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    Lesson 87,A perfect alibi,2018/10/20,Proverb,?,As you make your bed so you must lie on it.,自食其果。,2018/10/20,Lesson 84,?,Strike,罢工,动词:撞击,?,Extent,程度,?,Volunteer,自愿、自动提出,?,Gratitude,感激,?,State,宣布、正式提出,?,Relieve,减轻,?,Pressure,压力、麻烦,?,Private,私人的,?,Object,不赞成、反对,名词:目标、物体,?,Meanwhile,同时,?,Agreement,协议,2018/10/20,?,Out of control,2018/10/20,6,swing v.,转向,speedboat n.,快艇,desperately adv.,绝望地,companion n.,同伙,伙伴,water ski,(由快艇牵引水橇)滑水,buoy n.,浮标,dismay n.,沮丧,tremendous adj.,巨大的,petrol n.,汽油,drift v.,漂动,漂流,gently adv.,缓慢地,轻轻地,Vocabulary,2018/10/20,Word study,?,1,swing vt.,vi.,?,(,1,)(使,)摆动,/,摇动:,?,He cant stand those who,swing,their legs while eating.,?,他受不了吃东西时晃腿的那些人。,?,She tried to,swing,the baby to sleep.,?,她试图把孩子摇得睡着。,?,(,2,)突然转向,使,转向,/,转身:,?,The man tried to,swing,the speedboat round.,?,那人试图让快艇转弯。,?,He,swung,round and looked at the two men.,?,他突然掉转身,看着那两个人。,2018/10/20,?,2.Dismay,dismei,?,n.,沮丧,灰心;惊慌,vt.,使沮丧;使惊慌,?,Can you work up anger and regret and,dismay,over that?,你会因此而变得生气,懊悔和沮丧吗?,2018/10/20,?,3.Tremendous,tri,mend?s,adj.,巨大的,?,When you can write that,down,for me,there is just,tremendous,sense of,creativity and of purpose,and meaning.,?,当你能把它写出来的时候,,对我个人来说,会感到这种,来自巨大的创造性,目的性,,意义性的满足感。,2018/10/20,?,4.Desperately,desp?r?tli,adv.,绝望地,?,He said,desperately,that the opposing team,was too strong for us.,?,他绝望地说对面的队伍对我们来说太强壮,了。,2018/10/20,?,5.Drift,drift,v.,漂流,?,He watched the boat,drift,downstream.,他看着船向下游漂去。,2018/10/20,?,6.Buoy,b?i n.,浮标,v.,支持鼓励,?,Her spirits were,buoyed,up by hopes,of success.,成功的希望使她振,作起来。,2018/10/20,?,7.Gently,d?entli,adv.,慢慢地、轻轻,地,?,Hold it,gently,.,小心地拿着它。,?,8.Companion,k?m,p?nj?n n.,同伴,伙伴,?,Are you alone or with a,companion,?,你单独一人还是与朋友在一起,?,2018/10/20,?,9.Petrol,petr?l,n.,汽油,?,Please fill up the tank with,petrol,.,?,请把油箱装满,汽油,。,2018/10/20,?,10.Violently,vai?l?ntli,adv.,猛烈地激,烈的,?,They have come into conflict,sometimes,violently,.,他们产生了矛盾,有时矛盾还非常激烈。,?,10.Roar r?:v.,咆哮、呼喊,?,n.,怒号、吼,?,The little girl was frightened by the tigers,roars,.,?,小女孩被老虎的吼叫声吓坏了。,2018/10/20,watch,Listen and answer,?,1.What does the speedboat strike?,?,A buoy.,?,How is the speedboat doing?,?,Moving in a circle.,2018/10/20,?,As the man tried to swim the speedboat round,the,steering wheel came away in his hands.He _,desperately to his companion,who _for the,last fifteen minutes.Both men hardly _time,to realize what was happening when they,_violently into the sea.The speedboat,_a buoy,but it _to move quickly,across the water.Both men just _to swim,toward the shore,when they _with dismay,that the speedboat was moving a circle.It now,came _ towards them at tremendous speed.,waved,had been water skiing,had had,were thrown,had struck,continued,begun,noticed,straight,2018/10/20,?,In less than a minutes,it_ past them only a,few feet away.After it _,they _ on,as quickly as they could because they _ that,the boat would soon return.They just,_enough time to swim out of danger when,the boat again _ a circle.On this occasion,however,it _down considerably.The petrol,nearly all _up.Before long,the noise,_ completely and the boat _ to,drift gently across the water.,roared,had passed,swam,knew,had had,completed,had slowed,had been used,dropped,began,2018/10/20,Further notes on the text,?,1,Out of control,,(标题)失控。