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    Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.,Section B3a-Self Check,fame,power,friendship,wealth,health,family,relaxed,awful,worried,nervous,uncomfortable,uneasy,comfortable,happy,unhappy,adjective,Positive,Negative,comfortablehappyrelaxed,nervousuncomfortableangryunhappyworriedawfuluneasy,1,Write sentences using the words given.,2,1.speaking in front of many people/nervous2.money and fame/not always happy 3.soft piano music/relaxed,Speaking in front of many people makes me nervous.,Money and fame dont always make you happy.,Soft piano music makes me relaxed.,4.sad movies/cry5.rainy days/stay at home and watch TV,Sad movies make me cry.,Rainy days make me want to stay at home and watch TV.,Think of an experience that made you feel very happy or sad and then write it down.,3a,Steps,Process,Summary,General idea,An experience that made me very happy was winning the nationwide English speech competition last year.,time,event,subject,feeling,Part 1,Give out the general idea,who,when,what,At first,I didnt know what to write for my speech,but after talking to my teacher and reading some books,I had some ideas and started writing.Then I practiced my speech many times.On the day of the competition,I saw many people there.This made me feel very nervous.I started to worry that I would forget my speech.Then I remembered what my teacher told me-close my eyes and take deep breaths.I did that and it made me feel much better.When my turn came,I gave my speech with confidence.I waited anxiously for the results,and when I heard that I was the first prize winner,I jumped up and down for joy.,process,Tell the process,the feeling,the reason,Part 2,This experience taught me that being well-prepared is very important.It helps to read a lot,and also to ask people around you for advice.Most importantly,have confidence in yourself!,Talk about what I learned from the experience,summary,part 3,write down what you learned from the experience,An experience that made me very happy was winning the nationwide English speech competition last year.,At first,I didnt know what to write for my speech,but after talking to my teacher and reading some books,I had some ideas and started writing.Then I practiced my speech many times.On the day of the competition,I saw many people there.This made me feel very nervous.I started to worry that I would forget my speech.Then I remembered what my teacher told me-close my eyes and take deep breaths.I did that and it made me feel much better.When my turn came,I gave my speech with confidence.I waited anxiously for the results,and when I heard that I was the first prize winner,I jumped up and down for joy.,This experience taught me that being well-prepared is very important.It helps to read a lot,and also to ask people around you for advice.Most importantly,have confidence in yourself!,Steps,Process,Summary,General idea,Modify and complete your own composition.,Thanks for your appreciation!,Bye-bye,development,summary,2,cause,process,at first,.then,.finally,.,as soon as.when.at th same time.,Once upon a timeThree hundrd years agoLast month.,time,place,on the top of a temple in the forestat home.,main character,a beautiful girla white fox I/she/he/they.,目录,01,02,03,04,教学分析,教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程,教学分析,本节课是人教2013版八年级下册Unit 6,复习一般过去时并运用一般过去时进行写作。,八年级的学生已经掌握一般过去时的构成及用法,已经有能力运用一般过去时进行编写故事。,01,02,教材分析,学情分析,Read a story and identify the wring topic,Read a story and identify the wring topic,Read a story and identify the wring topic,教学,以小组合作的形式有逻辑性的以英文形式编写小故事。,正确运用一般过去时以及连词书写英语小故事。,重点,难点,!?,教学过程,p,u,r,p,o,s,e,复习一般过去时态,为写作做铺垫。,引导学生观察思考。,指导学生写作要条理清晰,逻辑合理。,小组合作,互相学习。,强调一般过去时和连词的正确使用以及故事的合理性。,课后及时巩固课堂内容。,step 1 Preview According to the pictures to fill in the blanks.,step 2 Lead-in Read the story and find out the writing theme.,复习一般过去时态,为写作做铺垫。,引导学生观察思考。,Urge all leaders to criticize!,Thanks for your appreciation!,


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