美国公司章程 中英文 美国股份有限公司组织章程(中英文).doc
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美国公司章程 中英文 美国股份有限公司组织章程(中英文).doc
美国公司章程 中英文 美国股份有限公司组织章程(中英文) 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“美国股份有限公司组织章程(中英文)”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对的支持! 美国股份有限公司组织章程 ONE:The name of this corporation is _. 第一条 本公司名称为_。TWO:the trust company business or the practice of a profession permitted to be incorporated by the Massachusetts Corporations Code.第二条本公司的宗旨是从事马萨诸塞州一般公司法所规定的公司能够从事的一切合法行为或活动,马萨诸塞州公司法典所规定的金融业务、信托公司业务或专业活动不属本公司业务范畴。 THREE:The name and address in this state of the corporations initial agent for service of process is:第三条 本公司发起人姓名及其在本州的法定地址为: FOUR:This corporation is authorized to issue only one class of shares of stockwhich shall be designated common stock. The total number of shares it is authorized 第四条 本公司仅有权发行一种股票,该股票为普通股。授权所发行股票的总股额为_股。 FIVE:The names and addresses of the persons who are appointed to act as the initial directors of this corporation are:第五条 被任命作为本公司第一任董事的人员的姓名和地址如下: SIX:The liability of the directors of the corporation for monetary damages shall be eliminated to the fullest extent permissible under Massachusetts law.第六条 公司董事对经济损失的责任应根据马萨诸塞州法律所规定的最大限量予以减免。 SEVEN:The corporation is authorized to indemnify the directors and officers of the corporation to the fullest extent permissible under Massachusetts law.第七条 本公司有权按照马萨诸塞州法律规定的最大限量保护公司董事和高级职员不受伤害。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned,being all the persons named above as the initial directors,have executed these Articles of Incorporation.以下署名人(均为以上所列名的公司的第一任董事)已在本公司组织大纲上签名,特此证明。,being all the persons named above as the initial directors,declare that they are the persons who executed the foregoing Articles ofIncorporation,which execution is their act and deed.以下署名人(均为以上所列名的公司的第一任董事)声明,他们都是以上公司组织大纲的签署人,签署此大纲是他们的自愿行为。 股份有限公司公司内部管理章程SECTION 1.PRINCIPAl EXECUTIVE OFFICE SECTION 1. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 第1款公司本部The location of the principal executive office of the corporation shall be fixed by the board of directors. It may be located at any place within or outside the state of Massachusetts. The secretary of this corporation shall keep the original or a copy of these bylaws, as amended to date, at the principal executive office of the corporation if this office is located in Massachusetts. If this office is located outside Massachusetts, the bylaws shall be kept at the principal business office of the corporation within Massachusetts. The officers of this corporation shall cause the corporation to file an annual statement with the Secretary of State of Massachusetts as required by Section 1502 of the Massachusetts Corporations Code specifying the street address of the corporations principal executive office.公司本部所在地由董事会决定。其可设在马萨诸塞州之内或以外的任何地方。如果本部设在马萨诸塞州,公司秘书应在本部内保存此公司章程附则原件或一份副本。如果本部在马萨诸塞州之外,公司章程附则应当保存在兰萨诸塞州主要营业地点。本公司办事人员必须按(马萨诸塞州公司法典)第 1502条的规定向马萨诸塞州文务部提交年度报表,说明公司本部的详细地址、 SECTION 2.OTHER OFFICES第2款 其他机构The corporation may also have offices at such other places as the board of directors may from time to time designate,or as the business of the corporation may require. 公司也可在董事会随时指定的或应公司业务所要求的其他地点设立机构。 ARTICLE II SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS第二条 股东大会 SECTION 1.PLACE OF MEETINGS 第1款 股东大会地址 A1l meetings of the shareholders shall be held at the principal executive office of the corporation or at such other place as may be determined by the board of directors.所有股东大会必须在公司本部或公司董事会所决定的其他地点召开。 SECTION 2.ANNUAL MEETINGS 第2款 年会The annual meeting of the shareholders shall be held each year on at which time the shareholders shall elect a board of directors and transact any other proper business. ,then the meeting shall be held on the following business day at the same hour.股东每年于×月×日×时举行年会以选举董事会和进行其他任何相关议题。如果该日期为法定假日,会议将在假日后的营业日的相同时间内举行。 SECTION 3.SPECIAL MEETINGS第3款 临时股东大会Special meetings of the shareholders may be called by the board of directors,the chairperson of the board of directors, the president,or by one or moreshareholders holding at least 10 percent of the voting power of the corporation.百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网,您的在线图书馆 8