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    Unit 5 What were you doing when the storm came?,Section A 1a-2d(P33-34),课 前 预 习,【单词】1.暴风雨 n._ 2.闹钟 n._ 3.开始v._ 4.很大程度上;大量地adv._5.突然adv._ 6.奇怪的 adj._,alarm,begin,heavily,suddenly,strange,storm,课 前 预 习,【短语】12.wait for the bus _ 13.at the time of the rainstorm _14.go off_15.rain heavily _16.miss the bus _17.take a hot shower_ 18.pick up the phone_,等公交,在暴风雨的时候,(闹钟)发出响声,雨下得很大,错过公交,洗热水澡,接电话,课 前 预 习,【句型】18.-What were you doing when the rainstorm came?-I was walking home._19.I was so busy looking for the umbrella that I didn t see a car coming._,-当暴雨来了,你在做什么?-我在走回家。,我太忙于寻找雨伞以至于我没有看到车来了。,课 前 预 习,20.I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily._ 21.While you were sleeping,I called Jenny and she helped me._,我在等车的时候下起了大雨。,当你在睡觉的时候,我叫珍妮然后她帮了我。,课 堂 小 测,一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1.It seems s for him to wear the scarf in such hot weather.2.My stomach b to ache after eating the ice-cream.3.He set the a ten minutes earlier in order to catch the first bus the next morning.4.Luckily,all the fishermen returned home safely after the(暴风雨).5.(突然间),he heard a woman shouting for help.,strange,began,alarm,storm,Suddenly,课 堂 小 测,二、根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限。6.-昨晚七点你在干什么?-我在厨房帮我妈妈。-What_ you _at 7 last night?-I _ in the kitchen.7.刚才我累得没法接你的电话。I was too tired _ just now.8.昨天钟声直到六点才响起。The bell until 6 oclock yesterday.,were,doing,was helping my mom,to pick up/answer your phone,didnt ring,课 堂 小 测,9.在那一刻,我正忙于找我的雨伞。I was busy at that time.10.你再不起床就又会错过那班公车的。If dont get out of bed now,you will again.,looking for my umbrella,miss the bus,课 堂 小 测,三、单项选择。()11.I bought alarm clock and umbrella on Taobao last night.A.an;an B.a;an C.an;a D.a;a()12.Lets wai him the bus stop.A.at;at B.at;for C.for;at D.for;in()13.My father the bicycle at that time.A.fixed upB.is fixing upC.was fixing upD.will fix up,A,C,C,课 堂 小 测,()14.They were visiting the sick kids we were cleaning the city park.A.Before B.after C.when D.while()15.Mr White will arrive at the airport soon.Who is going to?A.pick him upB.give him upC.get him offD.took him out,D,A,课 后 作 业,一、单项选择。()1.I feel sick I have to see the doctor right now.so;that B.such;thatC.so;although D.very;that()2.-I came back home in a rain last night.-You mean it rained last night?I didnt know it at all.heavily;heavy B.heavy;heavilyC.hard;heavily D.hard;hard,A,B,课 后 作 业,()3.What you at the time of the earthquake?A.are;doing B.were;doingC.did;do D.do;do()4.It suddenly stopped raining I took out my umbrella.A.while B.when C.andD.so()5.When I the playground,I saw Helen badminton.passed;playing B.passed;playC.was passing;playingD.was passing;play,B,B,A,课 后 作 业,一、翻译句子。1.公车停下来接了几个乘客。_2.我正忙于准备这次考试。_3.他打了这么多次电话给我,好奇怪呀。_,The bus stopped to pick up a few passengers.,I was busy preparing for the exam.,Its strange for him to ring me up so many times.,课 后 作 业,4.除非铃声响起,否则别开门。_5.大雪过后,孩子们都兴奋地堆起了雪人。_,Dont open the door unless the bell rings.,After the snow,the kids were excited to make a snowman/made a snowman excitedly.,课 后 作 业,一、完形填空。A terrible storm may bring many sad stories.Lots of people 1 their houses,their cars and their pets.But sometimes these stories might have 2 endings.A family in New Jersey,US,had a cat named Vivien.She was very 3.She could even draw with her wet paws(爪子)on the floor.When storm Sandy hit America in October,the family moved to a safer place 13km away from home.4 Vivien was missing.The whole family were 5 her.,课 后 作 业,They put up posters on the Internet to 6 her.All the nine family members searched everywhere,but they didnt find her.The family thought they could 7 see Vivien again.But six months later,Vivien returned to home.Everyone was surprised and no one could be sure where Vivien was for all that time.Many animals are good at 8 their way home.People usually say that dogs and cats find their way home through using their sense(感觉)of 9.,课 后 作 业,But that doesnt explain how Vivien found her way back.The storm Sandy blew away the normal smells of home.I wish she could 10 and tell us how she came back.said her owner.,课 后 作 业,()1.A.getB.loseC.miss D.find()2.A.exciting B.relaxing C.strange D.happy()3.A.beautiful B.friendly C.smart D.lovely()4.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Normally D.Sadly()5.A.worried about B.angry withC.careful about D.strict with,B,D,C,D,A,课 后 作 业,()6.A.look out B.look for C.look after D.look through()7.A.sometimes B.often C.ever D.never()8.A.finding B.returning C.looking D.feeling()9.A.taste B.smell C.soundD.look()10.A.talk B.run C.draw D.return,B,D,A,B,A,课 后 作 业,四、阅读理解(A篇)There was a rainstorm last night.Now,the Whites are talking about what they were doing at the time of the rainstorm.,课 后 作 业,课 后 作 业,课 后 作 业,()1.was in the bathroom when the rainstorm came.A.Mr.White B.Mrs.WhiteC.Lisa D.Peter()2.When the rainstorm came,Mr.White was.watching TV B.washing his shoes C.doing the dishes D.refreshing the screen()3.made good preparation for the storm.A.No one B.Mr.White and Mrs.White C.Mrs.White D.Lisa,C,D,C,课 后 作 业,()4.Lisa felt at the time of the rainstorm.surprised B.scaredC.sorry D.sad()5.Which of the following statements is true?A.Lisa was too scared to move.B.Peter was sleeping when the rainstorm came.C.All the lights in the house went out when the rainstorm came.D.Mrs.White went to close the window when the rainstorm came.,B,C,1、天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。爱迪生 2、一个人几乎可以在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。查尔斯史考伯 3、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。培根 4、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。白哲特 5、流水在碰到底处时才会释放活力。歌德 6、那脑袋里的智慧,就像打火石里的火花一样,不去打它是不肯出来的。莎士比亚 7、多数人都拥有自己不了解的能力和机会,都有可能做到未曾梦想的事情。戴尔卡耐基 8、勿问成功的秘诀为何,且尽全力做你应该做的事吧。美华纳 9、苦难有如乌云,远望去但见墨黑一片,然而身临其下时不过是灰色而已。里希特 10、幸运并非没有恐惧和烦恼;厄运也决非没有安慰和希望。培根,


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