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    茶之本末The origin of tea and other了解茶,认识茶认识茶树茶树原产于中国西南山区,树型可分为灌木、小乔木和乔木,具有喜温、喜湿、喜酸、耐阴的特色。在年平均气温15°C-25°C之间的高山、丘陵、平地都可见到茶树的学名:Camellia sinensis (L.) O.Kuntze.是一种多年生木本世纪常绿植物。在植物分类学上属双子叶植物纲,山茶目,山茶科,山茶属,与庭园种植的山茶花(观赏植物)同属,但不同种。 Tea tree is originated in China's southwest mountain, tree can be divided into shrubs, small trees and trees, with thermophilic, hygrophilous,Xi acid, be able to bear or endure shade characteristics. In the annual average temperature of 15 ° C - 25 ° C between mountains, hills, plains are visible to The scientific name of tea: Camellia sinensis (L.) O.K untze. Is a perennial woody century evergreen plants. In plant taxonomy of dicotyledonous plants on the outline, camellia item, theaceae, camellia, and garden planting of camellia (ornamental plant) belong to the same, but different.茶树起源中国是最早发现和利用茶树的国家,被称为茶的祖国。 文字记载表明,我们祖先在3000多年前已经开始栽培和利用茶树。 茶树的起源问题,历来争论较多,随着考证技术的发展和新发现,才逐渐达成共识,即中国是茶树的原产地,并确认中国西南地区,包括云南、贵州、四川是茶树原产地的中心。由于地质变迁及人为栽培,茶树开始由此普及全国,并逐渐传播至世界各地。 China is the first to find and use tea country, called tea country. Written records show that our ancestors over 3000 years ago have begun to cultivation and utilization of tea. The origin of tea, has always been debate, with more research technology development and new discoveries, it gradually reached an agreement, that China is the origin of the tea, and confirmed in southwest area of China, including yunnan, guizhou, sichuan is the center of the origin of tea. Due to geological changes and human culture, tea tree began to which permeates the whole country, and gradually spread to all over the world. 云南思茅镇沅千家寨2700年野生大茶树2700年树龄,也就是说,在公元前七世纪,齐桓公、晋文公楚庄王等“春秋五霸”在中原叱咤风云的时候,这株茶树就已经破土而出,在莽莽大森林里默默生长。生长的环境 土壤:一般是土层厚达1米以上不含石灰石,排水良好的砂质壤土,有机质含量1%-2%以上,通气性、透水性或蓄水性能好。酸碱度PH值4.56.5为宜。 雨量:雨量平均,且年雨量在1500公厘以上。不足和过多都有影响。阳光:光照是茶树生存的首要条件,不能太强也不能太弱,对紫外线有特殊嗜好,因而高山出好茶。温度:一是气温,二是地温,气温日平均需10度;最低不能低于-10度。年平均温度在摄氏十八度二十五度。地形:地形条件主要有海拔、坡地、坡向等。随着海拔的升高,气温和湿度都有明显的变化,在一定高度的山区,雨量充沛,云雾多,空气湿度大,漫射光强,这对茶树生育有利,但也不是愈高愈好,在1000米以上,会有冻害。一般选择偏南坡为好。坡度不宜太大,一般要求30度以下。生命时期    按茶树的生长发育特点,可分为四个生物学年龄时期,即:幼苗时期、幼年期、成年期、衰老期。     幼苗期:从种子萌发,幼苗出土到第一次生长结束形成驻芽时,为幼苗期。一般是从当年3月份种子开始萌发,到7月份止,共约45个月。    幼年期:从茶苗第一次生长休止开始,到第一次孕育花果,这一时期称为幼年期。一般历时24年。幼年期是茶树生理机能十分活跃阶段。     成年期:从茶树第一次孕育花果到第一次自然更新,为成年期。这一时期经历大约3040年,管理得当,时间还可延长一些。成年期茶树生育最旺盛,生产量达到最高峰。成年期如水肥水平高,采养管理好,一般能持续高产稳产达2030年以上。     衰老期:从茶树第一次自然更新起,直至整株茶树死亡为止,为衰老期。