,?,介词短语,out of,可以表示“失去”、“欠缺”等:,?,We are out of bread.,?,我们的面包吃完了。,?,Tony walked so fast that he was soon out of sight.,?,托尼走得很快,不久就无影无踪了。,?,He has been out of work for two months.,?,他失业两个月了。,?,The plane got out of control and crashed in the,mountains.,?,飞机失控后在山区坠毁。,2018/10/20,?,2,the steering wheel,came away,in his hands.,方,向盘脱手了。,?,come away,表示“脱落”、“脱离”、“脱开”等:,?,When I tried to lift the suitcase,the handle came,away.,当我试图提起手提箱时,把手掉了下来。,?,3,Both men had,hardly,had time to realize what was,happening,when,they were,thrown,violently into the,sea.,?,他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生了什么事情,,就被猛地抛入了海里。,?,hardlywhen,表示“几乎未来得及,就,”,,hardly,用于主句中,并且主句通常用,过去完成时,。,?,Be to thrown,被抛入,2018/10/20,?,4,they swam,on,as quickly as they could,他,们以最快的速度向前游去。,?,on,在这里是副词,表示“向前”:,?,Walk on along this road for ten minutes and,youll see the railway station.,?,沿着这条路向前走,10,分钟你就会看见火车,站。,?,I think he saw me,but he just marched on.,?,我觉得他看见了我,但他却径直往前走了。,2018/10/20,?,5,They had,just,had enough time to swim out of,danger when the boat again completed a circle.,?,他们刚刚来得及游出危险区,快艇就又转究了一,圈。,?,just,是个可以和各种完成时连用的时间副词,它与,when,连用时常用于过去完成时:,?,Jim had just left when you rang.,?,你打电话时吉姆刚走。,?,The patient had just died when the doctor arrived.,?,医生来时病人刚死。,2018/10/20,?,6,The petrol had nearly all been,used up,.,?,汽油几乎已经用光。,?,use up,表了“用完”、“用光”、“耗尽”:,?,They have just bought a house and a car.They must have used,up all their money.,?,他们刚买了一所房子和一辆车。他们的钱肯定都用光了。,?,up,表示“彻底地”、“完全地”,它也可以与其他一些动词,连用:,?,The child soon ate up the cake.,?,孩子很快把蛋糕吃完了。,?,She burned up all his letters.,?,她把他的信都烧掉了。,?,Can you read up the book in two hours?,?,你用两小时就能把这书读完吗?,2018/10/20,?,7,Before long,the noise,dropped,completely,没过多久,噪音便彻底消失,?,drop,在这里为不及物动词,表示“减少”、,“变弱”或“消失”:,?,When he saw that Mary was annoyed,his voice,dropped.,?,他发现玛丽生气时,便降低了嗓门。,?,We had to stay at home before the wind had,dropped.,?,风力减弱以前,我们不得不呆在家里。,2018/10/20,构成:助动词,had+,动词的过去分,词(,V,.pp),用法:,1.,过去完成时动词表示过去某一时间或某,一动作之前完成的动作或状态。在强调过,去某一动作发生在另一动作之前时。,在强调过去某一个动作发生在另一个动作前常常用,过去完成时态。,1.,他说他以前见过你。,He said that he _(see)you before.,had seen,2.,到六点钟为止他们已经工作八小时了。,By six o,clock they _(work)for,eight hours.,had worked,2018/10/20,2.,过去完成时词可以表示过去某一,时刻之前发生的动作或呈现的状态,,这一动作一直持续,或将继续下去。,By six o,clock,they _(work)for eight,hours.,When I,came,to GZ,he _(be)there,for a long time.,用法:,1.,到了六点钟为止,他们已经工作了八小时了。,2.,我到广州时,他在那里很长时间了。,had worked,had been,3.,到上个月中旬我们在北京住了有五年时间了。