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    有关独立学院教学质量保障体系之实践与研究的探析中英文对照Research on practice and Research on teaching quality safeguard system of independent college in Chinese and English独立学院作为高等教育改革和发展的产物,如何提高独立学院的教学质量一直是独立学院工作的重心本文从影响独立学院教学质量保障体系的因素分析入手,阐述了制约独立学院教学质量的有关因素,论述了独立学院教学质量保障的实践与应用。Independent college as a product of the reform and development of higher education, how to improve the teaching quality of independent college is always starts with the analysis of factors of teaching quality guarantee system from the impact of the independent college independent school the focus of the work of this paper, elaborates the related factors of teaching quality in Independent Colleges, discusses the application and practice of teaching quality guarantee of independent college.论文关键词 独立学院 教学质量 保障体系Teaching quality guarantee system of Independent College2011年胡锦涛总书记在清华大学百年校庆上发表了重要讲话,总书记要求我们“坚持走内涵式发展道路,借鉴国际先进理念和经验,全面提高高等教育质量,不断为社会主义现代化建设提供强有力的人才保证和智力支撑。”这也是当前党和国家对高等教育发展的突出要求。由此可见,本科教学质量保障体是一个全员全方位的体系,涉及的因素是多方面的,独立学院亦是如此。教育的根本目的在于培养人才,而人才的培养是通过学院教学质量的提高实现的。本文立足于独立学院教学中的特点,系统地分析了影响独立学院教学质量的制约因素,并且结合辽宁师范大学海华学院的实际情况,探索出一套完整的独立学院教学质量保障体系。In 2011 General Secretary Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on the centennial anniversary of Tsinghua University, the general secretary asks us to " adhere to the connotation type development path, draw on advanced international concepts and experience, improve the quality of higher education, provide strong talents guarantee and intellectual support for the construction of socialist modernization. " This is also the prominent requirement for the party and the government for the development of higher education. Therefore, to guarantee the teaching quality of undergraduate body is a whole range of system, relates to many factors, so is the independent institute. The fundamental purpose of education is to cultivate talent, and the talent training is realized by improving the quality of teaching in the college. In this paper, based on the characteristics of independent college teaching, systematic analysis of the factors influencing the teaching quality of independent college, and combined with the actual situation of Liaoning Normal University Hai Hua college, explores the teaching quality assurance system and a complete set of independent college.一、独立学院教学的特点Characteristics, independent college teaching(一)学生的特殊性( a ) special students1.学习基础薄弱。独立学院属于第三批本科,绝大多数的学生入学成绩较一本、二本的学生而言低的很多。以辽宁为例,近三年平均录取分数线比普通二本要低50-80分。就整体而言,独立学院学生基础知识掌握不牢固。1 learning foundation is weak. Independent college belongs to the third batch of undergraduate, a lot of the vast majority of students score is a, two of the students low. Taking Liaoning as an example, nearly three years the average admission scores than the average two to lower 50-80 score. On the whole, the Independent College of basic knowledge of students is not strong.2.学习缺乏主动性。独立学院的大部分学生没有树立明确的学习目标,不知道学习的目的何在,从而导致其对学习没有形成浓厚的兴趣,学习动力不足,无法主动、自主地投入到学习中。Lack of initiative study 2. Most of the students in independent colleges have not set clear goals, do not know what the purpose of study, which has not formed a strong interest in learning, learning motivation, cannot actively, independently into learning.3.思维活跃、表现力强。三本的学生善于交际,思维活跃,为人处世能力和实践能力较强,善于表现自己。3 active thinking, strong performance. Three of the students are good at communication, active thinking, life ability and practice ability, good performance of their own.4、心理素质不高。独立学院的大部分学生家庭生活条件不错,再加上是独生子女,自我存在感比较强。在日常生活中,自理能力比较差,心理承受力也比较脆弱,而且常常以自我为中心,很少顾及到他人的感受。4, psychological quality is not high. Most of the students in Independent College of family life in good condition, and are the only child in the family, there is a strong sense of self. In daily life, ability is poor, psychological endurance is more fragile, and often self-centered, with little regard for the feelings of others.