一般在数十年至百年以上。 茶树的类型茶树按树干大小分,有乔木型、半乔木型和灌木型三种。乔木型茶树树形高大,主十明显。在云南等地原始森林中生长着的野生大茶树都是乔木型茶树。这些茶树,树干粗大,分枝部位高,任其自然生长,一般树高都能达数米甚至十多米高。每当采茶季节,少数民族的姑娘们注注要用梯子或爬到树上去采茶。灌木型茶树。我国长江流域茶区广泛分布的茶树,绝大部分是灌木型茶树。这些茶树,树形矮小,没有明显的主干,分枝较低也多,尤其在修剪采摘的情况下,容易形成馒头形的树冠。分枝多、发芽密、耐采摘是灌木型茶树的特点。半乔木型茶树。又称小乔木型茶树,是介于乔木型与灌木型之间的中间型茶树。树型一般没有乔木型那么高大,但有明显的主干,分枝较低。这类茶树在广东、福建一带的茶区常可见到。茶叶产区中国是茶叶的故乡,种茶历史悠久。中国茶的产区幅员辽阔,南自北纬18度附近的海南岛,北自北纬38度附近的山东蓬莱山,西自东经94度的西藏林芝,东自东经122度的台湾地区都有茶的种植。有浙江,湖南,安徽,四川,福建,云南,湖北,广东,江西,广西,贵州,江苏,陕西,湖南,海南,重庆,山东,西藏,甘肃等产茶省(区,市) ,1019个产茶县(市)。 中国茶产区根据生态环境,茶树品种,茶类结构分为四大茶产区,即华南茶区,西南茶区,江南茶区,江北茶区。China is the hometown of tea, tea has a long history. Chinese tea in the region is known for her massive land, since the south north latitude and degree of near hainan island, north latitude and degrees from nearby shandong penglai mountain, west longitude 94 degrees from Tibet nyingchi, east longitude 122 degrees from the Taiwan have tea planting. Zhejiang, hunan, anhui, sichuan, fujian, yunnan, hubei, guangdong, jiangxi, guangxi, guizhou, jiangsu, shanxi, hunan, hainan, chongqing, shandong, Tibet, gansu province, such as tea (area, city), 1019 tea county (city).Chinese tea production according to the ecological environment, tea varieties, tea kind of structure can be divided into four tea production, tea is the south China area, southwest tea area, jiangnan tea area, jiangbei tea area.茶的种类绿茶: 绿茶是不经过发酵的茶,即将鲜叶经过摊晾后直接下到一二百度的热锅里炒制,以保持其绿色的特点。红茶”: 红茶与绿茶恰恰相反,是一种全发酵茶(发酵程度大于80)。红茶的名字得自其汤色红。黑茶: 黑茶原来主要销往边区,像云南的普洱茶就是其中一种。普洱茶是在已经制好的绿茶上浇上水,再经过发酵制成的。普洱茶具有降脂、减肥和降血压的功效,在东南亚和日本很普及。不过真要说减肥,效果最显著的还是乌龙茶。乌龙茶:乌龙茶也就是青茶,是一类介于红绿茶之间的半发酵茶。乌龙茶在六大类茶中工艺最复杂费时,泡法也最讲究,所以喝乌龙茶也被人称为喝工夫茶。黄茶: 著名的君山银针茶就属于黄茶,黄茶的制法有点像绿茶,不过中间需要闷黄三天;白茶: 白茶则基本上就是靠日晒制成的。白茶和黄茶的外形、香气和滋味都是非常好的。制茶工艺十大名茶1.西湖龙井西湖龙井是我国的第一名茶,产于浙江杭州西湖的狮峰、龙井、五云山、虎跑一带,历史上曾分为“狮、龙、云、虎 ”四个品类,其中多认为以产于狮峰的品质为最佳。龙井素有“色绿、香郁、味醇、形美”四绝著称于世。形光扁平 直,色翠略黄似糙米色,滋味甘鲜醇和,香气幽雅清高,汤色碧绿黄莹;叶底细嫩成朵。 2.洞庭碧螺春洞庭碧螺春产于江苏吴县太湖之滨的洞庭山。碧螺春茶叶用春季从茶树采摘下的细嫩芽头炒制而成;高级的碧螺春, 每公斤干茶需要茶芽13.615万个。外开形条索紧结,白毫显露,色泽银绿,翠碧诱人,卷曲成螺,故名“碧螺春” 。汤色清澈明亮,浓郁甘醇,鲜爽生津,回味绵长;叶底嫩绿显翠。 3.白毫银针白毫银针素有茶中“美女”、“茶王”之美称,是一种白茶,产于福建东部的福鼎和北部的政和等地。白毫银针满坡 白毫色白如银,细长如针,因而得名。冲泡时,“满盏浮茶乳”,银针挺立,上下交错,非常美观;汤色黄亮清澈, 滋味清香甜爽。白茶味温性凉,为健胃提神,祛湿退热,常作为药用。 4.君山银针君山银针产于岳阳洞庭湖的青螺岛,有“洞庭帝子春长恨,二千年来草更长”的描写。其冲泡后,三起三落,雀舌含 珠,刀丛林立。很高的欣赏价值。 5.黄山毛峰黄山毛峰产于安徽黄山,主要分布在桃花峰的云谷寺、松谷庵、吊桥阉、慈光阁及半寺周围。这里山高林密,日照短 ,云雾多,自然条件十分优越,茶树得云雾之滋润,无寒暑之侵袭,蕴成良好的品质。黄山毛峰采制十分精细。制成 的毛峰茶外形细扁微曲,状如雀舌,香如白兰,味醇回甘。 6.武夷岩茶武夷岩茶产于福建武夷山。