January February March April May 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 June July August September October 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 November December 十一月 十二月,Our motherland(祖国)is big and beautiful.Lets travel.,云南香格里拉,西双版纳,内蒙古盛夏阿尔山,拉萨布达拉宫,贵州黄果树,Where did you go?What did you see?Who did you meet in London?Where did you go?What did you see?What did you buy in Longdon?I went to the park.I saw lots of places.I didnt buy anything at all.But I had a lovely time!,They are photos of China.,他们是中国的照片。,photo,照片,This is Tibet.Its in the west of China.,这是西藏,它在中国的西部。,I went to Hainan.,I stayed there for a week.,stay,停留,我去了海南。,week,星期,周,我在那里呆了一周。,This is Xinjiang.,I went there in July.,这里是新疆,我七月去的那里。,新疆天池,Who leads the reading,photo,of course,stay,week,July,照片,当然可以,停留,星期,周,七月,1.Where did you go?,2。What did you do?,3.When did you go?,I went to+某地,I played/walked.,I went there in+时间,Interviewee访问大比拼!,Shanghai.last year.father.visited my friend.,This is,I went there,I went with my,And I,上海东方明珠,XingjiangIn Julymotherride a horse,新疆天山,Dalianlast weeksisterplay,大连星海广场,Hainantwo years agograndparentsswim in the sea,12,14,15,16,Xinjiang,Hainan,Shanghai,Beijing,Qingdao,Where is Hainan?,Where is Shanghai?,Where is Xinjiang?,Where is Qingdao?,Where is Beijing?,This is Xinjiang.Its in the west of China.,This is Hainan.Its in the south of China.,I visited Sanya last year.,I met Li people there.,Theyre Li people.(黎族人),(遇见),(拜访,观光),Li people(黎族),an ethnic minority(少数民族),most of them live in Hainan.,黎族是中国岭南民族之一。在衣饰方面,妇女束髻于脑后,押以骨簪,披绣花头巾,衣无扣,对胸开襟,有的地方穿“贯首式”上衣,下身穿裙。妇女大都喜爱戴耳环、项圈、手镯、有的一直保持纹面和文身的习惯。男子结鬃,有的结于额前,有的结于脑后,缠头,上衣无领对胸开襟。,Amy:Mum,look!Lingling has got some photos.Ms Smart:Can I see them,Lingling?Lingling:Of course.,Lingling:They are photos of China.This is Xinjiang.Its in the west of China.I went there last year.Amy:Did you go with your mother and father?Lingling:Yes,I did.We stayed with my grandmother for a week in July.Ms Smart:The mountains are really beautiful.,Lingling:This is Hainan.Its in the south of China.,Lingling:Its my uncle.He lives there with his three children.My cousins visit Beijing every year.,Amy:Who is this?,Ms smart:Oh yes.I remember!I met them in June!Theyre li people.,Answer my questions.,1、Who has some photos?,2、Where is Xinjiang?,3、When did Lingling go to Xinjiang?,4、Did Lingling go with her mother and father?,Lingling.,Its in the west of China.,Last year.,Yes,she did.,Linglings Travel,Lingling has got some _.She went to Xinjiang in _.Xinjiang is in the _.She _with her grandmother for a _inJuly.Hainan is in the _.Her_lives in Hainan.,photos,July,west,stayed,week,south,uncle,分享我们的成果吧!一、词形转换:,1、photo(复数)_ 2、stay(过去式)_3、went(原形)_4、have(第三人称单数)_5、east(对应词)_6、south(对应词)_7、meet(过去式)_8、people(复数)_,photos,stayed,go,has,west,north,met,people,二、重点短语!,1、去年_2、一些照片_3、在七月_4、在中国的东部_5、当然 _ 6、有,拥有_7、每年_,last year,some photos,in July,in the east of China,of course,have/has got,every year,Homework,一、描述自己的一次旅行My Travel I went to _last year.I went there in _.Its in the _of China.I went there with my _.I went there by _.It was _.I had a lovely time there.二、搜集我国部分著名风景区的资料或者图片,下节课展示或介绍。,Thank you!,梦想的力量,当我充满自信地,朝着梦想的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧地,过着我理想中的生活,成功,会在不期然间忽然降临!,1有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。2一个人的价值在于他的才华,而不在他的衣饰。3生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。4、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。,