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    Globalization is a new term that has found a significant place in the lives of the people. By globalization, we mean shedding down the walls of distrust and the barriers of suspicion in between countries, to make a bridge where ideas and beliefs can cross the borders. Though globalization today primarily covers the economical side, the impact is not limited to the economy only. It actually affects every aspect of life, like cultural, social, psychological and of course, political. While globalization is seen as a sign of a hopeful future by some, there are others who believe that it can cause tremendous disaster for the world economy. Read on to find the pros and cons of globalization.Pros Of Globalization · With globalization, there is a global market for companies to trade their products and a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the products of different nations.· Developing countries benefit a lot from globalization, as there is a sound flow of money and thus, a decrease in the currency difference.· To meet the increasing demands that follow globalization, there is an increase in the production sector. This gives loads of options to the manufacturers as well.· Competition keeps prices relatively low, and as a result, inflation is less likely to occur.· The focus is diverted and segregated among all the nations. No country remains the single power head; instead there are compartmentalized power sectors. The decisions at higher levels are meant for the people at large. · Communication among the countries is on the rise, which allows for better understanding and broader vision.· As communication increases amongst two countries, there is interchange of cultures as well. We get to know more about the others cultural preferences. · As we feed to each others financial needs, the ecological imbalance is also meted out. Governments of countries show concern about each other. Cons Of Globalization · Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being outsourced to the Asian countries. The cost of labor in the Asian countries is low as compared to other countries.· The high rate of profit for the companies, in Asia, has resulted in a pressure on the employed Europeans, who are always under the threat of the business being outsourced.· Companies are as opening their counterparts in other countries. This results in transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of depreciation in terms of quality.· There are experts who believe that globalization is the cause for the invasion of communicable diseases and social degeneration in countries.The threat that the corporates would rule the world is on high, as there is a lot of money invested by them.· It is often argued that poor countries are exploited by the richer countries where the work force is taken advantage of and low wages are implemented. Simply put, globalization is an ongoing process of integration of regional economies into global network of communication and execution. Let me explain this a bit. Assume that you are a mango farmer in India and you grow very good qualitymangoes over there. Obviously, your fruit is highly appreciated in India, but you also know that you shall get a better value in US. So the network of communication and execution that allows you to sell your fruit in US is basically, the phenomenon of globalization. (At least the Indian farmer is happy about advantages of globalization in India, he is earning a quick buck.) The advantages and disadvantages ofglobalization in India and other developing countries are very profound. Read more on advantages of