Reflections on China's English Education.doc
Reflections on China's English EducationEnglish Education in China has met a big growing and changing in recent years, meanwhile there has also been a lot of questions and questioning voice. What we have paid in English education was too great in the past days, but what we actually received is not satisfactory.The role of language learning environment must not be overlooked, because this is the language proficiency in speaking and writing together. we just confined to learn English in teaching classroom, because we still have the task of teaching other subjects in our mother tongue, which making our students in foreign language listening, saying, reading and writing development in these areas is extremely uneven, resulting in our foreign language learning a foreign language is not dumb illiterate language. So a long time in the future once English is lack of practical training and use of the environment, we would have lost language skills considerably. Our current foreign language (English) teaching just to cope with exams, but all sorts of examinations on our ability to enhance the role of language is minimal. In the current large number of foreign language learners we really can do it freely using foreign language is actually very small number. With the intensification of economic globalization, there are some outstanding issues in localization Chinas English education, including lacking of English teaching native culture, lacking of English teaching theory with Chinese characteristics, the presence of too much emphasis on Standard English and prejudice against Chinese English language. In this regard, it should be properly treated native culture, and English teaching theoretical system with Chinese colors should be actively built, with English culture and Chinese culture merging each other in English teaching. English teaching English learners and practitioners should pay attention and concern to the right attitude towards Chinese English educationLanguage is an international language is widely used. China participate the international community, to eliminate language barriers and break the barriers are equally important. In the era of economic globalization, the more we need is to improve English education in China. First, the convergence of the various stages of English language teaching must be strengthened. Second, the college English teaching should focus on speaking and writing training top. Third, the introduction of new teaching methods should be taken to promote computer network-assisted instruction. Fourth, English as the language of instruction was implemented gradually. Fifth, the importance of English professional discipline construction and development. Six, we also continue to raise people's awareness of English, and create an English environment. As our countrys comprehensive national strength, China has ushered in a comprehensive cultural renaissance and Chinese local knowledge needed to achieve through its “globalization” meaning by English. Chinese scholars should be able to use English to the world about Chinese indigenous knowledge. English does not overcome language barriers, cultural dialogue could become self-talking, and no sound is heard from the Chinese in a multicultural world pattern.In short, inquiry learning, attention to solve practical problems, to enhance their capacity for innovation, attention to process student experience all should be given to students. Learners will become more confident in practice and writing and presentation skills, and critical thinking levels are also increased synchronization.