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    2947.B XXX建筑公司员工的激励制度 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

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    2947.B XXX建筑公司员工的激励制度 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

    本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 激励在现代领导中的地位和作用11.1激励已成为现代领导的主题.11.2激励是现代领导者的重要职能12 领导激励的方法与艺术.22.1形象激励.22.2情感激励22.3需要激励.32.4心智激励.32.5信心激励42.6赏识激励43 领导激励应注意的几个原则.53.1物质激励与精神激励相结合原则53.2充分考虑下属的个体差异,实行差别激励的原则.53.3正激励与负激励相结合的原则.53.4激励个体与群体相结合的原则.5外文文献原文71 激励在现代领导中的地位和作用1.1激励已成为现代领导的主题查考辞海,“激励”意思是“激发使振作”,即“振奋,奋发”。通过激励,在某种内部或者外部刺激的影响下,使人始终维持在一个兴奋状态中。从广义而言,激励就是调动人的积极性;从狭义而言,激励就是一种刺激,是促进行为的手段。领导激励,就是领导者遵循人的行为规律,运用物质和精神相结合的手段,采取有效的方法,最大限度地激发下属工作的积极性、主动性和创造性,以保证组织目标的实现。激励是对人们内心活动状态的一种激发,具有推动并引导行为使之朝向预定目标的作用。当今我们正处于一个剧烈变动的时代,领导者们从来没有像今天这样面临空前的压力和挑战。一个出色的领导者,必须具备推动事业发展,带领下属前进的各种能力,如决策能力、动员能力、激励能力、组织协调能力、开拓创新能力等等。领导者应学会用艺术的方法来激发下属的工作潜能,提高其工作积极性、主动性和创造性,让平凡的人干不平凡的事。1.2激励是现代领导者的重要职能行为科学告诉我们,一个人的工作业绩不仅取决于他的工作能力,而且要看他的工作动机被激发的程度。从领导学角度看,人的行为都是受到一定的激励而产生的。每个人所拥有的能力和他在工作中发挥出的能力是不等价的,人所拥有的能力称为潜在能力,人在工作中展现的能力称为发挥能力。人在不同的工作状态下,发挥出的才能是相当悬殊的。一个人能力的发挥,在很大程度上取决于激励。在现实生活中,我们也常常可以看到这样一种情况,一些能力相当的人常常会做出不同的业绩,甚至能力差的人还有可能比能力强的人做得更好。这实际上与领导者对下属的激励有很大的关系。领导者如果能恰到好处地运用激励艺术,往往就会收到意想不到的激励效果。因此,领导的重要任务之一就是采取一切措施,用激励方式最大限度地增强下属的工作积极性,发挥下属的能力。2 领导激励的方法与艺术一个优秀的领导者不一定要在各个方面都比下属强,而在于具有调动下属积极性的能力。激励不仅是重要的管理手段,而且是一门高深的管理艺术。领导者对下属的激发和鼓励,会使他们发挥更大的积极性和创造性。激励的方法虽然多种多样,但大体上可划分为如下几个类型:2.1形象激励形象激励,主要是指领导的个人形象对被领导者的思想和行为能够起到明显的激励作用,从而推动各项工作的开展。领导者的一言一行往往会影响下属的精神状态。领导者形象是好是坏,下属心中自有一杆秤。如果领导者要求下属遵守的,自己首先违法;要求下属做到的,自己总是做不到,他的威信和影响力就会大大降低,他的话就会失去号召力,下属将会表面上服从,而背后投以鄙夷的眼光。而领导者以身作则、公道正派、言行一致、爱岗敬业、平易近人,就会得到下属广泛的认可和支持,就能有效地督促下属恪尽职守,完成好工作任务。因而领导者应把自己的学识水平、品德修养、工作能力、个性风格贯穿于处世与待人接物的活动之中。2.2情感激励情感,是人们情绪和感情的反映。情感激励既不是以物质利益为诱导,也不是以精神理想为刺激,而是指领导者与被领导者之间的以感情联系为手段的激励方式。领导者和被领导者的人际关系既有规章制度和社会规范的成分,更有情感成分。人的情感具有两重性;积极的情感可以提高人的活力;消极的情感可以削弱人的活力。一般来说,下属工作热情的高低,同领导者与下属的交流多少成正比。古人云“士为知己者死,女为悦己者容”,“感人心者,莫过于情”。有时领导者一句亲切的问候,一番安慰话语,都可成为激励下属行为的动力。因此,现代领导者不仅要注意以理服人,更要强调以情感人。要舍得情感投资,重视与下属的人际沟通,变单向的工作往来为全方位的立体式往来,在广泛的信息交流中树立新的领导行为模式,如家庭、生活、娱乐、工作等等。领导者可以在这种无拘无束、下属没有心理压力的交往中得到大量有价值的思想信息,交流思想感情,从而增进了解和信任,并真诚地帮助每一位下属,使团体内部产生一种和谐与欢乐的气氛。2.3需要激励需要激励理论认为:需要是产生行为的原动力,是个体积极性的源泉。从需要着手探求激励是符合心理规律的有效途径。需要层次理论将人的基本需求由低级到高级分为五个层次。即生理的需求、安全的需求、社交的需求、尊重的需求、自我实现的需求。其中生理的需求就是保障人们生存的物质享用方面的需要,只有这种最基本需求被满足到所维持生命所必须的程度后,其余的几种需求才能成为新的激励因素。安全的需求就是人身安全、劳动安全、职业安全、财产安全等等。在上述生理需求相对满足后,安全需求就会表现出来。社交的需求是人们愿意建立友谊关系,渴望得到支持和友爱,希望归属于某一群体,为群体和社会所接纳。尊重的需求是指人都有自尊和被人尊重的需要,希望获得声望和权威,取得成绩时,希望被人承认。自我实现的需求是人最基本需求的最高层次的需求,这种需求意味着人们希望完成与自身能力相称的工作,使自身的潜在能力能够发挥出来。需要层次理论告诉我们,需要的满足因一个人在组织中所做的工作、年龄以及员工的文化背景等因素的不同而有所差异。因此,领导者在激励下属时,应针对不同的对象与其不同的需要进行激励。只有掌握了下属的需求才能积极创造条件去满足下属的需要,有目的地引导需要,才能有针对性地做好领导工作,从而达到激励下属积极性的目的。2.4心智激励过去有人片面地认为,激励就是调动下属的积极性,让下属想干,愿干、有热情,心情舒畅,这实际上只说对了一半。激励下属想干、愿干是对心的激励;更重要的是要让下属能干、会干、创造性地干,这才是对下属心智的激励。激励“心”是前提,激励“智”才是目的。激励从心开始,可以达到对智的激励。哈佛大学维廉·詹姆士通过对员工激励的研究发现,采取激励措施,能够有效激发员工的工作能力。