globalization. Instead of giving a few pointers here and a few pointers there, explanation on these concepts should do more justice to the subject. Have a look at the followingAdvantages and Disadvantages of Global MarketingThere has to be operational differences between various companies in different countries. What I mean to say is, a car manufacturer of UK will manufacture a car with a different operation than a car manufacturer in Italy (for example Jaguar and Ferrari). Both are trying to take advantage of the operational difference that they have between them. And both companies are trying to sell a car in America for a greater value. So if you want your product to have an appeal on a global scale, then obviously, marketing on a global scale is required.·· Lower Marketing Costs: If you are to considerlump-some cost then, yes, it is high, but the samecost even goes even higher if the company has tomarket a product differently in every country that itis selling.· Global Scope: Scope of this kind of marketing is solarge that it becomes a unique experience.· Brand image Consistency: Global marketing allowsyou to have a consistent image in every region thatyou choose to market.· Quick and Efficient Use of Ideas: A global entity isable to use a marketing idea and mould it into astrategy to implement on a global scale.· Uniformity in Marketing Practices: A global entity cankeep some degree of uniformity in marketing throughout the world.· Inconsistency in Consumer Needs: American consumerwill be different from the South African. Globalmarketing should be able to address that.· Consumer Response Inconsistency: Consumer in onecountry may react differently than a consumer inanother country.· Country Specific Brand and Product: A Japanese mightlike a product to have a traditional touch, where as anAmerican might like to add a retro modern look to it.In this case, a global strategy is difficult to device.· The Laws of the Land Have to be Considered: Originalcompany policies may be according to the laws ofhome countries. The overseas laws may beconflicting in these policies.· Infrastructural Differences: Infrastructure may behampering the process in one country andaccelerating in another. Global strategy cannot beconsistent in such a scenario.Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization in Developing CountriesOverall globalization has been a big boon for the developing countries, but there are a few who say that it has been a curse. Let us take a look at both these aspects of globalization. · GDP Increase: If the statistics are any indication, GDPof the developing countries have increased twice asmuch as before.· Percapita Income Increase: The wealth has had atrickling effect on the poor. The average income hasincreased to thrice as much.· Unemployment is Reduced: This fact is quite evidentwhen you look at countries like India and China.· Education has Increased: Globalization has been acatalyst to the jobs that require higher skill set. Thisdemand allowed people to gain higher education.· Competition on Even Platform: The companies allaround the world are competing on a single globalplatform. This allows better options to consumers.· Uneven Distribution of Wealth: Wealth is stillconcentrated in the hands of a few individuals and acommon man in a developing country is yet to seeany major benefits of globalization.· Income Gap Between Developed and DevelopingCountries: Wealth of developed countries continuesto grow twice as much as the developing world.· Different Wage Standards for Developing Countries: Atechnology worker may get more value for his workin a developed country than a worker in a developingcountry.