,LOGO第四耕翻详的方法:直详与意译,大体说来,翻译的基本方法有两种,即所谓的直译(literal translation或 metaphase)和意译 ree translation或 paraphrase)。人们对直译和意译的认识不尽相同。因而,一些人甚至将那种生搬硬套、对号入座的硬译、死译误认为直译,也有一些人则把某些妄加删改、添油加醋的胡译、乱译混同于意译。这两种倾向无疑都从根本上曲解了直译与意译的真正含义。,(1)lie on ones back the milky Way,black tea,cut somebody dead,bulls eye,talk horseput on ones thinking cap,catch a cold,talkturkey(2)It was an old and ragged moon原译:那是一个又老又破的月亮。3)It is possible that they never imagined that anyconsiderable amount of public opinion would berallied in their favors原译:这是可能的:他们从未想象过有任何相当数量的公众意见会聚集到对他们有利的方面来。,(4 Health is above wealth,for this cannot give somuch happiness as that原译:健康高于财富,因为这个不能像那个给人们很多幸福。(5 He wanted to learn,to know,to teach原译:他渴望博学广闻,喜欢追根穷源,并且好为人师。,(6 But there can be no serious doubt thatRhodesian copper is going somewhere and invery substantial quantities原译:然而毫无疑问,罗得西亚的铜在向某些国家大量出口。(7)I have often thought it would be a blessing if eachhuman being were stricken blind and deaf for afew days at some time during his early adult life原译:我每每这样想过,假如一个人在刚近而立之年时经历一段瞎子与聋子的生活,可能是天赐之福。,8)His popularity was as unsettled as the wavesIt swelled,and bubbled,and foamed for awhile,only to recede,and be lost to itsformer possessor原译:他的声望犹如万顷波涛起伏不定。它在短暂的时间内,如日中天,盛极一时,炙手可热,但转瞬之间又烟消云散,终于在原来拥有此声望的人身上丧失殆尽。,Contents1直译法4:2意译法q3)直译同意译的关系,4.1直译法今一般认为,直译就是不仅忠实于原文内容而且忠实原文形式的翻译方法。也有人把直译解释为一种重“形似”的方法,要求在保持原文内容的前提下,力求使译文与原文在选词用字句法结构、形象比喻及风格特征等方面尽可能趋于一致,4.1直译法.(9)money politics,cold war,hot line,ostrich policy,chain stores,baptism of war,black marketo pillar industry,go into the red,paper tiger,a wait-and-see attitude.fish in troubled water令(10)Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水.令(11)Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。(12)Strike the iron while it is hot.打铁趁热。,4.1直译法(13)He walked at the head of the funeral processionand every now and then wiped his crocodile tears witha big handkerchief他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去那鳄鱼的眼泪。(14)Dont believe a word that man tells you.Hedswear black was white if he thought it was to hisadvantage别相信那人的话。只要对他有利,他能把白的说成黑的。,