武夷岩茶属半发酵茶,制作方法介于绿茶与红茶之间。其主要品种有“大红袍”、“白鸡 冠”、“水仙”、“乌龙”、“肉桂”等。武夷岩茶品质独特,它未经窨花,茶汤却有浓郁的鲜花香,饮时甘馨可口 ,回味无穷。18世纪传入欧洲后,倍受当地群从的喜爱,曾有“百病之药”美誉。 7.安溪铁观音安溪铁观音产于福建安溪,铁观音的制作工艺十分复杂,制成的茶叶条索紧结,色泽乌润砂绿。好的铁观音,在制作 过程中因咖啡碱随水分蒸发还会凝成一层白霜;冲泡后,有天然的兰花香,滋味纯浓。用小巧的工夫茶具品饮,先闻 香,后尝味,顿觉满口生香,回味无穷。近年来,发现乌龙茶有健身美容的功效后,铁观音更风靡日本和东南亚。 8.信阳毛尖信阳毛尖产于河南信阳车云山、集云山、天云山、云雾山、震雷山、黑龙潭和白龙潭等群山峰顶上,以车云山天雾塔 峰为最。人云:“师河中心水,车云顶上茶。”成品条索细圆紧直,色泽翠绿,白毫显露;汤色清绿明亮,香气鲜高 ,滋味鲜醇;叶底芽壮、嫩绿匀整。 9.庐山云雾庐山云雾产于江西庐山。号称“匡庐秀甲天下”的庐山,北临长江,南傍鄱阳湖,气候温和,山水秀美十分适宜茶树 生长。庐山云雾芽肥毫显,条索秀丽,香浓味甘,汤色清澈,是绿茶中的精品。 10.六安瓜片六安瓜片产于皖西大别山茶区,其中以六安、金寨、霍山三县所产品最佳。六安瓜片每年春季采摘,成茶呈瓜子形, 因而得名,色翠绿,香清高,味甘鲜,耐冲泡。此茶不仅可消暑解渴生津,而且还有极强的助消化作用和治病功效, 明代闻龙在茶笺中称,六安茶入药最有功效,因而被视为珍品。茶之古今The history of tea and change温古知今,识茶明事发乎神农相传神农的身体特异,有个宛如水晶的透明肚皮,五脏六腑可以看得一清二楚,当他尝到茶时,发现茶在肚子里到处流动,“查来查去”,好似把肠胃洗涤过一般,因此神农称这种植物为“查”,后人则称为“茶” 另一则是他尝了金绿色滚山珠后不信中毒,濒临死亡之际幸得茶树汁流入口中因而得救,从此神农便将茶视为解毒特效药。神农本草中便记载:“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得茶而解之。”由此可知茶叶一开始应是作为药用。According to legend shennong body specific, like a crystal clear belly, internal organs of the body can see clearly, when he taste tea, it was found that the tea in the belly and flow, "check check", as if the intestines and stomach washed general, therefore shennong says the plant for the "check", the posterity is called "tea"The other one is he tasted the gold green rolling mountain after pearl not believe poisoning, is on the verge of death when the tea juice into the mouth and be saved, and shennong and tea as jiedu specific. The shennong materia medica "and records:" shennong taste grass, day in seventy-two poison, tea and the solution. Thus it can be seen tea first should be as medicinal.生煎羹饮三国时期魏人张揖在广雅中记载了当时制茶与饮茶的方法:“荆、巴间采叶作饼,叶老者,饼成以米膏出之。欲煮茗饮,先炙令赤色,捣末,置瓷器中,以汤浇覆之,用葱、姜、橘子芼(掺和之意)之。其饮醒酒,令人不眠。这种方法一直延续到唐代,只是更加讲究。Three kingdoms period, people ZhangYi wei in the guang ya "recorded at the time the tea and tea methods:" subjects, and leaf picking between a cake, leaves the elders, bread with rice paste out into the boiled water. For the time-honored, first main to red, the pound, buy China to soup poured the cladding, onion, ginger, orange Mao (commingle meaning). The drink, it is not a sweet sleep. This method has been extended to the tang dynasty, just more exquisite. 魏晋茶风魏晋南北朝时期是我国茶文化的形成时期,南北经济、文化交流及融合促进饮茶进一步向北推进。这时的饮茶主体为上层贵族、士人,他们下下了许多关于茶的诗辞歌赋,产生了荈赋等名篇。并提倡以茶养廉。