(二)教师队伍的多元化( two ) the diversification of Teachers按照教育部的相关规定,独立学院的成立至少要具备一支不少于100人的、聘期在一学年以上的、相对比较固定的专任教师队伍,而且在专任教师中,副高级以上职称的比例应不低于30%。但是由于各个学院的实际情况不一样,因此教师队伍的构成也大不相同。总体来看,教师队伍的结构主要有三种情况:第一,独立学院完全由较齐备的专职教师队伍构成;第二,独立学院由一定数量的专职教师和一定数量的兼职教师构成;第三,独立学院没有专职教师教学,它的教学工作是由母体教师和兼职教师共同完成的。目前来看,大部分独立学院采取第二种形式,这就导致教师队伍的多元化。辽宁师范大学海华学院2009年之前因为和母体学校在一个校区,基本上是属于第三类,2009年以后海华学院独立办学,学院搬到沈阳,教师队伍属于第二类。In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of education, the establishment of independent colleges should at least have a not less than 100 people, employment in over one year, relatively fixed full-time teachers, but also in full-time teachers, the deputy high above the title ratio shall not be less than 30%. But due to the actual situation of each school is different, therefore the teachers are not the same. Generally speaking, teachers structure mainly has three kinds : first, the independent college is composed of a complete professional team of teachers; second, independent college is composed of a certain number of full-time teachers and part-time teachers and a certain number of forms; third, independent college has no full-time teachers in teaching, the teaching work is completed by the parent and part-time teachers. At present, most of the independent colleges take second forms, which leads to the diversification of teachers. Before the Liaoning Normal University Haihua Institute in 2009 because and mother school in a campus, basically belong to the third class, after 2009 China Sea college, College moved to Shenyang, teachers belong to the second class.(三)教学管理的复杂性( three ) the complexity of teaching management独立学院由于学生生源及教师队伍自身的特点,教学管理工作相对于一本、二本等高校更为复杂。Because of the characteristics of independent college students and teachers themselves, teaching management work relative to a two, the university is more complex.1.要处理好人才培养目标与学生学习基础的矛盾。独立学院在办学定位上,应明确培养目标,以培养全方位的应用型人才为培养目的,以适应社会的需求”Contradiction between 1 to deal with training objectives and students learn good talent. The independent college in the orientation of running a school, should be clear about the training goal, to cultivate applied talents for all training, in order to meet the social needs "2.要处理好教师多元性带来一系列问题。独立学院教师来自不同地方、不同单位,教师队伍相对不稳定,思想不统一,影响了教学的连续性、一致性以及教学质量,同时也对教学的管理造成一定的难度。2 to bring a series of problems deal with teachers diversity. Independent college teachers from different units in different places, teachers relatively unstable, ideology is not uniform, which influence the teaching continuity, consistency and quality of teaching, but also on the teaching management is difficult.3.要克服教学基本设施不足的缺陷。由于招生规模的不断扩大,国家越来越重视独立学院的办学质量,因此国家规定的独立学院的办学标准独立学院很难达到,造成资源配置与办学规模相矛盾。教育资源的不足从而无法满足学生学习的需求,影响了教学工作的正常开展。3 to overcome the defects of teaching basic facilities. Due to the continuous expansion of enrollment, more and more attention to the educational quality of independent colleges, independent colleges so as prescribed by the state educational standards of independent college is very difficult to achieve, resulting in the allocation of resources and the scale of contradiction. The deficiency of educational resources and cannot satisfy the students' needs, which influence the teaching work.4.要处理好理论教学与实践教学的关系。独立学院人才培养目标要紧紧围绕应用型人才所需要的必备知识,以培养学生应用能力为主线。独立学院注重对学生实践能力的培养,实践教学要求学院在加强学生掌握基础知识的前提下,注重与相关企业的联系,激励学生在社会实践中提高和锻炼自身的能力,培养其应用能力。