Syllabus of International Economics and TradeNames of Main Courses:1. International Clearance2. International Finance 3. A Brief Introduction of International Trade4. International Trade Practice5. Customs Clearance Practices6. Management and Practice of Multinational Company7. Business Correspondence8. Trade negotiations9. Western EconomicsSyllabus of International FinanceFor: International Economics and TradeTotal Class Hours: 54 Aims:This course introduces students to International Finance and equips them with basic concepts, and methods to study and analyze international economic issues and problems. It will lay a hard foundation for on Finance study and work in the future.Prerequisites:1. To understand properties, tasks and its researching targets; its system, structure overall2. To grasp basic concepts and theories, basic principles and methods, and development of international finance3. To learn to apply theories and principles to practice and analyze financial problems and specific cases with relevant theories.Teaching Mode:Lectures and case studyCourse Contents:Chapter one Foreign Currency and Exchange Rate1.1 Definition and categories of currency1.2 Definition, exchange quotation and categories of currency Rate1.3 Currency basis and main factors affecting it1.4 Function of currency changes to economyKey points and Difficulties: Exchange Quotation; main factors and functions of currency and currency changeChapter Two Currency System and Exchange Control2.1 Categories of currency system2.2 Fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate2.3 History and purpose of exchange control2.4 Measures of exchange control2.5 Functions of exchange control2.6 Evolution and contents of foreign currency management in China 2.7 RMB exchange rate system and its theoretical parityKey points and difficulties:Fixed exchange rate system and floating exchange rate system; pegging exchange rate, exchange control, complex exchange rate system, evasion, and arbitrage and Currency convertibilityChapter Three Foreign Exchange Market and Foreign Exchange Transactions3.1 What is foreign exchange market3.2 Major international markets and their transaction systems3.3 Transaction means3.3.1 Spot transactions and forward transactions3.3.2 Arbitrage trading and arbitrage trading3.3.3 Swap 3.3.4 Foreign exchange futures and optionsKey points and difficulties:Foreign exchange market, foreign transaction, spot transaction and forward transaction; arbitrage trading and arbitrage trading, swap, foreign exchange futures and optionsChapter Four Foreign Exchange Risk Management4.1 What is exchange risk 4.2 Causes and measures of exchange risk4.3 Enterprise Foreign exchange risk management approaches4.4 Bank Foreign exchange risk management approachKey points and difficulties:Recognize and measure all kinds of risks of foreign exchange and management approachesChapter Five International balance of payments5.1 What is international balance of payments5.2 Economic functions fo balance of payments5.3 Imbalance of international payments and its function5.4 Adjustment methods of imbalance of international payments Key points and difficulties:International balance of payments and its preparing methods; causes of imbalance and its functions to economy and adjustment methodsChapter Six International Reserves6.1 What are international reserves6.2 Management principles and policy options of international reserves6.3 international reserves management in ChinaKey points and difficulties:International reserves, international liquidity, foreign exchange reserves, SDR; management principles and its functions, management principles in ChinaChapter Seven International Financial Markets7.1 What are international financial markets7.2 Classifications of international financial markets7.2.1 Foreign exchange market7.2.2 Money market7.2.3 Capital markets 7.3 What are money markets in Europe7.4 Financial derivatives market 7.4.1 Financial futures markets and futures trading rules7.4.2 Financial options market and options trading rulesKey points and difficulties:International financial markets, foreign exchange market, money markets, capital markets, money markets in Europe, offshore financial markets, financial derivatives; differences between offshore financial markets and traditional financial markets; financial derivatives trading rules and its supervision.Chapter Eight International Capital Flows8.1 What is international capital flows8.2 Benefits and risks of international capital flows8.3 International debt and its measurement index8.4 Causes and solutions of international debt crisis8.5 International capital flows and financial crisis in developing countriesKey points and difficulties:Categories, contents and features of international capital flows; benefits and risks of international capital flowsChapter Nine International Settlement9.1 Notes and documents in international settlement9.2 Means of international settlement Key points and difficulties:Categories and definitions of notes and documents in international settlement; different settlement means and usage; general business credit, standby letters of credit and bank guaranteeChapter Ten International Monetary Systems10.1 What are international monetary systems10.2 International monetary system10.2.1 International gold standard10.2.2 Bretton Woods system10.2.3 Jamaica monetary system10.3 Regional monetary system10.3.1 Effect of European Monetary System and European Monetary Union on economy10.4 Functions of European financial institutions in international monetary systemKey points and difficulties:International gold standard, Bretton Woods system, Jamaica monetary system, European Monetary Union, Euro; requirements of developing countries to international monetary system; History of Euro and its functions to world economyChapter Eleven International Finance Theory11.1 International balance of payments theory11.2 Exchange Rate Theory11.3 Theory of international capital flowsKey points and difficulties:Typical views on international balance of payments theory, such as Mercantilism theory of the balance of trade, Humes Price-cash flow mechanism; Purchasing power parity, psychological exchange, Export of capital, Capital input, Theory of capital controlsClass hour allocation:5 hours per chapter(4 hours for Chapter 11 only), totally 54 hours.Main references:Biaoru, C. (1990). Introduction of International Finance. Shanghai: Huadong Normal University Press.Obstfeld, P. R. K. M. (1998). International Economics. Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.Salvatore, D. (1998). International Economics. Beijing: Qinghua University Press.Shunian, L. (1995). International Finance. Beijing: International Business and Economics University Press.Xiang, T., & Yulu, C. (1996). International Finance and Management. Beijing: Renmin University of China Press. Syllabus of Introduction of International TradeFor: International Economics and TradeTotal Class Hours: 72 Aims:This course introduces students to International trade and its theories and policies, and equips them with basic theories, viewpoints and methods to analyze international economic issues and trade problems. It will lay a hard foundation for on Finance study and work in the future.Courses contents:Part One Basis of International TradeChapter One Summary of international trade Aims and requirements: This chapter focuses on the researching objects, means and contents of international trade; students are required to master the basic concepts and the whole frame of international trade system.Key points and difficulties: researching objects, contents and basic conceptsChapter Two International Division of Labor and International TradeAims and requirements: This chapter mainly touches on the relation between international division of labor and international trade; students are required to know factors causing labor division and different features of it at different stages; interactive relation between labor division and international trade.Key points and difficulties: main factors affecting international labor division.Chapter Three International Labor Division and World Market Aims and requirements: Students are required to know production and development of world market, systems and main features of world market and makeup and manifestations of price of world market.Key points and difficulties:Current world market system Chapter Four International Trade and Economic Growth Aims and requirements: Students are required to know the growing role of international trade in economy and the interactive relation between international trade and economic growth. Key points and difficulties:Economic growths effect to balance of international tradeChapter Five International Trade and Economic StructureAims and requirements:Studens are required to know the interactive relation between international trade and economic structure.Key points and difficulties:Infant industries and their protectionChapter Six Strategic Model of International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to know the definition of Export and import substitution strategy and the main factors and selection principles affecting Export and import substitution strategyKey points and difficulties:Import substitution strategy and its theoretical basis, Export-oriented strategyPart Two International Trade TheoriesChapter Seven Classical International Trade ModelAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp the main theories of Mercantilism, absolute cost theory, comparative cost theory and Dornbush Fisher Samuelson Model.Key points and difficulties:Ricardo - Krugman modelChapter Eight Neoclassical International Trade ModelAims and requirements:Students are required to know Equilibrium open economy, mutual needs theory, factor endowment theory and Leontief MysteryKey points and difficulties:Mutual needs theory and factor endowment theoryChapter Nine Imperfect Competition Model of International TradeAims and requirements: Students are required to master scale economy and international trade, intraindustrial international trade, imperfect competitive market and International Competitive AdvantageKey points and difficulties:Intraindustrial international tradeChapter Ten Dynamic International Trade ModelAims and requirements:Students are required to master product life cycle theory, technological gap theory, technology spillover and “scientific” model and neoclassical theory.Key points and difficulties:Product life cycle theory and technological gap theoryChapter Eleven New Elements Model of International Trade Aims and requirements:Students are required to know human capital and international trade; R&D and international trade, information and international trade, systems and international trade.Key points and requirements:Human capital and international tradeChapter Twelve Model of International Factor MobilityAims and requirements: Students are required to master international capital flow model, international factor and goods mobility and international technology mobility model.Key points and difficulties:International capital flow modelPart Three International Trade PolicyChapter Thirteen Introduction of International Trade PolicyAims and requirements:Students are required to know the evolution of international trade, options of international trade policy and its features, to lay a basis for future study.Chapter Fourteen Tariff Measures Aims and requirements:Students are required to grasp rate of tariff protection and tariff effects models and know of tariff, tariff system and types of tariffKey points and difficulties:Tariff effects modelChapter Fifteen Non-tariff MeasuresAims and requirements: Students are required to grasp analysis of non-tariff effects and know types of non-tariff measures and its basic featuresKey points and difficulties:Analysis of non-tariff measure effectsChapter Sixteen Export Promotion and Export ControlAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp measures of export promotion and know how to analyze the economic effects export promotion and export control.Key points and difficulties:Measures of export promotionChapter Seventeen Strategic Trade PolicyAims and requirements:Students are required to know the theoretical basis of strategic trade policy, basic model and its applicationKey points and difficulties:Theoretical basis of strategic trade policy Chapter Eighteen Political Economy of Trade PolicyAims and requirements:Students are required to know trade policy and political factors, rent-seeking and trade policy; game and coordination in international trade policy.Key points and difficulties:Trade policy and political factorPart Four International Trade TopicsChapter Nineteen World Trade Organization and International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp the principles and main functions of WTO; know features of GATT related with WTO, analyze the relation among WTO, world trade and China.Key points and difficulties:Principles and functions of WTOChapter Twenty Regional Economic Integration and International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to know main content and forms, interactive relation and models of regional economic integrationKey points and difficulties:Models of regional economic integrationChapter Twenty One International Investment and TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to learn the main content and forms, interactive relation and theories of international investmentKey points and difficulties:International investment theoryChapter Twenty Two Transnational Corporation and International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to know general features of transnational corporation, major features of management and its effect on macro economyKey points and difficulties:Management of transnational corporation Chapter Twenty Three International Trade in Service Aims and requirements:Students are required to general features of transnational corporation, major features of management and its effect on macro economyKey points and difficulties:Models of international trade in serviceChapter Twenty Four International Trade PatternsAims and requirements:Students are required to know trade features of developed countries and developing countries; to know international economic order and trade patterns