,By the middle of,last month,we _(live),in Beijing for five years.,had lived,Lesson 87,A perfect alibi,2018/10/20,单词学习,?,alibi,?,commit,?,inspector,?,employer,?,confirm,?,suggest,?,truth,?,n.,不在犯罪现场,?,v.,犯(罪、错),?,n.,探长,?,n.,雇主,?,v.,确认,证实,?,v.,提醒,?,n.,真相,?,alibi,n.,不在犯罪现场,?,prove an alibi,?,establish an alibi,?,set up an alibi,?,提出不在犯罪現場的辩护,?,他有案发时不在现场的充分证据,?,He has a perfect alibi.,?,他们都有那天晚上不在现场的证明,?,They all had alibis for that night.,?,commit,?,vt.,犯(罪),做(错事、坏事等),?,他之前从未犯过罪。,?,He has never committed any crime before.,?,今天早上,8,点钟发生了一起谋杀案,?,A murder was committed at 8 o,clock this morning.,?,把,委託於,.,交付、投入,.,?,他們把病人送往精神病院,.,?,They committed the patient to the mental hospital.,?,commit oneself on sth,;,commit oneself to do sth,?,承諾某人某事,?,她不願意對那件事情做出任何的承諾。,?,She didn,t want to commit herself on that matter.,?,政府承諾減少稅款。,?,The government committed itself to reduce taxes.,?,employer,n.,雇主,employee,?,employment,就業、雇用,unemployment,?,employ,?,(,1,),v.,聘請、雇用,?,該公司僱用兩名翻译。,?,The firm employs two interpreters.,?,employ sb as,雇用某人,.,?,他僱一個女孩當打字員。,?,He employed the girl as a typist.,?,(,2,),使用,(物、能力)(,use,),?,你應該更明智地利用你的資金。,?,You should employ your finds more wisely.,?,employ oneself in,be employed in,忙於,;,從事於,?,她忙著為五客人做飯。,?,She was busily employed in preparing dinner for five,guests,?,confirm,v.,确认,证实,?,confirm sth,?,他證實那謠言是真的。,?,He confirmed the rumor.,?,confirm,(,that,),確定某事物,?,總統確定,他將在下個月訪問法國。,?,The president conformed,(,that,),he would,visit France the following month.,?,confirmed adj.,已被確認、已被證實,?,confirmation n.,確定,?,謠言缺乏證據。,?,The rumor lacks confirmation.,?,suggest,?,(,1,),提議、見議,?,suggest+doing,?,suggest+sth,(,n.,),?,我能建議坐火車去那裡嗎?,?,May I suggest going there by train,?,?,他向政府建議了另外一个發展計劃。,?,He suggested another development plan to the government.,?,suggest that.,建議,、表明,.,?,她建議,我們應該到新餐館吃午飯,?,She suggested,(,that,),we should have lunch at the new,restaurant.,?,(,3,),委婉地說、暗示,?,你的意思暗示我不適合這份工作,?,Are you suggesting,(,that,),I,m not suitable for the job,?,?,truth,?,(,1,),n.,真相,lie,?,truth,指與虛假、錯誤相對的事實,?,Fact,指實際存在的客觀事實,?,我爸爸说最终会真相大白的。,?,My father says that truth will come out in the,end.,?,(,2,),真理,?,in truth,的確,事實上,?,the truth is that,the truth is,老實說,?,To tell the truth,说实话,?,At the time the murder was committed,I was,travelling on the 8 oclock train to London,said,the man.,?,at the time,at the moment when,?,train to London,?,Do you always catch such an early train?asked,the inspector.,?,such,後面加名詞或名詞短語,而,so,加形容詞,或副詞,?,such an early train so early a train,?,Of course I do,answered the man.I must be at work,at 10 oclock.My employer will confirm that I was,there on time.,?,on time,準時,?,in time,及時,?,Would a later train get you to work on time?asked,the inspector.,?,get sb to do sth,使做,,說服,.,?,你不會讓她同意的。