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    爱伦坡与孟郊创作心理和手法的异同-英语论文范文 Abstract In the history of Chinese and American literature, there are two poets alike, one is the romantic poet in the nineteen century America called Edgar Allan Poe, and the other is Meng Jiao who lived in the Tang Dynasty of China. They have their unique creative style on art, but different from others creative mentality and esthetic features, so they can hold a place for themselves in Chinese-American literary history. In this topic, the author try to analyze two poets similarities and disimilarities of their creative mentality and technique thorough the comparison. According to the investigate of their inverse creative mentality, the orientation of aesthetic judgment and their unique creative skills, the author consider that they have an unusual insight in investigating the world, ode to death and ugly, and express their thirst of aliveness by using death. The same fate lead to their similar creative mentality, and the different cultural background result in combined culture study and comparative study both in and out to unfold a series comparison to two poets. Besides concluded their similarities, the author even held the features in each of their creation.Key words: Edgar Allan Poe, Meng Jiao, creative mentality, symbol,the orientation of aesthetic judgment, comparative study 摘 要 中美文学史上有两个人比较相似,那就是美国19世纪浪漫主义诗人爱伦坡与中国唐代苦吟诗人孟郊。他们都以自己独特的艺术创作风格,却有别于他人的创作心理和审美特征,在中美两国的文学史上占有一席之地。本文试图通过对他们的比较,分析两人相同的和不同的创作心理和手法。作者对他们逆向艺术创作心理和审美取向以及独特的创作手法进行考察,认为他们是以非同常人的眼光去审视人生世界,歌颂死亡,歌颂丑陋,用死亡去表达对生的追求,以美的破坏去获得美的实现的。 相同的命运导致相似的创作心理,不同的文化背景导致不同的创作手法。本文结合国内外文学研究、比较研究对两位诗人展开了一系列的比较。在总结他们的相似处之外,作者更是指出了他们在创作中的特点.关键字:爱伦坡,孟郊,创作心理,象征,审美取向,比较研究IntroductionIn the history of Chinese and American literature, there are two poets alike, one is the romantic poet in the nineteen century America called Edgar Allan Poe, and the other is Meng Jiao who lived in the Tang Dynasty of China. They have their unique creation style in art, but different from others creative mentality and esthetic features. So they can hold a place for themselves in Chinese-American literary history. The unique feature in Poe and Meng Jiaos creation is that they all deviate the current literature of their epoch. They have an unusual insight in investigating the outlook on life, sing the death and ugly, and to express their thirst of aliveness and the pursuit of love by using death.So far, there hardly have any comparative study on Poe and Meng Jiao overseas. But although studies can be found in the interior of country, we have never seen any study on their disimilarities result from their different cultural background, and even few study on their similariies in the visual angle of symbol and aesthetics.In this topic, we merged Poe and Meng jiao into Chinese-American transcultural system, connected different subjects, and widely linked ancient-modern literature theory to unfold transcultural study. It includes the emergence of inverse mentality of two poets and symbol in their works in forms of weirdo, fantasy, shiver and so on. Before starting this paper, it needs collecting comprehensive materials. When writing, it needs laying stress on the fact, and flexiblely using proper provable methods, to make the paper unexaggerative. This topic has an effect on the foreign literature study and comparative study of our country.The whole paper is divided into three parts. At first, it introduces two poets and something about their literary background. Next, it unfolds the comparison between two poets. Similarities first. Then analynizes their disimilarities in their creation. Through this paper everyone can get a newly recognization about them and their poems.


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