Jin and southern and northern dynasties period is the time of formation of the tea culture in China, the economic and cultural communication and integration to promote tea further northward. The main tea for upper nobility and gentry, and their many words about tea poetry GeFu, produce the Chuan fu "and other well-known. And advocate the YangLian tea.五代顾闳中韩熙载夜宴图荈赋 灵山唯岳,奇产所钟。瞻彼卷阿,实日夕阳。厥生薜草,弥谷被冈。承丰壤之滋润,受甘露之宵降。月惟初秋,农功少休;结偶同旅,是采是求。水则岷方之注,挹彼清流;器择陶简,出自东隅;酌之以匏,取式公刘。惟兹初成,沫沉华浮。焕如积雪,烨若春敷。若乃淳染真辰,色责青霜,白黄若虚。调神和内,慵解慷除。 茶马古道唐贞观十五年(公元641年),茶叶作为文成公主的陪嫁品带到了西藏。茶叶作为大宗商品销往中国边疆,也始于唐朝,新唐书陆羽传:"回纥人朝始驱马市茶"。这是中国历史上历唐、宋、明、清一千多年的"茶马交易"的开始,茶以贸易商品的形式传入西北、西南、蒙、藏一带。Tang tang fifteen years (AD 641), tea as a princess of the dowry product into Tibet.Tea as commodities sold to China frontier, also began in the tang dynasty, the new tang book LiuYuChuan: "HuiGe people toward the initial drive horse city tea". This is a Chinese history calendar tang, song, Ming, and qing dynasty one thousand years of "tea horse trading" start, tea in the form of trade in goods to northwest, southwest, Mongolian and Tibetan area.陆羽茶经 茶经是一部论茶的专著,它对当时盛行的各种茶俗作了归纳与追溯,对茶的起源、历史、生产、加工、烹煮、品饮、以及诸多人文与自然因素作了深入细致的研究与总结,使茶学真正成为一种专门的学科。 茶经全书十章,分"一之源"论茶的起源;"二之具"论茶的采制工具;"三之造" 论茶的采制方法;"四之器"论茶的烹煮用具;"五之煮"论茶的烹煮方法和水的品第;"六之饮"论饮茶的风俗与科学的饮茶方法;"七之事"论述古代有关茶事的记载;"八之出"论全国的名茶的产地;"九之略"论怎样在一定的条件下省略茶叶的采制和饮用工具;"十之图"则指出茶经要写在绢上挂在座前,指导茶叶生产制作。"His" is a theory of tea monographs, it to prevailing all kinds of tea common is summarized and back to the origin of tea, history, production, processing, cooking, drinking, and many cultural and natural factors to intensive study and summary, make tea science really become a specialized subject."His" encyclopedia ten chapters, points "one source" theory of the origin of tea; "Two of a" theory of tea tightly tool; "The three made" theory of tea tightly methods; "Four of the apparatus" theory of tea cooking utensils; "The five cook" theory of tea cooking method and water town; "Six of the drink" theory of tea drinking customs and scientific drinking tea method; "Seven things" discusses the ancient tea things record; "Eight of the" theory of the origin of tea; "The nine slightly" theory how to certain conditions omitted tea drinking tightly and tools, "Ten map" is pointed out that "his" will write on silk hanging before here, guiding tea production.唐茶兴起茶兴于唐而盛于宋。从隋朝到唐、宋时期大约经过了六百多年,这是我国古代茶文化发展极为兴盛的时期。由于封建经济的发展,社会生产力的提高,大大促进了茶叶生产的发展,唐代茶已成了主要的商品之一,进入人们的日常生活。许多名茶、贡茶也开始出现了。正是在这一时期,茶始有字,茶始成书,茶始销世,茶始征税。唐代饮茶风俗,品饮技艺都已法相初具,并深深影响到后世。