· Reversal of Globalization: In future, factors such aswar may demand the reversal of the globalization (asevident in inter world war years), current process ofglobalization may just be impossible to reverse. Youcan also like to read more on pros and cons ofglobalization.· Globalization is a commonly used term to represent the dissemination ofpractices, notions and technologies across the globe. Nations are also looking at a free economy with a free market for goods and services. This has brought forth de-localization and rise in the multinational corporations. There are both pros and cons for globalization.More Liquidity in Capital and Reduced Financial Risk· Globalization implies free trade, and free trade involves an increased cashflow. When the financial flow increases, redistribution of capital takes place and thus there is more liquidity in capital. In post-globalization, the financial institutions and markets have a wide reach that creates a capability to disperse the risk more extensively than before. One major advantage of globalization is that the investors have the privilege to take only the financial risk they wish to. Economical Advantage· Globalization involves de-localization, which means that most of the activitiesof a business are now done across distances. The multinationals hire their workforce from overseas so as to obtain inexpensive labor. This leads to higher employment rate in the developing countries, thus improving their economies. The investors can also invest money in the developing countries.Therefore, the flow of communications is increased across the globe, which in turn brings forth economic advantage. In other words, globalization allows an increased flow of communication across the world, which ensures sharing of indispensable information between individuals and the organizations. This use of technology in communication saves time, which in turn saves money for the corporations. Thus, the multinational can become profitable by the use of the new means of communication. Besides, globalization provides speedytransportation of goods as well as people. This in turn brings forth obviouseconomic advantage for the corporations.Interdependability etween Nations· The disadvantages of globalization are closely linked to its advantages. The interdependability between nations can work as an advantage and adisadvantage. The problem is that if one nation suffers from economicdisruptions, it is most likely that all other dependent nations are also affected. Thus, the risks become more global.Unemployment· The multinationals usually look out for making profits. The developingnations have good workforces that are not only skilled but also cheap. So there would be an increased flow of both skilled and non-skilled jobs from thedeveloping nations to the developed nations. This is not good for thedeveloped nations because there are chances for unemployment in thedeveloped nations where the multinational would have previously held itsoperation. 经济全球化的利弊分析: 应当承认,世界经济全球化的进程才刚刚起步,它给各国经济和整个世界经济带来的影响还难以预料,但是有一点是非常明确的,即经济全球化是一把“双刃剑”。如果单纯从人类社会进步和科技发展的角度、从提高生产力的标准来看,经济全球化的确能够促进经济效益的提高以及世界产业规模的扩大,会引起生产与消费从结构到地点上的变化,会刺激各种新技术的研究与开发同样经济全球化也会产生一些负面效应,这些影响对具体国家和具体领域的影响也随各国政策选择的不同而有所区别。具体来说,经济全球化的利弊表现为: 一、经济全球化的正面效应: 1、经济全球化可使世界范围内的资金、技术、产品、市场、资源、劳动力进行有效合理的配置。 经济全球化在有效促进国际合作的同时,也加剧了各国间的竞争。竞争的原因,在经济上是由于世界资源的有限性和资本的扩张性;在政治上则是由于国家的存在,各国都试图通过增强自身的实力来实现别国对自己的依赖,从而较多地获取收益,较少地付出成本。经济全球化加速了生产要素在全球范围内的自由流动,形成了统一的全球市场,从而推动跨国公司的全球化经营和全球产业结构的调整,并最大限度地实现资源的优化配置。从一国的角度看,本国企业将突破本国资源和本国市场的限制,在全球范围内寻求资源的最优配置与有效利用。发达国家可发挥其资金和技术优势,通过资本和技术的输出和转移,不断向发展中国家开拓市场,并利用发展中国家丰富的资源和廉价的劳动力,以获取利润。发展中国家则可通过吸收和引进发达国家的资金和技术,来发展本国家和本民族的经济,以满足人民的物质利益需求,逐步缩小与发达国家的差距。