Lesson 1 Life-long Learning,好好学习,天天向上,We are young and we must work hard.,Look at the photo.What are they doing?,Why does she need to study?,What makes it necessary to continue learning?Think about telecommunications,electronics and how the workplace has changed from 20 years ago.,Read the texts and fill in the table with the correct information.,Pay attention to this sentence from the last text and answer the questions.,In the past,if I had wanted to see them,I would have had to visit them in person.,a)What time is Grandpa Chen talk about:past,present of future?,past,b)What happened:Did he travel to see them?,No,he didnt see them.,The world is developing so fast that you must learn all the time,even if you graduated from university otherwise you fall behind others.If you dont learn you cant understand the knowledge in your working field,you will lose your job.,Many adults are too busy to develop learning skills when they start working and have a family to support.,You are young and naturally more open to learning.,Discussion,In pairs,discuss what do you need to improve in the future.For example:foreign language,computer skills,