医学文献阅读笔记,幽默来自智慧,恶语来自无能,文献读书报告汇报人:,The application value of continuousnursing for home oxygen therapy ofpatients in the stable phase of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease延续性护理在稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者家庭氧疗中的应用价值,The application value of continuous nursingfor home oxygen therapy of patientsin the stable phase of chronic obstructivepulmonary diseaseY-L YUL X-S.ZHENG X.X HAN M.SUNSPharmacological Sciences=0i m ar.Sa文章来源Department of Gerti Yidu Central Hanpta o wefang.shandongDeparment ofEuropean Review forMedical and2017;(3Sup):67-72宝=mprogression,and treme InegativIF778当贴patient,作者:Y-L.YUIS.ZHENG2,X.-X.HANl,M.-J.SUN31.Department of Geriatrics,Yidu Central Hospital ofWeifang,Shandong Province,China2 Department of Ultrasound,Yidu Central Hospital ofWeifang,Shandong province,China3.Clinical Skills Training Center,Weifang PeoplesHospital,Shandong province,China,主要内容BackgroundObjective and methodsResultsDiscussionConclusionsThoughts,BackgroundCOPD在肺部疾病死因中居第Chronic obstructivepulmonary disease(COPD)is a chronic disease of the respiration system.It对生理与心理都有消极is progressive,incompletely reversible,and ha影响airway limitations.It is ranked first among causes.of death from respiratory diseases.because影响生活质量of long duration.repeated attacks.exacerbatedprogression,and treatment,COPD has a negativeimpact on the body and mind.furthermore it maycause abnormal behavior or patients may refusenormal human communication,which affects thedaily auality of life When patients with COPD,Backgrounddaily quality of life.When patients with COPD对于稳定期COPD病人,长期氧疗是pass through the acute phase to the stable phase,一种基本的治疗方法。它可以限制ng-term oxvgen therapy is the primary method组织与器官的缺氧,减慢肺功能的of limiting tissue and organ hypoxia,and slowing.deterioration of pulmonaryA previous恶化study showed that aboutpatients were有研究表明有64.7%的病人缺乏知识unable to conduct long-term oxygen therapy athome.Thereasons were与家庭照护服务。有研究表明通过网络通信,延续性related(knowledge)and unsound home elnetwork护理提供家庭慢性病控制与照护服as telephone,WeChat,and e-mail),continuous务nursing provides home management of chroniciseases and care services to improve patient该研究是将延续性护理应用于稳定reatment compliance and quality of life,reduce期C0PD病人家庭氧疗,是C0PD患者is study applied continuous家庭照护的一种新方法。nursing for home oxygen therapy of patients inthe stable phase of COPD,which offered a newapproach for COPD home care.,Objective分析延续性护理可以改 Abstract,0 BJECTIVE:To analyze the app善稳定期0PD病人家庭 cation value of continuous nursing in improving氧疗效果的应用价值 the effects of home oxygen therapy for patientsin the stable phase of chronic obstructive pul.monary disease(COPD),MethodsPatients in the sable phase ef COPD(F106)选择样本e oxygenand treated im ourospina201 4 to November 20152014年10月到2015年11月在were selected.The inclusion criteria were:I山东省潍坊市宜都中心医院COPD without tuberculosis,pulmonary cancer.进行治疗bronchiectasis,primary pulmonary hypertension,疾病在出院时由急性期变稳respiratory failure or other pulmonary定期omplications:2-stable disease status for at least稳定期COPD进行家庭氧疗的month;3-quit smoking and standardized way病人of life in accordance with advice of the ph共选择106例病人4.with certain degrees of self-care ability and设定选入标准cognitive ability.The exclusion criteria bined with severe heart,liver,kidney排除标准or other visceral dysfunctions:2-no economiccondition for continuous home oxygen therapy;3-poor compliance and incomplete follow-up data,MethodsThe study obtained the approval of the Ethics获得医院伦理委员会与病人 Committee of our hospital and informed consent,家属同意from the patients and their family membersSelected patients were divided into the control随机分为两组实验组与对照组dand observation group based on the parityof their admission number,with 53 cases in每组各53人each groun In the control group,there were 32males and 21 females,aged from 40-78 years old,with average age of 58.6+8.3 years;the course ofdisease was from 5-20 years,with average courseof 9.6+4.8 years.In the observation group,therewere 37 males and 16 females,aged from 40-80years old,with average age of 59.5+9.6 yearshe course of disease was from 3-25 ywithaverage course of 10.8+5.7 years.The baselindata of the two groups were comparable,谢谢,46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。卡耐基47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。陆游48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。史美尔斯49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。孙洙50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。莫扎特,