Unit 1 Praise and Gratitude,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,Part II Text A,Part III Text B,Part V Additional Theme-Related Activities,Exercises,Exercises,Outline,Part IV Writing,From studying this unit,students are expected tounderstand the magic in a word of praise from Text A and the power of a kind letter from Text B;master the useful sentence structures(like would have+past participle and wish(that)as well as words and expressions that are the focuses of the exercises following Text A;understand how to build words using suffixes-ian and-man;and talk about the importance of giving compliments and showing gratitude,and how to express appreciation in an appropriate way.,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,To begin,well watch a video clip and try to grasp its message.Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first may be helpful.,Part I Video Starter,Video Clip,【Script】,Ask the students the following questions after listening and watching if you have enough time:,What would the instructor say at the beginning?What does the instructor say about your learning activities?What seems to be more important in the previous semester?What do you deserve for the efforts you made in the learning activities?,A few of words about our performance in the previous semester.,We did a good job in listening,speaking,reading and writing,respectively.,We worked together with the instructor in exploring both the world of knowledge and the world of the English language,and discovered more than expected.,We deserve recognition and praise.,_,_,_,_,What do you learn about words?What can we learn about a word of praise from author Fulton Oursler?What does the instructor advise us to do on the road of life?What is the message you have grasped?,They alone cannot hurt physically,but can hurt so deeply on anemotional level that a person can become physically ill.This is the power of negative words.On the other hand,there exists the power of positive words.This is magic of praise.,A word of praise can help us build our self-confidence.And also it can convey our appreciation and reassurance to someone.,To feel a word of praise so that we can know it.,There is magic in a word of praise./What a word of praise is all about.,_,_,_,_,Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter,you can ask some of them to dub the video,if time permits.Correct their errors in pronunciation and intonation.,Hello class,Before we go on with our journey of English learning,I would like to say a few words about your learning activities in the previous semester.You did a good job in listening,speaking,reading and writing,respectively1.More important,all of you,along with me,explored both the world of knowledge and the world of the English language,and discovered more than expected.No doubt you deserve recognition2 and praise for your learning efforts.It is my deepest hope that such remarks3 will continue to inspire you to do the same in the coming semester.,Video script:,What do you think of my opening remarks?Nothing less than a word of praise?Right!Now we are going to“feel”the power of praise in Unit One.As you know,words alone cannot hurt physically,but can hurt so deeply on an emotional level,so much so that a person can become physically ill.It is the power of negative words,isnt it?On the other hand,there exists the power of positive words.This is magic4 of praise.A word of praise,as we can learn from Fulton Oursler here,can help us build our self-confidence.And also it can convey our appreciation5 and reassurance6 to anyone else.Simply put 7,something good can be said about everyone.Maybe it is hard for you to define a word of praise.But you will know it when you feel it in your personal life.,1.respectively:in the order given各自地;分别地2.recognition:praise,respect or admiration 认可 3.remarks:a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief 言辞,话语,e.g.,Mike and Josh are five and seven years old respectively.