,?,You,ll never get her to agree.,?,我會說服他去做這份工作的,?,I,ll get him to do the work.,?,get+done,被,?,我因超速行駛被攔下,?,I got caught for speeding.,?,I suppose it would,but I never catch a later,train.,?,suppose,認為,think,expect,?,你会迟到吗?,不会,?,Will you be late,?,?,I don,t think so.,?,I don,t suppose so.,?,I don,t expect so.,?,At what time did you arrive at the station?,?,At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for,the train.,?,Wait for sb/sth,等待某物,/,某人,?,你在等什么,?,?,What are you waiting for?,?,And you didnt notice anything unusual?,?,這是由陳述句加問號的問句,?,不定代词,anything,,,something,等被形容词修饰,时,形容词必须跟在不定代词之后:,?,我想要点便宜的东西,?,I,d like something cheaper.,?,Of course not.,?,I suggest,said the inspector,that you are not,telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch,the 8 oclock train,but that you caught the 8.25,which would still get you to work on time.,?,I suggest(that),依我看,,恐怕,?,依我看,他没有他看起来那么诚实,?,I suggest that he is not so honest as he looks.,?,恐怕这场车祸不是意外。,?,I suggest that the car crash was not accidental.,?,You see,on the morning of the murder,the 8 oclock,train did not run at all.It broke down at Ferngreen,station and was taken off the line.,?,you see,在口语中经常作为插入语出现,句首、句中,或句尾均可以,表示“你知道,事实上”等含义:,?,你知道,我的腿还没好呢,所以我不能和你去爬山,了。,?,My leg isn,t all right yet,you see,so I can,t climb,the hill with you.,?,run,可以指火车、公共汽车、船等“定时,/,定期行驶,,(在两地间)往来”:,?,这个船在,Dover,和,Calais,之间往来,?,This ship runs between Dover and Calais.,?,break down,拋錨,?,在路上許多汽車拋錨了。,?,Many cars broke down on the way.,?,be taken off the line,被取消,单词学习,?,alibi,?,commit,?,inspector,?,employer,?,confirm,?,suggest,?,truth,?,n.,不在犯罪现场,?,v.,犯(罪、错),?,n.,探长,?,n.,雇主,?,v.,确认,证实,?,v.,提醒,?,n.,真相,?,alibi,n.,不在犯罪现场,?,prove an alibi,?,establish an alibi,?,set up an alibi,?,提出不在犯罪現場的辩护,?,他有案发时不在现场的充分证据,?,He has a perfect alibi.,?,他们都有那天晚上不在现场的证明,?,They all had alibis for that night.,?,commit,?,vt.,犯(罪),做(错事、坏事等),?,他之前从未犯过罪。,?,He has never committed any crime before.,?,今天早上,8,点钟发生了一起谋杀案,?,A murder was committed at 8 o,clock this morning.,?,把,委託於,.,交付、投入,.,?,他們把病人送往精神病院,.,?,They committed the patient to the mental hospital.,?,commit oneself on sth,;,commit oneself to do sth,?,承諾某人某事,?,她不願意對那件事情做出任何的承諾。,?,She didn,t want to commit herself on that matter.,?,政府承諾減少稅款。,?,The government committed itself to reduce taxes.,?,employer,n.,雇主,employee,?,employment,就業、雇用,unemployment,?,employ,?,(,1,),v.,聘請、雇用,?,該公司僱用兩名翻译。,?,The firm employs two interpreters.,?,employ sb as,雇用某人,.,?,他僱一個女孩當打字員。,?,He employed the girl as a typist.,?,(,2,),使用,(物、能力)(,use,),?,你應該更明智地利用你的資金。,?,You should employ your finds more wisely.,?,employ oneself in,be employed in,忙於,;,從事於,?,她忙著為五客人做飯。,?,She was busily employed in preparing dinner for five,guests,?,confirm,v.,确认,证实,?,confirm sth,?,他證實那謠言是真的。,?,He confirmed the rumor.,?,confirm,(,that,),確定某事物,?,總統確定,他將在下個月訪問法國。,?,The president conformed,(,that,),he would,visit France the following month.,?,confirmed adj.,已被確認、已被證實,?,confirmation n.,確定,?,謠言缺乏證據。,?,The rumor lacks confirmation.,?,suggest,?,(,1,),提議、見議,?,suggest+doing,?,suggest+sth,(,n.,),?,我能建議坐火車去那裡嗎?,?,May I suggest going there by train,?,?,他向政府建議了另外一个發展計劃。,?,He suggested another development plan to the,government.,?,suggest that.,建議,、表明,.,?,她建議,我們應該到新餐館吃午飯,?,truth,?,(,1,),n.,真相,lie,?,truth,指與虛假、錯誤相對的事實,?,Fact,指實際存在的客觀事實,?,我爸爸说最终会真相大白的。