他的研究表明,在没有激励措施下,下属一般仅能发挥工作能力的2030%,而当他受到激励后,其工作能力可以提升到8090%,所发挥的作用相当于激励前的3到4倍。日本丰田公司采取激励措施鼓励员工提建议,结果仅1983年一年,员工提了165万条建议,平均每人31条,它为公司带来900亿日元利润,相当于当年总利润的18%。下属的潜能不被激励,藏着就是无能。而下属的潜能对领导者来说是没有用的,领导者需要的是下属的效能,而不需要下属的潜能,因此领导者应将下属的潜能进行激发使之变成效能。这种对心的激励可以带来智力、智慧和创造力的开发,激励心与激励智要结合起来。2.5信心激励很多时候下属可能对自己缺乏信心,不能清楚地认识和评价自己,尤其是对自己的能力,往往不清楚自己的优势和劣势以及实现目标的可能性有多大。因此,下属需要外界尤其是自己信赖的、尊重的、敬佩的人的鼓励,而来自上级的鼓励则更加可贵,它意味着上级会给自己提供成功的机会和必要的帮助,这无疑会激发下属的需要和激励下属努力进取。因此领导者应努力帮助下属树立“人人都能成才”信心,让下属看到希望,扬起理想的风帆。下属有了信念、动力和良好的心态,就能激发出巨大的创造力。正像一句广告词说的那样:“只要有激情,一切就有可能。”2.6赏识激励赏识是比表扬、赞美更进一步的精神鼓励,是任何物质奖励都无法可比的。赏识激励是激励的最高层次,是领导激励优势的集中体现。社会心理学原理表明,社会的群体成员都有一种归属心理,希望能得到领导的承认和赏识,成为群体中不可缺少的一员。赏识激励能较好地满足这种精神需要。威廉·詹姆士说:“人性的第一原则是渴望得到赞赏。”领导者应做到会赏识激励下属。当下属有进步时,他最需要得到的是认可;当下属获得成功时,他最需要给予的是赞赏;只要这样做,赏识激励就能产生预期效果。有时领导者一句让人刻骨铭心的赏识的话,可能会让下属铭记一生,影响终生。对那些有才干、有抱负的下属来说,给予物质奖励,还不如给他一个发挥其才能的机会,使其有所作为。因此,领导要知人善任,对有才干的下属,应为其实现自我价值创造习可能好的条件。对下属的智力贡献,如提建议、批评等,也要及时地给予肯定的评价。领导者的肯定性评价也是一种常识,同样地满足下属精神需要,强化其团队意识。3 领导激励应注意的几个原则在领导激励中,领导者应注意正确把握以下原则,提高激励的效果。3.1物质激励与精神激励相结合原则物质需要是人的基础需要,衣食住行等条件的改善,对调动人的积极性有着极为重要的意义。人不仅有物质的需要,而且还有名誉、地位和成就等方面高层次的精神需求。原北大方正总经理王选曾说:“只对员工进行物质激励,忘掉了精神激励,这是害民政策;反过来只进行精神激励和思想激励,没有物质激励,这是愚民政策。不害民,不愚民就要做到物质与精神相结合。”物质激励是基础,精神激励是根本。在现实工作中,领导者既要重视物质激励,又要重视精神激励,并把两者有机地结合起来。3.2充分考虑下属的个体差异,实行差别激励的原则激励的目的是为了提高下属工作的积极性。影响下属工作积极性主要有工作性质、领导行为、个人发展、人际关系、报酬福利和工作环境等多种因素。领导者应根据不同的类型和特点制定激励制度,而且在制定激励机制时一定要考虑到个体差异,因人而异。如在文化差异上,有较高学历的下属一般比较注重自我价值的实现,既包括物质利益方面的,同时他们也更看重精神方面的满足,例如工作环境、工作兴趣、工作条件等,这是因为他们在基本需求能够得到保障的基础上而追求精神层次的满足;而学历相对较低的人则首要注重的是基本需求的满足。因此领导者在制定激励机制时一定要考虑到本单位的特点和下属的个体差异,这样才能收到最大的激励效力。3.3正激励与负激励相结合的原则所谓正激励就是对下属的符合组织目标的期望行为进行奖励。所谓负激励就是对下属违背组织目的的非期望行为进行惩罚。正负激励都是必要而有效的,不仅作用于当事人,而且会间接地影响周围其他人。领导者激励下属必须坚持以正面激励为主,应通过积极的、正面的激励保持员工队伍的蓬勃朝气、昂扬锐气和浩然正气,形成团结向上、奋发有为、开拓进取的良好局面。3.4激励个体与群体相结合的原则个体是群体的组成单位,处理好激励个体与激励群体的关系有助于正确发挥个体与群体应有的作用。如果只注重对群体的激励,可能造成平均主义;如果长期把重心放在少数个体身上,又可能影响大家的积极性。因此,在激励的顺序上应先激励个体,然后再激励群体。在激励手段上可先用单一手段,然后再采用综合激励手段。在满足激励需要上,一定要先满足低层次的需要,然后再不断满足高层次的需要。Walker J W. Hanuman Resource Strategy1 Drive in modern leadership status and function1.1 The drive has become the modern leadership the subjectInvestigates "Dictionary set", “drove” the meaning is “the stimulation causes to buoy up”, namely “rouses, exerts oneself”. Through the drive, in some kind of internal or under exterior stimulation influence, causes the human to maintain throughout in an emotional state. From says generally, drove arouses human's enthusiasm; Says from the narrow sense, drove is one kind of stimulation, promotes the behavior method.1.2The drive is the modern leader's important functionThe behavioral science tells us, not only a person's work achievement is decided by his working ability, moreover must think his work motive the degree which stimulates. Looking from the leader study angle that, human's behavior all is receives certain drive to produce. Each person has ability and he ability which displays in the work is not equal, the human has ability is called