo one can notice that in the tourism definition appeared more and more elements referring to the industry that handles the tourist need satisfaction fact also revealed by The Little Encyclopedic Dictionary which considers tourism as a side of the tertiary sector of the economy where the goal of the provided activity is the organization and ongoing of entertainment trips or of persons travels at various congresses and meetings including all the necessary activities for the consuming and services needs satisfaction of the customers"In order to clarify the aspects regarding the tourist phenomenon definition one can use the inductive method in order to get to a most possible comprehensive definition aiming to retain the main elements that are characteristic for the tourist activity Neacu Baron Snak 2006 21 travel of the persons during their trip the stay in a settlement out of their domicile permanent residence of the person that travels the stay have a limited period the stay doesnt become a definitive residenceContinuing the anterior ideas we will mention a definition variant that includes the business travels too proposed by the professor dr Claude Kaspar the president of the International Association of the Scientific Experts in Tourism comST The tourism is an ensemble of relations and facts constituted from the travel and the stay of the persons for which the place of stay is not their home and not the principal place of their professional activityConsidering the role and the economic-social importance of the intern national tourism The World Tourism Organization WTO elaborated a definition of the national tourism so we can consider national tourist any person which visits a place that is not hisher usual residence situated inside hisher residence country and having a different purpose that a remunerated activity and with a staying of at least one night 3The place and role of tourism in the economyTourism as an important element of the tertiary sector and industry with huge potential has an increasingly role in the economy of a country being a factor which the economic growth is based on By "economic growth" we mean a complex process involving the entire economic system which is determined by the results of economic activity and is considered the only factor that ensures the economic success in the long term of each state The tertiary or services sector has become prevalent in the postwar period its role becomes more important diversifying its activities in terms of content taking different forms of expression which have expanded and diversified ways of achieving social product thus becoming a significant component of the reproduction mechanism In developed countries this sector weightings are highThe services sector as any other sector experienced a development from early forms of the basic activities up to actual structures which are characterized by a imum utility for individuals and society Tourism as economic activity includes various services that derive from the basic ones information placement of tourist travels accommodation food selling offering treatments as well as leisure and entertainmentTourist offer increased both quantitatively and qualitatively giving rise to a genuine industry of tourism which requires the consideration of the tourism phenomenon as a growing distinct branch of the national economy component of the tertiary sector Separate treatment come from the complexity and specific nature compared to traditional branches of an economy However tourism is in close connection with the development of other sectors being a consequence branch As socio-economic changes in the contemporary era have created and developed tourism this in turn bringing by default a specific demand for goods and services necessary to consolidate tourism product it stimulates some productive sectors such as industry agriculture construction transport trade communications culture healthcare etcFrom the expenditures