迈克和乔希分别是5岁和7岁。,e.g.,Professor John Nashs research has gained international recognition.约翰纳什教授的研究已经获得了国际认可。,e.g.,The movie star apologized for his offensive remarks.这位电影明星为他所说的侮辱性言辞而道歉。,Despite my reassurance,Janet was still worried about the test result.尽管我安慰了詹妮特,她仍然很担心测试结果。,4.magic:the use of special powers to make things happen which would usually be impossible 魔力5.appreciation:thankfulness 感激6.reassurance:an explanation or piece of advice that helps someone to feel less worried 安慰,e.g.,I always believe in the magic of love.我总是相信爱的 神奇力量。,These flowers are a token of my appreciation for you.这些花表达了我对您的谢意。,e.g.,e.g.,7.simply put:used for saying that you are explaining sth.in a clear and simple way简而言之,e.g.,Simply put,hes the best soccer player in the world.简而言之,他是世界上最好的足球运动员。,Part II Text A,There Is Magic in a Word of Praise Fulton Oursler,Judging from the title,what do you expect to learnfrom the text?,Question About the Title,The effect of praising others and being praised.,赞美之词的魔力 富尔顿奥斯勒,Chinese Version,Author:Fulton Oursler(富尔顿奥斯勒,18931952)was an American journalist and writer.,A Broadway comedian once had a nightmare:he dreamed he was telling stories and singing songs in a crowded theater,with thousands of people watching him but no one laughed or clapped.“Even at$100,000 a week,”he says,“that would be just hell on earth 1.”,1.非正式人间地狱,Question About This Paragraph,What is of utmost importance to the comedian?,Praise and encouragement from the audience.,一次,一位百老汇喜剧演员做了一个噩梦:他梦见自己在一个座无虚席的剧场里讲故事、唱歌,数以千计的人们看着他但是没有人笑或拍手。“即使一个星期能赚10万美元,”他说,“那也像人间地狱一般。”,Chinese Version,e.g.,He had terrible nightmares about the fire.他做了有关火的噩梦。The trip was a nightmare I caught a flu and I lost my passport.这次旅程是场噩梦我得了流感,还丢失了护照。,nightmare:n.a frightening or deeply upsetting dream 噩梦;梦魇,hell on earth:(infml)an extremely unpleasant place or situation 非正式人间地狱,e.g.,The war was described as hell on earth.这场战争被描述得像人间地狱。They made their fathers life hell on earth.他们将父亲的生活搞得一团糟。,It is not only the actor who needs applause.Without praise and encouragement anyone can lose self-confidence.Thus we all have a double necessity:to be commended and to know how to commend.There is a technique in giving a compliment,a right way to go about it.It is no real compliment,for instance,to praise a man for some obvious attainment.Use discernment and originality.“That was a wonderfully convincing speech you made tonight,”a gracious woman once said to a businessman.“I could not help thinking2 what a fine lawyer you would have made.”The merchant flushed like a schoolboy at the unexpected character of the tribute.,2.忍不住猜想,What is the double necessity we all have?,Questions About This Paragraph,To be commended and to know how to commend.,2)What is the right way to give a compliment?,3)Why did the merchant flush?,Instead of praising others for some obvious attainment,we should use discernment and originality when giving a compliment.,Unexpectedly he got a sincere praise from a gracious woman.,不仅演员需要掌声,没有赞扬和鼓励,任何人都会失去信心。因此,我们都有着双重需求:被别人称赞以及懂得如何去称赞别人。说赞美的话是有技巧的,有正确的说法。比如,因为某些显而易见的成就而去表扬一个人,这不是真正的赞扬。你得运用辨别力和创造力。“您今晚的演讲很精彩、很有说服力,”一次,一位和蔼可亲的女士对一位商人说,“我禁不住想,您肯定也能当一名出色的律师。”听到这意外的溢美之词,那位商人像个男生般地脸红了。,Chinese Version,applause:n.喝彩,e.g.,Can we have a round of applause please?我们能否鼓一下掌?Her excellent performance drew enthusiastic applause.她出色的表演赢得了热情的掌声。,encouragement:n.words or actions that give someone confidence or hope 鼓励;起激励作用的言语、行动等,e.g.,There is magic in words of encouragement.鼓励的话具有神奇的力量。With the encouragement from his friends,he didnt give up his dream.