4 to deal with the relationship between theory teaching and practice. Independent college personnel training objectives to the knowledge necessary to closely around the talents need, with the cultivation of students' practical ability. The independent college to cultivate students practical ability, practice teaching requirements of college students in strengthening the basic knowledge of the premise, pay attention to the related enterprises, encourage students in social practice and exercise their own ability, the application ability training.二、制约独立学院教学质量的相关因素Two factors, which restricts the teaching quality of Independent College教学质量是学校办学和教学最终追求的目标,要形成完善的教学质量保障体系必须要明确影响教学质量的因素有哪些。高质量的教学必须具备四个条件,即准确的培养目标、丰富的教学资源、规范有序的管理服务体系以及适度有效的监控评估体系。针对独立学院,上述四个方面具有明确的内涵:The quality of teaching is the school education and teaching final goal, must make clear the teaching quality and its influencing factors which have formed the teaching quality guarantee system and perfect. High quality teaching must have four conditions, namely the training objective, accurate rich teaching resources, standardized and orderly management service system as well as the moderate and effective monitoring and evaluation system. In view of the independent institute, with a clear connotation of the above four aspects:(一)准确的培养目标( a ) training target accurately独立学院作为适应市场需求而诞生的高校,其培养人才目标应当确立为培养基础扎实、知识面宽、能力强、素质高,富有时代特征和创新意识的应用型人才。结合独立学院的特点,在人才培养方案中应加强应用型课程板块的设置,建立富有特色的应用型课程体系,加强学生的动手能力和实践能力。Independent college as to meet the needs of the market and the birth of colleges and universities, the training objectives should be established to develop a solid foundation, wide knowledge, strong ability, high quality, applied talents of rich time characteristic and innovation consciousness. Combined with the characteristics of independent college, strengthen the application course plate should be set up in the personnel training programs, establish application curriculum characteristic, enhance the students' practical ability and practical ability.(二)丰富的教学资源( two ) the rich teaching resources教学质量的提高离不开丰富的教学资源,如:浓厚的校园文化氛围、馆藏丰富的图书、先进的实验教学设备和发达的网络资源,更重要是一支优秀的师资队伍。学生充分利用这些丰富的教学资源,才能提高学习能力,学校才能提高教学质量。The improvement of the quality of teaching is inseparable from the rich teaching resources, such as: strong cultural atmosphere on campus, a rich collection of books, the advanced experimental equipment and advanced cyber source, the more important is an excellent team of teachers. Students should make full use of the rich teaching resources, to improve the learning ability, the school to improve the teaching quality.(三)规范有序的管理服务体系( three ) a standardized and orderly management service system随着招生人数的增多,学校的规模也在不断扩大,由此导致原来的教学资源尤其是管理力量已经不能满足学生的要求,这就要求学院增加相应的教学资源,形成规范有序的管理服务体系。在加强管理力量的同时,还要树立为学生服务的意识,提高服务质量,坚持以学生为本位的指导思想。在建立规范有序的管理服务体系过程中:一方面要充分利用各种渠道公布学校的相关情况,使学生及时、方便、有效地了解到学院的各种公共信息,为学生提供各种服务;另一方面针对每个学生的特点,有针对性地加强对其的服务质量,不论是学习上的问题,还是日常生活或心理上的困惑等等。With the increased enrollment, the school scale is expanding constantly, which leads to the original teaching resources especially the management strength has been unable to meet the requirements of students, which requires the school to increase the corresponding teaching resources, the formation of a standardized and orderly management service system. In strengthening the management power at the same time, must establish the consciousness of serving student, improve service quality, adhere to the students as the guiding ideology of standard. In the process of establishing a standardized and orderly management service system : on the one hand, should make full use of various channels to announce the relevant conditions of the school, the students timely, convenient, effective to understand school all kinds of public information, to provide various services for students; for each student on the other hand, to strengthen the service quality, whether it is learning problems, or in daily life or psychological perplexity etc.