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    /t:(r)/s/swm/d:ns/dr:/tes/spi:k/dn/klb/tel/,guitarsingswimdancedrawchessplay chessspeakSpeak Englishjoinclubbe good attell,n.吉他v.唱;唱歌v.n.游泳v.跳舞;n.舞蹈v.画n.国际象棋下国际象棋v.说(某种语言);说话说英语v.参加;加入n.俱乐部;社团擅长于v.讲述;告诉,/st:ri/rat/:(r)/t:k/kfu:/drm/pin/valn/,storywriteshowortalktalk tokung fudrumplay the drumspianoplay the pianoviolinplay the violin,n.故事;小说v.写作;写字n.演出;节目;v.给看;展示conj.或者;也不(用于否定句)v.n.说话;交谈跟说n.(中国)功夫n.鼓敲鼓n.钢琴弹钢琴n.小提琴拉小提琴,/:ls/pi:pl/hm/mek/tde/sent(r)/wi:kend/ti:t/mju:zn/,alsopeoplehomebe good withmakemake friendstodayhelp(sb)with sthcenter(=centre)weekendon the weekendteachmusician,adv.也;而且n.人;人们n.家;活动本部;adv.到家;在家善于应付的;对有办法v.使成为;制造结交朋友adv.在今天在某方面帮助(某人)n.中心;中央n.周末(在)周末v.教;讲授n.音乐家,draw,dance,sing,play the guitar,play chess,swim,speak English,What can you do?,I can,draw,dance,sing,swim,speak English,play chess,play the guitar,A:Can you?B:Yes,I can.I can No,I cant.I cant,draw,dance,sing,swim,speak English,play chess,play the guitar,A:Can he?B:Yes,he can.He can No,he cant.he cant,A:Can she?B:Yes,she can.she can No,he cant.she cant,Chess Club,Art Club,English Club,Swimming Club,Football Club,What club do you want to join?,I want to join the,Music Club,What can you do?,I canbut I cant,Report:In my group,Tom can sing,dance and play football but he cant swim or paint,Target language:,art club,English club,swimming club,basketball club,music club,chess club,A:_B:_A:_B:_,What club do you want to join?,I want to join the music club.,Can you sing?,Yes,I can./No,I cant.,He wants to join the swimming club.,A:_B:_A:_B:_,What club does he want to join?,Can he swim?,Yes,he can./No,he cant.,A:_B:_A:_B:_,What club does she want to join?,She wants to join the chess club.,Can she play chess?,Yes,she can./No,she cant.,我能游泳。_,I can swim.,我不能游泳。_,I cant swim.,你能游泳吗?_是的,我能。/不,我不能。_,Can you swim?,Yes,I can./No,I cant.,你能做什么?_,What can you do?,谈论人的能力,can的用法,1.can后加动词原形。2.can无人称和数的变化。3.can可以当助动词。,他能游泳。_,He can swim.,他不能游泳。_,He cant swim.,他能游泳吗?_是的,他能。/不,他不能。_,Can he swim?,Yes,he can./No,he cant.,他能做什么?_,What can he do?,English club,Chess club,Art club,Music club,Swimming club,A:What club do you want to join?,B:I want to join the club.,A:Can you.?,Sports club,Unit 1,section A,Can you play the guitar?,What can these people do?Match the words and the people.sing _2.swim _3.dance _4.draw _5.play chess _6.speak English _7.play the guitar _,1a,e,g,d,b,c,a,f,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,A:I want to join the music club.B:Oh,can you sing?A:Yes,I can.,A:I want to join the art club.B:Can you draw?A:Yes,I can.,3,1,2,A:Can you swim?B:No,I cant.,1、Lisa wants to join the chess club,but she cant play chess.2、Bob wants to join the English club.He likes to speak English.3、Mary likes music.She can sing and dance.Bob likes music,too.They want to join the music club.,2b,Complete the conversation with the words in the box.Then listen to the first conversation again and check your answers.,play,brother,the,your,guitar,can?2.play,you,the,can,guitar?3.guitar,sing,the,I,play,can,and.4.to,club,music,join,want,do,you,our?,Do you want to join our music club?,Can your brother play the guitar?,Can you play the guitar?,I can sing and play the guitar.,一、连词成句。,Write questions answers with the words and phases.,1.Wu Jun/speak English/speak Chinese Can Wu Jun speak English?No,he cant,but he can speak Chinese.2.Mike/play basketball/play tennis_3.Jane and Jill/dance/sing_4.Grace/play soccer/play volleyball_5.Bill/write stories/tell stories_,Can Mike play basketball?No,he cant,but he can play tennis.,Can Jane and Jill dance?No,they cant,but they can sing.,Can Grace play soccer?No,she cant,but she play volleyball.,Can Bill write stories?No,he cant,but he tell stories.,Students Wanted for School Show,We want students for the school show.Can you_or _?Can you_the guitar?Can you_stories?Please talk to Mr Zhang after school.,playsingtelldance,sing,dance,play,tell,1a,Draw lines to match the words with the pictures.,drums _ piano _ guitar _ violin _,1b,Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.,drums _ piano _ guitar _ violin _,2,3,1,4,1c,Ask and answer questions about the instruments.,Example:A:Can you play the violin?B:No,I cant.C:I can.I can also play the guitar.,play the violin sing play the guitar dance play the drums drawplay the piano tell stories,Listen and circle the words and phrases you hear.,1d,play the guitar,sing,play the drums,play the piano,play the piano,dance,sing,1e,Listen again.Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d.,play the violin sing play the guitar dance play the drums drawplay the piano tell stories,Summary,1.Can you play the piano?Yes,I can./No,I cant.2.Can he/she sing?Yes,he/she can.No,he/she cant.3.play+the+乐器 play+球类/棋类e.g.play the guitar play basketball4.IHeShe They cant play the piano.,Hi,Im Ma Huan.I can play ping-pong and chess.I like to talk and play games with people.,Hello,Im Peter.I like to play basketball.I can speak English and I can also play soccer.,2a,Read the three descriptions about Peter,Alan and Ma Huan.Underline what they can do.,My names Alan.Im in the school music club.I can play the guitar and the piano.I can sing and dance,too.,3a,Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalDo you like _?Can you sing and _?Can you _ the piano or the violin?Can you play the _ or the drums?Then you _ be in our school music festival.Please _ Mr.Zhang at 622-6033.,dance,guitar,play,guitar can call dance music play,can,call,music,


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