这种不同国家、不同地区的经济要素的有效组合,客观上促进了全球社会生产力的发展,促进了发展中国家经济的发展,减少或避免了人类社会现有的各种资源的浪费。2、经济全球化为发展中国家提供了一次迎接机遇和挑战的机会。 第一,有利于发展中国家利用外资和对外投资。1996年联合国贸易与发展会议发布的1997年世界投资报告指出,发展中国家1996年接受了1290亿美元的外国直接投资,对外投资了510亿美元,二者都创造了历史最高纪录。它们在获得世界投资总额中的比重从1995年的30%上升到1996年的37%其中,48个最不发达国家在1996年的资本流入量也增加了56%。 第二,促使发展中国家的出口商品结构优化。由于资本的流入、跨国公司的直接投资活动和本国产业结构的调整发展中国家出口商品结构有所改善,制成品在出口中的比重从1980年的56%上升到1990年的73%和1994年的77%。第三,迫使发达国家把发展中国家面临的问题予以考虑和解决。发达国家日益认识到,在经济全球化下,它们的经济稳定和发展有赖于发展中国家。在债务解决、地区经济一体化和联合国的改革等问题上不得不考虑发展中国家的权益。在机遇与挑战面前,由于世界各国经济和技术发展的水平不同,因而导致他们在经济全球化中所处的地位和利益不可能均等。在这种弱肉强食、优胜劣汰的激烈的市场竞争中,发展中国家在许多方面必然处于劣势。但我们相信,只要发展中国家能够抓住机遇,敢于迎接挑战,通过对国外先进技术的吸收和消化,并在此基础上进行技术创新,建立本民族的经济实体,积极参与国际竞争,生产出高质量、低价格的产品,就一定会在世界市场上占有一席之地(中国、印度、巴西、墨西哥就是最好的证明)。更何况,随着经济全球化的不断发展,世界经济一体化的各种原则、制度和秩序会逐步趋于平等,国家民族经济也会日渐成熟。3、经济全球化为世界各国人民提供了选择物美价廉的商品和优质服务的好机会。随着市场全球化的发展,物流将成为国际贸易的主要形式,世界各国人民可根据自己的爱好和消费需要,选择自己需要的商品,那种以各种不同的方式所设置的贸易壁垒和防线将会被逐步取消,那种国家垄断或个人垄断的局面将一去不复返,那种以低劣的质量和服务向消费者漫天要价的情形行将结束。 4、经济全球化将会促使世界大文化的产生和发展。 经济全球化不仅会影响全球的经济结构和秩序,而且也对不同民族的文化带来了程度不同的冲击。文化的这种碰撞和冲击将导致全人类都可认同的大文化,主要内容包括: 第一,“经济文化”已有了全人类认同的标准。如市场经济的法则、商品流通的规则等,已被普遍认可和遵循。 第二,“科技文化”的普遍性更加不能否认。现在不论发达国家还是发展中国家,为了生存和发展,都在抓科学技术和教育,都已认识到科学技术是强国之本。尽管各个民族国家之间的科学技术发展水平不平衡,但科学技术的交流已成为一种不可阻档的潮流。科学技术文化早已冲破民族国家间的界线,渗透到世界的各个角落。 第三,随着 “经济文化”和 “科技文化”的发展,各个民族国家之间的文学、艺术、哲学、宗教、风俗习惯的传播与交流更加容易,信息网络技术和交通运输技术已为这种交流提供了现代化的工具和手段。人们总会自觉不自觉地、程度不同地吸收这些外来文化的营养,以填补本民族、本国在某些方面的不足。这也是文化全球化的某种表现形式。 第四,“民主和法治”作为一种制度文化,也将成为一种不可阻挡的历史发展趋势。5、经济全球化将促进贸易和投资的自由化。 贸易与投资自由化是世界经济全球化的产物又是全球化的强大推动力。正是贸易与投资自由化的加速发展推进了世界经济全球化的进程。反过来,世界经济全球化的发展又要求贸易与投资自由化的进一步完善。世界贸易自由化最重要的内容和核心就在于减少和取消关税壁垒和非关税壁垒。世界贸易组织正式运转后,首次将服务贸易、知识产权和投资等非货物贸易也纳入到多边规则之中,使扩大多边自由化的领域以及扩大国际贸易自由化进程成为世界贸易组织的一个核心职能。此外,投资自由化已经成为当前国际投资发展的主流,不仅是发达国家而且越来越多的发展中国家也积极采取投资自由化措施。一方面大量引进外资,另一方面又积极进行对外投资,从而使世界直接投资额迅速增加,投资活动遍及全球,全球性投资的规范框架和规则也开始形成。 6、经济全球化加速技术转让和产业结构调整的进程。 经济全球化带来了国际分工的大发展、产业的大转移和资本、技术等生产要素的大流动,这对于发展中国家弥补国内资本、技术等要素缺口,发挥后发优势,迅速实现产业演进、技术进步、制度创新,促进经济发展十分有利。在经济全球化过程中,投资和技术转让互相促进,不断加快。跨国公司为了延长技术的生命周期,扩大技术效用以及给自己的技术寻找出路,大大加快了技术转让活动。这种加速转让在客观上有利于发展中国家的技术发展,有利于发展中国家加快产业结构的升级和工业化进程,加速从传统经济向现代经济的转变。此外,经济全球化的加速发展,还加快了发展中国家从发达国家引进外资的进程,有助于弥补发展中国家资本的不足。再有,经济全球化的发展不仅为发展中国家的产品,特别是劳动密集型产品进入世界市场提供了更多的机会,而且也有助于弥补发展中国家市场发育的不足,特别是跨国公司的组织形式,愈来愈突破国家的界限,出现了所谓无边界的企业,从而非常有利于发展中国家引进发达国家先进的管理经验。7、经济全球化能够促进国际间政治的协调。 在经济全球化浪潮中,社会结构、价值观念、生活方式等都会发生很大变化。在人们物质需求得到相对满足之后,必然较多地关注自己所处的政治环境;公民的政治意识、政治参与素质将极大提高,希望充分表达自己的政治诉求,广泛地要求参加国家和社会的管理;拥有雄厚实力的独立利益群体,在利益的驱动下,必然提出相应的政治参与要求;日益发达的信息传媒网络,从技术上支持了人的自主选择权力,宣扬了人的主体地位和价值意识,也使“愚民政策”的体制丧失了基础。所以,经济全球化发展到一定程度,必然要求各国在政治上相互协调以作为经济全球化新的推动力,这也是经济基础与上层建筑的关系所决定的。政治上协调的过程尽管漫长,但却是经济全球化进一步发展的一个决定性因素。8、经济全球化有利于减少国际冲突。 在经济全球化过程中,世界上大多数国家都卷入了更深层次的国际分工体系,跨国公司的投资与技术转让活动又把各国的生产经营、销售和研究与开发活动比以往任何时候都更加紧密地联系在一起。由此产生的直接结果就是各国经济相互依赖、相互渗透的程度加深,经济关系的变化必然引起政治领域和国际关系的变化,协商与对话越来越成为当今处理国际关系的主要手段。各国之间加强信任与合作,约束国际冲突或至少降低冲突的激烈程度已渐渐成为发展趋势。有理由相信,随着经济全球化的进一步发展,这种趋势将会越来越加强。 二、经济全球化的负面效应: 1、经济全球化加剧了世界经济的不平衡,使贫富差距拉大。 经济全球化首先带来的是对发展中国家民族经济的冲击,而且这种冲击是建立在不平等关系基础之上的。一方面,国际经济组织(世界贸易组织、国际货币基金组织、世界银行等)都掌握在发达国家手中,为世界经济运转所制定的各种原则、制度和秩序都是由他们制定的。另一方面,西方发达国家所拥有的经济、技术和管理优势,是发展中国家远不可及的。因而经济全球化中获益最大的当然是社会生产力高度发展的发达国家,而经济和技术相对落后的发展中国家尽管具有一定的中长期利益,但在近期或较长的时间内,是很少或很难受益的,甚至可能受到很大的损害和冲击,如许多民族企业亏损或倒闭等。 虽然经济全球化客观上能导致全球物质财富的增加,但在市场化的过程中,竞争是首要法则,它在创造高效率的同时,必然导致财富越来越向少数国家或利益集团集中,导致贫富差距的扩大。据世界银行统计,1983年高收入发达国家的人均GDP是低收入发展中国家的43倍,到了1994年变为62倍,社会分配更加不公平。造成这种差距扩大的具体原因是多方面的,有制度的原因、市场发展的原因及结构变动的原因等,但有两个因素是显而易见的: 第一,是经济全球化的利益分配不均衡。从理论上讲,所有参与全球化过程的国家在不同程度上都会从中收益,但绝不是利益均沾。事实上,作为资本和先进技术的主要拥有者,发达国家总是处于全球化的中心地位,具有明显的竞争优势。这种地位使它们依靠价格制定方面的主导权,与发展中国家进行交换时获取更多的利益。 第二,是市场竞争使一些社会政策面临挑战。众所周知,竞争是市场经济的动力,由竞争带来的不平衡要靠社会政策来修补。各个国家都有各自的福利政策,通过劳资妥协来保持社会稳定。但全球化破坏了这一社会契约,以出口和直接投资为主要内容的激烈的跨


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