National Museum of American Art,美国国家美术馆东馆,-by Ieoh Ming Pei(贝聿铭),贝聿铭简介,Introduction Of Ieoh Ming Pei,Ieoh Ming Pei was born in China in 1917,the son of a prominent banker.At age seventeen he came to the United States to study architecture,and received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from MIT in 1940.Upon graduation,he was awarded the Alpha Rho Chi Medal.In 1942,Pei enrolled in the Harvard Graduate School of Design,where he studied under Walter Gropius;six months later,he volunteered his services to the National Defense Research Committee in Princeton.Pei returned to Harvard in 1944 and completed his M.Arch in 1946,simultaneously teaching on the faculty as an assistant professor(194548).Awarded the Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship by Harvard in 1951,he traveled extensively in England,France,Italy,and Greece.,贝聿铭是在中国出世1917,一个杰出的银行家的儿子。他在十七岁的时候来到美国学习建筑,并从麻省理工学院获得了建筑学学士学位1940。毕业后,他被授予Alpha Rho Chi奖章。1942,贝就读于哈佛大学设计学院,师从沃尔特格罗皮乌斯;六个月后,他自愿服务于国防研究委员会在普林斯顿。贝回到哈佛的1944和1946完成了他的建筑硕士学位,同时教学对教师作为助理教授(194548)。授予匠旅行奖学金由哈佛大学1951年,他游历了英国,法国,意大利,希腊。1954贝聿铭入籍成为美国公民。,Ieoh Ming Pei,Architecture is a social art form,建筑是一种社会艺术形式,-Ieoh Ming Pei,Modular 19 degrees19度的模矩形,空间构成的基础-轴线,Axis,Comply with the environmental segmentation of the triangle,顺应环境分割出三角形,Form generation形体生成Triangular matrix Addition and subtraction三角母体加减法,Echoing the triangle element三角形元素的呼应,Space Height,高度,The same as other building。东馆高度与其他建筑保持相同。,Outdoor space,lively Geometry明快的几何形体,The internal space,内部空间,The internal space is arranged in a crisscross pattern内部空间纵横交错。,The End,