1,Unit 5 First Aid,Unit 5 First aid,First aid for burns,Q:What accidents will we,meet in our daily life?,traffic accident,drowning,bleeding,animal bite,cuts,burns,sprained,What should you do for these,accidents?,call 120,send for a doctor,before doctors coming,give some,first aids timely,7,First aid is _,given to someone who suddenly _,or _ before a doctor can be,found.Often the _ or _ is,not_,but there are other times,when giving _will save,_.,a temporary form of help,falls ill,gets injured,illness,injury,serious,first aid quickly,ones life,First aid is important for the,victims(,受害者),and necessary for,us to learn about.,9,10,1.The best way to treat a sprained ankle is to:,A.Put an ice pack on your ankle.,B.Put a heating pad(,垫子,)around your ankle.,C.Keep on walking and jumping.,treat,a hurt,ankle,11,Have the victim sit,down and elevate the,foot.Put an ice pack,on the ankle to reduce,the swelling.Put a,firm bandage around,the foot and ankle,12,2.If you get a nosebleed,gently let your,head back to stop the bleeding.,A.True,B.False,(It may lead the blood into the throat,and easily cause choking.),13,Get the person to sit,down,tilt his/her head,forward slightly and,gently pinch the soft,part of the nose below,the bridge.,14,3.To treat a burn,you:,A.Rub(,擦,)some butter on it.,B.Hold the burnt part under cold,running water.,C.Put salt on the burnt part.,15,4.You should wait at least five minutes,before touching somebody who has,been struck by lightning,or you might,get a shock(,打击,).,A.True.,B.False.,The human body does not store electricity,so it is perfectly safe to touch someone who,has been struck by lightning.You cannot be,electrocuted(,触电致死,)when administering,first aid or CPR to a lightning-strike victim.,16,5.Your friend has an asthma(,哮喘,)attack,but she doesnt have her medicine.Youd,better:,A.Get a paper bag for her to breathe into.,B.Get her a cup of coffee.,C.Take her outside for fresh air,.,(,caffeine,咖啡因,can help to dilate,扩大,the windpipe,气管,),17,6.To treat a choke,you should make him,/her spit by patting him/her on the back.,A.True,B.False,18,If the person can cough,don,t do anything.If,he/she can,t cough and is,turning blue in the face,hit him/her between the,shoulder blades with the,flat of the hand three or,four times.,19,7.If Someone is drowning and calling for,help,What are your priorities?,A.Jump in the water to rescue them.,B.Throw them a line from the bank.,C.Wait for an ambulance to arrive.,Jump in the water to rescue them may put,you at risk.You should throw them a line,from a bank as this ensures that you dont,become a casualty yourself.,20,What has happened?,What sort of injuries the child will have?,What kind of first aid would you perform?,21,Cool the area of skin;wash it under,the cold running water.,Cover the wound with bandage/clean,cloth.,See a doctor if necessary.,22,Fast reading,1.,What will the passage be about?,2.What do they tell you about the burns?,First aid for burns.,Causes,types,characteristics and first,aid treatment for burns.,23,Whats the main purpose of the passage?,A.To explain the three types of burns.,B.To show the symptoms of burns.,C.To tell us the causes of burns.,D.To tell us what to do if someone gets,burnt.,24,Skim for general idea and then number,them from 1 to 5.,_ the three types of burns,_ what to do if someone gets burned,_ the functions of the skin,_ the symptoms of burns,_ how we get burns,3,1,4,2,5,25,?,The functions of the skin,1)Protect you against _,_,and _;,2)Keep you _ or _;,3)Prevent your body from _,_;,4)Give you your _.,losing too,sense of touch,warm,cool,disease,poisons,the suns harmful rays,Part 1,Detailed Reading,much water,26,steam,fire,the sun,electricity,chemicals,hot liquids,radiation,Part 2,?,Causes of burns,27,?,Types of burns,Part 3,second degree burns,first degree burns,third degree