2883.B XXX家私有限公司激励机制研究 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc
本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录外文文献译文1外文文献原文.9我国中小企业激励机制的问题及对策摘 要文章主要分析了中小企业激励机制存在的问题及产生的原因,并从物质激励、精神激励和员工发展激励等方面探讨中小企业健全激励机制的对策。关键词:中小型企业;激励机制;问题;对策1 我国中小企业激励机制存在的问题所谓企业激励机制,是指企业通过物质和精神的手段来创造、激发、满足并维持员工工作积极性、主动性、创造性的基本条件,从而保证企业实现预期目标的功能。目前,中小企业激励机制主要存在以下问题。1.1缺乏完善和制度性的激励机制激励制度是引导、规范员工行为导向共同目标的各种措施的总和。员工是企业的生命和宝贵财富,一个产品从设计到开发、生产、销售,都离不开员工的辛勤劳动,因此企业应当具有完备的激励制度,这是员工做好本职工作的环境要求,也是保证企业目标顺利实现的制度保证。但是在部分中小企业中普遍缺乏奖惩制度,缺乏正确奖励员工的方法,缺乏一个明确的标准,奖惩存在很大的随意性,管理者仅凭个人的好恶和伦理道德对员工进行奖惩,“奖得轻,罚得重,承诺兑现少”等现象时有发生;另外,部分中小企业薪酬设计不公平、外在竞争力不强以及财务管理制度混乱,这些状况的存在,使得许多员工工作积极性、主动性、创造性被扼杀,造成中小企业问恶意竞争加剧,企业成长率不高等诸多问题,究其原因就是激励方法的不当和激励手段、制度的落后所致。1.2激励机制缺乏资金支持由于中小企业大多处于资金积累的成长期,资金实力相对薄弱,面对大企业年薪数十万元,甚至上百万元招募人才的大手笔就是显得无能为力了。1.3重视物质激励而忽视精神激励目前我国的中小企业基本上采取单一的物质激励,企业管理者忽视对激励方式的研究,激励手段过于单一,忽视了物质激励与精神激励的有机结合。还有些企业没有对员工的需要进行分析,“一刀切”地对所有的人采用同样的激励手段,没有认识到激励的有效性在于不同需要。激励方式上只注重物质激励,强调奖金和红利的重要性,而不注重对员工的非物质性激励,对基层员工不予购买社会保险、工伤保险,员工缺乏安全感;只重视金钱激励,而忽视对员工的关心,在观念上只把员工作为企业的“雇员”在“利用”,而不是将员工视为企业的“成员”真正去关心和爱护他们。1.4照搬照抄大企业的激励模式企业激励机制是企业动力和活力的源泉,激励机制的不健全已经给中小企业的发展带来了严重的影响。虽然现在一些中小企业意识到了激励的重要性,但是并没有从企业自身的实际出发,而是照搬大公司的激励机制,结果造成“水土不服”。激励机制的设计应根据自己实际情况出发,充分利用规模小,结构灵活的优势来制定更有效的激励模式。2 我国中小企业激励机制存在问题的原因分析2.1缺乏战略性规划而且行为短期化没有真正的战略规划,行为短期化是中小企业的重大弱点,这容易造成中小企业领导目光短浅、急功近利,具体表现在政策上朝令夕改,用人标准往往因一时一事而频繁改变,缺乏从战略角度出发培养核心人才,尤其是对管理人才的长远考虑。在用人观上只注重员工对企业的价值,而较少考虑为员工提供充分的发展机会,留不住人心,更不能形成一支核心的管理团队。2.2家族式经营管理模式制约中小企业大都是民营性质,较普遍采用的是家长制式的经营管理模式。企业的经营者在企业中专制独裁,缺乏对员工需要的了解,对员工的合理化建议置若罔闻,在企业经营上存在很大的肓目性、主观性、随意性,严重挫伤了员参与企业管理、实现自我价值的欲望和要求。另外,这种模式的排外性造成家族外的员工即便有较高的管理知识和专业技能,也很难依靠能力获得晋升,有才干的人始终被排除在决策层外,没有归属感和发展前途,工作动力自然不足。某些中小企业虽建立了较规范的组织制度,但关键职位家族化,决策权与经营权仍高度集中。企业内裙带关系严重,对职业管理层的形成及其专长的发挥十分不利,也给人员的招聘、培训、考评带来很大困难,使得企业当中激励机制的运行缺少相应的外部支持。2.3缺乏系统公正的评价体系亚当斯的公平理论告诉我们要重视激励过程中的公平性。建立系统、公正的评价体系是有效激励的保证。激励机制是针对每一个人的,不允许有特权阶层的存在、不允许任何人凌驾于制度之上、不允许有任何人不受规则、制度的约束和制约,规则的执行要一视同仁,不打折扣,不搞优惠,不留情面,同时,对员的劳动成果要给予公平、科学的认定的评价,以便使公平结果对行为的过程起到正确导向的作用,体现出过程和结果的统一,真正做到职权明确、授权合理、奖勤罚懒,公平合理。3 建立与完善中小企业激励机制的对策中小企业与大企业相比,有其自身优势与特点,但又有其无法弥补的劣势,一是人力资本弱,人员的整体素质也较差,中小企业大都是业主自主经营,业主相对于从市场上聘用的职业经理来说毕竟专业知识有限,管理手段、管理体制相对较差;二是财力、物力有限,中小企业与大型企业相比较,其中一个最大的特点是它的资产额、经营额较小,在市场竞争中处于弱势地位。因此,在探讨健全中小企业激励机制的过程中必须充分分析中小企业的自身特点,对症下药。只有如此,才能解决大量中小企业运用激励机制却无法取得效果的现实状况。激励是对员需求的满足,员工的需求是多种多样的,故激励的途径也应是多种渠道。3.1物质激励的构建根据马斯洛需要层次理论,生理的需要是最基本的需要,如果能满足员工基本的物质要求,以确保其基本生活的话,那么员工就可以把注意力放到工作的质量上去,在员工随着他们的需求等级取得进步的时候,他们的动机更容易转移到追求个人与组织目标实现上来。因此,在中小企业中物质激励是最根本、首要解决的问题。中小企业的物质激励包括工资、奖金和福利安排三个方面。物资激励是一种最基本的激励手段,因为获得更多的物质利益是普通员工的共同愿望。同时,员工收入及居住条件的改善,也影响着其社会地位、社会交往,甚至学习、文化娱乐等精神需要的满足。运用物质利益激励方法时,应遵循以下标准:首先,绩效与报酬直接挂钩,工作业绩越大,所得报酬越多;其次,工作业绩考核评定力求公正;最后,在进行物质激励时,应辅之以精神激励,把人们的追求引向更高的思想境界。在员工物质激励机制的实施过程中,存在很多激励模式,随着企业的不断发展壮大,一些物质激励模式也得到广泛运用,例如用于激励销售人员的个体激励模式:佣金计划;用于激励多数员工的团体激励模式:利润分享计划。总之,中小企业在设计或选择物质激励计划时,应考虑下列因素对激励计划的影响:包括企业的使命与远景、经营计划、组织结构与核心竞争力、所处的生命周期、企业文化与管理风格、市场定位与经济环境。3.2精神激励的构建随着我国改革开放的深入发展和市场经济的逐步确立,“金钱万能”的思想在相当一部分人的头脑中滋长起来,有些企业经营者也一味地认为只有奖金发足了才能调动职工的积极性。但在实践中,不少单位在使用物质激励的过程中,耗费不少,而预期的目的并未达到,职工的积极性不高,反倒贻误了组织发展的契机。事实上人类不但有物质上的需要,更有精神方面的需要,因此中小企业在注重建立物质激励的同时,必须着手建立与之相应的精神激励。主要有:1、感情激励。人和动物的基本区别是人有思想和感情。感情因素对人的积极性有重大影响。所谓感情激励,是指领导者与其下属和工作人员建立起一种亲密友善的情感关系,以情感沟通和情感鼓动作为手段,调动起员工的工作积极性。2、榜样激励。榜样的力量是无穷的,榜样激励主要有两条途径:一是在中小企业树立先进的典型人物,以先进人物为榜样激励员工,但是要注意事迹的真实性和群众基础的广泛性;二是领导者要身先士卒,率先垂范,领导如能以身作则,对整个企业成员影响巨大,一个领导者要想调动全体工作人员与实现企业目标,不仅需要职权,而且需要威信,而威信的树立,就需要其言行表现必须是自己部属成员的榜样,使他们心悦诚服地接受领导,同心协力去实现组织目标。3、目标激励。企业目标是企业凝聚力的核心,企业目标和个人目标的结合可以将企业和员工更加紧密地联系在一起,企业的发展战略和远景是鼓励员工投入工作的基本力量,企业目标在理性和信念层次上实现对员工有效的激励,使员工明确个人的努力方向并增强实现目标的信心。4、理想激励。中小企业的每名员工都有自己的理想,如果他发现自己的工作是在为自的理想而奋斗,就会焕发出无限的热情。因此,管理者应该了解员工的理想,并努力将公司的目标与员工的理想结合起来,实现企业和员工的共同发展。