在朋友们的鼓励下,他没有放弃自己的梦想。,commend:vt.to formally praise sth.or someone 称赞,赞扬,e.g.,Everyone in the neighborhood commended the girl for her bravery.街区中的所有人都称赞这位小姑娘的勇敢。Jim was commended for his dedication to English teaching.杰姆全身心地投入英语教育事业,因此获得了赞扬。,e.g.,My husband never gives me compliments on my cooking.我丈夫从不夸我厨艺好。When people say Im weird,I take that as a compliment.当人们说我古怪时,我把这当成是一种赞扬。,compliment:n.an expression of praise,admiration or respect 赞词;赞扬,e.g.,attainment:n.the achievement of the goals that sb.has set 成就,造诣,This test aims to determine high school students academic attainment in mathematics.这个测试旨在考查高中学生的数学学科程度。His attainment of puberty was delayed by malnutrition.由于营养不良,他的青春期推迟了。,discernment:n.the ability to judge people and things well 识别能力;洞察力,e.g.,Professor Lewis is a person of discernment.路易斯教授是个具有敏锐洞察力的人。His lack of discernment led to his disastrous choice of business partners.由于缺乏识别能力,他对商业伙伴的选择非常糟糕。,e.g.,originality:n.the ability to think of,do,or create sth.new,interesting,and different;the quality of being new,interesting,and different from anything that anyone has created before 独创性;新颖,This film shows real originality.这部电影非常标新立异。He is a young writer of great originality.他是个极具创意的年轻作家。,convincing:a.persuading someone or makingthem certain 令人信服的,有说服力的,e.g.,There is no convincing evidence that advertising influences total alcohol consumption.没有令人信服的证据证明,广告影响了酒的总消费量。To make the detectives character convincing,she did extensive research with the CID.为了使侦探角色令人信服,她对刑事调查部做了全面研究。,gracious:a.showing kindness and good manners有礼貌的;仁慈的;亲切的,e.g.,Mike was gracious enough to invite us to his home.迈克十分热情地邀请我们去他家。Be gracious in defeat and humble in victory.胜不骄,败不馁。,businessman:n.a man who works in business,esp.at a senior level 商人;实业家,e.g.,The fact is he is a shrewd businessman.事实上,他是一个十分精明的实业家。Hes a self-made businessman.他是一个白手起家的实业家。,cant help doing:to be unable to avoid doing(sth.)忍不住做,禁不住做,e.g.,I cant help applauding his efforts.我禁不住为他的努力而喝彩。I cant help thinking that those keys will turn up eventually.我忍不住想,那些钥匙最终会自己冒出来的。,merchant:n.sb.who buys and sells goods,esp.as a wholesaler or internationally 商人;(尤指外贸)批发商,Brown started his career as a wool merchant.布朗从做羊毛生意起家。He fell in love with the daughter of a wealthy merchant.他爱上了一个富商的女儿。,e.g.,flush:vi.to become red in the face 脸红,Jim flushed with annoyance,and then walked away.杰姆气得脸都红了,随后便离开了。Winter air flushed the childrens cheeks.冬天的寒气将孩子们的脸颊冻红了。,e.g.,character:n.the qualities that makes sth.clearly different from anything else(事物的)特性;品德评语;推荐书,Great care has been taken to keep the original character of this hotel.人们尽力保留这家饭店的原有特色。His new employer asked for a character of him from his old teacher.他的新雇主要求出具一封由他从前的老师写的推荐书。,e.g.,tribute:n.sth.said or given to show gratitude,praise,or admiration颂词;称赞,The concert was a tribute to the musician.这场音乐会是为纪念这位音乐家而举行的。Prince Charles delivered a birthday tribute to his mother.查尔斯王子向他的母亲致了生日祝词。,e.g.,No one,great or obscure,is untouched by genuine appreciation.Yales renowned English professor,William Lyon Phelps,related:“One hot summer day I went into a crowded restaurant for lunch.When the waiter handed me the menu,I said,The boys in the kitchen certainly must be suffering today!The waiter looked at me in surprise.People come in here and complain about the food,kick about 3 the service and growl about the heat.In nineteen years you are the first person who has ever expressed a sympathy for the cooks back there in the kitchen.What people want,”Phelps concluded,“is a little attention as human beings.”In that attention,sincerity is essential.The man coming home after a hard days work who sees the faces of children pressed against the windowpane,waiting and watching for him,may water his soul with their silent but golden opinion.,3.