,?,My father says that truth will come out in the,end.,?,(,2,),真理,?,in truth,的確,事實上,?,the truth is that,the truth is,老實說,?,To tell the truth,说实话,课文讲解,?,At the time the murder was committed,I was,travelling on the 8 oclock train to London,said,the man.,?,Do you always catch such an early train?asked,the inspector.,?,Of course I do,answered the man.I must be,at work at 10 oclock.My employer will confirm,that I was there on time.,?,Would a later train get you to work on time?,asked the inspector.,?,At what time did you arrive at the station?,?,At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for,the train.,?,And you didnt notice anything unusual?,?,Of course not.,?,I suggest,said the inspector,that you are not,telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch,the 8 oclock train,but that you caught the 8.25,which would still get you to work on time.You,see,on the morning of the murder,the 8 oclock,train did not run at all.It broke down at,Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.,?,At the time the murder was committed,I was,travelling on the 8 oclock train to London,said,the man.,?,at the time,at the moment when,?,train to London,?,Do you always catch such an early train?asked,the inspector.,?,such,後面加名詞或名詞短語,而,so,加形容詞,或副詞,?,such an early train so early a train,?,Of course I do,answered the man.I must be,at work at 10 oclock.My employer will confirm,that I was there on time.,?,on time,準時,?,in time,及時,?,Would a later train get you to work on time?,asked the inspector.,?,get sb to do sth,使做,,說服,.,?,你不會讓她同意的。,?,You,ll never get her to agree.,?,我會說服他去做這份工作的,?,I,ll get him to do the work.,?,I suppose it would,but I never catch a later,train.,?,suppose,認為,think,expect,?,你会迟到吗?,不会,?,Will you be late,?,?,I don,t think so.,?,I don,t suppose so.,?,I don,t expect so.,?,At what time did you arrive at the station?,?,At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for,the train.,?,Wait for sb/sth,等待某物,/,某人,?,你在等什么,?,?,What are you waiting for?,?,And you didnt notice anything unusual?,?,這是由陳述句加問號的問句,?,不定代词,anything,,,something,等被形容词修饰,时,形容词必须跟在不定代词之后:,?,我想要点便宜的东西,?,Of course not.,?,I suggest,said the inspector,that you are not,telling the truth.I suggest that you did not catch,the 8 oclock train,but that you caught the 8.25,which would still get you to work on time.,?,I suggest(that),依我看,,恐怕,?,依我看,他没有他看起来那么诚实,?,I suggest that he is not so honest as he looks.,?,恐怕这场车祸不是意外。,?,I suggest that the car crash was not accidental.,?,You see,on the morning of the murder,the 8,oclock train did not run at all.It broke down at,Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.,?,you see,在口语中经常作为插入语出现,句首、,句中或句尾均可以,表示“你知道,事实上”,等含义:,?,你知道,我的腿还没好呢,所以我不能和你去,爬山了。,?,My leg isn,t all right yet,you see,so I can,t,climb the hill with you.,?,run,可以指火车、公共汽车、船等“定时,/,定期,行驶,(在两地间)往来”:,?,这个船在,Dover,和,Calais,之间往来,


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