结 论无论是大企业还是中小企业,为了在人才大战中获得优势,纷纷提出增加薪水,完善福利制度等措施,而在这方面,中小企业是无法与大企业相抗衡的。因此,对于中小企业而言,要做的不仅仅是增加员工的收入,改善员工的福利,更重要的是创造条件,让他们有较多的发展机会,能够实现自我,感到满意,进而激发他们的工作动机。那么,中小企业就应把注意放在对员工本身的关注上面,加强对员工的职业生涯管理、重视工作再设计、重视对员工的培训激励。总之,当前中小企业在激烈的市场竞争中,可以利用的资源不多,但若能健全好企业的激励机制,充分调动员工积极性,中小企业必能脱颖而出,在竞争十分激烈的市场中立于不败之地。参 考 文 献1张翼翔浅议中小企业的激励机制J经济师,2004,(1)2万君康,陈全国浅议中小企业管理者的人力资源活动J经济经纬,2004,(3)3林枚构建企业动力之源J经济问题探索,2004,(1)4田志锋,彭正龙我国中小企业人力资源管理现状及对策研究J莱阳农学院学报,2005,(9)5加里·德斯勒著吴雯芳,刘昕译人力资源管理(第九版)M北京:人民 版社,20056朱永新人力资源管理心理学M上海:华东师范大学出版社,20037陈德铭,周三多中小企业竞争力研究M南京:南京大学出版社,2003 Problems of incentive mechanism in Chinas small an medium-sized enterprises and their countermeasures Zhi ping Zeng ,pu rong Zhou(Business College,Hunan Normal University,Changsha,Hunan 410081,China)AbstractThis paper mainly analyzed the existent problems of incentive mechanism in Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises and the reasons that the problems happened.Solutions of improving that mechanism in those enterprises were also explored from such aspects as material,spiritual and employees development stimulation and so on.Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises,incentive mechanism, problem,countermeasure.1 Problems of incentive mechanism in Chinas small an medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)What is called enterprises incentive mechanism?That means the enterprise through the material and spiritual means to create, inspire, satisfy the staff and maintain the enthusiasm, initiative, creativity of the basic conditions, thereby ensuring that the enterprises to achieve the desired objective function. At present, SMEs incentive mechanism following major issues.1.1 A lack of proper institutional stimulation mechanism.Incentive system is to guide and regulate the staff common goal-oriented behavior of the various measures combined.Staff is the life and treasure of the enterprise. A product from design to development, production, sales, is inseparable from the hard work of staff. Therefore,the enterprise should have a comprehensive incentive system, this is the request of staff to do their job more well, and also to ensure the smooth realization of corporate goals of the system guarantee. But in some SMEs lack of rewards and punishments, the lack of a proper reward to the staff for the way lack of a clear standard, the incentive is very arbitrary, managers alone personal preferences and ethics of staff incentives, "a light Award, a heavy penalty, less commitment to honor "have occurred from time to time; In addition, the design of some SMEs pay unfair external competitiveness and chaotic financial management system. The existence of these conditions, so many employees works initiative, and creativity is smothered. Causing malicious increased competition and growth rate is not higher number of problems. Is it because the incentive is inappropriate and backwardness of the system.1.2 Incentive mechanism lack of funding support. Since most SMEs in capital accumulation of maturation relatively weak financial strength.In the face of large enterprises annual salary of thousands of dollars. Even millions to recruit talent is a masterpiece seems powerless. 