burns,the top layer of the skin,the top and the second,layer of the skin,all three layers of the skin,The three types of burns depend on which,layers of the skin are burned.,28,The three layers of skin:,The third layer,The second layer,The top layer,29,C,rough,red and,swollen with,blisters,dry,red and,mildly swollen,black and white,and charred,second degree,burns,first,degree burns,third degree,burns,?,Characteristics of burns,Part 4,B,A,Characteristics,30,Label these pictures with first degree burn,second degree burn and third degree burn.,A_,B_,first degree,second degree,third degree,C_,31,1.,_ clothing and jewellery near,the burn.,2.,_ burns immediately with cool,but not icy water.,3.,_ cool,clean wet cloths on the,burns.,4.,_ the burned area gently.,Take off,Cool,Place,Dry,Dos,?,First aid treatment,Part 5,32,5._ the burned area with a dry,clean bandage.,6.If burns are on arms or legs,_ the,burned area _ than the heart,if,possible.If burns are on the face,the,victim should _.,7._ the victim _ the doctor or,hospital at once,if the injuries are,second or third degree burns.,Cover,keep,higher,Get,Dos,to,sit up,33,Donts,1.,Do not _ the clothing that is,stuck to the burns.,2.Do not cool the burns with _ water.,3.Do not put cold water on _ degree,burns.,4.Do not _ the burns,it will break the,blisters.,5.Do not _ butter,oil,ointment on,burns.,remove,icy,third,put,rub,34,Answer the questions,1.,Why should you put cold water on a,burn?,2.Why doesnt a third degree burn,hurt?,The cold water stops the burning,process,stops the pain and prevents or,reduces swelling.,Because the nerves are damaged.If,there are no nerves,there is no pain.,35,3.Why do you think clothes and,jewellery near burns should be,removed?,4.If someone has a third degree burn,why might you see tissue?,Because bacteria from the clothes and,jewellery could infect the burns.,Because all layers of the skin have,been burnt showing the tissue,underneath.,36,What would you do in the,following situations?,What could we do to prevent,these accidents?,37,Call for a doctor or,an ambulance.,Never pull her out of the car or you may,hurt her neck or back.Just leave her,where she is.,Find enough people to lift the car safely,and take her to hospital at once.,Make sure that the,accident scene is,safe.,38,?,Keep calm and find your way,out quickly,using the escape,route exit.,?,Try to sound the fire alarm.,39,?,Dont open the door if the door,is hot or if you see smoke,coming under the door.,?,Stand in front of a open window,and shout for help.Try to cover,your mouth with a wet towel.,40,a snake bite,41,?,The person bitten must get a doctor,or go to hospital at once.,?,Speed is very important.,?,It will help the doctor greatly if,you can tell him what kind of snake,it was,or describe the situation.,first aid for,a snake bite,42,What happened in the picture?,What kind of first aid should you give?,bleeding,43,?,Try to stop the bleeding.,?,Press a handkerchief onto the,bleeding point and hold it there.,?,Hold up the part of body which is,bleeding if possible.,first aid for,bleeding,44,What happened in the picture?,What kind of first aid should you give?,a broken arm,45,?,Do not move the patient.,?,Support the broken arm in,the most comfortable,position.,?,Get medical help,immediately.,first aid for,a broken arm,46,?,Learn how to swim.,?,Swim with a life-buoy(,救生圈,/,衣,).,?,Never swim alone.,?,Dont swim in dangerous waters.,47,?,Follow the traffic rules and be careful.,?,Use crosswalks and look at both sides,when crossing the street.,?,Never use a mobile phone while driving,riding a bike or walking on a busy,street.,48,?,Dont eat too fast and dont,forget to chew your food.,?,Dont talk or laugh while,having food in the mouth.,49,Important Numbers,120,119,110,Emergency,medical service,Fire department,Police,department,