the potential power, the human ability which unfolds in the work is called the display ability. The human under the different active status, the ability which displays is quite disparate. A person ability display, is decided to a great extent by the drive. In the real life, we also frequently may see this kind of kind of situation, some ability suitable person can make the different achievement frequently, even ability difference person also has the possibility the human who is stronger than ability to do well. This in fact has the very big relations with the leader to subordinate's drive. If the leader can just right utilize the drive art, often can receive the unexpected drive effect. Therefore, one of leadership important tasks takes all measures, maximum limit strengthens subordinate's work enthusiasm with the drive way, displays subordinate's ability.2 The leadership drove method and artAn outstanding leader not necessarily must in each aspect all compared to subordinate, but lies in has transfers the subordinate enthusiastic ability. Not only the drive is the important management method, moreover is a profound management art. The leader to subordinate's stimulation and the encouragement can enable them to display a bigger enthusiasm and the creativity. Although drive method many and varied, but may divide on the whole into the following several types:2.1 method and artThe image drove that, mainly is refers to the leadership individual image to can play the obvious drive role by leader's thought and the behavior, thus impels each work the development. Leaders every word and deeds often can affect subordinate's state of mind. The leader image is good is bad, in subordinate heart innate steelyard. If the leader requests the subordinate to observe, own first illegal; Requests the subordinate to achieve, own always cannot achieve, his prestige and the influence can reduce greatly, his speech will be able to lose the rallying point, the subordinate can on the surface obey, but behind will throw the judgment which will despise. But the leader sets an example, the justice honestly, is as good as one's word, likes the hillock being professional, being amiable, can obtain the subordinate widespread approval and the support, can supervise the subordinate to adhere faithfully effectively, completes the work task. Thus the leader should own knowledge level, the personal character tutelage, working ability, the individuality style penetration in get along with people with during the way one treats people activity.2.2 The EmotionThe emotion is the people mood and the sentimental reflection. The emotion drive is already not take the material interest as the induction, also is not take the energetic ideal as the stimulation, but is refers to the leader and by the leader between take the sentimental relation as the method drive way. The leader and is already had by leader's