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    Unit 7,How much are these socks?,Section A,Period 1(1a-2e),1 yuan,5 yuan,1,dolla,r,5 dollars,¥,1,¥,5,$1,$5,I have some money.,RMB(,¥,),美元,(USD$),Jenny s clothes store,时装店,a shirt,a,T-shirt,a,sweater,a skirt,a hat,a bag,/?,:t/,/sk?,:t/,/h?,t/,/b?,g/,/swet?/,Lets learn the new words.,trousers,shorts,shoes,socks,/,?:ts,/,/?u:z/,/s,?,ks/,/,trauz?z,/,What are these?,Theyre.,New Words,much,adj.&pron.,sock,n.,T-shirt,n.,shorts,n.(pl),sweater,n.,trousers,n.(pl),shoe,n.,skirt,n.,dollar,n.,多少,短袜,T,恤衫,短裤,毛衣,裤子,鞋,裙子,(,美、加等国,),元,Do you remember,the new words?,hat,T-shirt,sweater,shorts,trousers,skirt,socks,shoes,1a,Match the,words with the,pictures.,1.socks _,2.T-shirt _,3.shorts _,4.sweater _,5.bag _,6.hat _,7.trousers _,8.shoes _,9.jacket _,10.skirt _,i,d,a,c,f,g,j,b,h,e,If you want to buy something,how to,ask the price?,How much is the T-shirt?,It,s six dollars.,How much are the shoes?,They,re five dollars.,6,5,?,?,小组讨论,对,T-shirt,与,shoes,分别怎样询问,价格?,讨论,$10,How much is the sweater?,Its ten dollars.,s,$12,$6,is,-How much is this/that shirt?,-,Its dollars.,$7,$5,$3,¥,14,How much are these pants?,Theyre fourteen yuan.,¥,8,¥,4,are,s,a red hat,a blue T-shirt,a green bag,a black skirt,a black and white,sweater,2,6,5,4,9,-,Whats this?,-,Its a,a hat,a T-shirt,a sweater,a bag,a skirt,red,black,black and white,green,blue,-What color is it?,-,Its,So,its a _ _.,-How much is the _ _?,Its _ dollars.,socks,shoes,pants,shorts,-What are these?,-,They are,-What color are these?,-,They are,black,red,white,red,So,they are _ _.,black shoes,red pants,white socks,red shorts,-How much are the _ _?,-They are _ dollars.,6,10,2,4,How much is the,baseball?,Its one dollar.,How much,are the glasses?,Theyre two,dollars.,bag,skirt,T-shirt,pants,shoes,shorts,sweater,socks,$2,¥,9,$4,¥,5,$7,$6,$6,¥,8,How much is this/that?,It,s yuan/dollar,(,s,),.,How much are these/those?,They,re yuan/dollar,(,s,),1b,Listen and circle the things you hear.,看图完成对话,1.,How much _ the _?,They _ 10 yuan.,2.,How _ _ the _?,_ 10 _.,3.,_ _ are the _?,_ _ 4 yuan.,4.,_ _ _ these _?,_ 9 _.,are shorts,are,much is T-shirt,Its dollars,How much socks,¥,10,$10,¥,4,$9,They are,How much are shoes,Theyre dollars,?,1,、,这条蓝色裙子多少钱?七美元。,?,How much is this blue skirt?Its seven dollars.,?,2,、那个白色提包多少钱?九美元。,?,How much is that white bag?Its nine dollars.,?,3,、红色毛衣多少钱?八美元。,?,How much is the red sweater?Its eight dollars.,?,4,、这些黑色裤子多少钱?十美元。,?,How much are these black trousers?,?,Theyre 10 dollars.,?,5,、那些蓝色袜子多少钱?三美元。,?,How much are those blue socks?,?,Theyre three dollars.,name/price,sweater,trousers,Jim,$10,Give a report like this:,Jim is my friend.He has a T-shirt.,It,s ten dollars,How much is/are?,调查班上同学的服装的价格,把其答案填在表格中,shoes,Its difficult to make money.,We should save money.,挣钱不容易,我们,应节约用钱,Period 2,New Words,big,adj.,small,adj.,short,adj.,woman,n.,need,v.,look,v.,pair,n.,take,v.,大的;大号的,小的;小号的,短的;矮的,女子,需要,看;看上去,一双;一对,买下;拿;取,Colors,green blue brown,black orange red,white purple yellow,black,white,red,green,blue,yellow,pink,purple,orange,a brown bag,blue shorts,a red hat,a purple T-shirt,a black shirt,yellow shoes,a green sweater,white socks,1.Sally likes this_.,2.My mother has a_.,3.The _are very nice.,4.Are these your _?,5.Do you like_?,6.Wheres my _?,7.Your _ are under the bed.,red T-shirt,green sweater,yellow shorts,red shoes,blue trousers,black hat,white socks,trousers,a pair of blue trousers,How much are these trousers?,They are nine dollars.,How much is a/this pair of trousers?,It is nine dollars.,$9,?,socks,?,a pair of red socks,?,$8,?,shorts,?,a pair of black shorts,?,$7,shoes,a pair of white shoes,$9,big,small,long,short,反义词,big small,long short,?,a bag,?,a small purple bag,?,a hat,?,a big black hat,?,a skirt,?,a long,red skirt,?,a skirt,?,a short black skirt,a big hat,How much is the big hat?,$4,a small hat,$2,Its four dollars.,Its two dollars.,How much is the small hat?,Its.