随便谈论,1)Why did the waiter look at Professor Phelps in surprise?2)According to Phelps,what do people want?3)What is shown by the example of the kids waiting for their Dad coming home?,Questions About This Paragraph,Professor Phelps expressed sympathy for the cooks while most people at the restaurant complained about the food and service.,A little attention as human beings.,Sincerity is essential in attention.,无论声名显赫还是默默无闻,没有一个人会对真诚的赞赏无动于衷。耶鲁著名的英语教授威廉里昂费尔普斯讲述道:“一个炎热的夏日,我走进一家拥挤的饭馆吃中饭。服务员递给我菜单时,我说,今天厨房里的小伙子们肯定在受罪!服务员惊讶地看着我说:来这儿的人都抱怨菜的味道不好,对服务评头论足,还埋怨太闷热。19年了,你是第一个对后面厨房里的厨师们表示同情的人。人们所需要的,”费尔普斯下结论道,“是作为人能得到一点点关注。”在那种关注中,真诚是至关重要的。当劳作了一天的男人回家时看见孩子们将脸贴在窗上、张望着等待他,他也许会感到这种无声而珍贵的语言如甘露一般涤荡了他的心灵。,Chinese Version,obscure:a.not known to many people无名的,默默无闻的,e.g.,an obscure journal 一本不知名的期刊an obscure poet 一位没有名气的诗人,appreciation:n.a favorable opinion of sth.;a feeling or expression of gratitude 欣赏,赏识;感激,e.g.,This is a course in art appreciation.这是一门艺术欣赏课程。I dont know how to express my appreciation for you.我不知道该如何表达对你的感激之情。,Yale(耶鲁):a private Ivy League university located in the U.S.state of Connecticut,renowned:a.famous and admired for a special skill or achievement 有名望的,著名的,e.g.,Over the last few years,Japanese cars have become widely renowned as industry leaders.在过去几年里,日本汽车已经作为产业先锋而闻名天下了。Edmond is an internationally renowned photographer.埃德蒙是一位国际知名的摄影师。,William Lyon Phelps(威廉里昂费尔普斯,18651943):an American author,critic and scholar,kick about:to talk about sth.informally 随便谈论,We kicked about a few ideas.我们随便讨论了一些想法。The board spent the afternoon kicking about the feasibility of opening an overseas office.整个下午,董事会都在讨论是否有可能设立一个海外办事处。,e.g.,growl:vi.to say sth.in an unfriendly and angry way 愤愤不平地抱怨,e.g.,Hes always growling about the government.他总是抱怨政府。“What do you want?”Michael growled.“你想要什么?”迈克尔气愤地说道。,e.g.,sympathy:n.a feeling of pity and compassion for the suffering of others同情(心),My heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family.我向这个家庭表达深切的同情。He showed his sympathy for the bomb victims.他对炸弹袭击的受害者们表示了同情。,e.g.,The report concluded that the disease was not contagious.这份报告的结论是这种疾病不具有传染性。They studied the document and concluded that the author must have been an eyewitness.他们研究了这份文件,并断定其作者一定是目击者。,conclude:v.to form an opinion 断定,e.g.,He never doubts the sincerity of his friend.他从来不怀疑朋友的真诚。We were very much impressed by her sincerity.她的真诚让我们很感动。,sincerity:n.honesty in thought and action 真诚;真挚,essential:a.central,major;necessary,required 核心的;必要的,e.g.,High quality is essential for us to compete globally.对于我们而言,要想在全球竞争,高质量至关重要。Discipline is essential in an army.对于一支军队来说,纪律是核心。,Children especially are hungry for reassurance,and the want of kindly appreciation in childhood can endanger the growth of character.A young mother told the Reverend A.W.Beaven of a heart-aching incident:“My little daughter often misbehaves and I have to rebuke her.But one day she had been especially good,hadnt done a single thing that called for4 reprimand.That night,after I tucked her in bed and started downstairs,I heard her sobbing.Turning back5,I found her head hidden in the pillow.Between sobs she asked,Havent I been a pretty good girl today?,4.要求;需要 5.(使)往回走,“That question,”said the mother,“went through me like a knife.I had been quick to correct her when she did wrong,but when she had tried to behave I had not noticed it.I had put her to bed without one word of appreciation.”,1)What could be endangered by the lack of kindly appreciation in childhood?2)Why did the little girl sob?,Questions About These Paragraphs,The growth of character.,She tried to behave that day,but her mother didnt notice that and put her to bed without one word of appreciation.,孩子们尤其渴望鼓励。童年时如果得不到善意的赞赏,将会危及性格的发展。一位年轻妈妈向AW比文牧师