of the tourist-consumer of goods and services which turns into money for the economic units of tourism industry transport accommodation food recreation treatment etc some goes directly to those units as profits and cash funds for pay their workers some goes to the state budget as taxes fees and another part reach other branches of the economy as payment for goods delivered and services rendered by them for the needs of tourism industry Considering tourist products consumed by foreign visitors during their stay international tourism will appear as a form of "invisible export" with advantages such as the duty free sale of products to foreign tourists into the country Therefore tourism has often a higher labor efficiency than classical export of goods and some of them consumed by tourists during the stay nor would be subject of classic export because of being perish of their costs of transport or other prohibitive measures Due to the economic advantage of international tourism many developing countries have taken steps to develop their tourism industry this form of "invisible trade" in the economy could bring large quantities of currency Some statistical data come to support the previous statements The spectacular development of tourism in the last period can be observed also from the fact that the total number of tourists traveling abroad have increased from 1995 to 2008 becoming almost twice Figure no1 Source com UNWTO World Tourism Barometer Volume 7 No1 January 2009 Figure no1 International tourist arrivals millions The exemplification of the tourism place may also come from the fact that in The EU Member States about 20 million people are directly or indirectly involved in tourism the share of it in the creation of gross domestic product of these countries being on average of about 4 Postelnicu 1997 536 The role of tourism in the regional development objectives achievement The regional development policy main objective is to reduce the economic and social disparities that exists between the various regions of EuropeSeveral of the regional development policies objectives can be achieved by boosting a field of activity that has some undisputed aces the tourism In this part of the paper we in tend to succinctly design some arguments for the ideas formerly expressed concerning the role of tourism in the regional developmentThe sustainable regional development must necessarily correlate and integrate the Romanian tourism between the other components of the local economy taking also into account that this clean industry does not affect the environment and generally does not requires big investments A good sustainable development project included in a regional development program supposes the less investments costs in this activity the more harmoniously the integration is made The tourism can become an important component of the economy which could cause important changes in territorial profile contributing at economic and social development of some regions less developedThe tourism can contribute more than other sectors at the achievement of some larger objectives established by governments as priorities in the general interest of the citizens fighting against poverty life conditions improvement currency receipts increasing the intensification of the links between countries and even political purposesThe general objective of the regional development policy reducing existing regional imbalances with emphasis on balanced growth and revitalization of disadvantaged areas can be reached also by stimulating the areas with tourist potential for which the tourism would represent one of the less possibilities of standard of living and development increase especially in the rural areas The development of the tourism by the capitalization of the existing potential can lead also to the achievement of one of the ERDF objectives The ERDF financing explicitly supports the tourism development and the investments in the cultural