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    Staff Performance Appraisal and Development Plan:员工绩效评估和发展计划.doc

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    Staff Performance Appraisal and Development Plan:员工绩效评估和发展计划.doc

    2012 Staff Performance Appraisal& Development PlanPERIOD COVERED:July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2012Competency ReviewBentley Citizenship1. Working with differences· Works effectively with people from backgrounds, cultures, and organizational perspectives different from one's own · Acknowledges and demonstrates respect for differing views and perspectives, and seeks out opportunities to learn from those differences· Strives to create a more inclusive community through participation in diversity-related activities, such as attending training on or off-campus (ex. Diversity Retreat or Ally workshop), attendance at campus events that celebrate diversity, and/or contributing one's perspective even where it differs from that of the majorityComments:2. Commitment to Community· Seeks out opportunities to engage with others in the Bentley community (ex. in performing job functions, attending campus-wide events for staff/faculty, etc.) · Pursues individual and/or department functions within the context of institutional best interests · Contributes to a community free from hostility and intolerance through language and action Comments:3. Communication· Uses communication tools effectively to meet the needs of audience and/or situation · Recognizes appropriate time to communicate and tailors communication style to promote successful dialogue· Shares information with appropriate people in a timely manner· Demonstrates awareness of and appreciation for others communication stylesComments:Targeted Competencies1. Collaboration & Teamwork · Balances personal responsibility with interests of team and/or department · Listens to other points of view and adjusts position toward achieving a group goal when appropriate · Shares knowledge and expertise with others easily· Supports and nurtures opportunities for collaboration and bridge building· Resolves conflicts tactfully, enhancing relationships both within and outside the work unit · Exhibits grace under pressure and demonstrates respect for viewpoints and approaches different from ones own Comments:2. Service Orientation · Demonstrates a helpful attitude to others · Works with those being served to get information, assess needs, and resolve issues and concerns · Responsive to inquiries and requests· Follows through on agreed upon deliverables · Anticipates and resolves concerns before they become larger issues Comments:3. Professional Expertise · Maintains professional standing and ensures that all license requirements are satisfied · Keeps up to date on professional trends through continuing education and applies this knowledge in the work environment· Shares knowledge/expertise with others as appropriate Comments:4. Safety/Risk Management · Understands hazards in the environment/uses protective clothing or equipment as required by job· Demonstrates an understanding of applicable policies and procedures · Maintains and recommends conditions that ensure a healthy and safe working environment · Understands best practices for minimizing risk within area of expertise (including physical, legal, etc.) Comments:5. Clinical Judgment · Makes decisions using critical thinking that integrates formal and experiential knowledge · Questions and assesses systematically the multidimensional aspects of pain and other symptoms to gain the global grasp of situation Comments:Role Specific Competencies Select two (2) additional Competencies from the competency dictionary that you consider important to the role (those provided are only suggestions). Fill in and rate the chosen competencies, entering a score of 0 to 10 in the box provided1. Student Development Orientation · Understands and utilizes student development theory in programs;services;and individual interactions · Approaches students in a respectful and educational manner · Uses assessment and best practices for continuous improvement Comments:2. Discretion / Political Astuteness · Reads people and situations accurately · Handles complex and highly sensitive interpersonal circumstances while maintaining confidentiality · Uploads high ethical and social standards in work-related activities and within the organization · Respects and protects Confidential Information Comments:STEP TWO:Add all competency ratings and divide by 10 for Average Competency Rating Add all competency scores for Subtotal:AVERAGE COMPETENCY RATING (Subtotal÷10)Goals Assessment and NarrativeSTEP THREE:Discuss employee performance and Progress toward last years goals. (Use additional space as needed). Enter a score between 0 and 10 in the box provided. Overall Success in Performing Position Responsibilities including Progress toward Last Years Goals(i.e. knowledge of jobs essential duties, use of resources (people, time and materials) to achieve positive and timely outcomes, focus on work activities that add value to the University, etc.)Discussion:OVERALL SUCCESS IN ACHIEVING GOALSOverall Performance ScoreSTEP FOUR:Add the scores to calculate the Overall Performance Score3. AVERAGE COMPETENCY RATING FROM ABOVE4. OVERALL SUCCESS IN ACHIEVING GOALS) FROM ABOVE5. Add lines 1 and 26. Divide line 3 by 2 for OVERALL PERFORMANCE SCOREBelow 3Needs Improvement. Development Plan should include management intervention and corrective action required to improve performance.3-6Proficient. Development Plan should identify opportunities to enhance skills and competencies.Over 6-8Highly Effective. Development Plan should incorporate opportunities for professional growth and advancement within scope of position description.Above 8Outstanding. Top 5% within the University. Development Plan should identify opportunities for retention and expanded influence.Work Goals & ObjectivesSTEP FIVE:Identify Work Goals and Objectives for the upcoming year and describe their relationship to the Departments Goals, Initiatives, and Priorities1. Goals and Objectives for the upcoming year:2. Relationship between employees Goals and Objectives and those of the Department:Development PlanSTEP SIX:Create a Development Plan with attention to the employees performance category. Pointer #1: Developmental ActivitiesDevelopmental activities enhance skills, abilities, and/or a behavioral competency. Activities might include formal classroom training and/or webinars. Stretch assignments and/or establishing a mentoring or short-term job shadowing arrangement on campus can sometimes be even more effective.Pointer #2: Timelines and milestonesRealistic start dates, end dates, and other major milestones should be established for each activity. Development plan for the upcoming year:(Refer to the Overall Performance Score definitions on page 8 as each category offers guidance on how to tailor the Development Plan.)Signatures & CommentsSTEP SEVEN:Meet to discuss Performance Appraisal and Development Plan. Sign where indicated, providing comments if desired. Additional Manager CommentsEmployee CommentsSignaturesEmployee*Date ManagerDate Department Head/Vice PresidentDate *Employee signature indicates that the employee has read and understands the appraisal and Development PlanSTEP EIGHT:Return signed copy to HR, LaCava 145 by January 30, 2012.


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