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    Sino-US trade friction: A Dialectic Analysis ofSince the late 70s of the 20th century China in the early 80s began to reform and opening up policy, the rapid development of Sino-US trade; into the 21st century, China's "accession" is to inject a strong Sino-US trade of live power, Sino-US trade made significant progress. By 2006, total bilateral trade increased to a record 262.7 billion U.S. dollars. Sino-US trade large scale, rapid development, world-renowned, but also bound to be affected countries and the world economy is an important factor in economic development.Vigorous development of China-US trade, China also faces the United States and other trading partners are frequent .The great challenges of trade friction. According to statistics, from 1979 to the end of September 2006, the cumulative total of 38 countries initiated against Chinese exports from 815 anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguard measures and special safeguard measures investigation. Among them, the United States from July 1980 to China menthol anti-dumping investigations initiated by the first counting, as of 2005, the United States has accumulated since China initiated 114 anti-dumping investigations, 19 from the safeguard measures, accounting for 20% of the total number involved is so far trade friction with China than any other country. Taken together, the Sino-US trade friction present the following four major Area characteristics: (A)Trade friction involved widening the scope of Sino-US trade products trade friction in the past focused mainly on light industry, textile and other traditional industrial products, among the most prominent China-US textile trade friction. But the current Sino-US trade friction from individual products to multiple industries and structural phase direction development of trade from goods to services trade, intellectual property, standards direction. U.S. anti-dumping cases in the total number of traditional industries products from the 20th century, the proportion of 80% to 88.8 %.2005, 48% over the same period, mechanical and electrical products, automobiles, pharmaceutical products .But the proportion rose from 5.5% to 25.4%. (B) Increasing diversification of trade friction in the form of the United States to China product exports to the U.S. antidumping investigation is still a major Sino-US trade friction .Form, but has started to "safeguard clause", safeguard measures, "337" and other aspects of the transfer. To "337" as an example, based on "337", the United States according to national law, realized foreign goods "violation of their intellectual property right" to interfere. In recent years, the United States have said the reports of the Chinese government's intellectual property of U.S. companies rights protection ineffective start against Chinese products have so far been more than 10 times, "337 Terms "investigation. (C)Trade frictions related to the fields of finance, in recent years, with further increase bilateral trade imbalance, the U.S. Congress and The White House has frequently shot, to seek the grounds of the United States balance of trade pressure on people RMB appreciation. First there is the 2003 so-called "Schumer - Graham Act "(Schumer-Graham Bill), and then again in 2006, 3 Launched a more rigorous "Grassley - Baucus bill" (Grassley-Baucus Bill). U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow and the last two on is also the issue of the RMB exchange rate continued to exert pressure on China force, urging the Chinese government by the United States will reform the exchange rate change existing exchange rate system. (D) The emergence of trade friction between the two countries bilateral relations and comprehensive on the development of signs of linking between the United States should stand for all Are put on the table to discuss issues, calling on China to act to present and U.S. cooperation in good faith. Graham claimed that China's economic issues no action will affect the future of other relations between the two countries. Display United States growing trade relations between countries and between the development of a comprehensive problem Together. Two Inevitable trade friction and has the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations cause significant negative impact, it is beyond doubt. According to the Ministry of Commerce Statistics, 1980 to 2003, subject to allegations of U.S. anti-dumping investigation Chinese products have nearly the coverage of species in the United States has been closed China anti-dumping investigations, 80% of the products China exports to the U.S. tax rate increase ranging from the U.S. anti-dumping duties. Sino-US trade friction .The growing, so that China's export manufacturers suffered huge economic losses. In addition to these two countries to trade relations with the political issues linked to aggressive domineering display outside of the United States in the Sino-US trade dispute End of treatment, the United States also implemented a number of Chinese enterprises discriminatory measures, Chinese enterprises actually "enjoy" to the unfair treatment. If ignoring China's reform and opening up, especially since 1992, the socialist establishment and development of market economy results, stubbornly refused to recognize Chinese enterprises "full market economy status", the abuse of "non-market economic status "clause; Another example is the anti-dumping investigation, obstinately to the basic Economic conditions and overall economic development is far from the country of China Home as China's "alternative country" and hung fair trade in the name of trade real protection; Another example Abuse "safeguard measures" low-threshold characteristics of light easy to take on the special safeguard measures in China. China-US trade friction in the subject of unfair treatment remain "silent" is obviously not desirable. China's export manufacturing enterprises industry, related trade associations and other intermediary organizations, relevant governmental departments are should be given high priority, in each case be carefully studied to China's overall national interests, with respect for rules, fair competition, mutual cooperation .For the principle, according to the relevant legal provisions and international trade practices, product very responding. Through bilateral negotiations or through a multilateral framework, it was reasonable force struggle for legitimate and reasonable interests. In fact, the United States in 1999 apple juice dispute, the 2002 Sino-US disputes, ball bearings, China Fight to win or part of the successful results. Three Current treatment of Sino-US trade friction problem, neither can be lightly heart, to see the seriousness of it, it may be destructive to the formation of adequate assessment and adequate pre-effective prevention mechanism. Meanwhile, more therefore essential to increase even more valuable is the Sino-US trade friction Cleaning to maintain a "receptive" to a rational and calm manner, on the Sino-US trade friction to scientific dialectical analysis. Rational perspective of Sino-US trade friction, you can see Sino-US trade friction .The occurrence of rubbing and getting worse and worse with its objective necessity. First, the Sino-US trade friction is the world's economic imbalances, the U.S. economy become increasingly prominent in the various conflicts and trade protectionism in the United States payable to the "normal" reflected. Overall