Tea in the tang and song dynasty put in. From the sui dynasty to tang, song period about after more than six hundred years, this is our country ancient tea culture thriving development period. Because of the feudal economic development, the improvement of social productivity, which greatly promoted the development of tea production in the tang dynasty, tea has become one of the main commodities, into People's Daily life. Many tea, gong tea appeared. It is in this period, tea is a word, tea, tea was a beginning pin the world, tea initial taxation. The tang dynasty tea custom, drinking skill have certain laws, and deeply influence to later generations. And tea "his" was published, the development of tea culture in China, the more epoch-making significance.唐代有“粗茶、散茶、末茶、饼茶”,团饼茶是当时的主流茶品。团饼茶的加工通过采、蒸、捣、拍、焙、穿、封七道基本工序。The tang dynasty has "coarse tea, loose tea, the tea, tea cake", group tea cake is the mainstream of tea products. Group tea cake processing through the mining, steamed, dao, pat, baking, wear, sealing seven way basic process. 宫乐图画面描绘的是宫廷茶会的场面。 宋代斗茶宋代是我国历史上茶文化高度发展并趋向精致奢华的时期。宋代的饮茶法,已从唐人的煎煮法过渡到点茶法。所谓点茶,就是将碾细的茶末直接投入茶盏中待汤瓶水煮沸后冲入茶盏,然后再用茶筅在盏中击拂。斗茶也称为“茗战”,最早流行于福建建安一带,北宋时期,斗茶蔚然成风。宋代斗茶主要用饼茶。判断斗茶输赢,一看茶面汤花的色泽与均匀程度;二看茶汤与茶盏内沿相接处水痕(即“水脚”)出现的早晚。汤花以色泽鲜白、细碎均匀为上。汤花紧贴盏沿,持久不散,称作“咬盏”,咬盏时间长者为赢家,汤花消散快,盏沿先出现水脚者则为输家。The song dynasty in the history of our country is highly developed and tea to delicate costly period.The song dynasty tea method, already from the tang decoction method transition to some tea method. The so-called some tea, it is will roll thin tea dust direct investment in tea light for a bottle of water into the soup boil tea light, and then use tea Xian in light of strike blows.龙凤团饼龙凤团茶指龙团凤饼,系宋北苑贡茶之统称。北苑位于如今福建建瓯凤凰山一带,宋太平兴国年间(976983)已造龙凤团茶,咸平间(9981003)丁谓造“大龙团”以进。庆历时(10411048)蔡襄造“小龙团”,较“大龙团”更胜一筹。北苑贡茶,品色繁多,贡品极盛之时,凡四千余色。 Longfeng group tea refers to the dragon group bread, is a song of beiyuan gong tea referred to. Located in beiyuan now fujian minqing phoenix mountain area, SongTaiPing xingguo years (976-983) has made longfeng group tea, salt flat room (998-1003) DingWei made "dragon group" to enter into the. Qingli periods (1041-1048) CaiXiang made "little dragon group", the "dragon group" one. Beiyuan gong tea, product color is various, tribute jisheng, all more than four thousand color.废团改散明洪武二十四年(1391年)九月十六日,明太祖朱元璋下诏废贡团茶,改贡叶茶(散茶)。