1.3 Take the matter excitation seriously but ignore the spirit excitation. Now, our SMEs are basically the adoption of a single material incentive. Enterprise managers ignored the study of incentives. They incentives are too single and ignore the material and spiritual rewards encourage the organic integration. Some enterprises also failed to staff needs analysis. All the people using the same incentives that is "across the board". They have not recognize the validity of incentives to different needs.The way of incentive just focus on material incentives, bonuses and dividends.But not focus on the staff of non-material incentives. The bottom employees are have not to buyed social insurance, work-related injury insurance. So they feel lack of security.The managers only cares about money incentive,but ignored concern of employees.The staff as enterprises "employee" to "exploiting" in concept,instead of enterprise employees as "members" truly care about and cherish them. 1.4 Copy large enterprise incentive model.Incentive mechanisms are dynamic and source of enterprises.Incentive mechanism is not complete is to the development of SMEs poses a serious impact. Although some SMEs aware of the importance of incentives.But they did not from theyself reality,just copying large companies an incentive mechanism.So resulting in "crack". Incentive mechanism should be designed according to their actual conditions and make full use of small scale,and flexible structure to the advantage of the development of more effective incentive model.2 Analyzing the problems of incentive mechanism in SMEs.2.1 The lack of strategic planning.Short-term behavior.There are not real strategic planning.The short-term behavior is the major weaknesses of SMEs.It is easy cause the leader of SMEs short-sighted and success as reflected in policy changes. employment criteria often moment and frequent change, the lack of strategy from the perspective of training the core talent especially for the long-term management personnel to consider. Employers concept of focusing on the staff of the value of the business, and less given to the provision of adequate staff development opportunities, holding people, not the formation of a core management team.2.2 The constraints of family management model. SMEs are mostly private nature.The more common use is for parents to the standard mode of operation and management. Enterprise managers are dictatorship and lack of understanding of the needs and regardless rationalization suggestion of staff in enterprises. In business, there is a big blind forces of nature, subjective and arbitrary.It is seriously hurt the employees involved and unrealize the value of self-desires and demands in the management of enterprises. Moreover, this pattern of exclusion resulting from staff outside the family even higher management knowledge and professional skills, also very difficult to rely on the ability to be promoted. The talented people have always been excluded from the decision-making. There is no sense of belonging and future and inadequate work force. Although some SMEs to establish a more standardized system of organization.But the key posts of the family, the decision-making and management is still highly concentrated. Enterprises nepotism serious, professional management expertise in the formation and play a very negative,but also caused great difficulty to the recruitment, training, evaluation. It makes enterprise incentive mechanism in the operation of the corresponding lack of external support.2.3 Lack of systematic and lack of fair evaluation.Adams fair theory tells us that we should encourage the process to equity. Building systems, and fair evaluation system is effective incentive guarantee. Incentive mechanism is for each individual, and not allowed to have a privileged existence, do not allow anybody to override the system, not allow anyone without rules, constraints and limitations.The implementation of these rules will be treated the same, thus not to pursue the concessions,not discount,not preferential and not favor.At the same time,the hard work of staff should be given a fair and scientific evaluation. So that a fair outcome of the process has played the role of the correct direction. A manifestation of the process and results of the unification.Really do have clear authority to authorize reasonable, diligent, fair and reasonable. 