imbalance in the current world economy, the States, economies and trade exchanges between the environment against the background of tightening, Sino-US trade friction is the world's group of economic friction and dispute as part of the. Sino-US trade friction between the normal thing to do, do not be surprised. Although the United States to other countries frequently initiated anti-dumping investigations by other countries of its own investigation is also placed on file one of the main target of the European Union, Japan, Korea and other countries have no exceptions. These data clearly show that trade friction has become the world will Must face the reality of a universal. China's "accession", in deeper surface and on a larger scale involved in the process of economic globalization, the first when it Washed in from other countries facing the pressure of trade friction is inevitable. As China's most important trading partner, the United States as China initiated anti-dumping sales than any other country to initiate an investigation, it is not surprising. Since, as this, on the Sino-US trade friction can only calm, calm face, large can not have too much economic nationalism doping. Second, Sino-US trade friction between China's sustained economic rapid development of China's international economic position to enhance natural rapid production material. China's reform and opening up previously closed-door policy in the basic state huge one China, its international trade's share in global trade pitiful, trade friction has come from? However, nearly 30 years to change reform and opening up, China's rapid emergence as the global economy has held full weight status of the fourth-largest economy. Maintain long-term high-fat in the economy development, China's active integration into the mainstream of world economic processes, 2006 China's foreign trade totaled more than 1.7607 trillion U.S. dollars, a surplus reached 177.5 billion U.S. dollars. 1978 rankings from 32-bit world trade body, the development of the world's No. 3 trading power. China's foreign trade such a large and rapid growth, will inevitably impact on the international market both in the interests of the pattern of trade friction in the hard Free. To the textile trade, for example, in 2004 China's global textile exports Textiles 95.1 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the global textile trade volume of 1 / 4; In 2005, China's fiber processing capacity 24 million tons, about the World Health production . In 2005, the United States, various types of textile imports from China Product total 16.8 billion square meters, up 43.8%; import value 22.4 billion U.S. dollars, up 53.9%. In China since 2002 Remained the largest U.S. supplier of the status of textile products in 2005 the market share of more than 2 to 6 supply country (region) combined. In 2002 as the base year, 2005, China's textile products exported to the U.S. The number increased 238%, the amount increased by 156%. Such a large growth will inevitably lead to a rebound in the U.S. related to the industry. As a result, the United States textile producers in China strongly urge the Government to use special protective measures to limit textile imports. Results 1 launched in 2003, the United States since 2004 launched since 2005, launched nine special protection from the restrictions, in addition also 24 categories of Chinese textile quota investigation. Rational perspective of Sino-US trade friction, in addition to understanding the Sino-US trade the objective necessity of friction, it also should be clear to see that trade friction. Sino-US trade friction is not the subject of trade protectionism the theme of Sino-US trade. Not to say, the United States adopted some trade protectionist measures taken on the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations is indeed. System had a negative impact to China's export manufacturers are caused real economic losses. Although the trade friction between the two countries has occurred, also often you can hear the noise of trade protectionism. But these are not constitutive into the main body of China-US bilateral trade. Statistics show that in 2005 the United States that trade frictions with China, the amount of money involved 1.48 billion U.S. dollars, Chinese exports to the U.S. compared to the year, but the proportion of district 0.89%. Otherwise, how to understand the continuing trade friction . Meanwhile, the Sino-US trade how to achieve high growth is still high. Four More significantly, rational perspective of Sino-US trade friction, we Should be realistic and understand that things are always two, and now Sino-US trade friction to a certain extent in fact there are positive meaning. (A)Regarding the promotion of export market diversification strategy and the change of the economic growth patterns present, China's exports more than 75% of sales to the United States, Japan, the European Union the three markets. Exports to the United States .And most are concentrated in labor-intensive products such as textiles, footwear, playing equipment and so on. The added value, low product differentiation and prices .The competitiveness of products once formed a strong focus on the large U.S. market low-volume exports, can easily cause a strong rebound in the U.S. triggered the Sino-US trade friction. Therefore, the Sino-US trade friction with greater destructive power, it an important reason is that China is heavily dependent on the U.S. market. China's trade dependence on the United States 5.4% in 1997 rising to 8.9% in 2003 . China's exports to the U.S. accounted for China's total exports more than 20%, while U.S. exports to China accounted for only 2% of its total exports. China's imports from the U.S. share of total Chinese imports accounted for about 10%, while U.S. imports from China accounted for only 2.5% of its total imports. Export too Focus is not conducive to spread risk, is not conducive to full use of global resources, easily lead to trade friction. In this sense, the Sino-US trade friction contribute to accelerate the promotion of China's export market diversification strategy, help Chinese enterprises to actively develop foreign direct investment and China comprehensive international competitiveness of enterprises. In addition, the frequency of Sino-US trade friction .Reality, the full explanation from the other side will increase the Chinese economy long pattern of "promoting investment-type" and "export-led" into "Domestic demand-pull" of the necessity and urgency. (B) Of the vicious price competition on a long time, China indeed, some export production enterprises that use low-cost competitive strategy has a strong preference, which means the competition is the best at price war. These enterprises often focus on production growth, technological innovation and enterprise improve the product's value added less focus, focus only on immediate the lack of long-term strategic considerations. What can make money, flew on a Coax into the sky, the rush to squeeze past. Chinese exports of socks, for example, a survey showed that province exported to Europe and the United States market, socks, in the United States can be sold for four U.S. dollars a dozen, can be sold in Japan, 6 dollars a dozen, however, enterprises in export socks are too many mutual bargain between enterprises, vicious competition, the final price down to the socks for 99 cents a dozen. Prices the tragic situation of war is ev


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