后人对于此评价甚高:“上以重劳民力,罢造龙团,惟采茶芽以进今人惟取初萌之精者,汲泉置鼎,一瀹便啜,遂开千古茗饮之宗。”明人认为这种饮法,简便异常,天趣悉备,可谓尽茶之真味矣。两宋之时的斗茶之风消失,变成了以沸水冲泡叶茶的瀹饮法。Ming hongwu twenty-four years (1391) September 16, zhu yuanzhang letter waste gong group tea, change gong leaf tea (loose tea). Later generations for this evaluation is very high: "in heavy labor financial resources of the people, made" dragon group, but tea plucking bud to enter into the present. but to take the beginning sprout the fine person, brook spring set the tripod with two handles, a Yue and sip, and open a good drink of the Pope." All think that this kind of drink method, simple anomaly, natural appeal for sita, is all the blood is tea. Two of the song dynasty when the bucket tea wind disappeared, into the boiling water first leaf tea drink Yue method.青花菊纹茶壶 明(公元13681644年)茶学兴起明代社会君主专制的中央集权政治登峰造极,使得许多文人胸怀大志而无法施展,不得不寄情于山水或移情于琴、棋、书、画,而茶正可融和于其中,因此许多明代茶人都是饱学之士。这种情况使得明代茶著计有五十余部之多,其中不乏传世佳作。 例如,朱权撰茶谱,陈继儒撰茶董补,于清饮有独到见解;田艺蘅在前人的基础上撰煮泉小品;陆树声与终南山僧人明亮同试天池茶,撰茶寮记,反映高士情趣;张源以长期品饮的心得体会撰茶录,自不同凡响;许次纾撰茶疏,独精于茶理。在这中间,朱权及其茶谱尤有重大贡献。朱权(13781448),明太祖朱元璋第十七子,世称“神姿秀朗,慧心敏语,因招其兄明成祖朱棣猜疑,长期隐居南方,深自韬晦,托志释老,以茶明志,鼓琴读书,不问世事”。他在茶谱中就明确表示他饮茶并非浅尝于茶本身,而是将其作为一种表达志向和修身养性的方式。它对“废团改散”后的品饮方法进行了探索,改革了传统的品饮方法和茶具,提倡从简行事,主张保持茶叶的本色,顺其自然之性。茶著作(仿)茶商业时代的来临进入清代,茶文化开始走向世俗,深入到万家千户,与人民的日常生活紧密结合。茶馆大兴,茶饮被大力推广。对外,茶叶以贸易形式迅速走向世界,一度垄断世界茶叶市场,国人的饮茶礼仪也逐渐传到西方。 清代前期,早在鸦片战争前,中国茶就风靡世界。鸦片战争后,中国茶叶出口继续上升,1886年出口达268万担,创世界最高纪录。中国茶以大宗贸易的形式迅速走向世界,曾一度垄断了整个世界市场。但好景不长,此后中国茶的出口量盘旋下降,海外市场逐渐被印度、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚以及日本等所取代。 In qing dynasty, tea culture began to secular, deep into the thousands, and thousands of People's Daily life closely. Of the teahouse, tea drink was promoting. Foreign, tea to trade form rapidly towards the world, once the world tea market monopoly, people's drinking tea etiquette also gradually spread to the west.The early qing dynasty, as early as in before the opium war, China tea will has swept the world. After the opium war, Chinese tea exports continue to rise in 1886, 2.68 million, and the export bear the world record. Chinese tea in the form of block trade rapidly towards the world, once had a corner on the whole world market. But a flash in the pan, then Chinese tea exports a downward spiral, overseas market gradually be India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia and Japan has been replaced.当代茶圣吴觉农(18971989),著名农


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