(四)适度有效的监控评估系统( four ) monitoring and evaluating system proper and effective适度有效的监控评估系统是提高教学质量的重要保障。通过对教学计划的执行情况、课堂教学情况、实践教学情况等的检查,从而发现其中的问题和不足之处,以此督促教师和相关人员加以改正,达到提高教学质量的目的。在教学质量监督检查过程中,要充分发挥学生、管理人员和教师等主体的参与力量,及时反馈信息,对教学中出现的不良情况予以指导改进,对优良情况予以表扬鼓励,从而更好地开展教学情况,同时还要充分发挥各部门和系的主动性、积极性,这样才能更好地开展教学监控活动。三、构建独立学院教学质量保障体系的实践策略Monitoring and evaluation system of moderate and effective is the important guarantee to improve teaching quality. Through the implementation of the teaching plan, classroom teaching, practice teaching and examination, so as to find the problems and shortcomings, to urge teachers and related personnel to correct, achieve the purpose of improving teaching quality. In the teaching quality supervision and inspection process, to participate in the power management, give full play to students and teachers, timely feedback information, to guide the teaching of adverse conditions improved, to encourage the recognition of the excellent situation, in order to better carry out the teaching situation, initiative, enthusiasm and also to give full play to the various departments and system, so as to better carry out the teaching monitoring activities. Three, construction of practical strategies of teaching quality safeguard system of Independent College基于以上观点,独立学院可从自身办学定位出发,对教学输入、教学过程、教学输出环节进行质量控制,并借助反馈调控与再评价,构建立体、长效的教学质量监控体系。Based on the above viewpoints, the independent college can start from their own school-running orientation, to the teaching input, teaching process, teaching the output link of quality control, and with the help of feedback control and evaluation, construction of teaching quality monitoring system of solid, long-term.(一)教学输入环节的质量“预控”( a ) " teaching quality control input link "所谓教学输入的质量“预控”是遵循“预防为主”的原则,从质量标准设置、师资队伍和教学条件建设、培养方案优化等入手,进行教学质量的“源头”控制。制订科学、合理的教学质量标准是输入环节监控的前提。根据社会需求设立人才培养的目标,专业设置要有前瞻性、预见性,不仅要考虑到市场目前的需要,还要考虑到市场今后的需要,为市场日后的发展储备优秀人才;健全教学资源的运行与更新机制,构建立体化的教材和文献资料库,扩大优质教学资源的辐射面和利用率。构建高素质、双师型师资队伍是教学输入控制的关键点。独立学院应实施系统化的教师教育专业能力提升计划,强化“青年教师及首次开课教师的教学培训与试讲制”、讲课竞赛制、课程组的集体备课制和教学研讨制等,引导教师提高创新教学的技能。研制创新性的培养方案是教学输入控制的核心。鼓励因材施教和“以学生为主体”的教学,培养学生的个性和创新思维。通过教学质量监控引导教师在课程设置、教学内容和教学方法上体现培养应用型人才的思想。The so-called teaching input quality " pre-control " is to follow the principle of "prevention first", from the quality standard setting, teachers, and teaching culture condition optimization of teaching quality control, "the source ". The formulation of teaching quality standard of scientific, reasonable is the premise of the input link monitoring. According to the requirements of the society set up personnel training objectives, professional settings must be forward-looking, foresight, should not only consider the current market needs, but also take into account the market future needs, for the excellent talent market future development reserve; operation and updating mechanism and improve the teaching resources, the construction of three-dimensional teaching material and literature database, the radiating surface to expand high-quality teaching resources and utilization. The construction of high quality, teachers is the key point of the teaching input control. Plan to improve the ability of professional teacher education in independent colleges should implement a systematic, intensive " young teachers and the first class teachers' training and teaching system", teaching competition system, curriculum group collective preparing lessons and teaching research system, guide teachers to improve teaching skills. Training program development of innovation is the core of the teaching input control. Encouraged to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and the " student-centered" teaching, culti


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