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    新概念英语第一册第55-56课课件,Lesson 55The Sawyer family,New words and expressions,live 住、生活,live in 住在(国家或城市)live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),I live 58 Fuqian Road.He lives _ England.,at,in,stay 呆在、停留,stay at home 呆在家,stay in bed 呆在床上,stay with sb.和某人呆在一起,New words and expressions,New words,home 家,在家,到家go home East or west,home is the best!housework n.家务-do houseworkdo the housework together 一起做家务,lunch 午饭breakfast supperdinner(较正式,一般指晚宴)meal mi:l 餐 have a big meal,afternoon 下午,in the afternoon 在下午,evening 晚上,in the evening 在晚上,night 夜晚,at night 在夜晚,usually 通常,often 经常 always 总是 sometimes 有时,arrive 到达,arrive in 到达(大地方)arrive at 到达(小地方),arrive/get/reach home 到家,My father will arrive _ London tomorrow.I often arrive _home early in the evening.,in,/,get to/reach 到达,Lets read and remember the new words:live 住、生活 usually 通常 stay 呆在、停留 together 一起 home 家 evening 晚上 housework 家务 arrive 到达 lunch 午饭 night 夜晚 afternoon 下午,Where do the Sawyers live?What do the children do at night?What about Mr.Sawyer?,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:,Listen again,and answer these questions:3.In the morning,what does Mr.Sawyer do?What do the children do?What does Mrs.Sawyer do?,Mr.Sawyer goes to work.,The children go to school.,Mrs.Sawyer stays at home and does the housework.,1.Mr.Sawyer stays at home every day.2.She always eats her lunch at noon.3.She usually sees her friends.4.They often drink tea together.5.The children always do their homework.6.Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,but sometimes he and his wife watch television.,Key Structures,Fill in the blanks and try to retell the story.The Sayers live at _.In the morning,Mr.Sawyer _.The children _.Mrs.Sawyer _and _.At noon,Mrs.Sawyer _at home.In the afternoon,Mrs.Sawyer usually_.They often_together.In the evening,the children _ early.Mr.Sawyer _home late.At night,the children always_.Then they_ Mr.Sawyer usually_ his newspaper.Sometimes he and his wife_.,87 King Street,goes to work,go to school,stays at home,does the housework,eats lunch,sees her friends,drink tea,arrive home,arrives,do their homework,reads,watch TV,go to bed,语法点:一般现在时,指经常发生,习惯性的动作。时间状语一般是usually,always,often,every day等I often go the school by bike.I do my homework every day.He always late.注意:主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加-s,表述客观规律或事实用一般现在时,The plane can fly in the sky.The earth goes around the sun.The book is yellow.He is tall.He is very smart!She is very beautiful!,Translations,1.我每天都吃鸡蛋和蛋糕!2.他经常都早上跑步。3.她有时会出去吃午饭。4.我们通常都在下午一起喝茶。5.他们总是一起喝酒。6.Mr.Jones晚上经常在家看电视。,Ask your partner,What do you usually do in the morning?afternoon?evening at night?What do you usually do in the weekend?in your vacation?,Do some exercises:()I often _ up at 7:oo in the morning.My mother often _up at 6:30.A.get,get B.gets,gets C.get,gets D.gets,get2.()Jims brother _ in a factory.He usually _ to work by car.A.work,go B.works,goes C.works,go D.work,goes3.()_ you always _ basketball on Sundays?A.Do,play B.Does,play C.Are,playing D.Are,play4.()_ your father often_ TV in the evening?A.Do,watch B.Does,watches C.Does,watchs D.Does,watch,c,B,A,D,1.My sister often goes to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)2.Jimmy has lunch at home.(改成否定句)3.My father usually reads newspapers in the morning.(对划线部分提问)4.She often does her homework at night.(改一般疑问句),How does your sister go to school?,What does your father usually do in the morning?,Jimmy doesnt have lunch at home,Does she often do her homework at night?,Lesson 56What do they usually do?,dusts the cupboard,makes the bed,shaves,cleans the blackboard,go to bed,washes the dishes,type some letters,drinks some milk,watch television,eats her lunch,reads her newspaper,listen,P112 完成练习。,熟读课文,并在微信群里发出读这篇课文的语音。抄写单词5遍并熟记(要听译)掌握一般现在时,Homework,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,


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