3 SMEs to establish and perfect the countermeasure of incentive mechanism.SMEs and large enterprises has its own advantages and characteristics. It has its irreparable disadvantage.The weak human capital and the overall quality is poor.Mostly owners of SMEs operate independently.Owners from the market in relation to employ professional managers who limited expertise,poor management,and bad management systems.Second,the financial and material resources are limited.SMEs and large enterprises, compared to one of the biggest features is its assets and smaller operators in the market competition in a weak position. Therefore, to investigate the mechanism and improve incentives for SMEs in the process need to fully analyze the inherent characteristics, suit the remedy to the case. Only then will we be able to resolve a large number of SMEs using incentive mechanism can not have the effect of the reality of the situation. Encouraging staff to satisfy demand, the demand for staff is diverse, it also means the incentive should be a variety of way.3.1 Construction of material incentives.According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.Their physiological needs are the most basic needs.If staff can satisfy by the basic requirements of the material, to ensure that their basic livelihood.Employees will pay more attention to the quality of the work.When the hierarchy needs to progress, their motives more easily transferred to the pursuit of personal and organizational goals to achieve.Therefore,material incentives is the most fundamental and most important in SMEs.SMEs material incentives including salary, bonuses and benefits. A material incentive is the most basic means of incentives.The desirability of the staff is can get more material interests.Meanwhile,the revenue and living conditions of improvement affected their social status, social contacts, even learning, culture and entertainment etc,for satisfy their needs of psychic.When use of material interests incentive, it should adhere to the following criteria:First, the performance and reward directly linked.Greater performance, earn more; Secondly, assess the performance evaluation of impartiality; Finally,when you conducting material incentives, should be accompanied by the spirit of inspiration and bring people's pursuit to a higher realm of thought. Staff material incentive mechanism of the implementation process, there is a lot of incentive model.As the business continued to develop and grow, some material incentive model has been widely used.Such as incentives for the individual sales incentive model : commission; Incentives for the groups, most staff incentive model : profit-sharing scheme. In short, SMEs in the design or the choice of material incentive scheme, should consider the following factors on the impact of incentive schemes : including corporate mission and vision, business plan, organizational structure and core competitive edge.Its life cycle, corporate culture and management style, market positioning and economic environment.3.2 Construction of the spiritual incentive.With China's reform and opening up and in-depth development of the market economy gra