interpersonal relationship the rules and regulations and the social norm ingredient, has the emotion ingredient. Humans emotion has the duality; The positive emotion may enhance human's vigor; The passive emotion may weaken human's vigor. Generally speaking, the subordinate works the warm height, is proportional with the leader and subordinate's exchange how many. The ancient cloud “the gentleman dies for the friend, one will make an effort for a friend”, “feeling will of the people, nothing better than sentiment”. Sometimes leader kind regards, comfort words, all may become drive the subordinate behavior the power. Therefore, not only the modern leader wants to pay attention convinces people by reasoning, must emphasize by the emotion person. Must give up the emotional investment, takes with subordinate's interpersonal communication, changes the unidirectional work intercourse for the omni-directional stereo metric formula intercourse, sets up the new leadership behavior pattern in the widespread communication, like family, life, entertainment, work and so on. The leader may in this kind unrestrained, the subordinate not have in the pressure contact to obtain the massive valuable thought information, the exchange thoughts and feelings, thus promotes the understanding and the trust, and helps each subordinate, diplomatic group in vivo department to produce one kind sincerely harmonious and the happy atmosphere.2.3 Needs to drive the theory thoughtNeeds to drive the theory thought: Needs has the behavior driving force, is the individual enthusiastic fountainhead. From needs to begin to seek the drive conforms to the psychological rule effective way. Needs the level theory from to high-level to divide into preliminarily human's basic demand five levels. Namely physiological demand, safe demand, public relations demand, respect demand, self-realization demand. Physiological demand is safeguards the material which the people survive to enjoy the aspect the need, after only then this kind of most basic need is met maintains the life to have the degree, other several kind of demands can become the new drive factor. The safe demand is personal safety, labor safety, occupational safety, property security and so on. Satisfies relatively after Needs to drive the theory thought: Needs has the behavior driving force, is the individual enthusiastic fountainhead. From needs to begin to seek the drive conforms to the psychological rule effective way. Needs the level theory from to high-level to divide into preliminarily human's basic demand five levels. Namely physiological demand, safe demand, public relations demand, respect demand, self-realization demand. Physiological demand is safeguards the material which the people survive to enjoy the aspect the need, after only then this kind of most basic need is met maintains the life to have the degree, other several kind of demands