patrimony including its protection and the natural ones with the condition of creating labor places7 ConclusionsIn the actual period the tourism became an outstanding element of the tertiary sector having an important role in the economy of a country and being one of the factors that contribute at the economic growth As we presented the tourism had an extraordinary development all over the world the number of tourists being twice as much than 15 years ago and the incomes from tourism increased considerably Its effects can be noticed in the development of its good and services suppliers branches the whole economy of the zone being stimulated in this way through the so-called multiplier effect At the tourism stimulation as branch that doesnt need important investments and dont affect environment the development policies can successfully contribute After a general presentation of the regional development coordinates in Romania we designed some development possibilities for the tourism with the help of the founds that can be accessed through this policy In Romania there is an important potential for the tourism development There are several causes for which the tourist activity level is not as high as the existing potential such as infrastructure low developed or the low quality of the services By accessing these founds several of the deficient aspects can be improved The sums are considerable but it is necessary to increase the absorption capacity for the available founds译 文旅游是罗马尼亚区域发展的重要经济因素摘要本文旨在强调一些因素对旅游业发展演变的影响和旅游业在经济增长区域发展中的作用第一部分简要的介绍旅游业的概念然后接下来重点阐述旅游业与经济增长以及区域发展之间的联系我们也将介绍区域发展政策的组织目标和旅游业在实现这些政策目标中的作用最后部分得出结论并给出一些罗马尼亚旅游业未来的发展方向一引言如今旅游业成为世界上最重要的产业之一在很多国家的经济发展中有着显著的地位旅游业在数量上收入上都有剧烈的增加并成为重要的出口部门这让我们做如下的研究目的是强调旅游业在经济增长和区域发展中地位和作用二旅游业概念简介20世纪下半叶旅游作为国家层面的经济组织活动出现同时包括国民经济中一些新的分支的服务部门统称旅游业关于旅游业的新经济理论认为旅游业和一个国家的经济发展存在联系旅游业被认为是一种复杂的产业它不是只有休闲一个部门还联系着其他所有与之有关的经济部门因此现在旅游业的这一概念包含了整个行业包括那些为满足旅客需求的服务部门分别有住宿交通娱乐等20世纪关于旅游业有几种不同的定义我们集中介绍目前最被该领域专家所接受的一些定义旅游业可以被简短的定义为一种社会经济现象尤其是对现代文明来讲其演变过程对社会生活有着重大的影响旅游业具有高度的活力和众多的目标群体它涉及大量的人力资本并关系到经济和社会的发展Minciu Baron Neacu 1991 1993因此人们可以注意到在对旅游业进行定义时越来越多的理论研究把重点放在处理游客的满意程度上小百科词典也揭示了这个事实它是这样解释旅游业的第三产业的一部分提供活动的目标是组织和持续一项娱乐或者是各种私人的论坛会议为目的的旅行包括为满足消费者所有消费和服务的需要的活动为了弄清有关旅游现象的定义我们可以使用综合归纳法以获得一个最合适的定义旨在保留反应旅游活动性质的主要内容如下Neacu Baron Snak 2006 21旅行途中的人离开居住地在外逗留停留时间有限没有明确住处的停留Claude Kaspar教授提出旅游还包括商务出行这一定义是对前面观点的延续他在comST中写道旅游业是人们旅行和住宿的整合他们所停留居住的地方既不是他们的家也不是他们从事专业活动的场所 考虑到国际旅游对国家社会经济的重要性世界旅游组织对国际旅游进行了详细的定义人们为了休闲商务或其它目的离开他她们惯常住宿到另一个国家并逗留在那里这少超过一晚上旅游业在经济中的地位和作用旅游业做为第三产业的重要组成部分具有巨大的发展潜力它在国家经济发展中的作用日益增强成为经济增长的一个重要因素我们认为所谓的经济增长是整个经济系统中的一个复杂过程这是由经济活动决定的并被认为是确保每个国家经济长期成功的唯一因素经济增长是宏观经济长期持续增长的结果宏观经济增长包括国民生产总值国内生产总值和国民生产净额加上生产要素的使用效率和人均总值的增长其中也包括经济结构的调整二战后第三产业迅速发展其作用也越来越重要第三产业为实现社会产出的内容和形式也愈发的多种多样因此成为再生产机制的重要组成部分在发达国家第三产业这一部门的比重已经很高服务部门也像其他部门一样经历了从早期的基本活动发展到现在的复杂结构服务部门对私人和社会都具有最大效用 旅游作为经济活动主要包括以下一些服务提供旅游信息旅游行程安排住宿餐饮休闲和娱乐旅游服务在数量和质量上的增加便出现了真正的旅游产业旅游产业被认为是国民经济的分支第三产业的组成部分相对于经济体系中一些传统的复杂具体的分支旅游业又有所不同但是作为一个重要的分支它与其他行业的发展联系密切正如当代社会经济的改变创造和发展了旅游业反过来为了巩固旅游产品又产生了对商品和服务的特殊需求这就刺激了一些生产部门如工业农业建筑业运输贸易通讯文化卫生等把商品和服务的消费收入变成旅游业交通住宿餐饮娱乐治疗等的各个经济部门的支出时一些直接进入这些单位的利润和用于支付工人工资的现金一些有的用于税收费用还有一部分用于支付旅游服务行业的其他经济部门如运输和其他有需要的部门的费用考虑到外国游客在逗留期间消费的旅游产品国际旅游业会出现一个隐形出口的优势如外国游客在该国购买免税的商品这就使旅游业在劳动效率上往往比传统的商品出口更高其中的一些旅游产品被游客逗留期间所消耗了也就不会出现传统的出口问题因为不存在运输或者其他禁止措施的费用 因为国际旅游具有经济利益所以许多发展中国家加快发展他们的旅游产业这种无形贸易的经济形势可能带来大量的收益很多统计数据证实了前面的说法从1995年到2008年国家间旅游者总数将近翻了两番从这我们可以看出过去一段时间旅游业的巨大发展表1来源comUNWTO World Tourism BarometerVolume7No1January2009表1国际旅游者人数百万欧盟各成员国中约20亿人直接或间接参与旅游业创造的产值约占国内生产总值的4 Postelnicu 1997 53六旅游业在实现区域发展目标中的作用区域发展政策的主要目标是减少欧洲许多地区之间在社会经济上的差异区域发展政策的多个目标可以通过一个毫无争议的活动领域-旅游来实现在文章的这一部分我将简单的列举几个论据来论证前面的所说的旅游业在区域发展中的作用区域可持续发展与罗马尼亚旅游业有着必然的联系与地方经济的其他组成部分相比旅游业是一干净的产业对环境无害而且一般不需要太大的投资一个好的可持续发展规划应该是在一个区域发展规划中用较少的投资成本创造出更和谐的整体效应旅游业可以成为经济的重要组成部分它可以改变领土轮廓对欠发达区域经济和社会发展有重要促进作用政府通过考虑市民的整体利益而确定的目标对抗贫困提高生活环境增加收入加强各国间的联系和政治交流在实现上面的一些大目标上旅游业要比其他部门起的促进作用大区域发展政策的总体目标是减少目前区域间的不平衡尤其是平衡和振兴不发达地区这一总体目标也可以通过刺激一个地区的旅游业潜力来实现因此旅游业可以说是提高生活水平加快地方发展的可能性之一尤其是对农村地区通过大力开发现在具有潜力发展旅游业地区也