=It is,a long T-shirt,$7,a short T-shirt,$5,How much is?,Its,2a,Listen and repeat.,big,small,short,long,2b,Listen to the conversations and circle the,things you hear.,2c,Listen again and fill in the price tags.,$5,$8,$6,$7,$2,$9,2d,Ask and answer questions about the,things in 2b.,A:I like these shorts.,How much are they?,B:Theyre six dollars.,A:I like this hat.,How much is it?,B:It is five dollars.,small white shoes$4,big red socks$1,long red skirt$8,short black skirt$9,先各写一句话,再编四组对话。,Period 3,Read the dialogue in 2e.,Then fill in the blanks.,Things,Color,Price,sweater,_,_,_,_,_,for one pair,_,for two pairs,nine dollars,blue,socks,yellow,two dollars,three dollars,Woman:Can I help you?,Mary:Yes,please.I need a sweater for school.,Woman:OK.What color do you want?,Mary:Blue.,Woman:How about this one?,Mary:It looks nice.How much is it?,Woman:Nine dollars.,Mary:Ill take it.How much are those yellow socks?,Woman:Two dollars for one pair and three,dollars for two pairs.,Mary:Great!Ill take two pairs.,Woman:Here you are.,Mary:Thank you.,Woman:Youre welcome.,Role-play,W:Can I _ you?,M:_,please.I _ a sweater _ school.,W:OK._ _ do you want?,M:Blue.,W:_ _ this one?,M:It _ nice._ _ is it?,W:Nine dollars.,M:Ill _ it.How much _ those yellow socks?,W:Two dollars for _ _ and three dollars _,two pairs.,M:Great!Ill take _ _.,W:_ _ _.,M:Thank you.,W:Youre _.,help,Yes,need,for,What color,How about,looks,How much,take,are,one pair,for,two pairs,Here you are,welcome,Practice:,A:Can I help you?,B:Yes,please.I want a _.,A:What color do you want?,B:_.,A:Here you are.,B:How much is it/are they?,A:_ dollars.,B:Ill take it/them.Thank you.,A:You are welcome.,$10,$5,$3,$8,$7,$9,1.,How much is+,单数名词?,Its.,2.How much are+,复数名词,?,Theyre.,is,单数,are,复数,How much is the hat?,Its five dollars.,How much is this T-shirt?,Its seven dollars.,How much is that brown sweater?,Its eight dollars.,How much are these socks?,Theyre two dollars.,How much are those black trousers?,Theyre nine dollars.,the,this,that,these,those,3a,Make sentences in the chart with,the words in the three boxes.,yellow,green,purple,blue,brown,red,white,black,T-shirt,hat,trousers,skirt,sweater,socks,shorts,shoes,jacket,bag,How much is?,the yellow T-shirt,How much are?,the black shorts,the purple hat,this black jacket,this green skirt,that red bag,that purple sweater,the brown socks,the red shoes,these white trousers,these blue shorts,those purple socks,those green trousers,that white skirt,this brown jacket,the blue T-shirt,4._ They are three dollars.,5._ Its nine dollars.,6._ Its eight dollars.,1.How much is that hat?,_,2.How much is the bag?,_,3.How much is the T-shirt?,_,Its five dollars.,Practice,3b,Look at the pictures and write,the questions and answers.,Its six dollars.,Its ten dollars.,How much are the socks?,How much is this sweater?,How much is that skirt?,一、用,be,动词的正确形式填空,1.How much _ this computer?,2.What _ the price of the dictionary?,3.How much _ the red shoes?,4.What price _ the blue T-shirt?,5.How much _ these bananas?,6.How much _ those black shorts?,7.What color _ your big sweater?,8.What color _ your long trousers?,Exercises,is,is,are,is,are,are,is,are,二、选词填空,1.How much _ the blue shorts?,2.,Can I _ you.,Yes,please.,3.I like the white T-,shirt.Ill _ it.,4.The black _ on sale are for$10 dollars.,5.The green skirt _ very nice.,6.We _ some pens and pencils for school.,7.The red _ on sale is only eight dollars.,8.This _ of socks are only one dollars.,be,take,shoe,need,pair,help,sweater,look,help,are,take,socks,looks,need,sweater,pair,三、,根据汉语提示写单词。,1.I dont want this small hat.I want a _(,大的,),one.,2.I _(,需要,)a shorts for my son.,3.Look!That _(,双,)of shoes looks nice.,4.The sweater and the jacket are 100 _(,美元,).,5.Do you like the red _(,袜子,)?,6._,(多少钱),are the _(,长的,)T-,shirt?,7.The _ _(,紫色的裙子,)looks very nice.,big,need,pair,purple skirt,dollars,socks,How much long,Its difficult to make money.,We should save money.,挣钱不容易,我们,应节约用钱,


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