can become the new drive factor. The safe demand is personal safety, labor safety, occupational safety, property security and so on. Satisfies relatively after. Needs the level theory to tell us, because needs to satisfy a person work, age as well as staff's factors and so on cultural context which does in the organization different has a difference. Therefore, the leader in drove when subordinate, if should aim at the different object different to need to carry on the drive. Only then grasped subordinate's demand to be able to create the condition to meet subordinate's needs positively, had the destination to guide the need, could have pointed completes the leadership work, thus achieved drove the subordinate enthusiastic goal.2.4 One-sidedly BelievedIn the past some people one-sidedly believed that, drove arouses subordinate's enthusiasm, lets the subordinate want to do, is willing to do, to have the enthusiasm, has ease of mind, this in fact only said rightly one half. Drove the subordinate wants to do, is willing to do is to the heart drive; Must let the subordinate competently more importantly, be able to do, creatively does, is to now at last the subordinate mental drive. Drove “the heart” is a premise, drove “the wisdom” is a goal. The drive starts from the heart, may achieve to the wisdom drive. Harvard University Unger inexpensive · Zhan Mushy through the research which drove to the staff discovered that, takes the drive measure, can stimulate staff's working ability effectively. His research indicated, in had not driven under the measure, the subordinate only can display the working ability generally 20-30%, but after he receives the drive, its working ability may promote to 80-90%, displays the function is equal before the drive 3 to 4 times. Japanese Toyota Corporation took the drive measure to encourage the staff to make the suggestion, the result only in 1983 a year, the staff has made 1,650,000 suggestions, average each human of 31, it brought 90,000,000,000 Japanese Yen profits for the company, was equal in the same year gross profit 18%.Subordinate's potential was not driven that, is hiding is incompetent. But subordinate's potential is does not have usefully to the leader, the leader needs is does not have usefully to the leader, the leader needs is subordinate's potency, but does not need subordinate's potential, therefore the leader should carry on subordinate's potential the stimulation to cause it to turn the potency. This kind may bring the intelligence, the wisdom and the creativity development to the heart drive, drove the heart and the drive wisdom must unify.2.5 Oneself Deficient ConfidenceEvery so often the subordinate possibly to the oneself deficient confidence, cannot know clearly and appraise oneself, in particular to own ability, often not the clear own superiority and the


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